Asher Kerrington

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Asher Kerrington


Post by AnimeDutchess* »

Name: Asher Kerrington
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interest: Fencing (Epee Style), Drama Club

Appearance: At 5ft 11 in, Asher is already an intimidating guy. Being 158 lbs gives him a medium build, some of it attributed to muscle mass obtained while in military school. He has thick black hair slicked back away from his face, and a goatee on his chin that is starting to curl at the end. His eyes are such a light blue that in the right light they appear to be white. His skin has a deathly pallor to it, as if he doesn't go into the sun often.

He wears plain, well-kept clothes; usually dark cotton pants and various forms of collared shirts, often white, dark blue, or green. As an odd quirk, he wears tennis shoes with this polished ensemble. Ash also carries around his fencing gloves, though no one has actually seen him wear them during school hours.

Background: Most know Asher Kerrington as a mild-mannered teen, above average in academics and sometimes muttering his comments about a conversation the beat after it has changed to another topic.

A couple people, girls in particular, have seen a crueler side to him. Asher thinks of women as the scum of the earth, having no other purpose than to stay in the house and have kids. Any girl that he sees as a threat, when in reality the girl has just simply surpassed him in something, he will treat them with more contempt than he would normally, sometimes going as far as to stalk or hurt his "targets" just to scare them. One could call him sociopathic, with a strong desire to let no one – especially a girl – best him in any way. Any friends or acquaintances he has only stay by him out of fear that, if he snapped and brought a gun to school, he would land them right between the eyes.

Asher is the only child of two parents, his father being a sexist Army veteran, and his mother a demure, submissive housewife. In his early elementary school days, in the advent of Pokemon, Asher was teased by his female classmates about how his name drew many similarities to the main protagonist of the Pokemon anime. He eventually snapped and hurt several of these girls, causing him to be expelled from school. Despite school administrators practically paying for psychiatric help for the boy, his parents instead enrolled him into a military academy. It was there that he learned and fell in love with fencing, not to mention learned basic fighting and survival techniques. Once he hit high school age, his parents pulled him out of the academy and into Bayview Secondary School, deciding that he must now learn to readjust to "civilian life".

He still practices his fencing daily, and is known to compete in fencing competitions where his skill and use of illegal moves have helped him win title after title. He's also a frequent member of the Drama Club, even though he never seems to nab those lead roles he wants so bad…

Advantages: Asher has a decent amount of physical strength, and knowledge of survival techniques. Given his odd personality, he could also have some nasty tricks up his sleeves for any girl he deems unfit to live.

Disadvantages: Asher has little to no friends, and will find no safe haven in a group, even if he manages to function in one. His swordplay will do him no good against the cold, steel barrel of a gun.
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