The V1 Read-A-Thon

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The V1 Read-A-Thon


Post by Ohm »

(Original post by RedAstaire)

It was the summer of 2005, the Pussycat Dolls thundered through the radio, we danced to the Black Eyed Peas, the AOL Instant Messenger was used, and somewhere on the internet someone opened a BLUE FORUM OH GOD MY EYES. (sorry naft)

A Battle Royale fan decided to adapt the setting into a newer one with original characters. It was a twist of the setting. Instead of the government being the bad evil, it was terrorists instead. Mr. Danya, Dorian Pello, Achlys, Garnett and many more were born from Kaishi's hand, abducting students for mysterious reasons. The plot was set, and from that point on the whole thing has developed and snowballed into something big.

Let's explore the roots!

Anyone who has interest in reading OG SOTF, post in this thread, so I can randomly assign you a student. You read that student and give a review on the character. That's the deal!

After you've posted your review, feel free to request another one.

It's important to be nice, though! The handlers of the ancient SOTF origins might have vanished, but they are still human beings who don't deserve to be mean to. Character bashing for the sake of being a dick is frowned upon.

Read-A-Thons should be about the FUN! of reading characters of different versions ^^. Since there have been people uncomfortable with scenes in previous Read-A-Thons you have the option to tell me if you'd rather want to not be subjected to some subjects, so that I can avoid rolling you to them.

V1 has a total of 123 characters. Let's go.
1 - Helena Van Garrett (Blastinus)
2 - Sydney Morvran (Blastinus)
3 - Niniko Kishinawa (Flare)
4 - Tayli Vreeland (MurderWeasel)
5 - Gabrielle Minase (Blastinus)
6 - Morgana Vendvmagli (Rugga)
7 - August Masbeth (Blastinus)
8 - Terry Woodard (Brackie)
9 - Cole Hudson (Aura)
10 - Venka Rapler (Blastinus)
11 - Alan Shinwrath (Removed by handler request)
12 - Selene Acton (Blastinus)
13 - Andrew Klock (Removed by handler request)
14 - Kichiro Taka (Blastinus)
15 - Edward Rommel (Cactus)
16 - Jon Tognetti (Pippin)
17 - Mason Lucien (Kermit)
18 - Andrew Lipson (Blastinus)
19 - River Garraty (D/N)
20 - Uriel Hunter (Blastinus)
21 - James Coombs (Blastinus)
22 - Rais Sekth (Aura)
23 - Dahlia Riviera (Kermit)
24 - Jimmy Moreland (Blastinus)
25 - Arturo Villamor (Kermit)
26 - Devi Satome (Yugikun)
27 - Elise Aversano (Randomness)
28 - James Kelecks (Kermit)
29 - Naoji Hideyoshi (Kermit)
30 - Aaron Redfield (Removed by handler request)
31 - Katherine Marks (Cactus)
32 - Blaine Eno (CBP)
33 - Sophie Maraschino (Cactus)
34 - Ash Holmes (Blastinus)
35 - Umi Martin (Blastinus)
36 - Cassandra Roivas (Aura)
37 - Kiyoko Asakawa (Brackie)
38 - Garrett Langston (Blastinus)
39 - Marie Zaid (Persy)
40 - Max McNeal (Blastinus)
41 - Nanami Nishida (MurderWeasel)
42 - Jayne Brown (Brackie)
43 - Hawley Faust (CPB)
44 - Thom Chuck (Brackie)
45 - Waldo Woodrow (Impereld)
46 - Marcus Roddy (CBP)
47 - Duncan Wright (Aura)
48 - Eddie Serjeantson (Blastinus)
49 - Miranda Grey (Rugga)
50 - Daphne Rudko (Bowser)
51 - David Jackson (Removed by handler request)
52 - Cleo Barston (CPB)
53 - Andrew Mutaeneau Polybius
54 - Madelaine Shirohara (Ruggahissy)
55 - Amanda Jones (Blastinus)
56 - Ken Mendel (Blastinus)
57 - Callum Hadley (Aura)
58 - Cydni Pullman (Blastinus)
59 - Jacob Starr (Removed by handler request)
60 - Madison Satomi (Brackie)
61 - Aaron Bourdon (Blastinus)
62 - Shinya Motomura (Endellion)
63 - Jake Driggers (Kermit)
64 - Ian Hargrave (Kermit)
65 - Shoar Wilson (Polybius)
66 - Fred Hughes (Rugga)
67 - Adib Harabbi (Kermit)
68 - Sven Kekule (CBP)
69 - Vince Samsa (Blastinus)
70 - Glenn Hughes (Blastinus)
71 - Kousaka Takeda (Blastinus)
72 - Amber Phillips (Aura)
73 - Luca Donovan (Blastinus)
74 - Chi Masumi (Blastinus)
75 - Kouji Ginsenshi (Aura)
76 - Ai Kurosawa (Kermit)
77 - Johnny Lamika (Blastinus)
78 - Daisuke Andou (Blastinus)
79 - Cillian Crowe (Randomness)
80 - Neville Eden (Blastinus)
81 - Mallory DeLuca (Sansa)
82 - Antonio Franchini (Removed by handler request)
83 - Gilbert Archambault (Kermit)
84 - Jason Andrews (Removed by handler request)
85 - Wednesday Garci (Blastinus)
86 - Vince Noir (Polybius)
87 - Ryan Ashmore (Blastinus)
88 - Jamie Amy Robins (Blastinus)
89 - Arsenio Thanodeus (Blastinus)
90 - Kaleigh Jones (Blastinus)
91 - Shannon McLocke (Blastinus)
92 - Chance Burton (Mimi)
93 - Cassie Webber (Blastinus)
94 - Xian Chun (MK Kilmarnock)
95 - Angharad Davies (Blastinus)
96 - Aiden Ambrose (Aura)
97 - Lyndi Thibodeaux (CPB)
98 - Heather Pendergast (Ruggahissy)
99 - Jill Gatling (Endellion)
100 - Martyn Ferdinand (Catche)
101 - Hannah Juett (Flare)
102 - Clare Shephard (Jilly)
103 - Eh-Sun Choi (Aura)
104 - Dorian Greywood (Blastinus)
105 - Peri Barclay (IceBlock)
106 - Takara Asano (Espi)
107 - Elsie Darroch (Rugga)
108 - Scott Jameson (Tonyksin)
109 - Michael Suarez (Rugga)
110 - Ryan Torres (NAFT)
111 - Toby Valerik (Ruggahissy)
112 - Nevera Aero (Kermit)
113 - Elijah Rice (Flare)
114 - Stevan Hyde (Impereld)
115 - Lucinda Garnett (Blastinus)
116 - Jeremy Torres (Rugga)
117 - Clemence Ceillet de Rousseau (Polybius)
118 - Drew Lynn (Tonyksin)
119 - Angelina Kaige (Blastinus)
120 - Sidney Crosby (Blastinus)
121 - Cody Jenson (Blastinus)
122 - Jack O'Connor (Removed by handler request)
123 - Adam Dodd (BackSlash)
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Blastinus)

V1 certainly was a different time when it came to profile lengths. The amount of time spent describing Venka would fill about a year of a V5 character's life. Combing through it, I found the following information about her:
Other: She's loud.
But you know what's louder? A pitched gunfight! And that's exactly what she wakes up in the middle of, at which point she proclaims:
"Oh my gosh! You guys! Stop right now!"
Surprisingly, this doesn't work, and by her second post, she takes a stray bullet and dies. I didn't really get to know much about her in the short time she was here, but her handler did a good job of making her weakness her undoing.

One more!
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Kermit)

mason lucien

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo let's go!


Hmm so Mason would be considered handsome, but he is an UNWASHED FILTHY MAN! So he's not. Common nicknames used for him at school are "dirt" and "messy". Christ just take a shower dude yeeeesh. also he has dice in his pockets. U N D E R A G E D G A M B L I N G! hey thats illegal mason : (


Apparently Mason's home life is relatively uneventful, and seems to be the usual for messed up kids like him, so i guess it's not relatively uneventful then. TLDR. Mason's mum was like bye family u guys suk! and ran off and then his dad was like ":'-( and became a drunkman and spent all his money on booze except for some money to buy food, buts thats all the money ok. Mason's mum sent them money but then she didn't and Mason became a GAMBLINGMAN at age 10. Mason dressed up in his dad's clothes and ran street-gambling operations as a funny short man named Mace. Mason made like 20 bucks a week, which his dad usually spent on B O O Z E.

Mason's dad get sick and cant work anymore, so Mason starts doing everything and his G A M B L I N G is his household's only source of income which is probably not very good. Mason starts doing some online gambling and STEALS DANYA'S MONEY WHAT THE FUCK.

Also he's handled by Kaishi who is the creator of Vicky D., so thats a thing i guess.

Also, from the profile conclusion: Conclusions: Wait, this kid's MACE21?! The cheating idiot...wonder if he remembers our round of "Craps" online. Whatever, I hope he dies a horrible death. Cheaters never win, especially those who never shower (ha, take that kid!).

wow V1 danya was weeeeeeird



Mason wakes up in Cillian Crowe's starting thread. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Cillian's like, singing happy birthday or whatever and Mason pops out of a bush or something and is like yess, happy birthday to you, cillian. [insert evil laugh here].

EXCERPT FROM MASON'S FIRST POST: "He knew Cillian's type. He already gave in...a weakling to the game. Either that, or the kid was from an insane asylum, or something. He laughed at the thought. As if."

I'm really not a fan of this kind of oohohohoho get it he IS from an asylum *winkwink* look how clever I am type stuff, because well, frankly, it takes you right out of the story and just makes me roll my eyes, and this becomes a bit of a problem with Mason.

Mason's like "yes i will shoot him when i open my bag and get a gun" (but he doesn't have a gun but he doesn't know it ohohohohohohoh *winkwink*). Cillian goes Ahhh! (actual quote) because Mason snuck up on him like a dooooofus and then the voice in Cillian's head is like YESSS BLOOOOOOOD GIVE ME MORE BLOOOOOD YES CILLIAN BLOOOOOOOOOOOD" and Cillian is like do u wanna see my birthday present?

[insert lenny face here]

Mason's like but wait I have a present too and Cillian's like "NO YOU HAVE TO SEE MINE"

Yes...break down the madman by forcing him to beg for it. (re: presents)

oh also I should probably mention that the presents are their weapons, not their PENISES (penisi?), but I digress.

"I want it."


Mason unzips his bag and finds out his weapon was a GPS and is like OOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and throws some bread at Cillian and then runs away.


Mason fucks off to the school, where he discovers the corpses of Sydney Morvran and Tayli Vreeland.

"Or, maybe - Mason laughed at the thought - the girl was carrying in the laptop, thinking she had found a way out of there, tripped, and the laptop fell and broke, and her gun went off, hitting the boy in the lungs. Mason wiped his mouth with his sleeve, snickering all the while. "And then, the girl is crying over his death, instead of getting out of the danger zone. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard."


I really dont like it when this happens.

Heather Pendergast stumbles out of the woods after being shot like 900 times by Dave Jackson and into the school. Mason and Heather sass each other for a bit and then Mason becomes a fucking weirdo rapist pervman.

"My name is Mason. Now, show me that arm of yours, and any other wounds you might have. It might help to take off your clothes so I can help you better." Mason commanded smugly. "Don't think nothing of it, Heather. I'm going to do my best to not hurt you in anyway, alright?"

4 goodness sake mason


Heather's like okay but dont look at my nekkidness"

"Mason winked, letting his hands wander over her thighs to check if she had any leg wounds. "Sorry, but you're going to have to take off your pants, and tell me where all your wounds are."

Christ on a bike no

Heather punches Mason in the face (YES!)

Mason doesn't get the hint.

"Ow!!" Mason cried out, getting hit. "You're lucky I'm a nice guy, really you are." He glared. "I'm not going to force you to do anything, but really..." He rubbed the side of his face with a small sigh. "Don't you know that we might die as soon as we walk outside? Don't you just want to be touched, just once? Or, to touch a boy just once?" He smiled, his eyes slightly pleading now. "You know, I've never kissed a girl'd be my first. My first, and probably my last." His smile turned a little grim as his last words dawned on him. Any breath could be the last. Any step, any sip of water. Anything.

"You must like someone at your school, right? If it'll make you want to, you can call me by his name. I'm sure that you liked someone." He moved a little closer to Heather, his smile softening a little.

Y'know I'm starting to think the present was Mason's dick after all.

Heather's like "no"

Mason's like "NO PLEASE HAVE SEX WITH ME I BEG OF YOU" and Heather is like "no" and then she shoots Mason in the chest a whole bunch. Mason's like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" and Heather gets annoyed by this for some reason, points her gun at Mason's dick, says literally the worst one-liner I've ever read ("Dont Fear the Reaper!") and then fires.

Well I guess Cillian's never gonna get that present after all. Poor Cillian.

Mason's like "BLEEEEEAUGH IM IN SO MUCH PAIN JUST KILL ME :(((((((((((((((" and Heather says the same one-liner again and then shoots mason in hed.

Mason's last thoughts are regretting being a shitty pervertman and trying to apologize to Heather before she shoots him, to no avail. So at least he felt bad about it, I guess.

Conclusion: Mason's mediocre at his best. The constant *WINKWINK* stuff and the sudden turn from gambleboy to pervertboy is just way too sudden. Overall, probably don't recommend.

gimmmmmmmme nother ples
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Pip)

Well Jon is something very special, I'll give him that.

You could probably use his profile as the gold standard for other v1 profiles; a biography shorter than most appearance sections nowadays, a tragic backstory, 'premade player' written all over him. He's 6ft tall, wears a black trenchcoat and pants (and nothing else, apparently, so I'm just imagining The Undertaker from this point on), and is 'very skilled with Automatic Weapons'; this fact isn't brought up in his profile, of course, but then again, very little is. His mum was a M A R S H A L A R T S expert and his dad worked for the CIA so he was neglected as a child. His dad died (the profile doesn't specify how, but I'm imagining it's whilst doing super secret spy stuff), his mum becomes depressed and physically abusive towards Jon. After a few months, she's carted off to a mental hospital, and Jon's sent to live with his relatives, which makes him angry and depressed.

Honestly? Compared to some of the backstories of a lot of V1 up to V3 characters, I quite like Jon's! Sure, he's got a bizarre bit right at the end, where he has a 'Fatal Bond' with someone who never leaves his side (except they never make it to the island, spoilers), and his parents' jobs are pushing things quite a bit. But a kid whose father dies and whose mother becomes depressed and abusive because of it, who then gets sent to live with other relatives and becomes angry and resentful due to that? That could absolutely be done in modern-day SOTF, with due tact and respect.

It's too bad Jon goes inactive before he even makes it to the island, then.

Jon never gets posted with by Wild_Seven, and so is left to be nothing more than Cillian fodder, in a ridiculous and unnecessary onepost death scene. Jon sneaks up on Xian and Ash, thinking about playing. Then, Cillian sneaks up on him! A fight occurs, Cillian gets thrown against a well and fake-cries, Jon lets his guard down, and Cillian kills him. By cutting him up with a cleaver, ripping his heart out, and painting on Jon's face with the blood. Alright, V1. Whatever.

I can't recommend Jon. He isn't a character on the island; he's just a corpse for Cillian to claim.

Another one, garcon!
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Brackie)

Thom Chuck's an uneven experience but at least his profile is a treasure. I present to you the following quotes:
He plays as the power forward, and occasionally as the goalie whenever Clifford is absent. Clifford and Thom are on good terms, but last week, Clifford accidentally spilled a glass of milk onto Thom's favorite black shirt. The stain is still there, but the two are still buddies. But, not as good of buddies as Thom and Waldo.
But, for now, he plays soccer with his mates. He also takes Shao Lin on the side. He does a little yoga, too. He is really focused, and strong, although most of the time Thom doesn't act like it. Thom has been taking Shao Lin since he was 5, because of his parents' encouragement for him to take a martial art. Thanks to Shao Lin, Thom is strong, and owes all his strength and smarts to Shao Lin.
Thom is an all around likeable guy, although he's never had a girlfriend. He once killed a shark after Waldo pulled it up on the dock. And by shark, I mean the baby ones that are only a foot long. Either way, the guy killed a shark, and that's a pretty amazing feat. Thom cooked the shark in his stove. He did it without his parents' help. He was only 11 at the time, and ate up the shark with Waldo. The shark was delicious, Thom noted. He hopes to kill another shark and eat it. Maybe the island will give that chance.
Thom Chuck likes to eat cake. His favorite kind is chocolate cake with vanilla icing. It's almost as good as shark, although he likes the shark way better.
Once, Thom snapped a guy in half. It was an action figure, but still, he snapped a guy in half.
Sometimes, he uses his martial arts for bad. But, only sometimes. Most of the time, he rescues kids from bullies. Once, he rescued a kid named Sam. Sam was getting hassled by a guy named Ian. Thom put the hurt on Ian. He saved Sam. Sam taught Thom how to clean fish really, really well. So, Thom can clean fish really good, and is a good martial artist for his age.
I don't care that none of that would probably pass today that is legit comedy gold, most of it even intentionally.

Unfortunately Thom and Chuck's in-game experience isn't nearly as eventful. They meet up immediately and toss their weapons around for a bit, decide to hunt down Hawley for his shotgun because shotguns are cool, get jumped by Shinya Motomura, upon which Thom screams at him for looking like Sadako, and then they go inactive where the two are immediately ground up into mince meat by the threesome of Peri/Stevan/Shinya. Thom got shot though so at least he didn't get the same fate as Waldo.

As much as I'd love to for the profile alone, I unfortunately can't recommend Thom because of the way their story ends. Read the profile if you legitimately want something earnest and funny to cheer you up though!

Another, barkeep!
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Aura)

Aiden Ambrose is not a character who I am going to hold up as one of SOTF's greatest all-time figures. His writing was spotty at times, and there would be decent stretches of time between his posts that made it seem like things were happening around him instead of to him.

However, I think that Aiden's story is pretty good regardless.

Although Aiden's absurdly tiny three-sentence biography doesn;t give the reader a good feel for him as a character, his actions on the island make up for that. From the beginning of his time in th game where he meets Daisuke and Umi, Aiden is determined to find a way for them to escape. As they gain and lose allies over time, he never waivers from that goal. Most of this i birthed from not only his desire to survive, but his drive to help other people as well.

One thing that I really appreciate about Aiden is that he suffers a lot of setbacks in his plans, and is clearly affected by them. He's shaken after watching Daisuke shoot Minase, he's horrified upon witnessing Andrew's death, and all of the misery he faces keeps building up on his shoulders. But despite that, he still doesn't give up on his goals. This is probably best seen when his group takes severe damage from back-to-back attacks by Daphne Rudko and Jason Andrews, and he forces himself into the role of leader and fights back to make sure as much of their group can escape as possible.

Sadly, Aiden goes inactive, but Dodd treated him very well in his death thread. Aiden dwelled on his losses and failures, but upon finding a girl with a visible injury, he wanders over and tries to see if he can help. Unfortunately, the girl he went up to was none other than Angelina Kaige, who quickly executed him. Even after being beaten down so much by the island, Aiden goes out the way he came in: trying his best to do good.

I would recommend Aiden. His writing may not be top-notch, but he's a likable enough character with a solid story.

Another character, if you please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Kermit)

James Kelecks is like, a normal dude according to his profile. I've got nothing more to say. He's a person who might exist in real life. No frog screaming required.

Now, on the other hand is his island thread.


Why are all the horny kids at the school on this island? Jeeeeez louise

TLDR: InactiveJames is at the school and so is Naoji Hideyoshi and then Clemence is there too and she's like "im not a murderer" even tho she's a murderer and then she seduces James and then they do the sex. Clemence stabs him in the chest mid-fuck and he dies and then she decapitates Naoji with a door somehow. THE END.

More like James Killsecks.

an other ple a se
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Post by Ohm »

(original post by Brackie)

well I guess I can just c/p my wikia comment:

"Much like August and Helena, I wasn't as big on Terry as I was Anya, but that doesn't mean Terry wasn't good - a good chunk of his time with August was a Nyquil substitute, but at least it was variety to the other threads going on at the time. He was mostly normal, likeable, had direction even if a bit sparsely developed, and it's a shame his handler never hung around. Imagine what else he could have done?"

tl;dr Terry's writer wrote Anya. I love Anya. Therefor I'm partial to Terry and recommend him even if his first part is fairly boring.

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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Brackie)

Madison was in the game for two paragraphs and was foddered off to boost a currently-living-on-SC-Mini Jason Andrews' kill count. That's all there pretty much is to her, which is a shame because her profile had promise (well, for v1 anyway).

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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Polybius)

Sacre bleu! It's Clemence Ceillet de Rousseau.

Clemence, for the uninitiated, is a femme fatale ballerina bred from the purest stock of French royalty. Her heart is cold as ice and, of course, she immediately decides that she has to kill all of the dirty plebs on the island so she can go back to being a ballet superstar.

Clemence has twelve threads. That may seem like a lot, but her story is shorter than it appears. Clemence does not actually interact with any characters controlled by other handlers until her eighth thread. Of her first seven threads:
Three are short, mostly useless one-shots
One's just her starting a thread and then leaving one post later,
One is a thread with other people where Clemence enters and leaves without interacting with anyone
Two are one-shots where Clemence slaughters inactives (This is where most of her early-game content is)

So she's not actually that long of a read, even though she starts at day 4 and makes it to 7th place. Writing wise, she's pretty good by V1 standards, but there's still a slew of spelling/grammatical errors and poor attempts at flowery prose. Anyway, I'm just going to go into a summary of Clemence's story because I don't know how else to convey my feelings.

As I said, Clemence spends most of her time just wandering around and killing inactives. Her first kill comes when she strangles a guy to death from behind with a chain. He's powerless to fight back against her super strength, because despite being severely bulimic, Clemence is "all muscle". Later, Clemence seduces another guy and then stabs him to death while they're having sex. When his friend gets stuck in the doorway while trying to escape the building, she kicks the door so hard that it decapitates him.

Eventually she runs into some lesbians and gets into a terrible fight with one of them. Luckily, mute terrorist Elijah Rice shows up and kills the lesbians. Clemence forms an uneasy alliance with Elijah, which leads to some interesting interactions.

"I ask you kindly boy to point that thing somewhere else. Now I have a proposition for you. You can kill me now, defenseless to your awesome wrath, myself lacking the firepower to take you on, or you can join me. Even without a weapon of such magnitude as your own, I have already managed to relieve three of these wretched American's of their pitiful existances. My pitch to you, should you choose to except it is this. Join me I say once more. Together we will be unstoppable. The perfect pairing of death to reign hellfire upon the remaining thirty or so students left alive in this competition. Given a decent weapon I will no doubt prove essential to your survival on this island. It is getting down to the wire. The majority of the filth have been weened from the numbers and it will very soon be coming down to the true test of survival. Together I assure you we will be invincible."

"Come then..." Clemence realized that she and the hulking titan had not properly been introduced... "Well I don't know your name, but I don't need to... I will call you Brutus, because you remind me of a vicious dog by that very name that years ago patrolled the perimeter of my Grandmere's estate... he had to be put to sleep for eating several trespassing peasants, but that is besides the matter. Brutus come, onto the hospital we shall go."

(I should point out that she had a thick French accent before this thread, but the handler must have gotten sick of writing it)

Clemence and Elijah then get into a fight with some kids, which ends when one girl shoots her collar while hugging Clemence's leg, nearly crippling her. Clemence then runs away from Elijah because... I don't know, I'm pretty sure Kaishi just went inactive.

Things get messy from here. Clemence starts randomly hearing an evil voice in her head, and then she stabs a guy, Ryan Torres. In the next thread, the voice goes away but she's suddenly feeling remorse for all of her actions. She teams up with the brother of the guy she killed, Jeremy Torres, to take down Elijah, but literally one post later she realizes Elijah is gone/dead/whatever and tries to kill Jeremy.

After this, her handler goes inactive. According to the wiki, Clemence was actually supposed to be in endgame, but after she went inactive staff swapped her with Cody Jenson. It was all for the best, really. So she's inactive killed by Cody. Her death scene is pretty good. She gets into a fight with Cody after insulting his motorcycle girlfriend, which ends with her bloody death. It's an exciting scene, if a bit dumb at times. A girl with a nearly crippled leg shouldn't be running and kicking people in the chest.

Clemence is by no means a great character, but I actually enjoyed her. There's not much of a story arc or anything to connect to, but she's entertaining in an over-the-top cartoon villain way. She goes downhill near the end after leaving Elijah, but her death scene is good. She's a fun read, and you can get through her pretty quickly.

Someone please roll me another.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Impereld)

Everybody, we can stop searching! I found Waldo!

So he's 15, which I will excuse because V1. There's a spelling mistake five words into his appearance, which I will excuse because V1. He has many bangs that "fringle" his head, which I think is supposed to be fringe but doesn't quite sound right either.

Okay, I'm not going to point out every spelling mistake, but there are a few spread throughout, but again, V1. By those (low) standards, he's actually alright. It's a little irking how an anime club is mentioned in his interests but not in the profile and fishing is mentioned in the profile but not in the interests. But, y'know, the dude ate a shark so that makes up for any and all deficiencies, right?

Then we get to the island and I went on the non-canon thread which was a load of pointless, OOC bullshit so whatever!

Onto Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Part 2: Revenge of the Fortification.

They keep on saying "dood" and I keep misreading it as "dodd" and it's annoying me.

Okay so No-Life King only seems to have actually posted on the first page so I guess this is a inactive kill? The only other thing I have to say is that someone in the thread calls somebody blood boy which I take as confirmation that V1 breaks reality.

I will take another dead kid, please.
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
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B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Kermit)


TLDR: Adib was rich and lived in New Orleans but the he got REKT by a hurricane and then got rescued by the terrorists i guess.

aight. I'm surprisingly ok with this for some reason. It's a fine profile for V1.

SIDENOTE: The mention of a New Orleans hurricane reminded me that Hurricane Katrina has like, a year ago when V1 was going on. Also, 9/11'd been 4 years ago and Kermit was but a wee five-year-old (four-year-old when V1 started). V1 is oooooooooold.

ISLAND: So Adib has one post and he's killed by another one of his handler's kids, but like, it's not a bad post or anything.

Adib walks up behind Hannah Juett, trying to figure out if she's playing or not. oh also he has a halberd. They talk for a bit and then Adib asks Hannah what her weapon was and SHE LIES NOOOO HANNAH! Hannah says she has a brick (SHE HAS A GUN), and decides not to tell him about the gun until Adib proves himself trustworthy. Hannah opens up her pack to get to her map AND THEN THE BAG FALLS OPEN AND ADIB SEES THE GUN OOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Adib rightfully freaks the fuck out because he thinks Hannah was tricking him and was gonna shoot him and then he's like "I AM ANGERY RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and charges at Hannah and they have a tiff and then Hannah shoots him and Adib is rip in peace.

Conclusion: Adib's actually pretty alright for a V1 fodder character. His death was a misunderstanding, which was a rarity for V1, and it's written decently well. Also I'm happy V1's only Arabic character wasn't a crazy terrorist man.

While I liked him, I can't really recommend Adib. He only has one post, which is a oneshot shared with one of his handler's other kids, and if you want to read him you may as well just read Hannah Juett.

Another! (blessed RNG please more short ones)
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Aura)

I was a little leery of Cole at first since his backstory made him look like a premade killer, and his first thread where he declared himself the reincarnation of Triple H didn't really do much to dissuade that. However, as I read on, I was pleasantly surprised to see the route he took in the game.

Cole meets up with Xian Chun, and the two o hem just kind of hang out and talk about stuff, before getting high and talking about stuff. It's all pretty casual and charming, although I'm still not 100% on the romantic undertones suddenly appearing between the two over the course of one conversation. But all in all, the two of them interacting is a pretty nice read.

They get interrupted by Andrew Klock, and Cole fights him in a pretty good scene. Cole gets beat down for most of the fight until he gets Andrew's machete away from him, and even then he still needs an assist from Xian to drive Andrew away. Cole is severely injured after the fight, and his left arm is pretty much completely shredded, but his death comes when Xian removed the corkscrew that Andrew had jammed through an artery, causing him to bleed out as he kisses her.

For such a short-lived character, I think that Cole does his job well. His story is short and compact, and he gets in a good scene before he goes. I'd give him a recommendation.

Another character, if you please.
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Post by Ohm »

(original post by Aura)

Amber Phillips' profile describes her as a girl who was born to a prostitute, lived her whole life surrounded by debauchery, and never learned anything resembling a system of values, rendering her completely amoral. In other words, she sounds exactly like the sort of character who will start killing almost immediately.

Would she have done so? We'll never know, because she went inactive immediately after creation, was never posted with, and was killed off by having the terrorists' helicopter fall on top of her when it crashed.

Well, that was a thing.

But yeah, not recommended, since there is literally nothing to follow.

Another character, if you please.
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Post by Ohm »

(Original post by Kermit)

NEVERA AEEEEEEEEEEEEERO is not a real name i dont think but thats ok!

P R O F I L E:

So the first sentence is "Nevera stands 5'7" and is very good at kicking."

I am enthused by this.

She is apparently easy to get along with but also VEEEEEERY DEEEEEEVIOUS so I'm not really sure which of these is the truth because they kinda contradict each other. Basically, she dresses like a "cool" anime character from the early 2000s, but then again I guess she kinda is because V1 is super fucking wacky ok.

Also: "She has the tendancy to kick alot and also to stare into the distance. She may be lively, but her kicks have left many a scar, even on those that she loves!"

holy shit im in love already.

Kermitkicks the reader (because he loves them too!)

Her bio is a mess and from what I can decipher, she lives in the slums, he parents died, she got adopted by her aunt and uncle, her uncle got CANCER, and also she was born with CANCER and lost the use of her left eye due to radiation therapy. I think she might need to go to a better hospital, maybe one that doesn't treat cancer by injecting radium into patient's eyes.

also she has a weakness for hurt boys.

I S L A N D:

Nevera's narrative describes her as waking up in the school even though SHE WAKES UP IN THE HOUSE-PLACE REEEEEEEEE! She has a dream that she's being chased by murderers (suspiciously apropos), and then she punches the floor because she is ANGERY and hurts her hand. Realism WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Kouji Ginsenshi, apparently coming from the thread "??????????????????", walks in and stares at Nevera for a few minutes and then in a COLDEMOTIONLESSVOICE he says "helo there" like the villain in a bad slasher flick and then Nevera jumps up and ""What do you want, foul beast!?" She said quite unpleasently."

tbh im fond of nevera already
"Kouji looked at her in shock, "Foul Beast!? ME!? But my mom always thought I was cute, never a beast." Kouji replied as he look at the girl."

tbh im already not fond of kouji

oh I take it back I hate both of them

""You really wanna fight, don't you." She closed her eyes and smirked. "Well, it won't be pretty, Mr. Beast!""

Kouji stared at her and held his stance, "Grr.." Kouji growled"

*spiders crawl out of kermit's mouth*

Oh jesus christ this is an anime fight scene. I LIKE MY SOTF NOT BEING A BAD ANIME WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?

fuck it im just gonna post excerpts from the fight scene

"Her darkened eyes glared at his stance and swug her staff at his head.

Kouji was ready for such attacks and dodge the attack quickly.
"I like your style, so have a fighting partner?" KOuji asked mid-air and then landed on the ground behind her.

"No....I work alone." She said with a scowl.

She ran out the door of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Her braided hair flowing slightly as she ran. She really didn't want anyone to help her, or anything. She just wanted to go home. She climbed on top of the counter and hid behind one of the open cabinet doors. She steadied her breathing and held her staff close. She thought to herself, damn, I forgot my bag!

Kouji looked down and saw the girl had leave her bag, "Hmm she left her bag, mm where she go?" KLouji asked aloud, and went towards the kitchen, thinking it was the way she had gone."


Nevera hears Klouji (thats his name now) walking and gets VERY ANGERY and-

oh god what is going on in this thread?

""Why did you follow me here?" She asked throwing her voice to the halls trying not to give away her location. "
*spiders crawl out of Kermit's eyes*

Slayer pops in and is like "Why is Klouji in two places at once and J E R E M Y T O R R E S is here yay! Klouji's just like "calm down u forgot your bag over here" and Nevera's like *mine* and Klouji doesn't notice her and-

*blink, blink* "Uhh where... it go?" Kouji answered aloud after a second. Kouji thought to himself, "Women I'll never understand them."

I'll never understand you, Klouji.

Nevera calls Klouji an idiot and is like "well we got off to a bad start" and also Jeremy isn't wearing a shirt. Klouji stares at Nevera's ass for a bit and then Nevera SMACK HIM IN FACE and Klouji starts talking in Japanese and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh kill me

Jeremy's like "calm the fuck down" and then he and Nevera talk for a bit.

Nevera absorbs Jeremy's quality through osmosis and is suddenly actually kinda okay!

Honestly I like this quite a bit. It's just Nevera and Jeremy doing stuff (Klouji's staring at a wall or something idk) and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh he's here again.

"Kouji stared, "Hmmm food..." Kouji follows the smell, "FOOD!" Kouji jumps at the food."

*Kermits crawl out of spider's eyes*

Some guy named Scott pops in and is like "NO U RNT GONA KIL ME AAAAAAAAAAA" and then tries to kill everyone and gets fucking rekt.

Kouji: ""Grr women, so weird and I want that food.""

Nevera and Kouji have a conversation with food while Scott is beating Jeremy to almost-death with a brick and then Slayer pops in and is like "HOW DID THIS CORPSE DISAPPEAR?" and then Theseus is like "why is kouji so calm jeesus christ?" and then guitarjack pops in and is like "yo u should make a posting order." and then Bloody_fists (scott's handler) is like "I AM ANNOYED THAT KOUJI IS TALKING ABOUT FOOD" and then Jeremy knocks Scott the fuck out.and then Nevera falls over and is also unconscious but wakes up after a second and she and Jeremy have a moment.

Kouji is here again!

""Nice he's getting beat up." Kouji smiled big not really knowing how to react to this, what scream and run or something?"


Nevera's handler: "((OOC: Gin.... You aren't really RPing very well...... I don't think that this site is for you anymore....... maybe Nev should just kill you off now that Kousaka is dead....))"

christ on a bike


Ginsenshi's like "lol k" and Klouji suddenly becomes a SCARY BOY

Kermit passes out and finds himself in the next thread.

blahblahblahblah Kermit skips to the last thread because he's already read Nevera and this review is really long already.

Sidney Crosby the hockeyboi shoots Nevera in the back.


Conclusion: I guess I'd actually kinda recommend Nevera. Like, she starts off shaky (boy does she ever), but once she meets up with some of the more grounded characters, her quality goes up. Read her if you wanna, I guess.
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