How Far I'll Go

One-shot, Day 1, between Tapped Out and If I Had Two Faces, Would I Be Wearing This One?

Once one emerges from the thickets of the lower wilderness, they will finally lay their eyes on the beach. The beach is formed from beautiful golden sands and still provides a scenic view to this day as waves delicately lap at the shore. At the top and center of the sand is a fenced off area made up of wooden decking and carpet that features elaborately carved wooden chairs that at one point in time sat proudly under umbrellas. Now, though, many of them have been knocked over by the winds of the island. The other noticeable feature of the beach is a large amount of washed-up shoes that have been brought in by the tide.
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How Far I'll Go


Post by Maraoone »

((Diego Larrosa continues from before the day is done, my prince is gonna come))

The ocean found Diego more than he found it. A journey provoked by a restless failure at sleep brought him away from Stephanie and, inevitably, it brought him here. She would be fine. They had settled behind a bush, some way away from the dirt path in the woods, and he would find his way back, and Stephanie would be safe while he came out here. And this was true, and he knew it to be true, because if anything more happened to Diego tonight, if he had to deal with any more trauma, any more permanent memories, he would drown himself in the ocean.

That wasn't just hyperbole speaking.

In the distance, something bobbed in the ocean. And if he drew a straight line from the thing to the shoreline, he would find a series of dark blotches, small circles lining up from the shore to one big circle.

Is that how Chris looked like now?

The image caused him less panic than expected. He did not feel the terror, the adrenaline that had ripped and clawed at his throat like it had at the pier. Merely a slight quickening of the heart as he regarded the object— person floating. Mostly because the thing, whatever, whoever it was, was far away, indistinct, a vague shape in the middle of the ocean. He was sure it wasn't Chris because there was no pier in sight, thank God. But a part of him whispered that maybe it was because he had already become inured to the sight of violence, that the Diego he had been the previous sunrise was different from the Diego of a few hours later. And he had no reply ready to this part of him.

The matter of his innocence also wasn't what had brought him here. It had been, as always, the ocean, this mass his mother told him he was supposedly connected to. This mass that had taken him 18 whole years to personally witness. It lapped slowly, languidly at the beach, inviting him in, as if a friend, asking him to come with. As if it hadn't tried to envelop him when he was in the midst of sleep and waking, as if it hadn't mocked him, grabbed at him at the pier.

You could make a metaphor out of anything if you tried, and the ocean had a million metaphors attached to it. His mother usually called the ocean a new horizon, a new future. The future Diego was supposed to have after his graduation, a new start in a new nation. In older times, she had described the flight she had taken to get to America, how she had spent fifteen hours over the Pacific, over a never-ending blue. In a brief ten-minute prelude, before the months spent on the founding and early years of America, Mr. McClellan had briefly discussed how humans had colonized the entire world, how early humans had set out on boats to colonize Oceania, crossing entire oceans to do so. It had been the one time in the entire school year Mr. McClellan's class had actually interested Diego.

What his mother, his history teacher, the books never stressed was exactly how it was to cross those oceans. Days, weeks spent in the midst of blue, spent floating in nothingness, starving, thirsty, sunburnt, unsure of whether or not they would even end up anywhere. There was every chance this shot in the dark would be just that, a shot into the void, sent astray by currents until those involved would waste away.

And that's what it was to Diego. The ocean was his future, and it was the mass, the expanse, the never-ending, immeasurable, impassable blue separating him from that future. And this, he realized, was the ocean's invitation. Not an attempt to swallow, but an invite to overcome. The ocean could still be that new future.

If he worked towards it.

Maybe not now. He didn't want it to be now. But if a few hours had been enough to numb him, then maybe, given a few days, he would be prepared for what was to come.

He removed his socks and shoes, setting them aside from all the other shoes scattered across the beach. And then, he stepped into the ocean, slowly, feeling with his feet for any rocks in his path. It felt nice. Like an actual, physical embrace. He waded up until his chest, and then stood still for a while. His gaze all the while was either to the side or down below, never in front, never where he could catch a glimpse of whoever it was floating. He stood there, enjoying the feeling, and then he found his way out. He wished to linger, but he didn't want to risk his companion waking up without him, wandering off in search of him. He had to go.

In the morning, the two would wake, Stephanie more well-rested than Diego. The former would ask about the salty scent, the slight dampness on the latter's clothes, and the latter would reply to pay it no mind. And then they would depart, hopefully to never see the ocean again.

((Diego Larrosa continues in Gimme, Gimme Shelter, or I'm Gonna Fade Away))
[+] the youfs
S050: June Madison is just trying to get it together. She is rolling a pearl.
Previous Threads: Help I'm Alive - Come Out, Juanita, Don't Let Me Wait - Dum Spiro Spero - Everyone's Asleep In The House But Me - Daylight - keep looking forwards on paths sideways - Vultures - Ego Te Absolvo - Shawn's Marvelous Medicine - Medically Ineffective Intervention - no one knows where the ladder goes - I just can't help myself - Color In Your Cheeks - The Long Way Down - Trespasser - I'm going where the cold wind blows - One Last Roll in the Dark - Arrow - V8 Rescue
Pregame: When The Moon Hits Your Eye

S069: Valentin Shulgin (adopted from yugi punished kun and salic) needs you to try your best. He's ran out of time in Далеко бежит дорога. [31/134]
Previous Threads: Murphy's Law - The Human Element - Mediation - Valentin Takes A Bath - the results of Valentin's experiment - Faire et Refaire - Well, I'm tired of losing - et Refaire et Refaire et Refaire - 28 Ghosts IV

S072: Przemyslaw Ziemiak (adopted from rc) is bettering himself. He finally got to see the stars in Blind Faith. [70/134]
Previous Threads: Romans 6:23 - Wendy House - Possession - Evening / Morning - She said, "Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred." - I daydream until all the snow is gone
[+] V7
B083 - Diego Larrosa - Palayain mo na ako. - He didn't want this. say goodnight to the bad guy [10/159]
Current Theme Music: Devil Town (v1) - cavetown
Weapon: Tactical Combat Shovel
Previous Threads: Love & Money - before the day is done, my prince is gonna come - How Far I'll Go - Gimme, Gimme Shelter or I'm Gonna Fade Away - no one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed - Still Waiting - Hell is Other People - RICH_BOY_LIKES_IT_ROUGH.MP4 - I Don't Wanna Be Myself - The Bell Tolls For Our Funeral - The Gang Goes Out For Breakfast - Untrust Us - Crimewaves - Love itself is just as innocent as roses in May - Will All Be Forgiven? - black eyes looking up from below - Silent Key - it's ok we're just scared - life's alright in devil town - Beyond Human (Barely Human) - And Now Those Days Are Over and We Are All Ghosts - The Ultimate Test of Cerebral Fitness - Ang Pagbibinata ni Diego Larrosa - perverse verdict - Madness in the Method - park the car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
Memories: Hiya sa Timog

G013 - Yuka Hayashibara (adopted from Ryuki!) - Does it spark joy? - She fixed up her look in one of a kind [46/159]
Current Theme Music: Play With Me - DDLC OST
Weapon: Bug-A-Salt Camofly 2.0 Insect Eradication Gun
Previous Threads: Quintessential Thinking - I Pray to the Lord You Reveal what His Truth is - all of our heroes fading - now i can't stand to be alone - Incredible Adventures - there's a pale imitation burnt in my eyes - Red Of Tooth And Claw - The Fifth Announcement - Low Times - Party Like It's 1999 - Hell and You - We're All Excited, We Don't Know Why, Maybe It's 'Cause, We're Gonna Die - Ron Gets a Bath As Well, Whether He Wants To or Not - No Exit
Pregame: In Vino Veritas - Shake It Out
Memories: Hayashibara Heart to Heart
Prom: Fear and Delight
Trip: Room 832: Welcome to the Witching Hour

G052 - Joanne Coleman (adopted from Cicada!) - I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart. - She tried to do something in Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death [116/159]
Current Theme Music: When You Die - MGMT
Weapon: George Hunter High School mascot costume
Previous Threads: hold on to this lullaby - Don't Stray Off The Path - D.R.E.A.M. - I'm Not That Nice, I'm Mean and I'm Evil - we keep these promises, write it in a letter
Pregame: You did not break me. I'm still fighting for peace. - Desperate Times - Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown - Do You Have The Time - i'm so 3008
Memories: I'm alright. I'm just fine. And you're a tool, so. - Make A New Cult Every Day

G075 - Aditi Sharma (adopted from Brackie! and somer!) - She failed in Yellow Light [88/159]
Weapon: Browning Hi Power 9mm
Previous Threads: Pandorama - Antisocial Darwinism - My Lucifer Is Lonely - They Couldn't Buy A Fucking Toaster. They're Broke, John.
[+] V6
V6 Characters:
G062 - Olivia Fischer prayed a thousand prayers in Ye Not [37/107]
Previous Threads: Sæglópur - Until all our yesterdays are lighted fools... - the way to dusty death - a concrete cave - I'd Say That I've Had Worse Days, but Then I'd Be Lying - Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying - Until Then, You Are Free - Cast in the Name of God
Memories: Sometimes when we reach for the stars...
Weapon: Lobotomy pick.
[+] V5
B045 - Juhan Levandi - An Estonian wanna-be journalist with a fear of the dark who wanted to bring them all down in Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien [18/152]
Weapon: Party Bag (contains a noisemaker, party hat, two single-serving bags of candy, and a Hotwheels car)
Pre-Game Threads: Wiping All Out - Quixotic
Previous V5 Threads: Despair - The Real Folk Blues - The two people in the distance were Paulo and Becca - Mischief Managed - Sleeper Cell - Tell No Tales - So, How Was Your Day? - And I'm Not Sleeping Now - Intermission - Glass - A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy
G067 - Carmina Maliksi - A Filipina car junkie with a /slight/ obsession with Korea and Japan who has finished things up (somewhat) in Red as Blood [139/152]
Weapon: Non-Functional Flamethrower (left in the Clubhouse)
Previous V5 Threads: Finding Center - Wish I Could Breathe - The Visionary
Memories: Offended?
B054 - Oscar Trig (adopted from Greg the Anti-Viking) - An artist who desperately needs a pencil, paper and a cigar and thought with his heart in Fumble [76/152]
Weapon: Binoculars
Pregame Threads: Taking it to the Streets
Previous V5 Threads: Waking Up at the Beginning of Time - Steadier Footing - Handoff
[+] misc
[+] meirl
new resting place for chatsig never forget 2018
give my v8 kids friends pls

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