Midnight Drive

These two guys, or: Dealing (poorly) with long-term planning

V9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Midnight Drive


Post by Ahab9 »

Hi everyone,
After some consideration, born out of staring in growing despair to an empty page of Word, the risk of both my submissions not being ready by the time pregame starts and the realization that every information I have about my characters is being given only through the other character planning threads (and that one concept post written in like, March 2024), I've decided to leave out here everything I wish to say about them, so here it is:
  • Travis d'Amèl: The prodigal son.
    Not really, but still.

    Summary: Born in an pretty normal family with a twin sibling and a sister, Travis used to be like this: talkative and easygoing, attached to the hip of his parents, twin brother and sister, a bit more shy around strangers but still trusting and occasionally too reckless. A fan of archery and a potential future bassist, with maybe a good future ahead. Until his mother died and her sister came out disfigured.

    Since then, Travis had been trying to live two lives: One as a golden boy, doting on her sister and trying to back up his brother when needed, a grade A student and all around normal guy; and another as a black humour-loving, sarcastic, sleep-deprived 19 year old with an EMT job that gives him a first row seat to gore and violence, and in which he invest too much of his time, with terrible results. Thanks to having another first row seat to sibling bullying between his twin brother and sister, the former leaving for college using a shared trust fund without telling him, and disregarding schoolwork for his job in his last year as a senior, things don't always work out. Still, he carries on.

    Personality: Abortion jokes, people. Yes. I'd love to end it here, but there's still more I should add. So here it is.
    A somewhat chill 19 year old teenager with quite the dark humor (as said before) and occasional bitter outburst would be the short of it, but the long part also involves his involvement with his siblings, which was formerly loving and easy, but has become loaded and tense with his brother no matter what, and somewhat fine, if full of incomprehensions with her sister due to differing tastes and life outlooks.

    They lost that attachments they used to have when they were kids, and (unknowingly) seeks for it with other people; this doesn't make him blind to his friends' faults (or whom he considers such), but he is more forgiving and perhaps too trusting to them when he really shouldn't. This is also why he tries to be (in his own way) somewhat friendly in high school, despite being considered an outcast by some. Online, things are mostly the same due to him showing more of his morbid persona.

    Hobbies: Punk Rock, Playing Bass, Video Games (Switch mostly), Archery and Medicine.
    [+] Current Relationships
    Ex-Girlfriend: Emma Drakenberg-West
    Friends: Patty English, Heather Klein, Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell, Claude O'Neil Porter
    Friend-ish: Wade Colter
    Acquaintances: Amber Barnes, Alejandro Garcia de Teresa, Joanne Martinez, Vanessa Thibodeaux, Hope Hynes, Raya Loux, Sylvie Rattray-Aubert, Manuel Hernández, Londyn Mackred, Alec Yves
    Acquaintances?: Mercedes “Mercy” Myers-Prescott, Céline Sharpe
    Dislikes: Buck Buckley

  • Ezra Chadwick: The batter.
    Ezra, the absolute gal. Nuff' said. But seriously-

    Summary: Ezra was born from an one-night stand in a worker class family with a overbearing but nice mother and a formerly strict but caring father, both of which working in a local car factory and a miner, respectively. She had a poor but still happy childhood, and was attracted to baseball ever since hitting six years old. Her dad used to be an pitcher, and so they spend the weekends together playing; she was close with her mother too, with the latter passing down the her her love for novels and classic literature in general. Despite this her relation with her father grew complicated years later, after his father lost his job and he was forced to find another one. He switched month-lasting jobs for years, and this greatly stressed him; stress he let out on his family, with him turning abusive towards his wife.

    This lead to their divorce soon after, when Ezra was 14. He was later arrested for fraud and larceny, and is currently in the state prison in minimum security; he was still in prison by the time Ezra took her senior year. She visit him sometimes, despite everything, but their relationship was long broken and mostly visits him just when she wants to vents to someone.

    Meanwhile Ezra kept practicing softball semi-professionally, and became the school designated hitter. Her chance of a future came when she was offered a sports' scholarship for the state college, which she fully intends to take. Currently Ezra continues practicing while occasionally branching out in baseball during the day; by night, she found a job as cashier for a 24/7 store, so that she could conserve money for college and future needs.

    Personality: Competitive and overenthusiastic, there is one thing Ezra believes more than anything: things have to be fought for to be obtained. This words accompanied her through her life one way or another, and this applies both to the people she wishes to befriend than her hobbies. She gives it all in regards of everything and won't stand for less, which could alienate people. Despite this, she keeps bottled all her issues and anxiety, out of desire of not being seen as vulnerable.

    Hobbies: Softball, Baseball, Hard Rock, Literature, Exercising

    Fun fact, I started envisioning Ezra after a Chad joke. I think she may the last thing someone could describe her as, but oh well.
    [+] Current Relationships
    Girlfriend: Vanessa Thibodeaux
    Friends/Rivals: Hope Hynes, Claude O'Neil Porter, Raya Loux, Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
    Friend-ish:Patty English
    Acquaintances: Amber Barnes, Buck Buckley, Emma Drakenberg-West, Heather Klein, Mercedes “Mercy” Myers-Prescott, Leah-Kim “LK” Mitchell, Manuel Hernández, Wade Colter, Alec Yves
    Dislikes: Alejandro Garcia de Teresa, Joanne Martinez, Céline Sharpe, Londyn Mackred

Feel free to leave any suggestion, I'll try to answer as soon as I can manage (hopefully faster than making the apps for these two :? )
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Post by LYourLocalAutist »

Alrightyyy, let's see what I can do here.

Travis D'Amèl


Ezra Chadwick

Sylvie Rattray-Aubert

Sylvie is already close to most jocks due to her status as a cheerleader. She's especially close with the baseball team due to That Man. They'd hang in similar social circles and they complement each other's energetic natures *and* bottled up stress in attempts not to be viewed as vulnerable! Crazy!!

Raya Loux

Raya shares Ezra's ideologies about hard work nearly word for word. I believe they'd be cool workout buddies. Chad women gang.

Manuel "Mañana" Hernández

Running in similar social circles, sharing jock status, Manuel is impressed by Ezra's energy and work ethic, but I'm not sure how she'd feel abt his bully reputation.
The V9 Children themselves:

The Machininst - Raya Loux
[+] And her cool lil pregame threads
  1. Love is all I Bring
  2. The Painful Part - Memory
  3. Walkin' n' Talkin' - Text Messages
  4. Hullabaloo
The Petite - Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
[+] And her cute lil pregame threads
  1. To see everything - Memory
  2. any color the customer wants as long as its any color the customer wants
  3. Touch of Crate
  4. The Party - Memory
  5. https://www.instagram.com/ItsSpelledSylvie - Social Media
  6. What's on the Agenda?
  7. The AB Cs of Success - Text Messages
  8. Civil Procedure in the United States
  9. #1 Crush - Memory
The Forlorn
[+] Céline Sharpe
Strange-named and stranged-clothed girl, ostracized and bullied for essentially being an advertising board for her "psychic" mother. As a result is extremely withdrawn.
The Tough Guy - Manuel "Mañana" Hernández
[+] And his tough lil pregame threads
  1. On Responsibility
  2. The Gun Show
  3. Lead Nike Shoes
  4. Wonder of You - Memory
  5. Don't Mind Us, We Be Chillin'
And here's outdated info about them plus where (not all of) their relationships are: viewtopic.php?t=9024
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Post by Ahab9 »

Ok that was fast AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Quick preamble, I'll add a relationship list these days (I forgot to add it in the main post, i'll have to edit it :? ) I'll keep you posted, but back on track!
Edit: Added above!
  • Travis d'Amèl: 😅
    I agree, acquaintances for all of them if you want would work, but also:
    [+] Cèline Sharpe
    Travis could have tried to be nice to Cèline and she ended up mostly ignoring him out of her usual expectations of being bullied: Thoughts?
  • Ezra Chadwick:
    [+] Raya Loux
    Chad women gang ✊
    [+] Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
    Oh, I like that! Ezra is also the type to demand more cherishing, you've been warned!
    [+] Manuel Hernández
    Uhm, I'll say indifferent at best, as long as you don't hurt her girlfriend!
    [+] Cèline Sharpe
    Wanted to add her too (i'm biased towards bullied girls, it's a curse 😔) so here it is: how about Ezra annoys Cèline with her behaviour, and she had grown to dislike the former?
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Post by LYourLocalAutist »

Ahab9 wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2024 4:36 pm Ok that was fast AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Quick preamble, I'll add a relationship list these days (I forgot to add it in the main post, i'll have to edit it :? ) I'll keep you posted, but back on track!
  • Travis d'Amèl: 😅
    I agree, acquaintances for all of them if you want would work, but also:
    [+] Cèline Sharpe
    Travis could have tried to be nice to Cèline and she ended up mostly ignoring him out of her usual expectations of being bullied: Thoughts?
  • Ezra Chadwick:
    [+] Raya Loux
    Chad women gang ✊
    [+] Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
    Oh, I like that! Ezra is also the type to demand more cherishing, you've been warned!
    [+] Manuel Hernández
    Uhm, I'll say indifferent at best, as long as you don't hurt her girlfriend!
    [+] Cèline Sharpe
    Wanted to add her too (i'm biased towards bullied girls, it's a curse 😔) so here it is: how about Ezra annoys Cèline with her behaviour, and she had grown to dislike the former?
I like working fast :3

Alright, let's clear this up for good;

Travis as acquaintances for them all works. As for him and Céline, I might be willing to extend to him the ability to be one of the like two people with whom Céline has been able to internalize the concept of "wait, they *don't* hate me", if you'd like. If you *would* like, we can move that discussion to dms.

And for Ezra, everything sounds clean as a whistle. Sylvie's used(ish) to high demands, and Céline has no shortage of people who fuck with her, so everything's good! I like it!
The V9 Children themselves:

The Machininst - Raya Loux
[+] And her cool lil pregame threads
  1. Love is all I Bring
  2. The Painful Part - Memory
  3. Walkin' n' Talkin' - Text Messages
  4. Hullabaloo
The Petite - Sylvie Rattray-Aubert
[+] And her cute lil pregame threads
  1. To see everything - Memory
  2. any color the customer wants as long as its any color the customer wants
  3. Touch of Crate
  4. The Party - Memory
  5. https://www.instagram.com/ItsSpelledSylvie - Social Media
  6. What's on the Agenda?
  7. The AB Cs of Success - Text Messages
  8. Civil Procedure in the United States
  9. #1 Crush - Memory
The Forlorn
[+] Céline Sharpe
Strange-named and stranged-clothed girl, ostracized and bullied for essentially being an advertising board for her "psychic" mother. As a result is extremely withdrawn.
The Tough Guy - Manuel "Mañana" Hernández
[+] And his tough lil pregame threads
  1. On Responsibility
  2. The Gun Show
  3. Lead Nike Shoes
  4. Wonder of You - Memory
  5. Don't Mind Us, We Be Chillin'
And here's outdated info about them plus where (not all of) their relationships are: viewtopic.php?t=9024
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