Vivian Paine

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Flying Badger*
Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:03 pm

Vivian Paine


Post by Flying Badger* »

Name: Vivian Paine
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, learning about various deadly diseases and horrible conditions, seeing movies, playing video games, writing

Appearance: Vivian is practically the definition of "average". She isn't very tall or short, at 5'4'' and weighing around 130 pounds. She has mousy brown hair that reaches her mid-back, which she often keeps in a braid or ponytail. Her gray-green eyes are often hidden behind thick, wire-rim glasses. Freckles cover her face, and her skin is pale from staying indoors. Thanks to 2 years of braces, her teeth and straight and clean. She has bad posture, often appearing a few inches shorter due to being hunched over. She is usually wearing a nervous grin on her round face, not sure if she's being laughed with or laughed at. She wears baggy clothes that hide her form, loose jeans or khakis, too-big t-shirts and sweaters, and old tennis shoes. She has some acne that she doesn't bother to cover up with makeup, but it isn't that bad.

Biography: Vivian comes from a family of three. Her mother was killed in a train wreck when Vivian was twelve, leaving her, her father and younger sister, Amanda, alone. Vivian's mother had been studying to become a doctor, and was on her way to the community college when the accident occurred. After the death of her mother, Vivian, who was never a very social person, shut down. She had admired her mother very much, and they had been very close. She had already been planning to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a doctor, and completely absorbed herself in her studies after the accident. Vivian was almost monosyllabic for years, only recently beginning to open up to her family and close friends. Vivian also became a very morbid person, fascinated with death and things that lead to it. She's become rather paranoid about trains, and refuses to use the local subway, preferring to take the bus.
Her father struggles to make end meet, and currently has an office job. Vivian and her sister both have part-time jobs at a local diner, but the family still suffers financially.
Vivian can be classified as a "nerd". She never had many friends at school, preferring to focus on her studies even before her mother's death. She is largely ignored by the rest of the student body, sometimes teased but not as often as some kids. Being a senior has made things a little better. At least the younger students don't pick on her. The times Vivian has been bullied, however, are still fresh in her mind. Low self-esteem and fear of large crowds combine with the fear of more torment and make Vivian a very introverted person.
One of the few times Vivian is actually comfortable is when she is at home, reading a good book or playing a video game she got for cheap at the local Gamestop. She enjoys writing short stories, mostly of the horror genre, but she has never shown them to anyone but her sister.
Vivian hopes to become a doctor like her mother wanted to be, helping save lives. Alternatively, being a doctor means she would get to learn about all sorts of horrible diseases and conditions.

Advantages: Vivian is fairly comfortable with gore on its own, having looked at enough pictures of injured people while studying medical textbooks. She knows how to keep quiet and hide, she's good at thinking on her feet, and her medical knowledge might come in handy.

Disadvantages: No matter how many gory video games Vivian plays or gruesome accidents she reads about, she'll never be comfortable with killing her friends and classmates. She's also not very athletic or strong, and has no combat experience. She'll have even more trouble than most adjusting to the fact that she's trapped on an island and has to kill people to survive. Vivian wants to save lives, not end them. She is almost blind without her glasses, and doesn't know the first thing about surviving without things like hot running water, a grocery store, or police to help keep her safe.
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