Mark Mare

Throughout V4, several characters were withdrawn or else failed to be confirmed for the roll-call. This board includes withdrawn characters who were at one point approved, as well as all characters who were assigned a number and weapon but did not actually enter the game (some of these double-up from the Pregame roster). By and large, unless these characters had appearances in Pregame, they should be considered non-canon.
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Deleted User (V4)
Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:29 am

Mark Mare


Post by Deleted User (V4) »

Name: Mark Mare
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Drawing, writing, anime, video games,

Appearance: Ever since he was in middle school, Mark has always been seen as a ‘big boy’. He’s 6’0 in height, around thirty pounds overweight and it shows in his stomach and thighs. Since he doesn’t do sports, he has no muscle whatsoever and his body is flabby everywhere. He has pale skin from being indoors so much and a round face. His brown eyes are hidden behind your standard round glasses that he wears all the time and only takes off while sleeping. The only thing about his appearance that he likes is his long shoulder-length medium brown hair, despite its feminine look.. His facial hair grows at a slow rate, so he doesn’t really worry about it, but shaves regularly.

Biography: Mark was born on March 29th, 1991. He has three older brothers, all around fifteen years older then him, and two loving parents. Both of his parents were just over forty years of age and were well off due to their successful careers. Mark grew up in a quiet neighborhood and went to a private Christian elementary school for most of his early youth. After a few years, when he was around twelve, he found himself bored of the school and asked to be transferred to a public one, where he felt better off.

Mark, despite his the good upbringing of his parents, isn’t a good student overall. He procrastinates on his homework and never studies (though he pretends to if his parents start to look over his shoulder). His grades are pretty much all C’s except for B’s and A’s in English and art based subjects. It’s not that he can’t get good marks if he tries hard, it’s just that he doesn’t feel like it, or would rather do other things, like read fanfiction or draw in class. Mark feels satisfied with his grades, however, and is only doing enough to get himself into university where he predicts that he’ll be forced to turn into a good student. The only club that Mark has ever joined in high school is the anime club, where he enjoys watching the Japanese cartoons due to the art style.

Mark is a very polite and shy person at first glance. He’ll shake your hand with a small smile, nod at you, and greet you in-between his lisp. Though, if you get to know him long enough, he’ll start to get much more ruder with his replies and comments. His friends describe him as a loyal person, but what they don’t know is that his actions concerning his friends is backed with the knowing mental sigh of being bombarded with guilt later if he doesn’t. Mark follows the philosophy that if he loses his friends, in whatever form, he logically knows that he can just make new friends later. Not being a leader person, Mark would rather just follow behind (not to close to the front, not to close to the back) and follow orders, though if with the right people (read: ones who are shier then him), he’ll take control and do his best. Mark is a flexible person (mentally) and can easily change his opinion and perspective, but he also constantly second guesses himself and wondering whether his decisions were the right choices or not.

Advantages: Having to pick up for his lack of stamina, Mark makes it up with his mind. Though his grades aren’t good, he’s very genre savvy and know many random facts about weird topics. He’s the type of person, when playing Super Smash Brothers, that hides his character in the corner of the screen and waits for the other players to finish each other off before swooping in a trying to take out the injured winner. He’s also a bit charming and can be underestimated by people due to his lisp and quiet nature. Also, he is a positive person in regards to himself, so he won't give up easily (may be counted as a bad thing).

Disadvantages: He’s definitely out of shape and can’t run for that long. He’s not strong and doesn’t have a high tolerance for pain (despite what he wants to think). His lisp also is a disadvantage (also, despite what he thinks) because sometimes people can’t understand him when he’s taking quickly and that could waste time that he can’t afford to lose.
At one point during V4, a number of accounts with ten or fewer posts were accidentally purged. Where possible, the posts belonging to these accounts have been restored to specific usernames, but in some cases no records of the handlers remain. In such cases, this account is used. The characters connected to this account were handled by a variety of members, none of whom have been on the site in years.
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