Never Seen Before

The first thing one notices when they enter the drama room is the eccentric paint job that encompasses the entire room -- a design by some of the more artsy drama students. Unlike other classrooms, the desks here are in no particular order, and can sometimes be found simply shoved up against the wall. The drama director, unsurprisingly, is a pretty laid back individual.
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Never Seen Before


Post by Cicada »

((Intro for Cecina Bryant))

She quietly sat at on one of the desks that the drama teacher had left in disarray by the walls. The teacher was gone, probably on lunch break, but who could know? Cecina had wandered in, in her wanderings of the school. She would usually blaze though her food and spend the rest of the time walking about the school. This was the first time she had ever been into the Drama Room when it was unattended.

The room seemed strangely smaller in a deserted state, the four walls seemingly bearing down uncomfortably over Cecina's head. Perhaps it was just that, when working with her peers, she had never payed much attention to the room in it's true state. Perhaps the distraction kept her mind from really focusing on the dimensions of the room. She toyed with these thoughts for a while, as her head slowly turned, dull eyes slowly sweeping the room.

The color was erratic, splashed about the walls, and leaving dried, messy splatters on the floor. Greens, blues, and reds mixed haphazardly to create even wilder colors that further intermingled, creating a maelstrom of color in the room she had once never payed notice to.

Strange. She worked here practically everyday, hour after hour of running lines and flourishing sweaty hands on a rickety, creaky platform. The noise, the vibe in the air had woven a spell over her mind, blinding her to details that stood before her face, every single day of the school year. She chewed on this thought; once more surveying the room, details she had never seen before, until now, by her lonesome. She tilted her head slightly, grinning stupidly at the irony.

"Human nature," The words appeared in her head. How fitting.

Footsteps sounded outside. Time to leave. Taking care to see the room one last time, knowing that in a few hours, she would be here again, stupidly blind to the vibrancy of the room, she departed.

((Continued elsewhere))
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