Irina Burlachenko

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Irina Burlachenko


Post by CJanosi* »

Name: Irina Burlachenko
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Irina is the head of Bayview's fencing team and has been a fencing student for eight years. She is an avid reader, from philosophy to her little grandmother's fantasy books. In spite of her rather thick accent, she is part of the Debate club.

Appearance: As one would expect of a fencer, Irina has a tall and thin body with long limbs. Her legs account for most of her 5'6 height, and she's mostly a board in terms of build, possessing a flat belly and a modest bust. Her silver-blonde hair is trimmed to reach only the very tip top of her shoulders, and even then she usually ties it back. Her eyes are dark brown, starkly contrasting her alabaster white skin. Irina has a single birthmark, a light brown splotch, that prominently sits on the nape of her neck. Her face is a bland mixture of basic features- short nose, pale and thin lips, thick but short eyelashes, and angular cheekbones. Some people consider Irina to be pretty, others just look straight past her- depends on what their type is. Irina's clothing consists primarily of blue jeans and loose blouses, with maybe a skirt or two thrown in for special occasions. She doesn't really like to dress up and her makeup is conservative. The only jewelry Irina wears are two dangly silver earrings given to her by her grandmother.
Biography: Irina was born in the Kaliningrad Oblast to a fisherman father, Joseph Burlachenko. She never knew her mother, due to the fact that her father became hostile whenever she brought the subject up. Irina only knows one thing about her mother: her appearance. When she was around four, she snuck into her father's room and stole a picture that she found in his closet. Irina now keeps it in her wallet at all times.

Father and daughter were not on good terms. Joseph resented Irina for coming in the prime of his youth, while Irina was saddened by his refusal to treat her as more than a tenant in his house. The two never argued, and in fact they rarely spoke to each other at all. Irina had no close friends and wiled away her time reading the books that her grandmother gave to her when she visited, becoming absorbed into the stories. Eventually, a ten year old Irina was finally given a companion when her father introduced her to Ellen, his new girlfriend, whom Irina could tell was heavily pregnant. After four agonizing months, baby Antonina was born. Irina doted upon the child, volunteering to look after her as often as she could, making up excuses so that Joseph and Ellen could have nights to themselves. Antonina was the glue that bound the family together; Joseph and Irina grew closer, and one day he started calling her "Tinny", the nickname he had given her as a baby, due to her tendency to play with bits of tin scattered on the ground.

By the time that Irina was sixteen years old, the Burlachenkos were a full family. So, when she was offered the chance to go to America as an exchange student, the decision weighed heavily on her mind. A call to her grandmother was the push she needed; Irina accepted.

Irina was fairly well-received at Bayview, with several students volunteering to be her 'exchange friends'. She has a few close friends and a selected lunch table to sit at, so she's hardly lonely anymore. She's close to the student whose house she is currently living in. Irina has also joined a few teams, debate and fencing, and is rather well-liked in both teams. She has no enemies to speak of, but her tendency to mouth off does annoy people.

Several months later, after establishing roots at her new 'home', Irina received a phone call all the way from Kaliningrad. It was Ellen, telling her that Antonina was 'sick' and had been admitted into a hospital. Frantic, Irina promised to book a flight as soon as she could to be with her sister. But there's a strong chance that she will never make it to Kaliningrad.

Advantages: Being a trained fencer, Irina would be excellent with most melee weapons and has greater body fortification than many other teenagers would have. This, combined with her mental training to scan her enemies' weaknesses, would make her a deadly threat in combat.
Disadvantages: For one, Irina is fairly frail. She's 'brittle-boned' as her grandmother says, and outside of fencing knows nothing about fighting. If she doesn't luck out and acquire a long bladed weapon, Irina is likely to be easy pickings.

My first attempt at making a bio. Any problems?
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