Good morning, Matt!

The area that feeds into Aurora High is representative of the ethnic and economic diversity that makes Seattle so unique. The architecture is varied, illustrating the growth and expansion that the city has undergone. Turning a corner can lead you from townhouses and apartments to quiet tree-lined streets of modest single-family homes, while the next turn might lead you to areas of much higher or lower property values. The unifying sight in the area is the herds of students who trudge to and from the school daily.
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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:01 pm

Good morning, Matt!


Post by Aura »

The stadium was packed with cheering fans.  All the lights in the arena were shining.  A large man in a black singlet adorned with skulls stood in the center of the ring, taunting the fans, who responded with rousing jeers.  The man told of how he had been the World Heavyweight Champion for six months, and that he was going to be champion for the next six months, and the six months after that, and so on.  He issued a challenge for anyone backstage to come fight him for his title.  At first, no one seemed to answer, and the heel laughed.  But then, all of a sudden...

...The lights turned blue, and swirled around the entrance ramp.  As this happened, "Hero" by Skillet started playing over the loudspeakers.  The crowd erupted into cheers.  The villain looked at the entrance ramp in shock as his archenemy revealed himself.  A tall, muscular teenager walked onto the stage, and raised his fist in the air, drawing further cheers from the crowd.

"Now making his way to the ring, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 230 pounds...Matt Masters!

Matt walked down the ramp, high-fiving fans at ringside, and entered the ring.  His nemesis staring him dead in the eyes.  This was going to be a good fight.

The nameless man began by rushing recklessly at Matt, who casually sidestepped out of the way.  The frustrated fighter then swung his fist wildly, missing the teenage giant by a mile.  Matt capitalized on this by delivering a powerful kick to his attacker's gut.  While the large brawler recovered from the blow, Matt ran towards the ropes, rebounding off of them and holding out his arm for a clothesline.  His opponent was caught off guard, and was knocked for a loop by the powerful attack.  It was time to finish this.

Matt grabbed he large man and lifted him over his head into a suplex maneuver.  He held the pose for a few seconds as the crowd chanted for him.  Matt shifted his weight and dropped himself to the ground with his rival in tow, landing directly on top of the other fighter.

The referee came in to count the pin.  This was it, Matt was going to be the Champion!


(Matt Masters: Start)

Matt Masters reached over and turned off his alarm clock.  It had just interrupted his favorite dream, the one where he's a professional wrestler and he defeats the biggest bad guy in the company to become the champion.

Maybe it'll happen for real someday, but not today.

Matt got his six-foot-five frame out of bed and stretched.  A new year had just started, and the school year was half over.  He couldn't really complain.  Once he finished school he would be able to attend a training camp to become a wrestler.  That was his ultimate dream.

But today was not that day.  Not yet.

He went downstairs to get some breakfast before starting his day.  Most important meal of the day, and all that jazz.  He looked around and realized that his mom wasn't home.  She must have left for work early, and Matt would have to fend for himself.  Looking around, he saw a note on the microwave.  He picked the note off and read it.


Had to leave early for work.  I put your breakfast in the microwave.  Have a great day!


Matt set the note down and opened the microwave door.  Inside was a decently sized breakfast burrito.  From the looks and smell of it, it contained eggs, cheese, sausage, and bacon.  He wasted no time picking it up and taking a bite.  It was cooked perfectly. Not too hot, but not too cold.  Just the way he liked it.

"Thanks, mom.  You're a lifesaver."

Matt opened the door, burrito in hand, and left the house.

(Matt Masters continued in A Gold Dubloon for the First One to Find the Right Toy)
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