Observational Horror

Poems Rebekah Hayes submitted anonymously to the school paper

A new experimental space for V8 pregame! This forum is for public bulletin boards, social media posts, and other miscellaneous character interactions which may not exactly line up with the time during which pregame takes place. Threads in this forum do not count against the "1 current thread/1 memory thread" limit, as characters can post in various online spaces, hang up fliers, and do other such things in here without necessarily having a set scene. Please consult the rules and guidelines pinned in this section for further information before posting.
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Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:50 pm

Observational Horror


Post by Gundham »

It's Okay To Be Different

The average human

Is a woman named Muhammed Wang

She has more than one skeleton

Has less than two arms

And is dead.
V8 Characters:

Juanita Reid
Rebekah Hayes
Karin Han

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