Frederick "Rick" Brea

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MrMissMrs Random*
Posts: 213
Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:39 am

Frederick "Rick" Brea


Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Name: Frederick "Rick" Brea
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Cochise High School
Hobbies and Interests: Basketball, water polo, singing, recording song covers, anime and manga.

Appearance: Rick stands at 5'11 and weighs 186 pounds, with a fit build from playing sports. He has toned arms and shoulders and long legs. Frederick has dirty blonde hair that is cut at the nape of his neck and bangs against his darker blonde eyebrows and drowsy-looking blue eyes. When it is warm out and he is doing something physical he borrows one of his sister's old cloth headbands and wears it to keep his sweaty bangs out of his eyes. He has Swedish heritage and is naturally pale, his skin is tanned with freckles along his shoulders and the top of his chest from prolonged sun exposure. He has an angular face with a thinner upper lip and bigger bottom lip, and a Greek nose.

Rick usually wears casual clothing like jeans and t-shirts, but when he is too lazy to get up and change in the morning his outfits run close to what he fell asleep in, being gym shorts and a tank top or anime shirt with a school sweatshirt over it. On the day of the trip he would be wearing jeans, basketball sneakers, and a white t-shirt and his red school sweatshirt with the Cochise Coyote in gold on the front.

Biography: Rick was born to Aaron and Lisa Brea in 1997 in Kingman, Arizona along with his fraternal twin Isaac. Their older sister, Jasmine, was three at the time. Aaron is a carpenter by trade and has his workshop at home while Lisa, an elementary school teacher, left home for work. Rick and Isaac never had their mother as a teacher, though they went to the school she taught at.

While they were kids, Rick would often find himself following wherever Isaac would lead him, and many of these times would be into trouble, whether at school or home. Though Aaron worked mostly from home because his shop was connected to their house, he paid little attention to watching over the boys and expected Jasmine to do most of the work once she was old enough. However, Isaac would pull constant pranks on their sister, usually making Jasmine fed up and shut her bedroom door, leaving the two to run wild at home until one of their parents were finished working. Whenever they were caught, Rick would take the blame half of the time to diminish Isaac's punishment, but as they grew older and began to branch out in later-on elementary school, Rick began to dislike being involved in Isaac's schemes.

He started to bug his mom about trying to do something to place him and Isaac in different classes, but Lisa could not. Rick would start to grow moody, and whenever they got home instead of playing with Isaac, Rick would flick on the television and watch it in silence, ignoring his twin. This attitude lasted for a few months, until their elementary school made them choose visual or performing arts classes in fourth grade. Rick had been constantly pulled out of activities like martial arts and boy scouts once Isaac had gotten tired of them. Even though some of them he wanted to stay, he never said anything to his parents, until the choice came for him to join school choir. Rick decided that this would be his outlet from living as Isaac's shadow, choosing the chorus while Rick pursued a musical instrument because of his growing interest in playing the guitar.

Choir was where Rick found his own niche. He loved to sing, and pursued it until the end of middle school, which by that point he had learned to read sheet music and sing with the accompaniment of others, like Rick and his guitar. Since he found a hobby that was personally his, Rick's bitterness towards Isaac subsided, and today they are still known to perform duets for school talent shows or for fun.

Rick's relationship with Jasmine also grew closer once the former had entered middle school. Because they had begun to have different school schedules the twins relied on each other less and had more separate friend groups. Jasmine was the first person that introduced anime to Rick as a genre separate from regular Saturday morning cartoons. Though Rick had grown up with Dragon Ball Z and Pokémon as frequently watched shows, it was not until Jasmine began to lend him manga and shows from her own collection that kicked off more of an interest in the medium. She gave him some universally popular titles like Death Note and some of her collection from popular manga artists like CLAMP. Rick would read or watch anything she gave to him, devouring volumes and volumes of manga until he started to pick and choose his own favorites and explore anime and manga available online. He usually follows more popular shows and tries to watch new shows every season.

Middle school is also when Rick joined water polo on a school-unaffiliated team. He enjoyed playing in the water and made some close friends on the team, despite only a few of them going to the same school as he did. When he entered high school, Rick also joined the school's basketball team because the way it is played reminded him a little bit of water polo only on land. In both sports he does not have a particular position he is especially good at, making him usable pretty much anywhere, but that also prevents him from holding a starring role on either team.
When he entered high school was also when Rick was searching around Youtube that he first discovered Vocaloid, a voice synthesizer program. He was impressed with the skill and lyrics composers created, but soon after that, he also found people doing covers of these songs, and inspiration struck. He began to listen and download Vocaloid songs he liked and practice them. First he started with songs that had already been translated into English, but soon he started to attempt to sing them in Japanese, using lyric sites that offered the songs in Romanization. When he got confident enough he would use his computer's microphone to record them, but he did not think it was good enough quality. He did research and downloaded Audacity, bought a proper microphone, and started to sing his covers and upload them to Youtube. He did not get many views starting out because still of the overall poor quality, until he found voice acting tutorials that showed how people had made personal studios to cancel out sound and add better acoustics.

Before his sixteenth birthday, Rick went to his dad and asked if he could build a miniature recording studio in his bedroom for a birthday present. Aaron, always feeling slightly guilty that he was not more hands on with his kids, promised he would. Aaron got help from some other companies he had connection with through work to create a small studio in Rick's room, who now had one to himself since Jasmine moved out for college, relinquishing part of her anime collection to Rick's safekeeping. With the rise in sound and Rick's singing talent, he soon had a decently sized subscriber list that continues to grow. Most of the time he covers his favorite vocaloid songs, along with anime openings and endings, but he has also done covers of more mainstream music. Rick is not very vocal about his Youtube channel, but it is possible people at school listen him under his username alias, Infinicks.

At school, Rick is well-liked for his easy going personality and involvement with team sports and activities. However, his grades are dropping the closer he's getting to graduation. Rick has always not been the best in school, but for the most part was able to keep a B average. Once he reached his junior year, however, there was more of a pressure forced on him to decide which route he wanted to take in his adult life. His grades even then were not enough to get him into a good school, and despite playing sports he was never the star player. His twin Isaac has talked about taking over their dad's carpentry business, but Rick does not want to do that either. He does not know what to do with his life, and as graduation gets closer, the more Rick is not focusing on his studies and his grades are slipping in all his subjects to the C and D range. Most people view Rick as a good-natured but dumb jock, and his parents and coach are only attempting to treat his grades by sending him to multiple peer tutors and after-school programs, but it is not dealing with the main problem is that Rick is scared that he will be stuck in a menial job that he does not want or be forced to live with his parents for many years to go.

Most of the anxiety Rick has he is hiding from his friends and family, even his girlfriend, Abby Floyd. She is one of his many tutors, but despite their differences, Rick feels happy when he is with Abby. She provides him with direction, but never pressures him or mocks him for his failings, which was the basis of his attraction to her. They have agreed to keep their relationship casual, though Rick does not voice how dependent he has become on Abby's kindness.

Right now Rick is just doing what he has done before: continuing to sing song covers, play sports, and go to tutors instead of focusing on his issues with what to do after graduation. He has set up a Patreon account so his fans can donate, but it is not enough money to live off of.

Advantages: Rick is physically sturdy due to his sports, and because of how violent water polo can get he can hold his own in a struggle with someone his size or smaller. Rick also has very few enemies at school, and is more likely to be friendly enough to be accepted into a larger group. Even more so if he was able to team up with his friends or Isaac.
Disadvantages: Rick has little knowledge of survival skills, and is not good at making long term plans. Also, though he does not have many enemies, his brother Isaac does, which might make victims of his twins pranks or bullying less likely to help or even outright hostile towards him.
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