Nabain Cullen

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Nabain Cullen


Post by TrueSylvaen* »

Name: Nabain Cullen
Gender: Male
Age: 17, born May 15th
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Handicrafts, classical dance, sleeping, occasional flirt-fest, clowning around and drinking. Has a penchant for romantic fictions and Fantasy, with a fair dabbling in videogames.

Appearance: Easily recognizable, but not for anything other than the fact that most wouldn't bother dressing like he does, with a pinstriped shirt half-buttoned over a t-shirt and jeans. He sports browned, gel-spiked hair (incidentally, this practice of his makes for a nice, wide and above all visible forehead) and a short ponytail, something he takes immense pride in. Fairly tall for his age, averaging 193cm (Just over 6 feet) on good days with only his sock, Nabain suffers from a genetic trait giving him lanky limbs and a wide chest, giving the impression of a man who is constantly holding his breath. His arms and skin above his neck have a healthy, not-quite-bronze tan to them, testament to at least a little time outdoors. He isn't overweight by any means, but he has no noticable muscle growth aside from a little bulk on his shoulders and his aforementioned chest. His main defining feature, though, is his babyish face, almost permanently creased in a smile (False or otherwise) that dares mischief from a pair of grey eyes. His facial hair grows slowly, taking at least three days to become true stubble.

Biography: Diagnosed with borderline Autism to a middle-class white family, Nabain's life was defined by viewing the world as an extremely hazardous place (Due to an incident aged five, involving several children his age, his feet, and the still-hot ashes of a bonfire) with ostracism from his peers and general imposed isolation from his parents giving him an attention-seeking, clingy personality. His recession from reality led him to books, playing by himself in the fields on the town edge and computer games, notably Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper on an old, almost antiquidated computer. Interestingly enough, he did not play those games (Remarkably violent for such retro titles) for fantastical revenge, but rather because they fostered a sense of primal strategy and ambushing. Later, at around the age of nine, he spent more and more time away from home and under the eye of his grandfather, who took him into the murky wilderness in the outback of his farm to kill pigs. Unfortunately, his grandfather tended to be rather absent-minded, and accidentally discharged his rifle (A .22 model) into Nabain's abdomen as he was cleaning it. Ever since, Nabain was weary around his grandfather, thinking that the attack was intentional. As a result, he refuses to handle guns and will not stand the sound of them being fired, save virtually.

As he entered High school, the social battering left Nabain emotionless, almost callous in his actions. However, as he started warming to his classes, his attention-seeking side began to out and cause him to become renowned as 'The loudest, whiniest Teen since the Emo years', resulting in further estrangement and subsequently, his more optimistic, cheerful front began morphing into something less than vengeful and more than vindictive. This brooding, irritated personality was overcome with ennui, shunting his grades down to a barely passable standard when it forced him into a mantra of 'Eat, sleep, school, videogames, dream, sleep' for at least two years. By tenth grade, Nabain's frustration with the outside world prompted him to begin stealing from his parents, refurnishing his once-drab wardrobe with large stocks of ordinary clothes, which he then began to analyse by colour scoping into something vaguely fashionable. Finally, to mark his frustration, he began a habit of stealing girl's hairties, using them to form his now-growing hair into a ponytail, bullying the more timid teachers into accepting it as 'A cultural norm' among 'his people', who he tended to make up on the spot. Using their decisions as the proverbial precedent, he then used them as example towards more aggressive teachers. Ultimately, his ability to keep his hair was a mark of arrogance to fuel his slowly growing sense of supremeism and megalomania: 'If I'm different and can enforce it, I'm better.'

On one side, Nabain is a painfully angry person who blames everyone else, baring himself, for his difficulties, claiming them 'Closed to their own protocol' and complaining that 'It's only uncool when I do it, so obviously I'm setting the bar too high', usually do to the fact that he's missed a fairly obvious social naunce due to overconfidence. On the other face, he is still a kind and generous man, presumably when the targets of his kindness does not remind him of his own failings or gives him an air of power. Intellectually, Nabain's experience with tactical games have both strengthened and lessened his sense of strategy and tactic (For example, he can use terrain to his advantage fairly well, but recoil of a weapon, angle of a swing and the sounds of gunfire will cause him to freak), but his natural cunning has evolved from years of dodging angry groups, and as such he can hide, sprint and climb fairly well. He trusts no-one, and if he snaps, he will do anything. Anything.

Advantages: A loner, and one with limited survival training and bolt-rifle experience (Courtesy of a Grandfather and Pig-hunting), Nabain can trap his own water with foliage and eat grubs and roots to sustain himself. He has good nightvision, and some experience in sneaking with shoes on certain surfaces (Concrete, brick, dirt paths, grass) gives him a good chance to kill most people at night, if they are unaware. Likewise, he has a good, logical mind and a knack for traps, although they are fairly straightforward and overly rely on tripwires. Physically, he is in good shape, though by no means an athlete.

Disadvantages: He is a loner, with absolutely no sense of teamwork or even public relations. He would like to think that he can offer a hand of friendship to get another person to join his team and expose their back, but he overemphasises his ability to fool people, especially people who know him. His nightvision and good sense of feel allows him to travel through forest and hills fairly well, although he panics in dark water. Socially, he is inept and carries a grudge for a very long time. He will not hesitate, in his mind at least, to remove you.

Problem is, he's never killed a human. He is terrified of loud bangs and fire (Childhood phobias) and as such will crumble if he is under fire. He is also scared of being in a position where he can be hit, whether by a fist or something much more malicious (Once again, Childhood is a bitch). Simply put, wound him or attack him directly and he will freeze. He does not react well to unfamiliar situations or areas, and is a defensive attacker, something that may put him at odds with the entire principle of the game.

Time will tell...

(EDIT: Someone just pointed this out to me, he is no relation to whoever this Edward dude is. Who is this Edward dude? Cullen is just a reference on the phrase 'To cull'.)
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