Everything In Its Right Place

June 7th, 2018 - one-shot.

Various areas in the city of Washington, D.C. outside the hotel and the National Mall. Any trip threads not taking place in either of those areas go here.
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Everything In Its Right Place


Post by Endellion »

The performance going on at the moment was actually quite a pleasant one, and he hadn't wanted interruptions in the first place anyway, so Julien's phone had been set to vibrate rather than ring. He'd decided to strike out on his own for his last day in DC, so he could take in the things he alone wished to and make his own company for a little while. Strawberry ice cream, enjoying the sights mostly unhindered, and now a jazz bar as the cherry on top. Time well spent, all in all. So it took him a moment to notice someone had called him.

It was nice to hear from her. Not something he'd done enough lately. He didn't listen to the whisper in the back of his head reminding him that she would see right through his attempt to hide the guilt in some dusty corner of his mind.

"As well as it can, mom. You know how it is sometimes. Bringing a slice of home with me, you know, didn't exactly help."

Well, a good night that would be tarnished by one more time being floor-bound. At least he wouldn't have to be awoken by Myles and his excuse for a taste in music again, and maybe he'd be able to catch up on lost sleep on the way back to Chattanooga.

Maybe. He could hope at least, damn it.

Julien focused on the calming serenade. It sounded like... Miles Davis, it had to be. Excellent taste in jazz. He succeeded in fighting back the urge to say that there was a reason why that was the case. Neither of his parents deserved to have to put up with a bout of snappiness. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to actually open up a little more.

"Alright, alright. I've, ah, had a busy week, actually. Saw all the good sights, though Washington memorial was closed. But the axe throwing made up for it."

The image of how she must have looked that was cast in his mind's eye brought a smile to his face. "And I went to the Smithsonian gardens on a date too. It... Yes, it was a good one."

Sierra had made for quite good company there. Seeing her genuinely enjoy being among the roses had assured him he made the right choice, and after that they just took a while to walk on through the art galleries and elsewhere. Taking it all in had been a welcome relief.

Much like this bar, really. As Julien looked around, the calm that seemed to soak into the room made itself more and more apparent. Some of the other occupants did make him feel a little underdressed, sure. But only some. It went a long way towards shattering the notion of exclusivity, to say the least.

Welcoming, easy on the eyes and the ears too; what more was there to ask for? Though... Now he looked a little harder, there was one person in particular who stood out to—

He sighed. "No. There's nothing there to work out." Just his luck. The thing he wanted to think about least of all.

Julien was a romantic, not a moron. If he'd wanted to actually see his hopes tumble down into the irreconcilable distance between them, that necklace would have been anything but a birthday gift that was never given. Setting them aside and choosing just to care had been the best thing to do all along, of that he was still certain. He knew Faith too well to think it could work out any other way.

"Very sure, trust me."

One day, maybe. But that day wasn't to come any time soon. Especially not now. Perhaps it would have been better to do it, with how it turned out; if the ship was going to sink, set it ablaze himself and fall into the ocean on his own terms. But that was just wishful thinking, and not the sort that would bring anything good besides.

She made her choice, and I made mine. Trying to force her hand would have been wrong, to say the fucking least. C'est la vie.

"It's, uh... more of a casual thing. Just to get myself out there, you know? And it seems like it's going well." He made no mention of how tiresome having to keep his lips sealed and his business to himself was, and he didn't need to. It bled out into his voice anyway.

Claire had decided to let it lie, it seemed, and for that he was grateful. Julien would have to give her a hug when he returned; it was the least he could do.

"Jazz bar. And it's a lovely show. Would you, ah, mind if I get back to you later?"

The band up on stage had changed artists now. By the sound of it, they really had a thing for Blue Note. Julien approved wholeheartedly.

"I know," he laughed. "Love you too. See you tomorrow." With his goodbyes said, he hung up, tucked his phone away and went back to his lemonade. It would have mixed well with something harder in his opinion, but rules were rules for a reason, to say the least.

Another cursory look drew his attention back to the man from earlier. Between the black tie look, enjoying the show alongside an empty seat and the hint of disappointment Julien felt radiating from him, a very clear impression formed.

Of course, there was no way to be certain. Perhaps he was honestly just here on his own; that definitely didn't have any precedent, as a glance down at his lonesome self would indicate. His prospective company could just be late too, or simply a friend. On the off-chance it was a date that had jilted him, the stranger who may or may not have caught onto the fact he was being watched might not be in the mood for company.

Not to mention the very real possibility that he was straight.

But Julien was going to make the effort all the same. If it went badly, it wouldn't be the end of the world. If it went well, then some polite company would make the day better. And if the stars actually aligned... a young redhead with all the cute that had been bashed out of Axel's face and the sense of style that Faith, God love her, really didn't take naturally to? How could he even hope to resist?

Glancing at his watch to see how long was left before he had to be back at the hotel, he figured that time was on his side. So Julien put on his best smile, slipped out of his chair and placed his bets.

[ Julien Leblanc, still in Room 707: No Man's Land for now. ]

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