Start - G07

A solitary cottage that sets off by itself, away from the main settlement. It's a simple place of only four rooms, and it was probably the island home of one of the higher-ups on the military base at one time. Outside sits a small well that it's hard to see the bottom of, even in the middle of the day. Overall, the place has a peaceful atmosphere... one that begs to be destroyed.
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Start - G07


Post by Megami* »


Kallie's hand ran across her forehead, brushing away the loose strands of blonde hair that had fallen into her face over the past few moments. She had awoken a few minutes ago outside of the cottage and, after discovering her weapon -- a sword of some kind -- and going through the motions of reading Danya's sarcastic survival guide, she had immediately headed into the house. The sexy little get-up she had opted to wear on senior trip might have been quite eyecatching to some of her male classmates, but Kallie didn't deem it the best outfit for fighting for one's life in.

She stood there now, in the small bedroom of the little cottage, rummaging around in the bag she'd brought for camping. She was surprisingly calm considering the situation they had been placed in, and she wasn't entirely sure if it was a normal reaction or if she was calm only because the thought of the game had yet to quite set in. Either way, she was maintaining her composure fairly well, although that was a skill she had practiced quite often over the course of the years.

The yatagan she was assigned lay nearby on the bed, at the ready in case she needed to grab it and -- do what with it? Kallie had no idea how to use a sword. At the very least, at least it gave her some sort of an intimidation factor if someone who was poorly armed happened to walk in... and if they weren't poorly armed, well, she could only hope that she could manage to charm her way out of certain death. First thing was first, though, she needed a lot more maneuverability than she was currently given.

The first thing to go was the thin brown jacket she had thrown on, leaving just the pink tube top she had been wearing underneath. It wasn't much, but it was better than being confined to the limited armspan that her jacket offered. She continued to dig through her personal effects, only to let out a frustrated sigh at the fact that she hadn't brought any decent form of running shoes. She was limited to sandals, which was going to make running at least somewhat difficult.

"Dammit..." Kallie uttered in frustration.

Had she just heard something outside? Perhaps she was being paranoid, or maybe it was just an o'possum or something in the bushes, but Kallie didn't quite feel comfortable. She moved her hand down to her skirt, pulling it down lightly. She had wanted to change into jeans, but the sounds that echoed out from the island that was waking up and coming to life made her far too uncomfortable to do so.

Instead, she took to cramming what she felt she needed into the daypack that the program orchestrators' had given her, including some extra clothes, a few snacks she had packed, and a few more personal effects. The bag wasn't particularly heavy, and she was quite thankful for that. Kallie threw the bag over her shoulder as if readying herself to leave, but as she entered the small living quarters of the cottage, she stopped short.

Maybe I should just stay here... who knows what... or who... is out there. It probably isn't safe. At least if someone comes in here, I have some kind of advantage. But... I should go find the guys...

She felt so conflicted. Part of her wanted to dart out the door and search for her friends immediately. In her mind, she knew she'd feel so much more comfortable if she had someone like Darnell or Keith around. Here, she was alone, and it was the loneliness that lead to the paranoia she was feeling. She wanted to leave, but her body wouldn't move, completely paralyzed by fear. It wasn't an emotion she was used to feeling, being the kind of easygoing, take-things-as-they-come sort of person that she was. All she could do was stand there, in the doorway of the bedroom, and try to get it together.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

He was running. He didn't know where to, or even if he was running from anything in particular, he just knew that he was scared, very scared. He needed to feel safe. He needed it! He was so scared. It wasn't supposed to be like this! He was supposed to be graduating soon. He was supposed to be able to escape his parents. He was supposed to be able to be himself for once. But it would never happen. He was in a game. A killing game. One he'd undoubtable lose.

Matthew Wittany slowed to a trot as he approched a small cottage. Bookbag held to his chest and dayback swinging from his shoulder, he walked in.

"H-Hello.... Is anyone here?" He asked to the walls of the cottage. He thought he heard a sound, but dismissed it. He wanted to rest. He was so tired. He needed his pictures. He placed his bookbag on a table and fished inside for the laminated binder.
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Post by Slayer* »

Damn bugs...can't fucking believe this...

For a second, Darnell Butler had thought that jungle would never end. Perhaps the fact that he did indeed eventually find his way out of it was the one positive thing about this current situation. It was supposed to be a simple class trip, albeit one that he could just barely attend because of his knee. Instead he got this. Trapped on an island with all of his classmates, a collar strapped around his neck, cameras watching his every move, and he was told that if he didn't use the big pair of hedgeclippers that were currently in his hands (they had been in the pack before he woke up somewhere in the middle of that godforsaken jungle) to kill everyone he had known in the past four years, he would die. Just fucking great. After all these years of denying the existence of SOTF, too. His bad knee was starting to hurt from all the walking he had done, the damn heat was causing him to sweat all over the place, even more than he had during that stupid tournament, which caused his long sleeved black shirt and black sweatpants to start adhering to his skin. Adding to his discomfort were just how awkward these hedgeclippers, basically a huge-ass pair of scissors, felt in his hands as he tried to hold the "weapon" in front of him without blocking his vision too much.

And then there were the bugs. Ever since he had woken up, it had seemed, he was being constantly bitten by flies and mosquitoes and the like, coming from all over the place as if he had a huge neon sign saying "ALL YOU CAN EAT" stuck on his head. Maybe he did. Anyway, because of that not only was he hot and exhausted (what he would eventually remember as having been sleeping gas had not yet worn off), but itchy as hell all over, too. The damn bugs had finally gone away when he broke through the treeline, but he was sure they'd be back. Through the darkness he could vaguely see the outline of a house not too far ahead of him, and he tried to keep his mind on that. It was far better than the alternative.

It's real. Oh my God in Heaven, it's all real! All of it!

All this time, Darnell had been convinced SOTF was fake. Some sick hoax the television studios were playing at to make more money. He wouldn't have been surprised to hear they were so low on ideas they were playing with life and death literally at stake. It had just seemed too cruel, too barbaric to be real. Needless to say, he was kicking himself over the fact that it had taken being abducted and put on the island himself to be convinced that it was all too real. The gas...the teachers dying...that video...the verbal barbs between Adam Dodd and "Danya"...there was nothing fake about any of it. He was a star on the football and wrestling teams, had high marks in all his classes (well...except maths. Mathematics were always his weak point), and was on a smooth course for a scholarship to a good school. How could he be this stupid?

Even though none of it had been relatively nearby, he had already heard gunshots and screams far off, which was enough to put him on edge and keep him on guard as he edged closer to the house. There were kids playing this crazy game? How could any of his classmates voluntarily kill each other? He just couldn't get his mind around it. Of course, it was just then, as he was almost at the doorway (he had been walking slowly), that the shadowy figure of another, smaller, student blew past him in a run. The student didn't seem to notice him, and Darnell couldn't really blame him since on nights as dark as this he tended to look like little more than a tall shadow, but as they blew past and into the doorway, Darnell did what first came to mind.

"Hey!" he shouted, ignoring the initial protest of his right knee and the awkwardness of the pack swinging on his shoulder and carrying the hedgeclippers as he ran towards the doorway. Reaching the doorway quickly enough, he stopped again and raised his voice enough that anyone inside could hear him. A stupid move? Perhaps, but he was hoping that he was right in assuming nobody would actually PLAY this stupid game.

"Hey, it's me, Darnell! You know, from school? I don't want any trouble, man, I just want to come in. What do you say? All I've got is this pair of hedgeclippers, couldn't hurt ya if I wanted to!"
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Post by Cactus »

"It's a lot easier to hurt someone with hedgeclippers than you might think."

The calm voice seemed to come from absolutely nowhere, but the truth was that Ken Lawson had followed Darnell Butler for a few minutes now. He'd been familiar with the senior, as he was a fairly popular member of the Southridge community, and being a member of the newspaper, he'd interviewed Darnell a few different times for articles he'd been forced to write. That's how it'd been for Ken Lawson. We let you write your activism articles, but you interview the dumb jocks about the big football wins. Ken was happy to oblige. A forum was a forum, and it was all the same to establish himself as Ken Lawson.

But all of that had gone for shit, and Burton had known it as soon as he'd woken up on the island. Upon awakening, he'd had a momentary surge of panic that was markedly un-like him. But he'd collected himself, and searched his pack to see what kind of goodies the good people at Wal-Mart had supplied him with. Food, water, a couple of useless-looking instruction manuals, and a kevlar vest. The kevlar had fit quite snugly underneath his shirt, and he'd simply taken everything off and put it on underneath.

No use exposing an advantage that potential killers might not know that I have.

Knowing that he was in a bad situation, Ken had found his supply of marijuana still in his pack, and had quickly lit up and gotten high. He found that when he was under the influence, things tended to go more smoothly, and he could think far better than he could when he was sober. Not to mention that nobody could ever tell, and it worked out far better for him.

Ken had seen Darnell since he'd awokened, and had followed him at a distance, doing it fairly well. Ken wasn't exactly a large person - tall, but wispy, and his slender form made moving without being detected a lot easier than it might for some other people. He'd debated approaching the boy, but had held off, for he wanted to see how the athelete would approach other people in this unique situation. If the boy went for the jugular, Ken had decided that he would beg off and find someone else to watch. If he seemed benevolant...

...well, that was a good sign.

It wasn't until after he'd decided to approach the boy that Darnell had arrived at the cottage, and had seen the other boy run by him that Ken had pondered whether or not it was even worth keeping up the charade anymore. His name wasn't Ken Lawson - that much was obvious to him, and it might be easier to think in stressful situations if he wasn't burdened by the weight of a fake alias. It was something he was thinking about as he carefully walked up behind Darnell. Keeping his distance, as so not to get attacked unnecessarily, that was when Burton spoke up to Darnell. Pausing, he continued.

"'s probably a lot less threatening than, say...some dude holding a machine pistol...yeah? You're Darnell, right? I'm Ken, if you newspaper and all that..."

Taking his eyes off Darnell for a second, Ken turned his eyes to the door of the cabin, as he heard movement within.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Megami* »

The door to the cottage suddenly flung open and Kallie immediately shrunk back into the bedroom she had came from. Thankfully, it was dark in the small cottage, so it wasn't blatantly obvious that she was in the building. Unfortunately, it was dark in the small cottage. That meant that she couldn't exactly see who had run into the building she currently occupied. She was trapped, and the thought of that was chilling.

If worse came to worse, she would either have to try to sneak into the kitchen area and hope there was a back door to the cabin, or fight her way out the front door, neither of which she was very confident that she could pull off flawlessly. She exhaled shakily and watched the figure that had situated itself in the living room. It appeared to be digging through it's daypack, but she couldn't tell why. Did whoever the person was know that she was in the room after all?

Kallie shrunk back even further into the bedroom. Shutting the door probably meant certain death, seeing as it would alert the other occupant of her presence with one hundred percent certainty. The light from outside was slowly beginning to trickle through the open windows of the old cabin, and Kallie could barely make out the figure hunched over the table in the living area.

He was male, although she wasn't entirely sure who, and he appeared to be looking at... it almost looked like a photo album, but from her vantage point, she couldn't really tell. She moved back, hiding around the corner once again, and tried to shake the cobwebs clouding her mind away. She had no idea what to do, but one thing was for certain. She couldn't just stay couped up in the bedroom and hope that he left. The sun was slowly rising, and that meant that he could see her just as easily as she had spotted him.

Okay, Kall... gotta think. These silly little hicks wouldn't really play the game, they aren't capable of something like that. So... you need to capitalize on that. Not like... like, kill them or anything, but... play that to your advantage. You're young, you're stunning, and you've never had a problem sweeping guys off their feet before so... so just use that to your advantage and charm your way out of this little situation. Maybe this kid'll watch your back in the process... or maybe your ass, like it tends to go but... but either way.

She almost laughed at herself as the thoughts poured randomly through her mind. If nothing else, she had succeeded in convincing herself that she needed to capitalize on the situation and use her assets to her advantage. This guy wasn't much physically from what he could tell, he seemed rather scrawny, so hopefully she could, worst case scenario, intimidate him into letting her leave the cottage, or best case scenario, talk him into aligning himself with her until she could find more... useful allies.

Nodding once in confirmation to herself, Kallie mustered her courage and exited the bedroom, sword in hand. A light whistle escaped her lips, just enough to get the boy's attention. She didn't hold the sword in an intimidating manner, but in a manner in which it was at the ready if the boy suddenly flipped out and ran at her.

"Hey handsome," Kallie mused with a smile as she gracefully slid into the room, "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it's not nice to sneak up on people?"

The voice from outside startled her, and she twirled to face the door. Her eyes widened and a hint of panic slid across her features, but only until the other student's words registered in her mind. At once, relief flooded across her face and she let out a relieved sigh. It was such a perfect coincidence that only a few minutes prior, she had been thinking about seeking out Darnell Butler, among her other friends, and he had practically landed in her lap.

A light smirk formed in the corner of her mouth at the irony of it. It was almost like the big man upstairs had been watching her back or something. The sound of another voice echoing outside caused the smirk to fade, though. She didn't recognize the voice, and although she could distinguish that it was male, unlike Darnell, he hadn't been yelling, and she couldn't tell what he was saying.

"Well, stranger..." Kallie mused toward the boy whose name she didn't know, "What do you say we open the door and see what happens?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matthew sighed softly as he paged through the album. He was always so annoyed at himself for doing theis, but he couldn't help it. He liked to look. He didn't get aroused by it or anything, but he liked to see what he couldn't have. He liked to imagine what it would be like if he did have it. He liked to imagine what his life would be like is he were more brave.

A femminine voice from behind him snapped him out of his trance and he slammed the book shut abruptly. He quickly turned only to see a girl whom he had never really had contact with before. Was her name Kelly? Or Kailly? No, it was Kallie Majors. He remembered now. He had nothing agains her really, but the sword she held at her hip was enough intimidation for him. He shoved the album into his daypack and looked at her for a few seconds.

A yell from outside alerted them both to a new presence. Darnell Butler. He was an ok guy Matthew guessed. He even had a few photos of him in his album. But he didn't knw if he was trustworthy at all. A second new voice joined his outside, but Matthew could barely register what he said. Kallie suggested thay they let the duo outside in. Matthew thought for a moment.

"Um... I guess s-so..." He diverted his eyes from her and began to think. What the hell had he gotten himself into?
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Post by Buko »

"Goddamn it Kallie, you'd think you'd have the tact to at least wear a tank-top or some shit," said a small voice coming in through the door wearing a knife, the voice sounded almost prepubescent and the foul mouthed perpetrator behind it fit the part of a thirteen year old boy. Of course the boy was skinny underneath the baggy hooded shirt, basketball shorts and a baseball cap was seventeen, old enough to participate in the game and not even get the recognition for being a super genius like Brandon Cuthburt.

The god's decided not to be the greatest of friends to Guy and allow him to participate in SOTF without even being able to start shopping in the adults section of Hollister. Really, life -or what was left of it- sucked.

Now why would Guy react so casually to Kallie's presence? Well let's just say him and Kallie went pretty far back, they where in the same clique throughout high school and of course had their inside jokes ("Want to know why Kallie hangs out with us? Yeah, she's got a dick, a nine incher too, really odd stuff" or Kallie's most common response, "Well at least it can get on a roller coaster, eh?") and seeing her was a relief. Of course, seeing three other guys was also quite a surprise, but Guy was confident in his ability to escape if things went wrong. He hadn't been up for long and hadn't moved at all (he was dropped in the bathtub of the cottage), but he hoped running into Kallie at the beginning would be a good thing.

Or at least he thought so...
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Post by Slayer* »

The first thing Darnell Butler (or, as the terrorists called him, Male Student No. 1) did when he heard the voice directly behind him was make a slightly strangled sound as he inhaled out of surprise before completely freezing up. In his eagerness to get inside the house and get some shelter until the place was made a danger zone, hopefully making an ally out of whoever was inside, he had completely overlooked the possibility of someone sneaking up on him. Mentally cursing to himself, he allowed himself to slowly look over his shoulder at whoever was talking. He could only hope it wasn't anyone who actually wanted to play something this twisted, or he was fucked. Getting killed by some lucky asshole who got the drop on him because he was too dumb to not keep his voice down? That wasn't Darnell's style, but fortunately as he looked back he could see the person behind him at the least did not have a gun. In fact, Ken Lawson didn't seem armed at all. Relief took over, and Darnell allowed himself to relax, a small grin appearing on his face as his grip on the hedgeclippers (which was tight enough that if the hedgeclippers were, say, someone's arm, that person would be in quite some pain) loosened.

He didn't know Ken Lawson well, though the boy had interviewed him a few times, but the kid was an okay guy from what Darnell knew. Of course, one of the few things Ken Lawson and Darnell Butler had ever really clashed about was Ken's position as an anti-SOTF activist. Darnell had always thought it was foolish that Ken was so bent on protesting something that Darnell was sure was just fiction. It was like those people that wanted to ban books or censor movies. Of course, now it turned out that Darnell could not have been any more wrong, and Ken could not have been any more right.

He probably thinks I'm a fucking idiot, now...

"Hey...Ken, right?" Darnell said, chuckling a bit, "Yeah, I remember. Can't say this isn't a bit awkward, but at least it's good to see a friendly face. Um...sorry about the arguments we've had about this, though I guess it's a bit late for being sorry. You might be right about the hedgeclippers, but...y'know? I've never used a pair of hedgeclippers before. Hey, did they even give you a weapon? You don't look like you got anything."

After saying that, Darnell noticed that Ken seemed to be paying attention to the cottage the two men stood in front of. Darnell had thought he heard voices inside before Ken started talking, but he hadn't been able to pinpoint anything. Still, the slowly building light made it easier to see, which was always a plus. Turning around to completely face Ken, he offered up a light shrug. It was good, at least, that he'd already found someone that didn't look like a player.

"I'm starting to wonder if anybody's home. Maybe I was just seeing things."
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Post by Cactus »

Taking in the whole situation with an air of mellow annoyance, Ken shook his head at Darnell and gestured at the door of the cottage.

"No, you heard hallucinating for you, man...there's defintely people inside the cottage. Doors don't, like...lock themselves, dude."

At Darnell's apology, Ken simply just laughed. Darnell had been one of those who'd thought Survival of the Fittest was a farce, a complete fallacy, and for all of his protestations, it turned out that he'd been completely wrong. Ken knew better, of course, and he couldn't hold it against Darnell. The whole point of Survival of the Fittest was to send the American populace into a state of sheer paranoia and denial, and it had obviously worked to a very large extent. Poor Darnell had been one of those denying the existance of such a thing, and in truth, Ken had always found those type of people's idealism refreshing, if not sadly misplaced. Not everyone could have been as serious as he was about the topic, but not everyone had narrowly avoided being a statistic of it, like he had.

That's where you find yourself incorrect, my friend. You narrowly avoided it once, but fate found a way to get around your detour and scooped you up for round two. Fate realized you played a trick on it with Ken, and it'll be time for Burton Harris' number to truly be up.

"Don't take too much stock in being wrong, man...there're plenty of people out there who don't think that the Holocaust happened, or that 9/11 was some government conspiracy. You looked at the evidence and it didn't make any sense to you, no harm done, man...believing or not believing doesn't make our current situation any less...real."

As he spoke, he adjusted his glasses and tried to see in the dark windows of the small cottage. He couldn't make out any movement, but he was one hundred percent certain that there were people inside. He'd heard the voices as he approached, and he'd defintely seen something through the window as he approached from a distance. Making a quick mental decision not to inform anyone of his Kevlar vest (it was completely obscured underneath his t-shirt and over-shirt), he shrugged at Darnell when he inquired about his weapon.

"Nah, dude...I think the man upstairs figured that I'd dodged fate once before, so why let the slippery little dude get out again." With that, he laughed, before stepping towards the door and knocking on it sharply three times.

"It's not exactly good manners to let your guests stand outside in the...blistering sun, right dude?"

Smirking at Darnell, Ken raised his voice a little, letting his mellow-sounding voice hopefully put the obviously-frightened inhabitants of the cottage at ease.

"Hey, fellow prisoners! It's me, Ken Lawson...y'know, that hippy dude that everyone comes to when they need to know where to buy pot?"

Turning back to Darnell, he smirked again.

"Hey man, it's the truth...I may be an overachiever, but somethin' about me screams 'pot-smoker'. Must be those ol' hippy vibes that I give out."

Ken would never have described himself as a hippy, but he knew full well that some of his classmates did, and so if that was how he could identify himself, that would be what he'd use. Raising his voice again, he turned back to the door.

"I'm out here with Darnell Butler...y'know, star athlete dude? I'm not armed and Darnell'll only hurt ya' if you're made out of leaves and hedges, so why don't you guys let us in? I don't think either of us'd qualify as dangerous, so...what do ya say, folks?"

Glancing back at Darnell, he shrugged, internally hoping that he'd be let in, a little more than he was actually letting on.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

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Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Megami* »

Dammit all.

Things around the cottage just kept getting better and better. The student who had holed up inside without bothering to see if the house was already occupied -- she thought his name was Matt, although she wasn't entirely sure -- seemed almost indifferent to her, if not a little bit nervous.

When she had spoken to him, he'd immediately shoved whatever it was he had been looking at into his daypack and almost seemed to shrink into the couch before nervously agreeing with her. The fact that he seemed so intimidated by her of all people turned Kallie off when it came to having him as an ally.

After all, if he was scared of her, what would he do if they encountered someone who actually warranted being scared of? Someone like Gabriel Theobaldt, Boxer Carvalho, or worse... Adam Dodd. She'd heard about that kid before, and while she almost wanted to feel sorry for him for the past that he'd been forced to suffer through, it didn't change the fact that he'd killed something like twenty people during the first SOTF ACT.

Still, for now, all Kallie could really do was play the hand that she had been dealt, even if it hadn't been an ideal one. She moved over to the door of the cottage, feeling somewhat relieved that she knew Darnell Butler to be one of the occupants outside. She considered Darnell a pretty close friend, and was almost completely confident that he was the kind of person who was far too calm and rational to buy into this sort of competition.

That being said, she was sure whoever's muffled voice echoed out beside Darnell wasn't a player either. Darnell wouldn't align himself with someone who'd try to kill him, after all. He had more sense than that. Before she could unlock the cottage door and turn the handle, a voice rang out from the doorway, causing her to spin around and raise her sword.

Only to immediately drop it again.

Guy Rapide. While part of her was relieved to see another friendly face, part of her also cringed at the fact that she had run into Guy. It wasn't that she was wishing her friend any kind of ill will or anything, after all, one of her main priorities was to find Keith, Darnell, Guy, and the rest of her friends, but... well, Kallie couldn't help but wonder in that instant if Guy was the kind of person she really wanted to be traipsing around the island with.

She'd be opening her arms to any other member of her clique at the drop of a hat, but Guy had one very large disadvantage to keeping around: his mouth. She had seen it done over and over, he'd run his mouth, like he was doing now, pop off to the wrong person, and then be forced to weasel his way out of a potentially ugly incident. Put that into an equation with deranged kids and weaponry, and it had the potential to turn into a very big problem, very fast.

"Hmph," Kallie muttered, her eyes turning toward the shorter student for a moment, "I didn't think you'd be staring, little man. At least, not until you sprouted some pubes."

The comment just came out, like it had so many other times. Guy was rather well known for his smart aleck comments, and so Kallie'd always found herself returning some kind of quip.

The fact was, the last thing in the world she was worried about at the moment was who was checking her out. She was far more concerned about mobility and function, and considering she seemed to have been dropped in a house full of men, the thought of changing clothes probably wasn't the best one she could have had.

Outside, Darnell and his ally (who had just identified himself as Ken Lawson, someone Kallie knew but wasn't personally all that familiar with), seemed to be getting somewhat impatient. Really, she couldn't blame them. Standing out in the open was a bad situation to be in, especially with the sun coming up.

Still, so many people had arrived at the house in such a short time, and Kallie found herself feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all the faces -- new and old, that had presented themselves in such a short time. She sighed audibly before quickly unlocking the door and pulling it open as if inviting the two boys inside.

"Okay..." Kallie exhaled deeply, as if trying to collect her thoughts, "Everybody, sit."

She might have come off sounding like she was talking to a bunch of dogs, but the four boys currently in her company were getting somewhat hard to keep track of. Kallie raised a finger up as if saying hold on and immediately locked the door of the cabin again.

"So, we've established one thing here, and that's that none of us are playing. That being said, since we're apparently bunking up together for now, we need to get organized. What weapons were you guys assigned?"

She moved the sword down, resting the tip of it on the floor lightly, and awaited some kind of response. She wasn't normally one to play leader, and it wasn't something she felt she was very good at, but under the circumstances, she didn't feel like she had too much of a choice.
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Post by Buko »

"Oh Kallie, you know how I love it when you take charge," Guy said sardonically before plopping himself on the floor and reaching into his daypack to pull out the weapon he himself had yet to see, truthfully he had just woken up. He himself would probably say that he just woke up due to his own laziness, but the real answer was actually quite obvious: Guy was significantly smaller than the rest of his classmates and obviously had a much stronger reaction to him than to mostly everyone else. Still though has he rummaged through his pack he finally came across a rounded edge of what seemed to be something blunt.

He almost sighed it seemed that he had gotten like a roll of string or something, at least he thought that until he pulled out the weapon and his eyes widened obviously like a kid at Christmas. A black bladed knife with a nine inch blade is what was removed from his pack, sure it was no gun, but Guy Rapide couldn't help but marvel at the fact of how lucky he was. Pulling out the instruction manual he quickly skimmed it and realized that this was the bayonet commonly used by the marines, and designed to pierce through body armor.

"Well fuck me all day long and call me Pamela Anderson, I didn't do too bad for myself...", he said in awe before shaking his head just to get a grasp on the situation, "To be honest though, the blade isn't really needed. I mean we're all in this together, right? Y'know I know it sounds all Valentines day chocolate and shit, but we're all friends here, right? We can fucking make it out of here if we want too..."

Guy didn't like those words, they sounded fake even as he spoke them. There was a reason he was glad to have a knife instead of let's say hedge clippers as there was only one thing a knife could be used for in this game: killing his classmates and the knife itself had increased his chances of doing so and thusly made him feel a bit happier than before. All the memories of his classmates came rushing to his head as he imagined killing them and immediately he shook his head and put the knife down.

"Yeah, we don't got a thing to worry about..."
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Post by lovebirdjo* »

As soon as Kristin Washington had woken up alone in the middle of nowhere, G10 began fighting back tears. She remembered what had happened clearly, having been one of the few who didn't know what Danya had been going on about. Her eyes became very red from tears that she couldn't quite explain, but she had never been in a position like the one she had been forced into. Forced to survive on her own, not knowing where she was or what she would do. She still didn't know exactly what was going on, but it all kept pointing to her being in some very grave danger. Something felt odd around her neck. Reaching up to the place, she felt cool metal. She was freaking out into wild confusion, but somehow she knew that it was a collar of some sort. When she was somewhat less hysterical, the Hawaiian checked the contents of her daypack as soon as she saw it lying next to the bag she had packed for the camping trip.

Never one to travel heavy, the only things she had brought along were some clothes, hygienic items, and a small notebook with pencils. The other bag was a good bit larger than her light pink one. Rummaging through its contents, she had found some somewhat stale bread and bottles of water. Further down, her eyes met glinting metal. Shining from inside of the bag in the early morning light was a small knife. It was obviously not meant for chopping things, as the blade was minute, curving slightly near the end. Were the brunette more acquainted with carpentry, she might have realized that she stood staring down at a whittling knife, one used for detailing carvings and the like.

Her eyes had widened at the conclusion the knife brought about. All of this was going in one direction. Danya had shown them a video taken from some deranged television program called Survival of the Fittest. Her parents had never allowed her to degrade her mind with such things, so Kristin really didn't understand the whole concept of the program until she saw the items in the daypack. It kind of clicked then, and more tears made their way into her eyes, blurring her vision. She had no friends to care about, really, but that didn't mean she wanted to kill any one of her classmates. She absolutely would not do it; she couldn't. Or could she? Of course not. That would never happen.

She would die before she killed someone. Violence was pointless, and she had never allowed any opposition to come to fighting before. There must've been a way off of the island. Looking down at her apparel, she almost cringed. The sleeveless halter top that she wore was a very deep turquoise, heavily laden with rhinestones along the edges; it came just to above her belly button. Covering her upper thighs were a pair of white denim shorts, short enough to be sexy but not short enough to appear trashy. Underneath, instead of underwear, she had chosen to wear a white bikini with blue polka dots. A pair of white flip-flop sandals were on her feet. Her outfit was cute, but it wasn't exactly the best thing to be running around in now.

At some point, it became clear that she had to get out of the open area and into an area that was more safe. If she could find some other people, maybe she had a chance at survival until she decided on an escape plan. It was obvious that she was in for a rude awakening at some point. So she began running, her sandals flip-flopping against her heels. She didn't know where she was going, but she wasn't going to stop until she was sure she'd be safe.

Eventually, Kristin met a peaceful setting. A very small house, also known as a cottage, met her dark-colored eyes, and through her shaking breaths she let out a thankful sigh. She quickly realized that there could be others waiting inside, ready to kill her just as easily as possible. Fiddling around in the daypack that was strung over her left shoulder, the surfer girl found the whittling knife at the bottom. Holding it for the first time, fear made its way into her heart, and goosebumps rose up on her skin.

What Kristin thought was a voice met her ears very suddenly. It was distinctly male, and it was coming from the cottage. Other pitched voices became clearer the closer that the brunette moved in, and she hoped to whatever deity that she had never believed in that the people inside of the building were friendly; but there she was, in front of the door with a very big frown on her face and a scrunched brow fro m her cringing.

'Oh merciful god or goddess or whatever else there might be, please let me stay alive,' she pleaded for the first time, 'I don't want to die. Let someone pinch me and tell me it's all just a dream.' She was full of tremoring fright as she opened her mouth to speak to the unknown people inside of the cottage. She gripped the knife in her hand tightly, her tanned knuckles turning a lighter color.

"H-Hello? Is anyone in there? I'm l-looking for a place to stay. I'm really scared and don't know what's going on," she said with some management of her vocal cords. She was quivering as she continued, "Please l-let me in. I-I don't want to be alone out here. I'm not playing whatever sick game this is."
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Post by Slayer* »

Darnell listened to what Ken had to say, once again convinced that the boy was completely right, but before he could open his mouth to respond the door opened behind him. Turning around to see who it was that had finally decided to let him in, he had to physically suppress the urge to grin as he saw Kallie Majors. She had opened the door quickly, almost as if the presence of Darnell and Ken irritated her and she just wanted to get the whole "letting them in" thing out of the way, and for a second Darnell almost felt compelled to apologize for being there, but instead he kept the hello and the apology in his head, quietly moving into the house after adjusting his hedgeclippers. It wasn't to say that he wasn't happy to see Kallie, he was very much so, but it looked like that would have to wait. Damn if she wasn't dressed to impress, though; seeing Kallie in little more than a tube top and skirt made it a bit hard to resist the temptation to stare. Not like anyone could blame him, he supposed. Still, he followed her inside without objection, immediately being struck by the feeling of how much cooler it was in the house than it had been outside. Sure, it wasn't exactly air conditioned, but anything was better than that jungle he had been walking through for the past couple of hours.

God DAMN this is a relief!

Obliging Kallie's order to sit down, Darnell made his way around what appeared to be a coffee table and onto the couch, ignoring the slight creaking sounds the forty plus year old wood floor made from the weight of his footsteps while pushing past the other occupants with polite apologies while trying to avoid smacking anyone with the hedgeclippers or the pack on his shoulder before he physically flung himself onto the not-too-hard-but-not-too-soft couch, placing the hedgeclippers on the table and the pack on the ground near his feet. As Kallie moved to close and lock the door, he took a second to look around, taking in the identities of the others in the house now that there was enough light to see anything. There was Matthew Wittany, one of the school photographers and one of the few people Darnell didn't know all that well. He didn't seem too bad the few times he had spoken to him, though.

Come to think of it, I haven't spoken to that kid much. Well, looks like we'll have plenty of time for talkin'.

Looking away at Matt, he saw the diminutive Parkour aficionado known as Guy. Guy...he didn't know well at all. He was probably one of the shortest kids in the class of '07, but seemed to be good friends with Kallie. The two had met once or twice, but Darnell didn't know him very well. Still, he couldn't have been too bad if he was friends with Kallie. Didn't mean Darnell had to worship the ground he walked on, though, just that he couldn't have been as unrespectable as he looked. Darnell tolerated Guy most of the time, but individually he didn't really like the kid all that much.

His teasing and attitude are a bit annoying, really I just wish he'd shut up for once. He talks too much. But, he can't be that bad if Kallie likes him.

His knee started to throb a bit, but Darnell chose to ignore it, running a hand through his short black hair quickly as his eyes moved to another member of the group. Outside of the occasional interview or argument about SOTF, Darnell had never really spoken to Ken Lawson before. In the very rare instances that he did, though, Ken seemed like a cool person to hang out with, if a bit withdrawn at times. He was very active in the anti-SOTF community, which had seemed silly to Darnell at the time, but it seemed Darnell had really shot himself in the foot there. Whenever the two argued about the subject, Ken tended to come across to Darnell like he was talking down to him, and sometimes this carried over to interviews after things like big wrestling meets or tough football games, but in most of the conversations where they weren't talking about SOTF, they got along fine.

I wonder how he knows so much about this stuff. Way he talks I get the feeling some of the stuff he knows ain't stuff you can find in a simple Google search.

After that, he brought his eyes around to the front, at Kallie herself, Darnell making a point to look up at her face instead of at her assets, though a bit to the right so it wouldn't look like he was staring at her. What was there to say about Kallie, really? Well, for one, she was one of the hottest girls in the school. That was definitely a plus, especially when she was not wearing much clothing. Regardless, she wasn't a typical hot ditz, either, as she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, at first catching Darnell off guard with her interest in more typically "guy" oriented things. For some reason the combination of intelligence, personality, and overall beauty she possessed had caused Darnell to be drawn to her. In retrospect Darnell had found himself wondering if he had fought so hard against Paul Smith in the tournament final more because he wanted to win the money for Lance Barrett or because he wanted to impress Kallie Majors. He had been crushed when he found out that Kallie hadn't even attended that fight, but he understood. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't confused about the deal between himself and Kallie, though. She seemed to think of him as a friend, and that was good enough for Darnell a lot of the time.

...Except when it isn't. Gah, I wish I could just make up my mind on this. I'm a Senior, I'm supposed to HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT ALREADY!

Coincidentally, that was when Kallie had elected to ask the assembled "group" what weapons they had been given. This was what had snapped him back into reality, and reminded him that he was surrounded by armed classmates. Guy promptly piped up, revealing the impressive looking bayonet the terrorists had given him, eliciting a low whistle from Darnell himself as he nodded approvingly at the weapon and what Guy soon after said about beating the game. That bayonet, and the sword clearly possessed by Kallie, however, served to remind him of the relative uselessness of his own weapon. Seriously, a pair of hedgeclippers? How was he supposed to use that in a fight? It was awkward enough just walking around with it. It was okay at clearing vegetation, but he wasn't sure how it would do any good against a psycho kid.

"Well, as you guys can see I got...hedgeclippers, heh. Talk about bad luck, I don't think I can even pretend to be able to usefully use this thing. But, Guy's right. We can't just give into this game, though I know it's tempting since none of the groups from the last two games actually succeeded in getting off the island. I know I'm sure as hell not gonna let that fatass Danya turn me into some wild fucking animal with a bomb tied to its neck! It may sound like a cliché, but we do have something in the way of that; these collars. We need to figure out how to get these off before we can do anything. I think we can do it though, call it faith."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Matthew wasn't exactly intimidated by Kallie as he was by her sword, but he was rather nervous as to joing a group with two of the most popular kids in the school. He was never really liked in the school because of his... habit of finding out everything that the scholl and putting it in his paper. Sure, he was a nice guy, but no one really appreciated his writing talent when he was talking about them. Luckily, it seemed Kallie had forgotten the article he wrote about her earlier that year.

Another new face appeared from within the house. Guy Rapide. That was unfortunate. That loudmouth would most likely get them all killed. Matt sighed lightly and stepped forward to say something when a familiar voice from outside calmed him down considerably. Ken Lawson. How lucky was that. Ken was his best sport writer. It was a good omen to have him with them. Kallie quickly let the two boyus outside in and ordered all four of them to take a seat. It seemed she wanted to take lead.

Matt took a seat next to Ken (whom he admitidly also had pictures of) and nodded to him slightly. Kallie asked them for their weapons. Guy produced a rather long blade. It wasn't very comforting that he seemed intoxicated by it either. Darnell announced his own weapon again. A pair of hedgeclippers. Not exactly iseful, but not useless either.Matt dug into his pocket and produced his weapon, or lack thereof.

"All they gave me was this. A Bike Chain. Pretty useless..." He frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

A new femminine voice from outside attracted his attention. She asked to be let in. she said she wasn't playing. Matt couldn't place the name, but he was sure he'd heard her voice before.

'Maybe we should let her in Kallie... more allies means more to work with, right?"
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Post by Megami* »

((For future reference, Kallie didn't start attending Southridge until senior year. Check her bio. Image ))

The guys started rattling off their weapons without a hitch, and Kallie was almost surprised that getting their cooperation had been that easy. Then again, she wouldn't have expected anything else from Darnell and Guy, seeing as they'd been her friends since practically the day she enrolled in Southridge at the start of the year.

Guy quickly produced his bayonet -- the look on his face revealing quite obviously that he was just now learning what he'd been issued as well. She thought she saw a strange look in his eyes for a moment when he stared at the blade, but dismissed it as being paranoid.

Darnell was next to speak up, although asking him his designated weapon proved rather pointless seeing as he had been toting it around with him from the moment she opened the house door. Matt was next to reveal his weapon -- a bike chain, which was even more useless than Darnell's hedgeclippers. Kallie sighed annoyedly.

Her attention turned toward Ken Lawson -- probably the one student in the room that she knew the least about, although Matthew was a close second in that department. She waited on him to reveal his weapon, but he wouldn't get that chance. Instead, a voice echoed out from the other side of the door.

Perfect... just perfect.

This voice was female, and whining. Kallie had never had very many female friends for two reasons -- first and foremost, the ones she'd had in the past had proven to be backstabbing bitches for the most part, and because of that she'd grown to build a general distrust of them over the years. The second reason had to do with that noise the girl outside was making.

That awful whining noise.

Kallie didn't cry, at least, never in front of anybody. Ever since she was a little girl, she'd run around with mostly boys, and when she'd been younger, her playmates would tease her when she cried. It affected her more than she ever let on, and as she got older, she found herself bottling up those tears more and more, because if she cried, she was immediately accused of being a baby.

So, logically, when Kallie heard others crying, she immediately thought the same thing.

Much to her annoyance, Matthew suggested that they let whoever was outside in. Strength in numbers, more allies increases survival, something like that, right? She didn't exactly feel that way, but the odds of everyone else thinking that were pretty high, and she didn't dare go against the group. Reluctantly, she flung the door open, coming face to face with Kristin Washington, holding a small knife.

"I'd ask what they gave you," Kallie smirked lightly, "But I can see for myself. Nobody's here's playing, so sit, and relax."

She quickly ushered the Hawaiian girl in and shut the door before relocking it for what seemed to be the umpteenth time. Her eyes traced over the rather ragtag bunch of non-players that had assembled inside the small, one-bedroom cottage. The sun sparkling through the windows outside told her that they had wasted the better part of the day gathering allies.

And honestly, they were allies that Kallie had no desire to keep.

Maybe she should have been happy to have found such a large group of people who weren't looking to play the game, but, and maybe it was simply because she was new at the school, Kallie found herself wanting to look specifically for her friends, and to hell with everybody else. Darnell and Guy were, of course, people she entended to keep around.

However, Matthew Wittany, Ken Lawson, and this new girl -- whose name she seemed to recall as being Kristy or something -- well, they just didn't seem like ally material. Ken was a bit too quiet and laid back for her, and to be honest he made her somewhat nervous. Matthew and Kristy (or whatever her name was) were in the same category. They were, in essence, sniveling babies and were completely useless.

At least, that was what she told herself. To be honest, her worry for the people she'd grown so close to over the past year just outweighed her concern for the other students.

"Okay..." Kallie exhaled once again, seeming to have completely forgotten she'd asked Ken about his weapon, "Apparently, we're all going to be really close friends from here on out. We can hole up in here, but we've gotta get organized. I think we all know one another on at least some sort of basis here, so hopefully nobody has any trust issues. If you do, now's the time to bring them up..."

She really didn't expect anyone to voice any concerns, even if they had them.

"We're pretty safe for now, I think, but when it gets dark, we're going to need someone to watch the doors. There are enough of us here, we should be able to do it in shifts of two. It'll be me and Darnell, Ken and Guy, and Matthew and... you."

Kallie's finger pointed at Kristin lightly. She didn't want to call her the wrong name, she'd have felt bad.

"I trust nobody has a problem with that?"
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