hello ! this is my relationship thread !

Tabby and the other kid

V9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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hello ! this is my relationship thread !


Post by Pancapples »

just annihilated the old one, let's try again !!!

Danny van der Beek
[+] Barebones
Stubborn old soul with a general air of laid-back indifference unless one or more of his fixations are involved, kinda sucks to hang out with.
[+] Basics
Danny fucking loves the Beach Boys. His parents are superfans that met at a concert in the 80s, and he's the only one of his four siblings to give a shit. His interests and fixations include music (he listens to exactly four bands, but can also play four or five instruments), classic cars, hiking, like three video games, and soft drugs(mainly LSD and cannabis). Three older brothers, one nb younger sibling, and a bunch of nameless cousins back in California.
[+] Appearance
Stands at 5’11”, shorter than all of his brothers. Danny has a boxy torso and long legs, weighing in at about 180lbs. His hair is dirty blonde and wavy, usually kept short and manageable but he'll sometimes forget to cut it for like a year. Currently it's at “Caesar” length. Danny is pale and burns easily, with recurring acne on his upper cheeks and a scar cutting through his inner left eyebrow.
[+] Looking For
Friends and acquaintances that have patience for Danny's fixations, doormats to the front. Also seeking exes, fellow musicians, and nemeses.

Tabby Valenzuela
[+] Barebones
Queer little weedhead with 14 cats in her backyard, fun to hang out with.
[+] Basics
Tabby is a local artist, animal lover, and general Vibe. Her favorite things in the world are her many friends and acquaintances, her many many cats, her many many many little projects, and WEED. Retired emo kid with a reputation for being open-minded and easygoing. Has an older sister that moved to another state a few years ago for school, and a bunch of extended family all over town.
[+] Appearance
Short, a little over five feet but she tells everyone slightly different heights because she thinks it's funny. Tabby is chubby with a stocky, triangular frame and weighs about 180lbs. Her skin is pale brown and evenly covered in freckles. She has a ton of scars peppering her whole body, mostly from the cats, with the most fun one being a tiny one across her right eyelid. Chin-length, faded, blue-dyed hair with an inch of dark brown roots visible. She had it in a bob for three days like four months ago, but has just kinda let it grow out and get frizzy since then.
[+] Looking For
Friends and lovers, acquaintances and smoke buddies, fellow artisans, exes, cousins, cat lovers, really anyone that might wanna hang out in the backyard sometime.
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Post by FlockOfHens »

I might have a few kids to work with yours!

Beau is also around the 5's in height, but he's a bit taller than Tabitha. Nonetheless, he'll be friends with her because of her cats!

Beau might encourage Daniel to hike more, or at least take hikes with him and his club!

Inessa would've taken pictures of Tabitha's cats... and might've gotten bitten by some of them.

Inessa also would've taken pictures of Daniel's musical performances.

This one's for Tabby & Danny, but he'd probably sold them edibles.
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Post by midnight_twelve »

Hello! Got one kid to throw at both of yours. My other kids are either too straight laced or too aggressively antisocial to get on with yours so I’ll spare you them for now 👍

For Daniel!
My kid Rowan is big into 60s and 70s rock, so she’s probably tried to lure Daniel out of his Beach Boys shell with other music from the era, presumably to little avail. Regardless, she would be down to hang out on the occasional hike or psychedelics session.

For Tabitha!
I think Tabby could get on well with Rowan too, since she’s always up for smoking and vibing and is probably vaguely arty.
Fredrick Stanley "Fred" Hobbes
Born 23rd April 2004 - Died 13th December 2021
“Do you think we were bad people, before we came here? Or just like, weak?”

Chloé Margot Delacroix
Born 21st November 2003 - Died 13th December 2021
“I am going to get everyone off of this island.”

V9 Planning Thread

get krabby, eat patties on discord
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Post by Pancapples »

just updated the formatting and added some details, come hang out(:
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