Brian Murphy

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Brian Murphy


Post by Hardter* »

Name: Brian Murphy
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Enjoys playing Table top War-games such as Warhammer. Watches a lot of TV series such as Lost and 24. Casual video gamer. Listening to music. Reading novels and comics.

Brian is a type of person you would not look at twice if he dressed "normally". His usual attire consists of a T-Shirt with a colourful unbuttoned shirt (normally blue and yellow cheque) over it, normal blue jeans and a pair of light brown boots. Brian is 5, 8 and about 140 – 150 pounds. He has shoulder length dark brown hair with curls on the end that he straightens out each morning, although it curls up once it gets wet so he likes to wear a hoodie outdoors. He shaves only on the 1st of each month, so his beard goes from shadow to full grown (with a small bare patch on his left cheek). He wears a pair of red glasses with thin frames. His left ear is slighty higher than his right so he bends his glasses to make them look straight on his face. His eyes are green, lips are thin.

Biography: Brian was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. He had a normal childhood. He attended a very good school and had plenty of friends. He joined the scouts at the age of 8 and through numerous camp trips and training every week he developed a case of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) causing him to check everything over and over, Contents of bags, locations of everything in his room, double count everything, etc.

At the age of 12 his father got a new job in Minnesota causing a very big disruption in his life. His family moved to Minnesota half way through Brian's 6th year causing him to have to repeat the year. This lead to Brian spending almost 5 months knowing no one in his new town and spending a lot of time in his room alone, because of this he was always older than most of his class mates and never felt that he fit in. He blamed this on the cultural differences that he had with his new classmates, but the truth was that 5 months with only his PS2 for company had damaged Brian's mental health slightly. He would practise conversations with people in his head and voice both sides of the conversation to himself. While not mad it just freaks some people out when he does it in public by accident.

Because of the 5 month isolation Brian suffered he feels much attached to his family since they were the only ones he talked to on a frequent basis. He only feels secure when his in room.

When he outside, he is always trying to find patterns in everything because of his OCD. From the colours of cars to the order of clouds Brian gets annoyed when stuff does not form a pattern. He will always make sure doors and windows are closed and double checks all of it. Although this can annoy him when he is out of his house because his thoughts will always wander back to his worries

Since his move Brian does not really talk too much people but that does not mean he is anti-social. If someone talks to him he will talk back, but he has a hard time trusting people or remembering names. But at the bare mention of one of his TV shows he watches he will be all ears and mouth. Although most people have trouble understanding his accent sometimes.

Brian has trouble with non-problematic subjects such as English or History but excels at Math and Geography. Brian has trouble expressing his opinion or work in words (something which his teachers have hated).
Brian is hoping to go on to college to learn to be a computer programmer. He has a very keen interest in this line of work due to the problematic nature of it. He does seem to have a very favourable future ahead of him and his parents hope he can live up to his potential.

Advantages: since Brian has spent time in the scouts when he was young he has a natural survival skills and knowledge of the wild. Since he always sees patterns in places and things he has an easier time memorising the layout of places.
Disadvantages: Brian has never had any fight training. Since he has OCD he will always spend longer in an area than he will have to and always be trying to find patterns and will get easily distracted trying to find them. He will go over probable situations in his heads hundreds of times and prepare for them, while this may seem good it means he will too prepared or distracted in his head. Once Brian starts something he must see it through or he will have massive trouble concentrating on anything else.
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