The Heat of the Moment.

CW: necrophilia

The island school is relatively small, and, in another place and time, the school may have provided a relaxing setting. The school consists of many classrooms, a basement, a football field, and a small gymnasium. It may prove a valuable place to hide, providing someone else doesn't wish to occupy your room. The structure remains as it was the day the island was evacuated, there are even items left in the students' desks.
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The Heat of the Moment.


Post by Buko »

((Continued From: Waking Up Dead))

It was just your everyday pool party, everyone stood in their swim suits, everyone was having fun. The giggles of youth, the young boys checking out some of the ladies , really it was how everyone remembered their 8th grade year. And even though they'll still be at Franklyn next year, it still felt meaningful that from now on they weren't middle school students, but senior school students. So it was with the illusion of being reclassified, of being different that Samuel Sorenson found himself sitting down with a bunch of his friends (who where out having fun in the pool, Sorenson however opted not to, mostly due to his rather light skin), but this pool day was an incident he would never forget.

It was Samuel Sorensen's first sexual experience. An older sister (for she was only seventeen at the time), had approached Samuel and sat on his lap, musing to why he wasn't in the pool, because he was a very handsome boy.  Sorenson's eyes however where focused right on her cleavage, which was rather noticeable, the girl noticed this and slapped Sorenson, little did she know that the skimpy top that she was wearing was not really suited for quick movement and Samuel Sorenson found himself being beaten across the chest by the woman's exposed breasts. Not knowing how to react Sorenson carefully grabbed the breasts (getting rather excited he might add, causing said woman to jump) and placed them back into the bikini. Now, it must've been the shock that the naive Samuel Sorenson would dare touch her breasts, but the older sister was extremely angry, and she just stared at Sorenson with awe, right before getting up and leaving.

Sorenson at the moment decided that women where to complex to deal with at the moment. He of course found this increasingly difficult as he entered high school and certain secondary sexual traits began to develop. But, Samuel Sorenson managed to make it through, with both his virginity (and right cheek intact). But as he looked at the once beautiful face of Jaime Dibenidetti he couldn't help but think what was the point? You know of preserving it when he was just going to die here and now. Looking at the blow torch, the metal showing Sorenson's reflection, Sorenson came to the conclusion that he was not an ugly man, rather the opposite. The perfect description of the idle Norse man.

What was not ideal of course was how Sorenson had found himself jumping on top of Jamie and ripping off her shirt, she had a nice face sure, but her body was rather lackluster. Sorenson kissed Jamie forcibly, her own blood staining his lip, the broken teeth cutting embedding itself into his lower lip as well. Sorenson could not tell you how hard bras where to undo, he way to focused upon hunger, the hunger to fuck. The hunger to fuck the brains out of this dead woman.

"Well...when you say it that way it seems rather gross..." Sorenson grunted as he continued to squeeze her breasts before squeezing them close to one another with one hand, he undid the zipper to his pants and let his member slide out of said zipper, he then proceeded to shove it in and out of the slit he had created with her breasts, his own penis hitting her chin multiple times, the feeling of control! The feeling of total fucking control!

Fucking control however was something the virgin Sorenson lacked and ten seconds into this, he was done. Fearing of course that someone would find him he brought his now limp member into hi pants, carefully zipped them up and left Jamie there topless and with a large skeet stain on her chin.

Sorry babe...that had never happened to me before... Sorenson thought before leaving the area.

((continued elsewhere))
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