V7 BKA/BDA Voting: July 2019

Each month, SOTF hosts various contests on the site, the most notable of which are the Best Kill and Best Death contests. Winners of said contests receive prizes that will be beneficial to either their character or themselves. Voting for these contests will take place here!
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Latin For Dragula
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V7 BKA/BDA Voting: July 2019


Post by Latin For Dragula »

Welcome to voting for the first Best Kill and Best Death Awards for V7! For those of you unfamiliar, and as a refresher for those returning, here's how this works:

1. In this thread, you may post as an anonymous guest to select one student to receive the day's Best Kill Award, and one handler to receive the Best Death Award. Prizes will be given out in-character for BKA, consisting of a weapon and food, and out-of-character for BDA, consisting of a quote from their character to be displayed on the board index until the next BDA is awarded.
2. You may only vote while logged out. You can identify yourself in your vote if you want, but you may not claim to be another handler.
3. You may only vote once, and you may not vote for yourself in either category. Staff can see IP addresses, and we will check them if we have reason to suspect shenanigans.
4. You must provide reasoning with your vote for why you think your choices deserve the award. Votes with no reasoning will not be counted.
5. Don't be a jerk. You can explain why some scenes are your favorites without tearing others down.
6. Make sure that your answers are clear; please don't use any formatting that might cause votes to be miscounted or left out.
7. Please be sure to read every kill and death before voting, please vote for your genuine favorites rather than just voting for your friends, and please don't campaign for awards in the chat or otherwise try to influence the vote.

With that out of the way, here are your Best Kill and Best Death contestants:

Paloma Salt for killing Abel Zelenovic
Tirzah Foss for killing Toby Underwood
Tyrell Lahti for killing Christine Bright
Nick Ogilvie for killing Beryl Mahelona
Tyrell Lahti for killing Felix Rees
Quinn Abert for killing Violet Quinn
Blaise d'Aramitz for killing Dante Valerio
Justin Greene for killing Benedict Murray (Attack, Death Thread)
Katrina Lavell for killing Yuko Hayashibara

Jilly for the death of Abel Zelenovic
Espi for the death of Toby Underwood
dmboogie for the death of Christine Bright
Cicada for the death of Beryl Mahelona
CondorTalon for the death of Felix Rees
Primrosette for the death of Violet Quinn
Fenris for the death of Dante Valerio
Sh4de for the death of Benedict Murray
Polybius for the death of Yuko Hayashibara

Voting will run for five days. Votes will remain hidden until time is up, and the winners will be declared in the following announcement.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador



yo what it is muthafuckas ram ranch really rocks here with the votes and goats and the totes and the nice boats alright lets get this party started so first up we have the best kill award

this gotta go to paloma for killing abel i mean come on what a way to start things off with a bang amirite fellas holy shit i did not see that coming at all what the fuck is this hootenanny consarnit goshdarnit jumpin jehosaphat steez! not only was it mostly off camera and ambiguous and trez avant garde, it was also set the tone absolutely lit right from go full send out to rice paddies we livin summer bout to be a movie y'all. totally distinguished and unique. shit was crazy yo.

next one is the big dick association scuse me i mean the best death award and this gotta go to Cicada for Beryl because this shit. man this shit was nuts. the google docs thing was the most unintrusive take on a format screw ive ever seen and was relatively tame for a character whose every breath was a format screw in the best way possible. a big clusterfuck around this death too, as someone who honestly realistically would be a favorite (im looking at chu fuckin betting threads) got taken out by motherfucking darlene. a tragic poetic way to go, gun expert killed by an expert fumble. dangerous darlene. beryl btfo'd. hoes mad.

anyyway this has been RRRR with the votes and the goats and the totes and the nice boats see you next time


Post by Guest »

BKA: Quinn Abert for Killing Violet Quinn

Quinn 1, Quinn 0

I've been really enjoying the work that Namira has been doing with Quinn so far. I think her turn to acting as a player was written really well, as a kind of subtle-under-the-surface hostility that openly manifested at the shoe tree first, then once again in a way that led to Violet's death. The verbatim repetition of her greeting "Quinn - Varsity Basketball?" read as a kind of connection between her previous actions and the ones she ended up taking. It was clear immediately to me as a reader - Quinn isn't going to stop! The conspicuous absence of significant qualms about what she's doing is interesting to me, and I want to see how this character ends up conceptualizing their situation and actions going forward. She's distasteful as a person, but in a way that leaves me morbidly curious.

The kill itself was brutal in just the right way, where it made me viscerally uncomfortable but was punchy enough that I didn't feel the need to dwell on it too long. Well done.

BDA: Cicada for Beryl Mahelona
Cicada wrote:It sounded like someone was crying. She felt sorry for whoever they were. They didn’t need to cry.

Sorry Beryl, I absolutely did.

Beryl's death was tragic and senseless, and it was very difficult to accept even as a handler. While the formatting tricks that characterized her posts were very unusual, I found the way Cicada handled it to actually have added a lot to my experience of reading her. It's not often one reads a character wherein every line of their narration manages to evoke their personality and the energy they bring to a story like this, but Cicada consistently did that in spades and her death scene was no exception. The opening and final lines of the post were fantastic bookends to a piece of writing I won't soon forget. I'll miss reading her.


Post by Guest »

BKA: Tyrell Lahti for killing Christine Bright.

The thing I love about close combat in SOTF is the chaotic nature of it and how often you can see out of the box tactics. In this case, faced up with an opponent that's got him on the ropes, Tyrell throws all grace and finesse out the window and just goes for the throat with his teeth. The move is both visceral and incredibly imaginative, and it sets a great precedent for Tyrell's future career on the island. If this is the baseline we're setting, then I'm excited to see what he does in the future.

BDA: Fenris for the death of Dante Valerio

I wanted to give it to Jilly for how unexpected Abel's death was, seeing as it came out of left field and it was so ambiguous as to what happened. But here's the thing: Abel's death happened offscreen, more or less. We catch the last part, but the drama and the character moments have already passed. Drama and character moments are what drew me to Dante's death instead. It's sad, slow, and it pulls at your heartstrings, watching him slowly expire next to Blaise as they put him out of his misery. It's a touching personal moment and you really feel for both of them. There's a connection that isn't matched by any of the other death scenes, and so this is kind of a no-brainer for me.


Post by emoG »

Gonna go with one scene for this one, Blaise d'Aramitz for BKA and Dante Valerio for BDA. Hard decisions to make, I liked a lot this cycle. To me this felt like the most complete scene. Actually kind of fits into the same 'sudden death out of nowhere' as several other deaths approached it but it still managed to sell that feeling, from Dante's PoV, with a complete scene that was mundane in some ways, so I really like that whiplash from casual conversation into Blaise's very interesting, heavy series of thoughts where we get a full profile for them and observe their very twisted grasp of reality. It's a good death that worked very well from beginning of the scene onward and set up a possibly major island player well.
The Gamer Ghost


Post by The Gamer Ghost »


My BKA vote is going to Blaise d'Aramitz for the kill on Dante Valerio. It was a great, emotional scene including Camila's involvement, but the "is it truly a mercy kill or not?" ambiguity on Blaise's part really seals it for me. Therefore I would like to give them my vote.

My BDA vote is going to Sh4de for the death of Benedict Murray. Unrolled kills are always very risky and bold, and abrupt deaths are also risky and bold, but I thought it was handled really well and also made sense for something so out of the blue but logical to happen with dying from a fatal but delayed and mostly invisible injury from a previous thread. It was very tough for me to decide on who I should vote for from this set, but this is ultimately why I decided to give him my vote.
Fuzzy Boy


Post by Fuzzy Boy »

BKA: Blaise d'Armanitz. Blaise is a supremely messed-up individual, and their way of viewing the world and viewing other people in it is so far beyond my understanding and yet I can understand their twisted logic. They're super fucked-up and I still see why they thought their actions were justified. That's in my opinion the sign of a well-crafted killer, chillingly so.

BDA: Dante Valerio. Dante's death ties in really organically with his story up until this point, with his injury and gradual decline until Blaise decides to end it for him. Even if he wasn't rolled, I could absolutely see his story ending when and how it did. It's well-crafted, strikingly described, and his death post is my personal favorite of the day.
RIP Candy Ferocity


Post by RIP Candy Ferocity »

Best Kill Award: My vote for the first BKA of V7 goes to Tyrell Lahti for the murder of Christine Bright. Tyrell is already proving to be a very complex individual on Day 1, and his attack and murder of Christine was quite a surprising turn. It's somewhat rare to have such a brutal death this early, but I think it's a clever and unique idea for an early kill. After all, it's effective, and it clearly worked in his favor. I think it's also the damning move that will really make Tyrell's story interesting, especially since this kill leads to him killing Felix and ending Day 1 as the top killer. I think earning the BKA will lead to some interesting choices, so I hope he's the one to receive it.

Best Death Award: There were a lot of good deaths this round, but my vote goes to Fenris for the death of Dante Valiero. Poor, poor, Dante. It was sad to see him get hurt so early, but I loved that there was a real peace and dignity to his final moments. He has a genuine chat with Blaise that feels almost more like they were soldiers who trained together and are now meeting their end on the battlefield. It's quite a surprise that Blaise mercy killed him, and Dante seems surprised as well. It makes the death feel conflicted, but cautiously optimistic. Things won't be easy for Blaise going forward, but I think with their handling of this scene, Fenris proved that they have a lot of promise going forward, and I think, even though his time was short, Dante would be great for starting off our scrolling quotes for V7.
Ziggy Stardust


Post by Ziggy Stardust »

Best Kill: Quinn Abert for killing Violet Quinn. This scene is a really nice culmination of the setup that goes back to Quinn's profile establishing her as someone who struggles to connect with others, feels like her life is largely out of her control, and has resorted to violence to solve her problems in the past. It's half premeditated and half a kill of opportunity, with a dash of slightly excessive force to make sure that she accomplishes her goal, and I think it does a great job of setting Quinn up as an interesting villain in the early stages of the game.

Best Death: Fenris for the death of Dante Valerio. Dante has "doomed nice guy" written all over him, but his death is still painful for how it seemed like he still had a chance, and that chance was taken away from him in the guise of mercy. Even at the end, he still wants to believe the best of his killer and all of his classmates, and that pretty well sums up why it makes a lot of sense for him to die early on, and caps his character off nicely.


Post by TeamChaotixFan22 »

For Best Kill, I'm gonna go with Blaise d'Aramitz for killing Dante Valerio. The main reason I got behind this kill is because I pretty much got that Blaise was going to kill Dante shortly after they entered the thread, but the lead up to the actual kill and Blaise's actions in the immediate aftermath made every beat of the scene hit just as hard as if I had come in unaware of rolls. Really comes down to some great writing on the part of all involved to take something that should have felt somewhat clinical and making it feel extremely personal.

For Best Death, I'm casting my vote for Beryl Mahelona. This one not only gave me the sad feels but also left me thinking about it for a while after the fact. Though I'm sure the integration of the external docs was not to everyone's taste, I personally enjoyed the format break and felt it helped give the impression of the brain dying, and shooting off in a zillion directions in Beryl's final moments. Definitely the standout for me.
Holy Captcha Knight


Post by Holy Captcha Knight »

BKA: Quinn vs. Quinn

Basically, this is the kill that made me take a step back, wince, and go "Brutal," the hardest, with the follow-up kick of the stake. We had a really strong batch of kills and deaths overall this round, but this one interests me because of the way it plays with staging, pacing, and responsibility. We, as readers, are aware that Quinn is bad news--we've seen her try to strangle Katelynne to death by now--but Violet isn't quite sure. She has a bad feeling, an edge of mistrust, but but is it enough to act on? Ultimately, the answer is yes, which I enjoyed. Violet goes through a whole range of justifications and thought processes, quickly escalating from warning shot to "I'll just graze her," and the crazy thing is it shows how easily things could've gone the other way, how easily Violet could've messed up and cut Quinn down for terrible reasons. It almost, almost leaves her in the wrong.

And then Quinn stakes her and kicks it in for good measure, and we remember who we're talking about here.

Just a very nice progression overall.

Honorable mention to Palmoa and Abel, by the way. It was a wild, gutsy, and very shocking opening to the version, and is I think my favorite first-unrolled-kill/death ever. Espi has come incredibly far as a writer and I am super duper pleased with the gutsiness it requires to take that sort of risk. The execution was spot on, the beats impeccable, and it was a very very hard call to make. Both scenes are incredibly worthy.

BDA: Benny Drops Dead

So I managed to not be spoiled going into this one and whoa did it catch me off guard. We've seen a lot of cool, unexpected, sudden things this version, but the abrupt fall of Benny hit me particularly because of the way he'd been played before. He tread a fine line for the duration of both of his two threads as to just how badly hurt he was, making use of his perspective and his belief that he was doing okay to mask the erratic actions and speech he displayed. This ruse was especially successful because of who Benny was--the guy who sneaks off at a party to huff paint isn't exactly the sort we expect to be the picture of coherency and calm planning, so it's easy to think he's just being his (mildly concussed) wacky self.

I don't think I'm quite doing justice to how nice the pacing here is. The thread rolls along perfectly normally, calling back to Pregame, developing leads and arcs, and then just like that Benny's dead. I legit thought maybe he was faking at first. I was as thunderstruck as Bert and Camila, and the only criticism I have is that now that he's on the death order nobody will ever be quite as beautifully caught off guard again.

Honorable mention to Chris Bright. Chris' death made use of a device I have heavy misgivings about in most circumstances, but due to her unique personality and the clever intercutting manages to turn the fantasy/reality juxtaposition into a really cinematic, tragic experience. I don't watch Game of Thrones, but I feel like if I did this is what I'd want to see from it. It takes quite a bit to do something cool with a character who has no Pregame and immediately gets rolled, but Boogie can pat himself on the back for making Chris feel like more than an extra.
Another handler


Post by Another handler »

Bka: tyrell for killing chris.

It was a brutal scene the terrorists probably wouldve chosen because of the violence as well as tyrell being such a chaotic dangerous mess, so them giving him more deadly weapons to cause mayhem would make sense. It was such an impulsive, chaotic hyperescalating scene that stuck out for me. Also throat biting is hella memorable.

Bda: I am really torn between beryl and felix.

Felix was more emotional to me, beryl was more like beautiful art to me. I like the effort and the artistic constructionin beryl, felix‘s death had a beautful scene and felt natural and brutal and more desperate. It is heart vs. brain for me.

I‘d like to vote both, but if that is not possible I will vote felix based on him having more impact on me personally.
Another Voter


Post by Another Voter »

BKA Vote: Blaise d'Aramitz for killing Dante Valerio


There have been a fair few kills that relied upon both surprise and tension in scenes during Day 1, and all of them have been really well executed by the handlers, shoutout to both Paloma & Tizrah for that. But Blaise's kill really stood out to me due to how well it was built up in terms of their emotional state, and with excellently blunt pieces of foreshadowing like "They were staring at a dead man. They just couldn't accept it.", which helped bring one into an almost sympathetic state with them despite their actions. Alongside that, their acknowledgement of how likely it was they'd be hated for their actions, and moving on from the kill in particularly interesting ways only helped sell the impact of the scene.

BDA Vote: Cicada for the death of Beryl Mahelona


Beryl's death was not only a wild power move, given both the level of work that went into it, but also an incredibly well constructed death post in and of itself. I personally chose to read it in order of not clicking links -> clicking links -> re-read with edited docs, and it gave me a real sense of Beryl lamenting and revelling in her decisions and memories as she passed on, specifically with her own criticism of her actions on her death bed being incredibly potent, and giving a great feeling of misery and self loathing.
Totally Not a Furry


Post by Totally Not a Furry »


First of all, v7 is starting off strong. Reading all these deaths and kills in succession is heartbreaking, so props to everyone involved for being rude and making me sad. Thanks, I hate it.

My honorable mention is going to Paloma Salt, because not having the "camera" on the actual fight and just hopping to the results is a bit of genius writing, and the fact it happened like, right after the round started gave it OoC hype that really gave v7 that strong start I mentioned earlier. Paloma gets the 0-100 hypothetical award for being so Ready to Play.

My actual vote is going to Tyrell Lahti for killing Christine Bright, because damn. Since he woke up he's had this arc that seems to point to this... inevitability that something tragic would happen? The tension, the wanting to walk away but also wanting to feel justified in fighting, it's all good stuff. In the end, Tyrell and Christine were both just two dumb kids who locked themselves into an impossible situation. I'm super interested in seeing more of Tyrell's adventures in island hell, especially since he has a whole ass girlfriend who probably won't be too happy with what she hears on the intercom.

I'm dying to know what's next, and being a compelling killer? That's tough to do.


There is a reason that reading all the deaths up for vote is important, because ding dang dong there was so many contenders.

My honorary mention is going to dmboogie for the death of Christine Bright, because fairy tale narratives are my jam and so are people hyping themselves up to be more than what they are, and it had plenty of both. I felt cheated out of threading with Chris, and wanting more time with a character you hadn't been caught up with up until that point? That is pain, y'all.

I hope you get to mack on all the lady princes in heaven, knight of the round.

she didn't want to hate but there was no one to adore, like. Bruh. What a line.

My vote is going to Cicada for the death of Beryl Mahelona, because come on, a death loop? Writing out an edited version of your posts with your character's perceived mistakes being corrected? This was maximum effort for maximum results, a highlight reel of what made the character so special and a big glowing sign saying PRE-GAME MATTERS. I legit felt bummed I wasn't in pregame, y'all.

And being paralyzed and not being able to have the dignity of getting your point across? The fact that it was a total accident? Her ex-boyfriend killed her, for Pete's sake, this was horror on tragedy mixed with some agony, and yet it's not overkill. Imagine me shouting all this, because that's how passionately I feel about this vote. I really want Cicada to get their props from this!

Okay. Let’s just make one thing clear here.

You tried your best and it wasn’t good enough, that’s one thing.


You were never trying. And you deserve this.

Y'all I'm going back to bed dis tew much.
Elvis Freshley


Post by Elvis Freshley »


Tirzah: I personally enjoy this scene for both OOC and IC reasoning. As an OOC scene it resonated me in terms of the pure emotion of Tirzah and how off guard Toby was put in the scene. It takes some effort to take the weight away from the one dying and it not have a bad taste in your mouth, for me this scene accomplished it. From an IC perspective I think it was touched upon in chat how this could be used in a prologue, I think it fits the terrorists MO. This was a prom date killing a prom date day one and not in any sense a mercy killing. I liked it a lot and I think the AT would as well!


Cicada: Kinda resentful I have to provide reasoning since this death speaks for itself, but I think when something is produced with such high level artistry, intelligence and obvious effort than it should be rewarded. Beryl was one of the unique voices of v7 proper and that will not change, her posts were always interesting to read and while never fully clear, opaque enough to always make an impression. Her presence on the island is something that we for sure were robbed of and that makes her death have so much more weight and resonance. I think this was, hands down, the best written death of this cycle and honestly it will be hard to top in deaths to come. How many deaths do we have that really benefit extensively and lend themselves to rereads? I still don't fully understand Beryl's memories and thinking leading to her death and yet don't feel jobbed. A great work by Cicada from start to finish that left us wanting more. Good luck picking a Beryl quote!

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