No Tap. But We're Okay With That.

Fallout from the dance, including parties, hotel rooms, and all other destinations find their home here. This is the place for any characters to head after the big dance for more Prom-evening fun.
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No Tap. But We're Okay With That.


Post by BetaKnight »

((Roman Jackson continued from The Dance Must go on))

Roman leaned back and grinned as he watched Samaya grab her bowling ball from the ball return. He took a long sip of soda as she lined her approach. The mix of his elegantly dressed date wearing the clownish bowling shoes while attempting to pick up a spare here at the bowling alley amused him to no end.

Okay, so while this hasn't been the most traditional of prom dates, I have to admit, I'm enjoying myself greatly. Maybe Mom had a point about being sorry if I had skipped this.

Finishing his root beer, he watched as the score board automatically tallied her latest frame. "You realize that I'm LETTING you utterly and completely kick my ass, right? And that's only because I'm a total gentleman and the perfect date," he called out to Samaya.
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Post by Arscapi* »

((Samaya Boen-Hilstrand continued from The Dance Must Go On ))

Samaya smirked at Roman over her shoulder at him, and then threw the ball down the lane, to her surprise the ball did exactly what she wanted it to. Maybe all those games her siblings had talked her into had been a good idea after all. She turned back to Roman, her smile widening.

"Really, letting me? So the fact that I'm beating you by," she glanced up to see the score, "at least 10 pins is all do to you're clever plan?"

She sat down next to him and adopted a bad Southern accent, "Why Mr. Jackson, I do declare you are a true gentleman," she giggled to herself dropping the accent. "Somehow I don't believe you, but by all means let me see this brilliant plan in action," she said motioning to the lane.

((Alex Jackson continued from Closing Time ))

Alex sat on the far side of the bench absently tapping her foot, now clad in a bowling shoe, as she glanced towards the bathroom, where Jason had disappeared. It had taken forever to convince Jason to join Samaya and Roman here, but here they finally were. She grabbed her soda and took a sip, smirking as she listened to Samaya tease her brother. What was it about him that just begged to be teased? He seemed to be taking it better from Samaya, then he ever did from her.
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Post by decoy73 »

((Jason Clarke continued from Closing Time. Also, my last post of the summer - see you all in August))

Jason stood in the bathroom, washing his hands after going to the loo. He smirked at the weirdness of the situation: he and his friends were all immaculately dressed up and wearing bowling shoes. Truth be told, he was a little nervous. He was having a great time as it was ... but he believed that sex was still a possibility. An extremely small possibility, but still a possibility nonetheless. Most of it was because this was Prom - the time when, in celebration of their new found passage into adulthood, high school students went off and got laid. He knew that this was mostly from the movies and TV, but it still lingered in the back of his mind. He was sixteen, after all.

Jason shook his head as he splashed some water on his face. It wasn't like the thoughts of sex were overpowering him. He just wanted to have a good time before going off to RPI, and if he needed a condom to do it, then great. If not, he wasn't going to be all that stressed about it. A good time for him was better than sex. He took a deep breath as he wiped off his hands and face, walked out of the bathroom, dashed those thoughts from his head, and smiled as he strode over to Alex, Roman, and Samaya. It was Prom Night, a time to relax and have a good time.

"Hey, guys. What did I miss?"

Here's to the nights we had, and many more ...
Survivor: UCONN - Seriously, it's awesome!

Version 8
S001: KAEDE TSURUMI: "Eeep! I-I'm so sorry! I-I'll try not to get in your w-way next time!" Status: ACTIVE
S024: VICTOR GRAIL: "I didn't give you the lead so that you could lose it! I guess it's up to me to carry us after all." Status: ACTIVE
[+] Version 7
Male Student #65: Manuel Figueroa; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Female Student #63: Christina "Renz" Rennes; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Female Student #70: Jessica Rennes; Status: ACTIVE (Adopted by Brackie)
Female Student #79: Stephanie McDonald; Status: ACTIVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:05 am


Post by BetaKnight »

"Madam, I have not yet begun to bowl," Roman declared as he slipped out from his seat and approached the lane. He experimentally slipped his fingers into the ball's holes, making sure that there was no catch or tightness. Once she'd arrived with her trog date in tow, Alex had plunked down a ball that was nearly identical to his. Of course, Alex's ball had slightly slimmer holes drilled in it, which had messed up his last frame. But this time, he was prepared.

Content that he finally had the right ball, Roman methodically lined up his shot by zeroing in on the ever-so-helpful little marker arrows. Okay, aim for the second arrow for the center, try to hit the pins in the pocket for maximum dispersal. Keep your wrist straight. The ball will follow the line. All lined up? Okay, drop and...

"Hey, guys. What did I miss?"

Roman felt the turn in his wrist before the ball had left his hand. Not a complete turn. No, just enough to throw everything off. Squeezing his eyes closed, he didn't need to look to see his ball veering off towards the left hand side of the lane. The complete opposite of where he needed it to be. Never gonna be able to pick all of them up now. Fuck!

Turning around, he tried to bury his irritation. "Jason. How nice of you to join us." Snatching up his root beer, he took another long drink while he waited for the ball return to rumbled and spit out his ball. "Of course, you realize at this point in the game, I can't really recover completely from being such a gentleman. But next game, I'm all over it."
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Post by Arscapi* »

((Jason GM'd with permission from decoy.))

Alex laughed out loud at Roman's shot. She'd noticed how badly he was losing to Samaya and was surprised. He was usually much more competitive. She grabbed her sides in an effort to regain control of laughter; it was getting hard for her to breathe. Although, she had to give him credit the gentlemen line was good, but it didn't look like Samaya was buying it at all.

"Grab your shoes," she told Jason as he sat down next to her. "They're almost done with this game."

Jason nodded and bent down to grab his shoes, taking the time to admire Alex's legs. Alex rolled her eyes and stood walking over to the ball return. "Well, if you could hold on to your ball long enough to aim, that might help," she teased.

She grabbed her soda and took a sip again as she retook her seat next to Jason.

Samaya smirked as she watched Jason totally blow Roman's shot. She nodded her agreement at his comment, and walked passed him to the ball return to select her own ball. Her ball was easy to pick out, as it was one of the smallest there. She continued onto the lane, listening half-heartedly as she made her shot. She frowned as the pins came to rest. This wouldn't be an easy spare to pick up. She walked back to the ball return and tapped her foot; she grabbed it again and finished her frame. It wasn't the greatest shot, but Roman was right, short of an amazing tenth frame he wouldn't be able to catch her. "Last chance there Roman," she said sitting down mindful of her dress.
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Well, if you could hold on to your ball long enough to aim, that might help."

Roman felt the embarassed flush creeping up his neck as his sister continued to bray with laughter. Shut. THE FUCK. Up, Alex, he snarled silently to himself. It wasn't bad enough that he was doing so abysmal tonight, but now Alex had to sit there and laugh at him like some kind of deranged jackass with her cro-magnon date. Who just HAPPENED to ruin his shot. Just because she's having a less than perfect prom doesn't mean she has to go and screw up my night!

Drumming his fingers on the table, he watched as Samaya completed her turn. He flashed her a strained smile as she reminded him it was his last chance to salvage the game. Well, thank you, darling. I was completely unaware of this. Squaring his shoulder, he finished out the last frame of the game. Even hitting nine pins didn't make a dent in the chasm between his score and Samaya's.

"Oh-kay then. So, once the computer catches up, Samaya, if you'd enter Alex and...Jason's information, we can get another game under our belt. And now that I'm warmed up, I will do my best not to utterly destroy you all," Roman said as he strode down into the pit. "I'm gonna go and grab another drink. Anybody want anything?"
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Post by Arscapi* »

((Jason being GM'd by me for the remainder of the thread thanks to decoy's permission.))

Alex looked to Jason who shook his head. "I think we're good," she said nicely, deciding maybe she'd harassed her brother enough for one night. The set of his shoulders was an indicator of how much he was annoyed. Oh-kay then, she thought, time to back off. It was just so easy to push his buttons sometimes. Although she still couldn't bite back the snort of laughter at Roman's claim to destroy them all. Choosing not to comment on it, she instead walked over to see if Samaya needed any help inputting their names into the computer. "That's an impressive score, especially in formal wear," Alex complimented her brother's date.

Jason watched the interaction between the twins, amazed at the teasing that went back and forth between them, and yet the short time that he'd been with Alex, he knew that she cared deeply for her brother. Realizing that the current game was over he hurried to find a ball, so that he wouldn't hold up the game once Roman returned. Selecting one he turned to head back to their lane. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of Alex and Samaya bent over the computer whispering to each other. Down boy, play it cool, he reminded himself, before he could get too carried away with admiring the view. He forced his attention back to his ball and his feet to start moving again as he rejoined the group.

Samaya smiled at Alex's compliment. "I've been practicing with my siblings at home. We just got a Wii and their favorite game is bowling," she explained as they finished inputting their names into the computer. Straightening she looked around to see where Roman was in line and whether or not they should start the game. Jason was only just returning with his ball, so she figured they could wait a few more minutes for Roman to return.
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