Bianca Borycki*

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Bianca Borycki*


Post by KelleyA* »

Name: Bianca "Bee" Borycki
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Grade: 12 (senior)
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Basketball, BMXing, Singing, Track Team, R&B Music and playing the keyboard.

Appearance: Bianca is 5"9 and weighs 160 lbs. She is caucasian, and her complexion is rather pale making her cheeks flush red when embarrased or angry, she also burns easily so has to take extra care when tanning. She has some mild blemishes around her hair line, but she covers this with foundation. She has mild case of eczema, and as a result has dry and flaky elbows, knees and sometimes wrists. She has hooded eyes, which she enhances with mascara, eyeliner and either amber or black eyeshadow. Her eyes are a plain blue-green colour, and her eyebrows thin and curved. Her hair is a light brown, with honey and toffee coloured streaks in it. Her hair is straight, and falls down to her shoulder blades. She tends to scrape her hair back with a comb, and keeps it in a tight ponytail. Her lips are thin yet defined, and she only tends to wear a fruit flavoured gloss. Her ears aren't small, but they aren't exactly big either, they are of an average size and are peirced, she always wears hoop earings. Her nose sticks out a fair bit, resembling a beak of sorts and her nostrils flare significantly when she's mad. Her nose is of an average length, but seems to look as if it has been broken. Bianca has high cheekbones, one of the evident signs of her nordic ancestry.

Bianca has narrow shoulders, and a slender neck which is usually adorned with gaudy mock-gold jewellery such as medallions and crucifixes. Her arms are have light freckles around the wrist and elbow, and are both of equal length. They are skinny, but sometimes when she's wearing tight clothing it looks like her upper arm is bulging a tad bit. She's of a healthy weight and generally skinny, but she's also filled out a fair bit, however this spreads around her body evenly. She has large breasts with a 30D cupsize, but also a barely noticable pot belly and slight love handles. She has wide hips and a curvy behind, but her thighs tend to look a tiny bit chubby. Her nails have french tip style acryllics stuck on, and her toenails are always painted and pedicured. She has two tattoos, a bow on her lower back, visible when she wears low rider jeans, and on her inner left wrist, she has an ornate uppercase B. She wears skinny jeans, preferably pale ones other dark and also cropped denim pants. She wears fitted poloshirts and tank tops, mainly pail pink, grey, white and black. She compliments them with button up shirts that she folds up just below her ribs, she typically choose plaid ones, red and navy being her favourites. When she's casual, she throws on one of her numerous tracksuits, and when dressing up for a party she puts on a fitted halter top and a mini skirt with zebra print stilettos.

Biography: Bianca lived a fairly normal life throughout her early childhood years, her father was a construction worker and her mother a cashier at a mini mart. They had a low but steady income, and lived in a third storey two bedroom apartment in the "bad part" of town. Her parents were fairly attentive, but they weren't always there to protect her from witnessing the grittier parts of life. When she took the bus home from elementary school she'd go past a drug dealer or two in the shadow of the alley, and maybe even spot a prostitute on the street corner looking for a quick 30 bucks. She was often picked on by other kids at school, mainly based on her being from a shady neighbourhood and wearing cheap clothes. It didn't take long for Bianca to fight back with her sharp and dirty tounge, and often got in trouble for it. She grew faster than the other girls, and for a majority of Elementary school, was the tallest girl in her grade. She was imposing and the bullying, however mild it had been soon stopped, and was reduced to whispering behind her back.

Bianca didn't have many friends in school, and mainly socialised with slightly older kids around her neighbourhood. She picked up bad habits and bad language from her older peers, and was prematurely briefed on the weird and lewd facts of the real world. At age ten, when sex was something her classmates would giggle about, she'd ruin the mood by mentioning something only the adults would know about. When the other kids were playing tag and hopscotch, she was stuck cleaning the board erasers for disrupting the class. And when a kid in the grade above would pull her hair, rather than the other girls who cried and told the teacher, she'd string childish jabs and adult cusses into rapidfire insults. It was around the age of 12 when she was in middle school, that she finally got the grasp on racial division. Stereotypes were being discovered and joked about, and one of the main ones that got under her skin was when her friend Shanay got called a "Ghetto girl." when Bianca defended her, she was told that only black people (a majority of her friends back home came from african or carribean based ancestry) came from "over the tracks" or wore K-Mart clothes. She often got offended when a couple of kids openly stated that their parents thought "Only coons come from that part of town." Bianca was quick to give them their thoughts, which resulted in detentions for just about everyone involved.

Bianca loathes stereotypes and doesn't take kindly to racial prejudice whether or not it was intended to offend her. Apart from her delinquent behaviour and fiery attitude, she did have some good academic qualities. She was a natural singer, and took piano lessons which she later used to help her use the keyboard and compose techno tracks. She pulled average grades, but she did bad in maths and english. She was fairly competent in music and art and was a great PE student. Her forte being Basketball, where in High School she'd later join the girls team, she was also good at track and would later join the team. She grew a keen interest in RnB music and aspired to pursue a career in the industry later in life. Towards the end of middle school, her parents divorced and her mother stayed mainly single with a couple of boyfriends here and there that Bianca didn't take too kindly to. They were a good deal better than the numerous one night stands her mother seemed to pursue every Saturday night.. Bianca began to fill out before her freshman year, but her mother didn't take much notice and never put her foot down when Bianca dressed too 'tarty' when a party was coming up.

Bianca ditched the bus and her mother got her a bike for her 15th birthday, a BMX to be exact, also paid for by her mothers boyfriend then and now, Joey, a car mechanic originally from Illinois. Bianca had a bike back when she was a kid, and knew how to ride it. She mainly taking it to get to Bayview and back home, sometimes she got bored at home or she'd get stressed and there was nothing more she wanted than a ride on her trusty bike. In Bayview, she grew alot more mean when she was accepted into a clique (or a coven as they were sometimes referred to as) and ditched her good intentions, embracing the fact that she was always going to be seen as being a lower class hoodlum no matter how hard she tried to defend what little friends she had accumulated from over the years. She got into a couple of cat fights, and was never scared to sock a guy in the face should he hurt one of her friends. Her original, and rather confusing insults also landed her into trouble and her academic grades plummeted. She had to repeat 10th grade, which is where she was accepted into the aforementioned coven. Although violent and ready to sling out insults, Bianca isn't the meanest person, and tends to shrug off people. She reserves her actual 'meanness' for those whom she thinks deserves it. Despite holding back her agression as much as possible, she was still known schoolwide as Amanda Sinclair's bruiser.

Advantages: Bianca has good stamina and strength, and could navigate the island with little trouble and could quickly flee from violent confrontations if she is overwhelmed. She can easily overpower most female opponents, and maybe with some more effort a good couple of the male ones too. Due to her thug stereotype, she can easily intimidate some of the meek and shy competitors and inflict fear into them. She has a small number of friends who would definitely accept her into their group, providing she found them. Due to her gritty neighbourhood upbringing, she knows the harsh reality of the world, and will accept the terms of the game alot quicker than some of the more sheltered contestants.

Disadvantages: Bianca has her own fair share of enemies who would be willing to gun for her, wishing for some payback. If she should attempt to seek an alliance she'd be denied due to her thug reputation. She isn't the smartest of people, and could be decieved and lied to if somebody tried hard enough to gain her trust, whether their intentions be good or bad. Bianca has no idea how to work a gun, apart from that you pull the trigger to shoot, even with instruction it would take her a while to get the hang of it.
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