Frozone's Friendzone

Feat. Faith & Parker

V7 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V7 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Frozen Smoke
Posts: 513
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:50 pm

Frozone's Friendzone


Post by Frozen Smoke »

[+] Colour Guide
Current romantic relationship
Past hook ups/exes
Close/Best Friends
Neutral/Acquaintances (mixed with colours to indicate leaning)
[+] Faith Marshal-Mackenzie
Faith C. Marshal-Mackenzie - Faith is an athletic Chattanooga native, who grew up in a tight knit, working class and deeply conservative family somewhere in the outskirts of the town. Deeply involved in the hunting and competitive shooting scene, as well as being politically active in the right-wing sphere, mostly through taking part in the debate team and helping out in the previous election cycle. She tends to push a more libertarian angle than the mainstream, but is still willing to toe the general 'party line' on most topics. Doesn't harp on about politics unless she's pushed though, preferring to keep things light with a coarse (and occasionally lightly offensive) sense of humour. Generally warm and friendly to strangers, but can be fairly rude to those she doesn't respect for some reason, especially if trying to show off her wit. She does relatively well academically, but only really excels in history (especially American history), keeping the rest of her subjects at a C-B level. Socially tries to fit in with the popular/jock clique, but preferring to try and set herself up as 'one of the boys' in that scene, and isn't beyond making friends outside of that as long as they share interests. Low-key loves a lot of rock music, and down to let her hair down and listen to it with friends from time to time. She used to be a regular attender of the Methodist Church, but isn't a believer in the religion at the current time and only attends irregularly for holidays, it's not something she talks about but churchgoers might have noticed that. UPDATE: Also now the VP of the school council, bitches.
[+] Looking For
-People she's friends with from the shooting/hunting scene
-Debate partners/opponents
-Friends she parties/hangs out with outside of school (probably in the popular/jock clique)
-A few past romantic relationships that weren't super serious (not looking for a current boyfriend)
-People who can deal with her sense of humour and be friends with her despite that
-People who absolutely cannot deal with her sense of humour/politics/anything else and hate her guts
-Anything else, always open for ideas!
[+] Relationships
Wyatt Carter - "I'd say he's like my third brother but, well, we ain't in Alabama" *laughs*
Axel Fontaine - "... Yeah. Mistakes were made."
Mercy Ames - "She sure as hell don't show the guys any Mercy. Mad respect for the gal."
Julien Leblanc - "Scarface is a pretty bro-tier guy, to be honest. Trying to wing-girl him a punch on his v card, but some birds just aren't ready to leave the nest."
Destiny Martinez - "She's nuts about bolts. Known her back since... Well, as long as I can remember"
Abel Zelenovic - "I'd say I'm the Cain to his Abel but you'd get the wrong idea - We go way back, and I'd trust him to have my back any day."
Michaeilia "Mikki" Swift - "Look, I can't keep up with the beats she throws, but I can drink her under the table~"
Dante Luciano Valerio - "He sure knows how to make a girl feel good about herself, damn."
Misty Browder - "Best damn shitposter I know. And damn if she don't know some good music!"
Meilin Zhou - "Life of the party! Smarter than she lets on too, even if her head is literally in the sky"
Lavender Ripley - "Name's appropriate, considerin' how she's a mix of red and blue. Glad to have a friend on the other side of the aisle on the important things though!"
Beryl Mahelona - "Range buddies~"
Connor Lorenzen - "Part of the crew and part of the parties. Good guy, but we don't talk much outside of that."
Ace "Beats" Ortega - "Dr. Dre is a pretty solid guy - Chat to him a bunch in geography!"
Dolly Upton - "Dresses like she dropped out of the 18th Century, and knows enough about history to make yah think she probably did."
Ivy Langley - "Name says it all. She's pretty, but you're gonna end up hurt if you get too close."
Zen Feliciano - "They are pretty fun to hang around! Just in uh, small bursts. Bit too clingy for me."
Matthew Hunt - "If only he looked as sharp as his tongue is!"
Ellie Rios-Lyon - "Needs to take the rod out of her ass... Putting that somewhere else would probably do her a world of good too" *chuckles*
Ross Miller - "Pretty funny guy, great at parties, but don't really know much 'bout him."
Gyu-ri Christensen - "Don't see her much, but she's fine. Needs to let hair down and chill out a bit though."
Demetri Futscher - "Bit of a nerd, but he can take and make a joke"
Madison Springer - "She's uh... Complicated."
Kayla Harris - "Uh, who?"
Camilla Bell - "Reminds me of a deer in the headlights!"
Artem Fyodorov - "... the fuck is Lestat?"
Myles Roux - "If he took jokes the same way he took dick, we'd get along much better"
Gaelan Meloy - "He's not as bad as Ivy says. Close though."
Adele Jones - "Damn Wyatt, I didn't know we were going big game hunting"
Kayden Brockman - "I'd say he can go suck it, but he'll do that regardless."
Joanne Coleman - "Gives out shit like it's the last week of the summer shit sale, but don't take returns kindly. What a hypocrite."
Sierra Cook - "Me and Bambi don't get along."
[+] Parker Green
Parker Green is an introverted kid who moved in to Chattanooga from the UK in middle school. He used to be a vaguely chill person, but something happened in his private life that made him shrink back in the world a little socially, burning bridges with a few previous friends who tried to give him assistance emotionally after his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Most of his friendships now are tenuous, with him being the friend you can never get to actually commit to something, with it being a coinflip whether or  not he turns up. The only real exceptions to this being regular hobbies, such as Magic: The Gathering or Poker. Hits up the parties every now and again, and is always well stocked with booze when he does. Is down to hook-up, but is very adverse to continued relationships beyond that point, and will make that clear. As it's not mentioned in his profile, he is bi, though isn't super open about the fact. In terms of schoolwork, he generally does very well, with a tendency to just try and finish entire team projects by himself if given the chance. Will not make the effort to talk to your character, but will try and be pleasant if engaged in conversation, if only to end it faster.
[+] Looking For
-People he used to be friends with that he pushed away[/li]
-People he shares hobbies with to talk shop with - Games & gliding mostly
-Maybe someone who he tutors in science/maths?
-A few light friends who invite him to parties but he doesn't interact a great deal with
-1-2 people who reach out to him (and ideally does stuff with to keep him interested) as actual close friends
-People who his arrogance and occasional dickish comment gets on the wrong side of, to any extent
-People who knew him from the track/athletics scene that now laugh at/pity him as he lifts tiny weights after his leg injury
-Anything else, always open for ideas!
[+] Relationships
[+] gedit relationship_notes_in_case_of_amnesia
d'Aramitz, Blaise - Most likely cause of amnesia. Relationship is complicated. Ask them to explain it to you and assume everything they say was crafted to mislead you. TL;DR is you play poker and fuck occasionally. If they ask you what you put here, say it was something pretentious like "The ying to your yang", but without implying you wouldn't work just as well without the other.
Karahalios, Apollonia Cassia, AKA Nia - You know her. "Friends" is a bit much, but you get along well. Very, very good at retaining facts. Knows ASL. Facial scarring from childhood accident, don't ask about it.
Christensen, Gyu-Ri - Incredible chess player - Learnt, not prodigy. Do not ask personal questions re: family. Not quite a friend. Rivals, perhaps? - Current chess record, 51-0, Christensen-Green.
Swift, Michaeilia, AKA Mikki - Occasional drinking buddy. Talkative, tends to have interesting information. Overly optimistic. Kinda cute.
Beck, Desiree - Tutee/Tutoree (NTS: find out the correct word) in chemistry. Tries hard, but gets stressed easily. Enjoys Minecraft, but no actually interesting games. Do not use shortenings of Desiree to address her. Relatively introverted & quiet. Not a friend, but can probably be asked for help.
Tavares, Lorenzo - Occasionally buys product from you. Is very forward, but respects that you aren't attracted to him.
Mahelona, Beryl - Memer, but like r/wholesomememes, personified. Avoid talking to too much, gets very interested in things quickly. Questionable levels of discretion. Can be trusted not to lie.
Christensen, Ji-hyun , AKA Jiji - Gyu-ri's sister. Polite, hipster sort. At least she doesn't use a Mac.
Feliciano, Zoe Sofia Alicea, AKA Zen - Avoid. Does not have personal boundaries. Isn't a bad person, just too much positive energy. Blaise likes Zen, so don't actively fuck with them.
Coleman, Joanne  - Old academic rival. Dislikes you. Hasn't acted upon this. Avoid contact with. Still fairly intelligent, if on group project, can trust her to get a reasonable amount of work done.
Salazar-Loveless, Cecil - Rat.
[+] Luca Thomas
Luca is a hardworking, honest girl with a big heart and a passion for sports. She is part of the girls Basketball team, but doesn't play very often, typically serving as a training partner and as the team's resident publicist, writing about both the basketball matches for the school paper - and local papers during inter-school matches. She also covers other sporting events in and around GHHS, such as the football team and male basketball team. In terms of social standing, she tends to be a bit of a social butterfly, trying to be friendly to everyone she can. If upset, she tends to simply become terse and unfriendly in her disposition, giving the person who upset her a cold shoulder as opposed to getting angry. In terms of sexuality, Luca has yet to find someone particularly sexually attractive, and is unsure about her sexual leanings. Ultimately she is straight, but has minimal libido, and as such shies away from sexual relations.

Warning: Luca is my Meanwhile character, so don't be getting no island plans about her, as she's going to be surviving the game!
[+] Looking For
-Sports friends! If you're on a sports team, chances are Luca has chatted with you about it! Maybe even written an article about their team or done an interview, if they oblige her.
-Teammates! If you're on the basketball team, you better believe Luca knows your ass.
-People who share gossip with her! She doesn't spread gossip, but she loves learning about it, and will happily listen to people bitch about other people.
-Newspaper friends - People who help her with her writing, or are otherwise on the staff of the paper will know her.
-Weeb friends! Luca is part of the anime club, so if you want to discuss waifus and husbandos, Luca is up to answer that call.
-That special one - I plan on Luca having 0-1 sexual partners, so if you want to be Luca's first and only, feel free to pitch that to me!
-Anything else, always open for ideas!
[+] Relationships
None yet!
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Frozen Smoke
Posts: 513
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:50 pm


Post by Frozen Smoke »

I have added my latest character, Luca Thomas, a sporty-ish reporter girl! Take a look if you're interested in rubbing your characters against her (or my other two characters!)
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.

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