Surface Tension

Oneshot, updated with Tragedy of the Commons

Unlike the east side of the village, the west side of the housing has remained in much the same condition it was left in. The houses here are all in the same state as they were when they were first built, the identical houses all sitting in identical rows with the only difference being their color. The interior of the houses all share the same layout, with a shared living area/kitchen and a separate bedroom. The state of these rooms is surprisingly clean and consistent throughout the western side of the village as well, with all the beds appearing to have been made and the houses tidied, with chairs tucked into the kitchen table before the residents departed.

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Surface Tension


Post by BlizzardeyeWonder »

[Camilla Bell continued from Hell is Other People]

When she realized spitting out parts of her teeth was hardly the worst thing to happen to her, she knew the day would not end well. Camilla had to admit there was nothing like getting chased by a murderer to wake one up, for as long as you were getting chased anyway. It would still be nice to sleep, though. If only she could find somewhere unassuming, maybe barricade herself in a- oh who was she kidding, she was on the business end of a barricade twice and both times it didn't go as planned for either of them.

She assumed, anyway.

Even though she knew Justin wasn't chasing her, Camilla couldn't help but look over her shoulder with every snap and thump she heard. It wasn't necessarily Justin she was watching for. But who would care enough to want her dead? Justin, apparently. But he gave up the chase after she got out of the infirmary, so he didn't care all that much it seemed, aside from what one hit to the face that- that hurt, yeah. It didn't seem all too bad, though. It probably wouldn't kill her, and nothing else seemed broken. That should have been good news.

Yet, she still argued with herself over whether she should live another day. The idea of being dead sounded a lot better than the part where she'd actually have to die.

Just to be safe, Camilla put her ear to the door of the house she was about to enter. No sound. She opened the door slowly, and walked in, with more hesitation than she really wanted or expected.

The first room had something on the floor, that trailed like she thought blood would, but it didn't seem like it was blood. It trailed towards another room, and the couch.

It would be dumb to announce her presence. It would be dumb to not announce her presence. Oh God, what should she do?

She mouthed a prayer as she slowly, quietly, followed the trail.

Camilla gently opened the door.


Camilla knew she shouldn't have done it, she shouldn't have touched anything, like the sign said. Yet, here she was. Once she placed the sheets back over what was left of Bert's face, she backed away from the bed.

Henry... he hadn't called. It would have been a disaster if he called while Justin was there, wouldn't it?

But seeing Bert like this...

Her fingers curled in on themselves as they grasped the walkie-talkie, and worry seeped through her voice.

"Henry? Are you there?"

The silence could not have been much longer than a couple of seconds- could it?

"Y-yeah, I'm here. What's going on?"

Camilla would have sighed in relief, if Henry didn't seem so... shaken?

"I... Bert's dead, I don't know who did it. I was calling to check in on you."

"Damn it." Another moment of silence, before she heard a breath. "Things are... not good here. We just lost Ariana here. Marco did it. She shot him, but he got away."

Marco, she remembered hearing that name. That guy obviously wasn't there now, but if he just killed someone then...

After a pause, Camilla asked "Are you okay?" and hastily added "Physically."

"I'm fine. Not hurt," came his answer. "Are you alright? You don't sound good."

Was she talking weird?

"Well... I ran into Justin. Greene. I got hit in the face, but I don't think anything important's broken."

"Oh. Justin's playing the game too, then? I'm glad you got away. I think - I think things are getting worse."

No kidding. "Seems like it to me. Justin, he- he killed Benny day one. Well..."

What was there to say to that? What was there to do about it? Well, she could say that.

"Now what are we gonna do?" she asked.

"I don't think we can just sit by and let this happen," Henry declared, stability returning to his voice, only for it to take a darker turn. "The faster they kill people, the less time we have. The really bad ones, the people who're enjoying this..."

He wasn't...

"They have to go."

He was.

"...player hunting."

The shock in his voice when he heard of Max's plan flashed in her mind. That was not two days ago, was it?

"Unfortunately. I've spent the last three days trying to figure out what else I can do. I even thought of taking this thing apart to see if I couldn't jury-rig something to get these collars off. I... I can't. We can't save ourselves. We have to buy the rest of the world time."

For a rescue? They couldn't count on it, and Camilla was sure Henry knew that too. But there was always a glimmer of hope, wasn't there? And besides, the killers, they- this was injustice. The cruelest of them all got a haven for their twisted desires and it was always the good people that suffered for it. It didn't feel right, or natural. Not after- Beryl of all people, she was dead on the very first day, that shouldn't be.

Bert... she wasn't on the announcements. How did she know that the gardening club, that they weren't dead, by the hand of one of the killers?

"That..." she took a deep breath in. "I understand that. So... that's our only option, then?"

"I think we have to realize this is going to get worse before it gets better. If it gets better," If. If we can gather as many like minded people, see if there's any way to slow things down - that's the best we can do."

It was the only option, then.

Camilla wasn't capable of it anyway- not in the physical sense. In the mental sense... she wouldn't be, she knew it. She could barely hold herself together to have a fucking conversation with some classmates at lunch back at school.

"...I see. I'll- I still don't have a weapon myself, but if you're gathering people together, I'll try to find you. Where are you now?"

"We've got two guns, I'm not sure what else. I'm with Jackson and Aurelien, I dunno if you know either of those guys. We're near the Shoe Tree, you?"

She might have heard the name Aurelien, but she couldn't say she knew anything else. "I don't know them, no. I'm at the village, west side I think."

"Okay. Things are still a bit... It was really messed up, Cam. I hope Ross doesn't see this. So 'we lost Ariana' wasn't the whole story, but it was unwise to push it any further, she felt. "Let me talk to the other two, see if I can get them moving. I'll get back to you in a few minutes. Stay safe."

"You too," she replied. "I should- I'll get moving too."

She'd be heading north then. Better than staying in this house- even though Bert's head was covered again, she couldn't get the image out of her head.

Camilla wondered if that was what would have become of her, if Justin caught her.

"Alright. I'll let you know once we're good, and we can meet up somewhere."

There was cackling, and Camilla put the walkie talkie away.

Her hand on the door, she took one last look back at where Bert was put to rest.

She wondered why it was her- why it was Beryl, why it was Regina. She'd heard the line about picking beautiful flowers so many times and it was hard to not be reminded of it, but it didn't give her comfort. It made God seem so selfish, taking the brightest lights for himself when the darkness closed in all around his children, when they prayed and cried for some form of mercy. For nothing. Their pleas fell on ignorant ears.

Yet, who was the first person Camilla turned to when she saw someone barge in with a gun? Who was the first person she turned to when a murderer knocked at the door?

And she got to live, that first time she prayed for life. And she had strength, when she needed it.

Damn it all. She would have mouthed a prayer on her way out of the house, but she refused to open her mouth at all.

[Camilla Bell continued in Evolving]
[+] V8 - CURRENT

Meena Lalita Kumar
the dreaded SI
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Crying in the (music) club
>Homecoming Start: Dying Clean And Pretty
-->Homecoming Status: It's worse fresh (ish) off a breakup
>Game Start: It's Lights Out, And Away They Go!
-->Game Status (FINAL): The future sucks.

Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves
#1 princess and voca-tuber in the whole wide world
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Trying and failing to share manga
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: spawn more overlords!
-->Game Status (FINAL): A star has fallen.

Iliya "Liya" Polaris - DEAD
rebelling against a traditional Wiccan upbringing
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Some things are more important than a party
>Homecoming Start: Guys and Dolls
-->Homecoming Status: don't tell anyone this but she was actually one of the raccoons
>Game Start: A Question of Faith
-->Game Status (FINAL): The spirit was weak.

Daniel Ozanne
poker twink
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Uncomfortable questions
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha
-->Game Status: breaking down but trying to help
[+] V7
[+] Meilin
Meilin Zhou (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: life observes itself
-->Pregame Status: Waltzed out a party with her crush
>Prom Start: Fancy Meeting You Here
-->Prom Status: Taking a dance, taking on the world
>Trip Start: The Best of You
-->Trip Status: Running away from an eyeful of NSFW
>Game Start: Rise Great Undead Lord Dread
-->Game Status (FINAL): Stop hitting yourself

"No sun to rise would be okay with me... Everyday, every day is okay"
[+] Camilla
Camilla Bell (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: Who's Turn Was It, Anyway?
-->Pregame Status: Had more than her fair share of revelry
>Prom Start: Early in the Morning
-->Prom Status: Ditching the drama for blues
>Trip Start: When I'm Gone
-->Trip Status: Preemptively homesick
>Game Start: Bloom Nobly, in a Transient Life
-->Game Status (FINAL): Loved to death.

"A voice in her head, a voice in her head, screaming all the words that were left unsaid"

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