Garry's Sanctuary*

Carrington Pointe, located in the eastern district, is a lovely neighborhood which serves as home to many middle-class families. Carrington is home to citizens of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and proudly boasts their neighborhood watch program. It sits atop a hill and gives off a beautiful view of the nearby beach.
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Garry's Sanctuary*


Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Continued from: The Stairwell))

Probably the smallest house on Carrington Pointe, Garry's was full of strange devices. He has moved most of his possesions into a storage unit, for fear that someone may try to destroy his home. He is very protective of his possesions. He got the house when he won the lottery. First ticket he bought. He was shot 5 times shortly afterward.
His house is home to him, and his cat, Tibbles. He arrived after trying to apologise to Paris, and left after a lamp and part of a table was thrown at him. When he arrived home, he packed most of his remaining possesions and drove them to what he called "The box"
He wasn't taking any chances. He brought out his firearm, a .50  Desert Eagle AE, the gun he practically worshipped since coming to the united states. "Thank you, US constitution." He realized he was overreacting. What could Paris possibly do?

((Continued in: A Prince's Recovery))
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