Not Fade Away

It's the perfect place to make your peace with your God, because odds are, you don't have much time left. There's not much to the church. In fact, it's just a room full of pews and an alter, but perhaps the spiritual competitors will find some solace in its walls.
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Not Fade Away


Post by Xaldien* »

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Clive woke up suddenly, with a splitting headache the size of Lake Michigan. The first and only thing he could bring himself to notice was the fact that there was an uncomfortable device on his neck that, for whatever fucking reason, was beeping like crazy. Confused at first, he quickly came to realize what it was, through recollection of stories that his cousin, Siouxie, had told him about her friend Andi, and his ordeal with last year's SOTF.

Clive didn't know how long he had been out, or how long the beeping was going, but he honestly didn't care. He grabbed the bag that was closest to him, got up and immediately checked the map to see the layout of the area, and started heading in a direction that DIDN'T end with his neck being blown off.

While he was walking, and very hastily walking, mind you, he noticed in his bag was a stapler and some staples. Annoyed at first, he mind quickly went to dark places. Small and nearly ineffective as the items may be, small sharp objects such as the staples can be used in the greatest, painful ways if given the chance to do so.

However, his mind went back to thinking about leaving the area, and the best place, to his mind... some caves that were marked on the map.

"If this blasted collar doesn't kill me... nothing else will," he said as he headed towards the cave.

((Continued in I'll Follow You into the Dark))
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