Charles Beckwith

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Charles Beckwith


Post by Hiro* »

Name: Charles "Charlie" Andrew Beckwith
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies/Interests: Video Games, Anime/Manga, Dungeons & Dragons, Fiction Novels, Writing, Piano, Music (wide variety of genres), The Internet, Volleyball, Part-Time Job at Local Cafe

Appearance: Charlie stands at 5'6'', and weighs roughly 130 pounds. His figure is slim, with light muscle-mass and a slight case of acne on his face. He has greenish-blue eyes, and blonde hair that he keeps cut short. Continued exposure to sunlight causes his hair to turn a brighter blonde, while lack of sunlight returns it to its usual dirty-blonde look. His facial hair mainly consists of a light blonde peach-fuzz that some would call the beginnings of a mustache, and sporadic little curly hairs on his chin, both of which are difficult to notice unless one is looking closely. He has a scar on the upper left side of his forehead from an accident when he was 2 years old. He is usually seen wearing a pair of jeans of varying color and a t-shirt adorned with some manner of silly or ridiculous design. However, one thing about him that never changes is his olive-green zip-down hoodie jacket. He always wears it wherever he goes, even in hot weather.

(Reference: )

Biography: Born to a pair of lawyers, David Beckwith and Kim Stewart, Charlie has for the most part led an average upper-class life up to this point. His parents divorced when he was six years old, following a series of affairs that his father had been having. However, thanks to their better natures, Charlie's mother and father stayed on friendly terms after the separation, rather than degrading into the animalistic behavior exhibited by other divorced couples. But despite this, Charlie never fully forgave his father for cheating.

Charlie was the class rebel during elementary school, holding his class' record for "most times sent to the office." Upon entry to middle school, he resolved to clean up his act, and abandoned his revolutionary ways, morphing himself into the quiet, reserved boy that he would be for the rest of his middle school life, and the first year of his high-school life. During this period, he practically never spoke, instead spending most of his free-time locked up within himself or lost within the fantasy realm of video games and the internet. What few friends he managed to make during those years, he rarely saw outside of class, and made little effort to spend time with. However, following an epiphany caused by one of his best friends moving to France and his online girlfriend breaking up with him, he began to break out of his shell and become more socially active.

While he doesn't open his mouth quite as often as most of his classmates, Charlie has a great sense of humor and finds great satisfaction in making both his classmates as well as his teachers laugh. However, his wit can be rather sarcastic and arrogant at times, which in conjunction with his above-average intelligence may make him appear haughty. But he is quick to excuse himself when he goes too far, as he hates making enemies and causing discomfort, and is not so easy to forgive himself when he believes that he has done wrong. Charlie is quick to become angry at perceived injustice, developing a deep grudge against those who abuse or bring harm to others. But due to his low physical strength and low tolerance for pain, he remains silent and keeps his thoughts to himself, hoping to avoid causing trouble.

Charlie takes great enjoyment in video games, anime, and Dungeons & Dragons. Another of his main interests is reading and writing short stories and poetry, the boy having a large collection of homemade fiction saved on his computer. He hopes to one day take his writing to a professional level and become an author. He has an active internet life, having many online friends all around the world. Although he is by no means frail, he dislikes sports, having taken up volleyball recently for the sole purpose of staying in shape and earning the required sports credits for graduation. He also has been taking piano lessons since he was 8 years old, often slipping into the music room after school to play a few songs before volleyball practice. Although he has no problem interacting with and befriending girls, he has terrible luck in the romance department, and believes himself to be stuck in the "just-a-friend" zone with every female he knows, which he mainly attributes to his less-than-mainstream interests and reserved nature during his freshman year.

Charlie is near-sighted, and wears glasses wherever he goes. He also looks down at the ground whenever he walks around outside, which may give him the appearance of constant depression. But in truth he does this because his eyes are sensitive to sunlight, and he doesn't like having to squint whenever he looks up. Sunglasses remedy the issue, but every pair of prescription sunglasses that he has gotten so far have fallen apart extremely quickly. Another solution to the problem is cloudy or otherwise-gloomy weather, which he has grown to love.

Charlie lives with his mother and father back-and-forth on a weekly basis. While the two rarely fight, Charlie does not mesh well with his father, preferring to be left alone when at his father's house. This is partly because he believes that his father worries about him too much, and partly because he never fully forgave his father for cheating on his mother. By contrast, Charlie holds a deep respect for his mother, due to her candid nature during his childhood. If he had a question, he always knew that he could ask his mother and she would give him an honest answer, rather than attempting to glaze over the question like most parents would do to their kids.

Charlie's father re-married to a woman named Teresa Kimsey when Charlie was 8 years old. Charlie and his step-mom tolerate each other, although Teresa's hard-work-heavy farm upbringing tends to clash with Charlie's lazy nature when she piles heaps of chores upon the boy. Charlie's father and step-mom have spawned two daughters, Grace and Emma Beckwith. They are ten and twelve years younger than Charlie, respectively. Being a typical teenager, Charlie considers his half-sisters more of an annoyance than anything else, but still feels the same affection and protectiveness towards them that one would expect of a big brother.

Charlie's mother is engaged to another lawyer named George Howard, who has a son and daughter of his own from an earlier marriage. While Charlie does not see George as a father-figure, he still holds George in high respect due to his mellow attitude and quirky sense of humor. Charlie also gets along well with George's children, Adam and Allie, who are two years and four years older than him respectively. However, because the three of them all have divorced parents and live in two houses, Charlie rarely sees the two of them, and since their departure to college, he has stopped seeing them altogether.

Charlie's grandfather on his father's side is a member of the NRA, and often takes Charlie out shooting during his visits to his grandparents' house every summer. Also, Charlie often goes with his mother, George, and his kids to George's parents' house for Christmas or Thanksgiving. George's brother, who also resides there, is an avid gun collector. During his various visits to George's parents' house, Charlie has experimented with a large number of George's brother's collection.

He prefers to be called Charlie, because he believes that Charles is too formal.

Advantages: Charlie's kind, sincere demeanor and sense of humor make it rather easy for him to get along with others. He is also intelligent and level-headed, making sure to think things through before he acts. His also has experience with various different types of firearms.

Disadvantages: Charlie is nearsighted, and cannot see very clearly without the aid of his glasses or contact lenses, the latter of which cause him great discomfort. Also his eyes are sensitive to sunlight, making being out in the sun a very uncomfortable experience for him. He possesses a low tolerance-level for pain, and average physical strength, having nowhere near the amount of brute-strength or stamina of his more athletically-gifted classmates. And his skill at thinking things through before acting is not without its drawbacks; he has a bad tendency to second-guess himself and doubt his own decisions. And despite his experience with firearms, his accuracy with them is admittedly not very good. This is partially due to the fact that his hands have a tendency to shake or tremble subconsciously, throwing him off when he is trying to aim.
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