Heeling of The USS Dekcuc

)sdrawkcab ti lleps( - Day 3 mid-morning after announcements

The upper wilderness is much like the lower wilderness. It is made up of a thick collection of tropical trees and borders a more developed aspect of the island, the rice paddies rather than the village in this instance. Some of the main differences are that the vegetation is much thicker, there are no paths, and the land begins to slope up the island. These features all combine to make the upper wilderness much more treacherous to navigate. The upper wilderness is also home to populations of monkeys, parrots and goats descended from those originally kept in the menagerie.

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Heeling of The USS Dekcuc


Post by Cicada »

And at some point, he just stopped.

((Demetri Futscher continued from god bless catastrophe))

Stopped running, stopped thinking. He was still breathing.

Most of the past hour was a blur in retrospect and in hindsight. Literally in hindsight, if he turned around, was nothing but featureless splashing about of color. Sickeningly bright jungle green in all directions. Animals called, and he couldn't triangulate any of them in particular. His 'tard rage must have brought him across half the island by now, and many tree trunks the same as the previous ones later he couldn't have begun to pick out a direction that would have led him back to the allies he'd abandoned without a second thought.

He felt stupid. To totally undersell it.

And empty, too, but that one was nothing new.

"In my defense," he warned the nearest camera, leering at it with a defeated slump to his shoulders already. "Mercy was good people. You would have reee'd off too, if you'd been in my shoes."

The raw adrenaline siphoned out of his veins like the billowing explosion of a backdraft. He didn't have much left to his name but this gun that his fist clenched around tighter than fingers to penis skin and his bag. Like, he'd been swearing just that morning when he'd woken up that he'd ask some of the other girls about their opinions on this commie shit he had in his bag. To pass the time, something like that. He probably wouldn't have done it anyways, but now he'd never really know for sure.

He started to walk, once more aimless. This time at least, he'd keep an eye out for anything approximating a landmark. His footfalls crunched dense leafy matter that seemed inches thick, and each step was a bit unwieldy and uneven as unseen crevasses and holes constantly greeted each yank of his legs a bit further forward. He should have tripped more often than he had on his way over.

Competent like an action hero for once. Just in time for it to be too late.

And he still didn't want to call out. Somehow that didn't seem like the right move, because of course it wasn't when literally all that he could do was find somebody else and hope it was who he was looking for.
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Post by Primrosette »

A voice let out a frustrated sigh in the trees thickness.

"For fuck's sake..." the voice grumbled bitterly and then it turned into mutters of unintelligible murmurs.

((Emmett Bunnell continued from Dangerous Burns))

So Erika had disappeared off somewhere in the morning before they had woken up and Emmett knew that he had not been sleeping good within the presence of a girl who had murdered someone that they had known from school. Cecil had also wandered off at some point after the announcements that had played and he had left behind his dufflebag, saying that he could come back to Emmett and Emil. Emmett honestly hoped that he could come back because if he didn't and Emmett found Declyn at some point.... What the hell was he supposed to say to him? That he couldn't even get Cecil to stick around for long enough? Fuck...!

Emmett have been quiet the whole time since the announcement had played. Just hearing Sapphire and Lorenzo's names had been painful enough and he was secretly hoping that Lorenzo was not reacting well to being a complete fucking monster. Also Mikki, Andy's girlfriend.... Emmett felt a pang of guilt over that and he couldn't even imagine how Andy was feeling about her. He hoped that Axel and Morgan were there to comfort Andy over it. Erika has said what she had done and the announcement pretty much seemed accurate about it. Although, Emmett was still feeling a bit distrustful of Erika; he was going to give her the benefit of doubt and he hoped that she was not going to make that mistake again. Another surprise had been Nona who was now going by the name of Marco who had killed a girl called Kayla and Emmett wondered if he should have stayed to help out with him. If only Emmett hadn't run off from the waterfall group like that. One of them was dead and two others were killers now. The final one that had been a punch to his gut was Regina. Regina who had been his ex-boyfriend's best friend and he knew that Adonis would complete break from hearing that. Especially when it was Regina's friend who had killed her and then she must have got herself killed because she couldn't handle it. It seemed like Regina's death had been an accident and Emmett felt his heart hurting for Adonis. They had to find Adonis soon before he would do something stupid or worse... Hurt himself.

Emmett was now wearing his hoodie as the rain was pouring while he and Emil were trying to get cover under the trees and the hood was over his head, making sure that his hair would not get too wet. "Hey, Emil. Shit, everything on that announcement was so fucked up and I don't know how we can handle this bullshit anymore. About Adonis; we need to--" Emmett stopped himself from speaking as he could have swore that he heard some movement near them and Emmett felt like he should go and check it out. He turned back to Emil with a serious expression visibly on his face. "Emil, stay here with the bags. I'm gonna go and check out who it might be."

Emmett climbed up to his feet in a wobbly and he made sure that he was holding the spear in a firm grip before he walked away from Emil. He made his way around some trees and he felt the droplets of the rain on him as he was trying to follow up on the noise that he had heard. Unless he was hearing things and this island was trying to take his fucking sanity away from him. As if he needed the island to lose his shit....

He then noticed someone as he moved around a tree off to the left side of him and his breath caught up his throat, almost making his heart jump out of his skin. The person that he was seeing was someone that he had been angry and grudging against for a very long time and he knew that that shit didn't matter right now. It didn't matter if Demetri had been a former friend to him before he told him that he was gay. It didn't matter if Demetri had outted him out to his parents about his sexuality and that it caused a big strain between Emmett and his Mother. None of it mattered at all.

"Hey... Demetri!" He called out his name without even realizing that he was doing it and he honestly didn't give a shit if he was putting himself in danger. "Thank fucking God! You're not dead, you're not fucking dead...."

He didn't even care as he stepped closer to the other boy and he wrapped an arm around him to give him a half-hug. He just felt so relieved to see that he was alive. Emmett couldn't even feel angry at Demetri in that moment. Maybe he was changing for the better. He didn't fucking know. But if Demetri pushed him away, it was fine. Emmett could deal with it when the time comes.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

Demetri had been on edge and the blur of flesh and grey that had exploded out of that danger zone called the corner of his eye had almost prompted a fast finger on the stony coldness of the trigger.

He recognized the voice though. That was why he was a bit tense when Emmett's forearm found his shoulders.

Emmett and Demetri was a tragic story. Another Lorenzo, only Demetri hadn't been clocked in the jaw, only Demetri had had Emmett's dox when everything had gone all wrong. It'd gone tits up, only Emmett essentially wasn't into the better-breasted gender. It had been a big problem. Demetri probably should not have told Mrs. Bunnell about the whole dick fencing thing, but he'd thought then that he'd been doing her a favor. She deserved to know, and Emmett deserved to get taken down a peg for all the (not so) passive-aggressive (Emmett was not exactly a subtle kid) shit at school.

Maybe in hindsight the punishment didn't fit the crime. Demetri didn't know. It wasn't like he had experience with coming out or anything.

But in there here and now, regardless of the weight Demetri's sins they were a millstone around his neck and forged of solid iron and steel and other heavy inert things. Emmett was a skinny dweeb but Demetri, for the longest moment of lag of all time, hadn't known whether that twink would have done something either or both of them would have regretted. Just prior to the hug landing Demetri had been prepared to feel regret, and to feel the bottoming out of his gonads as he ducked and ran for the nearest cover. He didn't know what could have gone wrong, but he had not been prepared to fight back. They were old enemies, but that didn't matter.

But maybe Emmett had forgotten. Or was willing to let the past be the past.

Best Demetri didn't bring it up. He wracked his brain for any quick responses. Nothing occurred to him- in and among all the mess of irrelevant thoughts about Mercy's stiff smile and sharp mind. It was poignantly brief- the curt thought, that he'd lost this much track of an old friend's life, that he didn't know who mattered to Emmett anymore.

"Yeah," Demetri laughed humorlessly. "I'm still alive."

He returned the hug after a delay, a quick slap of the back. Brief. He was pretty sure he wasn't intimidated, by the still-there possibility of something going wrong when the inquisition into their history flared up.

"Too many people who aren't."

Demetri shook his head when the hug broke. He freed a hand from the gun, which slung casually to point at the ground, and put a palm right into his face.

"Shirt's off to pay respects, I guess." He didn't know what else to say. Maybe the shitty jokes would be the better times the two of them had shared, the skater boy punk days, before all the politics and the bullshit.
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett was relieved that Demetri hadn't freaked out and shot him in the face with a 'I shot Marvin in the face!' moment. Fuck that shit. He didn't want to leave Emil all on his own like that and he sure as hell wouldn't want Demetri to go through the stages of a would-be murderer. Yeah, that scenario was going to be buried in the deepest, darkest depths of Emmett's fucked-up mind.

When the kind of hug broke up; Emmett realized that the gun was pointing down at the ground and he felt more unguarded around Demetri. It wasn't like he thought that Demetri would really shoot him and he didn't see Demetri being the type to actually pull the trigger. But then the island was changing people a lot. He honestly didn't know what his classmates were really like in a survival situation and he hated knowing that people were doing shitty things to each other. Murder was something that he never would have dreamed of doing for real. Okay, sometimes he did wish that some assholes and bitches would die, but he never wanted it to come a fucked-up reality.

Emmett winced as he heard Demetri's words about the people who were dead and he felt his grip on the spear tighten a little. It was a reminder of her and he didn't want to part from it at all. "So much people who didn't deserve to kill... Fuck." He said quietly with a small sigh and he shifted on his feet lightly, wondering if Demetri wanted to get some shelter and a new shirt or something like that. "I wish we could bring them all back, but.... This is reality and not some fantasy world where I could whatever I fucking wanted."

Emmett then remembered another name and he felt like a dumb asshole for forgetting that girl. Mercy. She had been Demetri's friend, right? He didn't want to admit that he had been stalk- spying on who Demetri had been hanging out with over the years after the mess between them and he didn't want to admit that he had felt a bit jealous that Demetri had moved on to better people. Better than himself. Mercy had been killed by Kelly. But in a really fucked-up way. Poisoning. Emmett couldn't even imagine what it would be like to die in a terrifying way. That Kelly was someone that he should watch out for if he ever ran into her in the future.

Demetri was trying to make a joke and it somehow pained Emmett to see him doing this to make things not seem awkward for the both of them. Emmett forced himself to show Demetri a small smile to lighten the mood and then he wondered what the hell he was supposed to do next.

"Demetri, I'm sorry about...." Emmett felt himself pause for a few seconds and then he decided to go for it, even if it still feel painful and he knew what it was like to lose a friend. "...I'm sorry about Mercy."

That was all that Emmett could say without fucking thing up. At least he hoped that Demetri didn't think that he was lying, because he wasn't and he hated all of this. Everyone just dying or other people just killing for the sake of going home. And then fucking what? What the fuck were they gonna do when they get back home?

However, he still felt like he had to find Lorenzo and then scream and yell and hit him for being such a fuck-up. He honestly still felt anger towards Lorenzo, but he didn't have the mindset of wanting to stab Lorenzo repeatedly in the chest with the spear to avenge Sapphire. He couldn't do it. He couldn't take someone else's life even if he really wanted to do so.

"Dammit, I hate all of this."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Cicada »

Hearing her name again wasn't pleasant. Demetri wondered if this was what being 'triggered' entailed. Crushed chests and dry throats. Maybe that was why the community college colored-hair libs were always complaining about medical problems. Weak mind became weak body.

"... Yeah." What else could he say? Demetri could only come up with a few conclusions above and beyond absolutely unwanted angel of Mercy quips rapid-firing in the shoestring tangle of his neurons.

Emmett hadn't brought up the sensitive shit between them- good for Demetri's nose not further going the way of an Escher, he guessed.

And, uh. He guessed Emmett knowing about Mercy implied Emmett might have been keeping up with some bit of his old friend's life. Figures Demetri's first and only Facebook stalker wouldn't be an even remotely plausible romantic option. Demetri could have worked with a 2/10, fat rolls and pointy elbows and all. He couldn't have worked with the abundance of identifying as a male.

Really, he hated how his brain was insisting on the trying to turn everything into an off-night comedy club special. Was this what people at school heard when he said things aloud at them?

"I hate it too." And Demetri meant that in more than one way, but fuck if he was going to start sob-storying about his mental or whatever. He had a little more pride than that. Emmett didn't deserve to have to deal with Demetri being unable to man up- and Demetri didn't want him to have to deal. Emmett had his own problems anyways. Even if Demetri had long drifted away to the point where he wouldn't know what those problems could be beyond the generic rainbow flag cry some maor.

"You and Mercy would have been good friends, honestly. If you'd ever met." Demetri nodded, held Emmett's eye best he could. Demetri figured he was back to looking natural- face that hadn't been particularly well-acquainted with testosterone, sure, but at least he wasn't openly sobbing. "But I dunno. She's gone- hurts, but there's nothing we can do about it. I uh..." He flailed for the words, glanced at the earth, and even that felt a little less awkward and a little more nothing-at-all than usual. "I had plans. At one point. Did you-? Like, have a group, or anything. Or see anything that might be important?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett blinked a little in surprise at Demetri's words and he felt like he was about to start crying again. But he couldn't do that as crying wasn't going to help matters now and he didn't want Demetri to deal with his stupid ass after he had lost a friend too. Too.... They both have lost people that they had both been so close to. Sapphire. Mercy. They were both possibly broken in their own ways; but they were trying to be brave in front of each other and he wondered for how long they could keep their wits about. Possibly not for too long.

"I... I think I would have liked Mercy as a friend, yeah, yeah." Emmett said with a pained tone of voice and he was finding it harder to look Demetri in the eye. "I know how you feel about losing a friend. Sapphire Waters. She and I were very close friends and.... I watched she die in front of me. I tried to take care of her wounds, but I failed her. I failed to save someone that I cared about so much and I still blame myself for it, Demetri. She forgave me in her own way and I can't forgive myself. I can't forgive Lorenzo for what he did and I just.... I want to find him and then beat the shit out of him and I know that he could kick my ass but.... I don't know anymore. I feel so lost about what I am doing, Demetri."

Emmett couldn't believe how easy it was for him to open up like that to Demetri and he realized that he just needed someone to talk to. That person was Demetri and he hoped that he wasn't rambling too much to the other boy. He didn't want Demetri to think that everything that he was saying was a nuisance.

"I'm actually with Emil right now and I told him to stay hidden. Just in case, it was someone that was more dangerous, you know." Emmett said simply and then he was thinking about what to do next. "Fuck, okay. Demetri, would you like to join up with us for now? I mean, you don't have to. But, shit... I don't want you to be alone."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

(( Emil Van Zandt lll continued from Dangerous Burns ))

Emmett needed to find Adonis. He didn’t get to finish what he was saying, but Emil picked up on that. He also picked up that Cecil would be back, Erika wouldn’t, because they were both gone, but Cecil left his stuff here.

This announcement physically hurt to hear. Lorenzo did kill Sapphire, not that he didn’t believe Emmett, it was just now it was made official. People were getting poisoned. Mikki lost her shit by the sounds of it. It was something he wouldn’t have expected, she of all people seemed the most squared away, if anything from the #swiftball tag said anything. It sucked he missed that, but he was grounded and had work at the time, so that was that.

There was also Erika’s mention. He wasn’t sure what he felt about her. Danya said it was an impressive shot, which you know maybe meant she was being shot at, then turned and one shot Desiree like she said but the terrorists didn’t seem like the type to compliment self defense either.

Wait, didn’t Erika say she shot a boy? She said ‘he’ when she mentioned that scenario right? Maybe it was the Mandela Effect or something, but he could’ve sworn...

To be honest, Erika didn’t seem all that right in general. He placed his sleeping area behind Erika deliberately, last night. He slept light, and not too well to be honest. He was awake when she got up and left. He didn’t stop her, because he was waiting for her to turn around. His body was tensed up then, and he expected the worst. He was ready for it, and braced for it. Never came though. She just left and Emil hoped she wouldn’t come back if he were being honest.

So here he was, guarding the packs, or more accurately turning them into a makeshift pillow fort and resting his head on one side, feet on the other. He was playing around with the motion tracker, keeping his eye on the two dots, one being Emmett, the other being...? He heard the voice in the distance. “Pfft! Okay then...” He wouldn’t expect Emmett to be shooting the shit with Demetri of all people, but weirder alliances probably have happened. He didn’t care for Demetri and his politics to put it lightly, but considering the circumstances he wasn’t the worst person to meet.

Emil would’ve said Hi, but he had guard duty... and he was really comfy with the bags. Nothing could get him out of this spot right now, he was as inseparable as Eustace and his chair. Still, the lack of social contact sucked, and Emil was too restless to actually feel sleepy, so he was really just bored right now.

“I want some chickeen, and biscuits, and gravy~ And chicken and biscuits, and gravy~” he sung to himself. “And the biscuits, with the chicken, on the gravyy~ With the biscuits and the chicken, with the gravy~” he sung just a bit louder, tossing pebbles from the ground at a nearby tree. “Want some gravy with the chickenn, with some biscuits~” His head bobbed to the side as his eyes took a glance at a nearby camera. He tossed a pebble at it lightly enough that it bounced off without damaging it- he didn’t want his head blown apart after all- and concluded his little song. “Want some biscuiiits with the chicken and the gravy, want some chickeeeen, for the chicken is meeeeeee~”

He connected eye contact with the camera, sucking his lips inward and staring at it with a dopey ass smile.
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Post by Cicada »

"... Fuck."

You hate to see it. Every word. Demetri could see the pain of every dagger word etched out on Emmett's face, as he also said those things that nobody deserved to ever have to say.

"Yeah." His face stayed heavy, like a death mask he couldn't help but feel was suffocating. Emmett had opened up to him- trusted him with all that. That made them friends again, maybe, but in the worst way possible. They were friends again by necessity, not because they'd chosen it. Was that how it was supposed to work? Demetri didn't know. Didn't feel right- he figured that, as a friend, he should be able to come up with more to comfort a friend who'd lost something precious. He'd lost a girl- whose name Demetri had already forgotten.

That, at least, was typical.

"... I'd definitely agree with kicking Lorenzo's ass, I guess." Lorenzo was a killer. Still hard to believe. Hard to believe Mercy was dead, though. Nothing easy to believe, but Demetri was used to stubbornly holding onto ideas that were probably wrong, he guessed.

But yeah. He really just did not know what else to say. Emmett's regret was as alien to Demetri as Demetri's was to himself. God. None of this was supposed to be this hard. He wasn't supposed to think so much about things that were this... private. Intimate, and uncomfortable.

A very tiny voice, singing in the distance. Probably recording their audition for The Voice, what with all the cameras around. 'Emil' was a guy then. Had a YouTube, if Demetri recalled correctly. Demetri was alright with bit of a sausage fest for a change- it was what he knew.

"That Emil I'm hearing? Alright." Maybe they'd be good company for a bit. He had places to be, but nothing to do. "You guys have anywhere dry? I'd like to be able to put a shirt back on."
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett felt like a bit of weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he had told Demetri about what had happened and he felt relieve that Demetri hadn't said too much. He didn't want another hug or comforting words that were going to tell him that everything was going to be okay. Because he knew that everything was not going to be fucking okay. People were dying left and right around him and there was nothing that he or Demetri or Emil could even do about it. It was a nightmare that could end at any moment for them and it was scaring Emmett more and more. But he was going to try his best for Emil as he said that they should still try to help people out and he was going to try to change for him.

Speaking of Emil; Emmett could hear him singing to himself and he couldn't help but smile a little at him being such a dumbass. He needed to get back over to him as he didn't want to leave Emil alone for too long and he knew that he was defenceless without Emmett around. Emmett was glad that he had found someone with a gun and the fact that he was willing to team up with him and Emil. Why was it so easy for Emmett to get allies? So fucking weird!

"Uh.... Yeah, that's Emil. You don't have to worry about him; he a friendly guy and he...." Emmett felt himself trailing off and he hadn't realized it until now. He was willing to do anything for Emil and he felt a bit of affection for the guy. How the hell could he be getting a silly crush on a guy on a murder island? Holy shit. Only Emmett would, huh? "...Let's just say that I want to protect him from all the horrors around here. Ah, right. Shit, hmm. Well, we took some shelter under the trees as best as we could; so I hope that that will be enough for you. I don't want you to catch anything and get sick, Demetri."

Emmett turned around and he started to make his way back to where Emil was, glancing back a few times to make sure that Demetri was still following him. It seemed like things were starting to look up a bit after such a depressing morning and Emmett was hoping to God that it was stay that way. He didn't want any more trouble to come their way. At least for now.

"Hey, Emil. Look at who I found!"

Emmett was grinning like a fucking idiot as he stepped near the spot where he had left Emil and he was kind of in high spirits. How the hell did Demetri have that effect on him? Of all people, Demetri was the one who made him feel a bit happier? Well, it was something that could happen to anyone. A former friend making him feel better was a bonus. Even for a little while.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

Emmett looked pretty excited to bring Demetri along when he returned. No lie, Emil wouldn’t have expected those two of all people to get along, but they both were. Emil definitely didn’t mind, seeing Emmett in a better spirit was always a plus.

Emil pulled himself off of his bag fort to stand up, before using his hands to crack his back. “Ah shit. Suuuh dude.” said Emil. One of the first things Emil noticed was that Demetri had a gun, and unlike Erika, he had actually seemed like he wasn’t potentially guilty of murder/“self defense”.

All we gotta do now is wait until Cecil came back and they’d be set. Emil would be able to get this ball rolling and reunite Emmett with Adonis, then Cecil with Declyn, and finally Demetri with- actually shit, Emil didn’t know.

“Yo, so welcome to the gang. We been trying to find our buddies and shit, but it’s kinda been a bit harder than we thought.” Emil shrugged. “Been finding more of the same enemies and not enough of our friends to be honest.”

Emil reaches through his pocket, pulling out his collar tracker. “This shit helps. It tells us someone’s nearby, but the issue is it don’t tell us who.”

“All we’re waiting for now is Cecil to make it back, then we’ll be on the move again. You can tag along too if there’s anyone you wanna find.”
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Post by Cicada »

"Only thing I'm probably catching before I bite it is feelings." The loser narrative continue to thicken like unstirred soup skin. Demetri followed, observed Emmett's Jeffery Dahmer smile with a quiet moment of derision. What was this, was Demetri supposed to be Emmett's prom date now? Their reunion wasn't that much cause for celebration. The weird positivity was a bit contagious though. Demetri was nodding too, much as he had nothing at hand to agree with.

This Emil dude looked kinda fruity- his thread count must have been higher than the population of some countries. Demetri's first of-course-he-went-there thought was maybe Emil and Emmett had found some bodily mutual way to comfort each other in these bleak times. His second thought was that had been a fucking robotic euphemism for pole-to-pole intercourse.

His third thought- honestly- was, good for them if Demetri's jumping to conclusions was true. Someone to share your final moments with didn't sound like such a bad deal, omegacuck as the whole affair objectively was from an outsider perspective.

"Who did you guys find?" First matter of business- as if knowing would help in any way besides juicing all the skin-crawling paranoia. Demetri found refuge under a particularly thick and leafy branch that stood stalwart against the rain, there was just enough of a little clearing for the three of them with some room left over for Jesus and His disciples to protect their virginities. The gun was out of his hand without second thought, he leaned it against the tree's base. His bags also returned to the earth, and he contemplated both dourly. He had a few clean shirts, but most of what he'd packed going back had been unwashed. Dirty laundry intended for home. He didn't have any spare pants, and the terrorists had seen it fit to spare him the embarrassment of re-wearing the sweaty tourist shit.

He pulled out the I Heart DC shirt and yanked his head through it's collar with little fanfare and little extra squirming around to force the fit. A bit tight- it was Hannah's size, because he'd intended it to be his ironic present for her.

All of a sudden he was reminded that Hannah had loved Mercy. Mercy had been the only friend Demetri had ever made that had won his older sis' approval. That was a thought Demetri definitely needed to live with, he was certainty pleased that he was all too reminded of two among all the most important women in his life who he was never going to see again.

"That shit looks cool, jeez." Demetri talked his idle thoughts away, as he scanned the blocky thing that Emil was showing off. B008- the chopping block number on Demetri's bag. Right beside B045 and B050. "Guess we know those three numbers are good guys, at least. I-" He'd been about to offer numbers, but he belatedly realized he only knew names. Even Felix and Yuko's now abandoned designations, he didn't know who they were. Maybe corpses didn't appear on that tracker.

"Loveless? That kiss-up?" Idly dismissive, not really intended. Cecil was probably an okay guy to want to meet, in the grand scheme of things. Demetri was then prompted: his own intentions. His own plans. There was something appealing to the idea of having people to travel with- and something else not. Some things. A sneering reminder from the part of his head that liked repeating the epic fail highlights of the past- he'd already abandoned another group. Already failed to protect people when they'd needed it. Demetri didn't even know what he was going to say when he found Yuko's sisters. He didn't know, really, if he could drag other perfectly able-bodied and good men into that fruitless crusade.

"Dunno. Might be better if we split up- not that I don't appreciate the company, but... Someone asked me to do something." He was making it sound way cooler than it was in reality. 'Make sure we all survive as long as we can, even if you have to kill somebody everyday to make it happen'. Benign shit, that certainty didn't haunt Demetri like weights added on top of all the weights he was trying to carry. Were Yuko's words even accurately replaying in his own memory now? Hard to tell.

"Don't want to hold you guys up if I need to go running after someone."
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Post by Primrosette »

Who did we find Oh fucking boy! I don't think you really want to know, Demetri. But you fucking asked so I guess I have no choice.

"I can give you a list of the people that we encountered together and separately to make it a lot fucking easier. My head's still a bit of a mess from...." Emmett trailed off for a moment as he was sure that they would understand what he meant and he moved himself to lean against a tree, trying to keep himself as dry as possible. "Well, the first person was, of course, that creep, Lorenzo, who tried to kill us over the tracker because we refused to give it to him because we had a feeling that he had ill intentions with using it to hunt other people. We met Erika, Nona who goes by the name Marco now, Garnet, ....Sapphire and there was one other girl who's name escapes me. Fuck.... Separately with S-Sapphire, I saw Morgan, Axel and Andy. Andy was kinda, maybe upset with me. So yeah.... I kinda don't think I should run into him and the other two again. Also fucking Lorenzo was there again and things... things fell apart there. After I reunited with Emil on the beach; Cecil and Erika joined up with us. Erika left before the announcement because I guess we would have been more outraged about what she did, I guess. Cecil left after the announcement and we're waiting for him to come back. And the last person I found is you, Demetri. There's my fucking adventure of who I met so far. So what about you? Who did you find or meet?"

Emmett was surprised by how long he had talked for as he really didn't like to be the one to talk a lot and he just figured that he could get it all out in the open quickly. He wondered if he would have to do things like this more down the road. Just being able to talk to people without letting his temper getting the best of him and he knew that he couldn't lash out at someone again. Putting himself in danger and having the person who saved his life die; had really put a toll on his fragile mind. This time, he had to try to keep Emil and Demetri safe without jumping into a fight without thinking.

His head perked up slightly as he was listening to Demetri and he glanced over at him with a non-judgemental look, nodding a little thoughtfully. "I mean, you wouldn't be holding us up. Even if we are looking for other people too. If you feel like it is better to be alone..." I have to fucking disagree with that decision but he has a gun that could help him out. But shit! It's his choice. I can't take that away from him unless.... "Then we can't stop you from doing what you want to do. We could always help too if you want our help."

Was Emmett really getting clingy already? Ugh...!
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

Emil took cursory glances at his tracker, looking down at it, then up at Emmett and Demetri. He looked down at it again, then back up to them. Oh. That's, that's unsettling. "Uhh, hey guys, I hate to interrupt you, but uhhh, I gotta go to the restroom real quick. I'll be right back, just a quick piss, okay?"

Emil turned and began speedwalking down the trail, making sure to keep an eye on his location. He was walking a bit farther than was necessary for just a piss, but this might not be 'just a piss'. He counted four dots on the radar. The radar includes his dot, and the dot wasn't Cecil's. It stopped moving when Emil started going towards it. He looked up and saw nobody. He looked down, and the tracker was the same distance away from him as before. He had to leave because he couldn't risk it. He had to deal with this alone, because he wasn't going to risk Emmett getting involved, and he didn't know how trustworthy Demetri was yet. He hoped he wasn't making a mistake.

He continued to move forwards, keeping his eye on the tracker, than back on the trail. He saw nothing, the blip stayed the same distance. Was it a glitch? Maybe so. He didn't like the blip being there though. It made him feel uneasy. Emil reached the tree, and unzipped his pants. The truth was he had to use the restroom, but what he hadn't told the others was that he recognized the blip. He took a glance at the tracker as he did his business.

It was moving. Even worse, he knew who he was. The dot began to close in behind him.

This was a trap.

But unknown to B003, it was Emil who was springing it, not Lorenzo.
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Post by Cicada »

The sound of Emil leaving got quieter by the second. Demetri wondered if the dude was piss-shy or something, the type who needed at minimum two urinals between himself and another.

And he swore he'd seen a flash of something else on the tracker before Emil had suddenly taken off. It seemed important, but it was also actually very important to not interrupt a man bathroom bound, lest the awkwardness ratchet up anymore than Emmett's presence naturally made it.

Speaking of him.

"Andy and Axel are generally bad news. I wouldn't assume they'd kill people..." But his assumptions hadn't done him much good. Definitely on this island, maybe considering life in general.

"Good thing you kept the tracker out of Lorenzo's hands. But I guess, like." And maybe he was reaching for straws again. "Erika didn't do anything malicious while she was with you guys. Her kill might have been circumstances? Not like Daniel- whoever the announcer guy is- is giving us the whole truth, you know?" He tugged at the collar of his shirt where it rode up into a gallows position against the softer parts of his neck. Needed a little air.

"Shit. You guys got really run all over the island and... had to see things." He didn't know how else to put it. His lips felt too dry even though it was raining, but inevitably the more he licked and bit at his lips around other men the more questionable his sworn affiliations to the friendzone-ier of the sexes became. "Sounds like hell."

"As for us, not much happened. I saw Zach when I came to, and I guess he might be dangerous to be around now." A humorless tisk, air going the wrong way out his nose. "Said no one ever." Somehow Demetri still couldn't take the dude seriously even when he had a girl's blood on his hands. "Uh... Ariana Grande look-alike, you know the one. And Yuko, and the three of us holed up in the village with Charelle and Felix. Charelle's leg's not good, apparently, so we were gonna stay for a bit so she could rest. Wasn't so bad 'til Tyrell showed- and I couldn't even tell you what happened." The memories rushed by and he couldn't grasp at any of them as the murky stream flowed too quick. "Somehow we pissed Tyrell off. He had a gun, I jumped at Charelle to keep her safe."

Was that how it had gone down? Hard to remember- he might have been pushed. Maybe.

"And when we got up there were two corpses and everyone else was gone. We didn't have enough manpower on hand to get anyone buried, which is pretty fucked..." Demetri trailed off. None of this was anything he felt like going into much detail about.

"Long story short, I end up here. But like... I dunno. Maybe I should stay. Might be better if I just shut up and keep my head down for a bit? Before I run off and do something stupid."


Demetri shrugged, nodded, proved himself as capable of sending mixed signals as the most disinterested of women. If he was going to stay he was gonna. "Why did Cecil leave, by the way? Cryptic manly business? Join the club, I guess."
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Post by Primrosette »

Emmett thought about Andy and Axel for a moment. Would they actually start to kill people as time went on this island? Emmett wasn't sure what to think about other people anymore since it seemed like people were changing every day and Emmett didn't know what he was supposed to do about it. Erika. Marco. Marco who had been a nervous wreck and Erika who just wanted to stay out of this and have a smoke. He wondered if Garnet would be alright since she seemed like she was close to Marco. He hoped that things would not get worse from now on. But he was just trying to fool himself; he knew that things were going to get more worse and desperation was more likely to take over many other people's mind to get back home.

"I don't know. It didn't seemed like he was trying to lie to us on the announcement. But then you know that I can be distrustful of others, Demetri. So fuck...." Emmett said simply with a shrug of his shoulders and he was glanced off at the direction of where Emil had left, feeling a bit worried about him going too far away from them. "Everything that's been going on is definitely hell for us. I can't even imagine what it is like for other classmates that are here as well. I just wished that there was something that we could do without people losing their shit and killing each other out of fear or distrust."

Emmett felt himself looking back at Demetri as he mentioned Tyrell and it made him think of Erika in that moment. He wondered how that guy was feeling about his girlfriend being a murderer as well. It would have made Emmett feel angry, sad and hurt if he heard of Adonis killing someone else. He knew that he shouldn't care but he did and it scared him a lot. He didn't want to hear Adonis' name on either side of the announcement as a victim or a killer and he was sure that Adonis would feel the same way about him. God, he wished that he hadn't ended things so poorly with Adonis. But now all he had to worry about was to survive and try to do good things for other people who needed it.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry that you and other people had to go through that shit with Ty. Ariana Grande lookalike...? You mean Katrina...? Oh, she was the one killed Yuko. Holy shit.... Sounds like you went through your own hell as well, huh?" Emmett said, sighing softly with a small shake of his head. "Yeah, yeah. You can stay put here for a while. Just take a hour or so, take a bit of a breather. Try to clear your head and think of anything else other than.... death. However, it seems like you have a plan after all."

Emmett then thought about Cecil and he wondered how long it would take for him to come back. He wondered if Cecil went to go and look for Declyn on his own. Or for Erika....

"Cecil just needed some time alone. We're still going to wait for him for as long as we can. I can't really carry his bag around with me all over the place. But...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)

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