G33 - Phillips, Amber[/DECEASED]

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G33 - Phillips, Amber[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Amber Phillips
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade: 9th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson

Appearance: Amber stands at 5'5", weighing 110lbs. She has a pale complexion, with wide, round green eyes, a slightly hooked nose, and a narrow chin. Her hair is strawberry blonde, which she wears closely cropped. She has multiple piercings in her left ear, none on her right, and a slight scar just underneath her chin. She has an average build, but her chest has yet to "blossom".

Biography: Quite simply, a child of the streets. Born to a prostitute, and never knowing her father, Amber has lived in squalor from the get go. Her early years consisted of watching her mother sell herself, then waste any monies earned on alcohol and drugs. For as long as she can remember, Amber was exposed to the lowest expresions of humanity, and never batted an eyelash. It's as if she was born numb to the world around her, where the bizarre was normal, and crueilty was commonplace.

She attends Barry Coleson, but avoids the other students, ashamed of who she is and where she comes from. Her world is deemed taboo and bizarre by most others, and she has little idea of how to fit in with children her own age.

Other: Amber has had little social contact with anyone her age, so any interactions with teens is akward, bordering on painful. She is amoral, simply due to lack of any value system instilled upon her.
Number: Girl #33
Designated Weapon: 1873 Stainless Steel Single Action Revolver
Conclusions: Hey, since she doesn't really know how to act around kids her age, why not just kill them all and not worry about it? Heh, only kidding, of course (but, SOTF does offer that oppurtunity...). I don't think she'll have trouble fitting in around the kids now, seeing how they're all freaks in one way or another.

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