
A winding river runs through the eastern portion of the island, providing much needed water and flourishing the island with life. There's a very large dam near the northern inlet, keeping a good deal of the ocean water from rushing into the river while letting some in so the thing doesn't dry up. Without this "filter dam", the river would've flooded out of control years ago. Near the southern part of the island, an old and withered bridge, forgotten decades ago, stands. The bridge is wooden and is slowly beginning to decay, giving the humanized wilderness surrounding it a rather eerie feel.
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Post by baby_g* »

Water rushed up on Tori's face as if to greet her to wake. flitterling her eyes open and shut, trying to adjust to where she could be, she began to recap all that had happend. Where was she? She lay on her back on the sand shore, waves of water drenching every piece of clothing she had. She tried moving to her right, but was greeted by a deep pain in her side. Tori rolled over in the direction of the water, using it to cool her body from the pain that had just occured. She casted her glace down at where she had just been and saw her duffle bag. out of it was something shiney and dart like. So be her to be wounded by her own weapon. thankfully it was just a poke, no cuts... yet.

sitting up on her knees, which scrapped against the sandy stoney shore, though still sitting in the water, she began to rummage through her bag to see exactly what she had. water.. bread... map .. etc. The thing that stuck out the most to her was what she had deamed would be her weapon. A metal dart like thingy, attached to a long, long rope.

You're fucking kidding me right? She mumbled to herself. Tori wasnt much one for swearing, but under the circumstances, she didn't think it really mattered.

Slowly but surely she stood up and walked to a not so wet part of the shore. There she took off her shoes and socks, rinsed them as to rid the sand, and placed them on a log near by to dry. She did the same for her skirt, and t-shirt, leaving her just in her tank top and underwear. From there, she walked into the water up to her waist and began to scrub herslef with the sand and the water. She thought that maybe the harder she scrubbed, the insanity that was washing over her would go away. Questions kept creeping into her mind. one's like, "What the hell do I do?" and "Where do I go?". It would have been alot easier if she was with someone she knew. Then again, she didn't know anyone. The only person she actually met was that guy... oh come on.. what was it.
Right! she thought, Bryan Calvert... that's it. What I wouldn't give...

She stood, still and quiet in her own nakedness in the water. It was at a moment like this she was Thankful to be alone. She didn't really think that bathing herself infront of him would be a good idea.

It was in her own awkwardness that she felt most comfortable. She had been placed somewhere where there was extreme danger all around. It was there that she let the water disguise her tears. With her hands to her face, Tori, for the first time she was 7 and her grandmom drilled into skull that little girls don't show emotion, cried. As much as she was scared, it felt so good.

She quickly walked out of the water, checking both ways for anyone, grabbed her clothes and dryed off as best she could. She looked around for her other bag. She knew she had packed some more clothes. Pants, shirts, sweaters, socks... Tori knew she couldn't bring it all, but it was worth a shot to see what was dry.

Thankfully her second duffle bag that contained her clothes was tossed near her but not as much by the water. She quickly shuffled through the mess, grabbed socks, shirt and jeans, got dressed and put back on her shoes. The rest she left behind. There'd be no need for it where she was going...

Tori looked around at her surroundings. There was nothing really to site. She was near the water and she was lost. Not just any kind of lost. This wasn't the kind of lost where you could just wait for someone to find you, or find someone to ask for directions. This was the kind of lost where it was Better Not to be found. If there was one thing Tori Did realize, it was that if she didn't get moving, time would only work against her. She had seen in her mothers face the devastating effects of time. Thus, without haste Tori picked up her new duffle and made her way along the shore.

She wore her hair up, as to not let it get in the way. Her clothes were tight and dark. Even though she knew there was a chance that someone was coming after her to kill her, she was glad she at least didn't look like complete shit. It's like what her grandmom always told her. "When the going get tough, Look good." She never really knew what that meant so to say. Her grandmom was the one who enrolled her in the beauty pageants as a kid... she was always trying to be the queen bee of everyone.

Maybe That's why my dad hated her....

Obviously this was not the time to be thinking about stupid old things in the past. let alone, how she looked. Tori continued to make her way along, but couldn't help but think about how that thing around her neck was cramping her style.

She came to school, hoping to meet to people, make friends with them, get through highschool. She never would have guessed that they would be the same people she would have to kill in order to survive. And what was this about dog eat dog anyways?

Either way, Tori knew she was fucked. The only thing that was crossing her mind was how the hell she'd survive as long as possible, and how would she get to the only person she knew wouldn't hurt her.. most likely the only person she knew she'd actually have a chance to make it more than a day with.

Fuck this whole mother fucking thing.... and with nothing more than a mumble, Tori was on her way.

((Continued in: Bullseye))
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