V8 Tenth Announcement

Fluff by Deamon & Buko; Announcement by Deamon

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V8 Tenth Announcement


Post by Buko »

Thursday, December 16, 2021: Somewhere in the Bering Sea, 10PM

The stagnant yellow-white light of the ship’s interior gently hummed above them as Dr. Kelley fastidiously organised his tools.

“How did you get shot?” Dr. Kelley asked Josie as she lay on the gurney, one bloodstained hand pressed over the gunshot wound on her side.

“Is that fucking relevant right now?!” she yelled back, before wincing and collapsing back down on the gurney. A small hiss of pain escaping her lips.

“I suppose not,” Kelley replied, as he pulled surgical gloves on. “But it’s interesting it took someone so long to try this don’t you think?”

“Fuck you!” There was a clatter as a mug was thrown across the room, causing the doctor to duck.

“Okay, not the time for musings like that I get it.”

If Josie could have, she would have ripped the doctor’s face off his skull. She was angry about a few things, firstly, the fact she had been shot by one of the kids, which was proving to be as painful as it was unbelievable. Secondly, that she hadn’t been allowed to skin the kid who had done it. Her collar had been blown, she’d been told by Parker as they’d loaded her onto the boat, but there was no satisfaction in that. No real punishment for what had been done, the kid had been able to die with some satisfaction knowing they’d killed one of them and wounded another. It was hard to send a message with a regular collar explosion.

“All I can do for you is some painkillers and bandages,” Kelley announced, which made Josie wonder why exactly he had been taking so long getting ready.

“You’re some fucking help aren’t you,” she snarled from her position on the gurney, causing the doctor to take a step back, lest she try to grab him, which in fairness, she was tempted to do.

“I think you’ll find it beneficial either way,” the doctor said before turning to load up his syringe. “Your wound isn’t immediately lethal, but removing the bullet fragments and stitching you back up would require a surgery that we’re not equipped to handle.” As he was speaking the door opened and two new figures entered the room. One was Abby, who looked both tired and concerned. Josie wasn’t sure what shift she’d have been off but it was possible that she had been asleep when everything happened. The other was Greynolds, who bore the same satisfied smirk he always seemed to sport.

“Well, congrats Josie,” he said, sliding up to the gurney and standing over her, gazing down at her wound with a sort of distant interest, like one might watch a bug after their wings had been ripped off. “You’re the first person in ten years to get kablamo’d by one of the students. Well, actually I suppose you’re the second, Haskins was the first.”

“Thanks for the update.” Josie grumbled, wincing as Dr. Kelley suddenly stuck the syringe in her arm.

“You know me,” Greynolds said, leaning over her further, “Always interested in fun facts.” Then he took a step back to lean on a counter. “It was Lily Larsen by the way, number 58, if you were curious. Got you and Haskins with a PSG1, the one we gave her for winning the best kill award, so a bit of an oopsie on our end.”

“Thank you for the sympathy,” Josie deadpanned as Kelley wrapped her side in bandages to stem the bleeding.

“Well, it could have been much worse for you Josie,” Greynolds said, standing from where he had been leaning on the side to move around and behind the doctor. “Much worse.”

As his eyes passed over her, Josie suddenly realised that Greynolds wasn’t merely visiting to check on her health.

“You fucked up a bit here, huh?” he asked in a tone that made clear that he wouldn’t be accepting answers. “That some of you weren’t on lookout, and that some of you were just lying around like hibernating bears. It’s like you were asking to be spotted and attacked, so as far as I was concerned.”

“That’s Parker’s fault,” Josie began, “He was supposed to be–”

Suddenly Greynolds hit her with a two fingered jab to her wound, making Josie cry out and attempt to push him away. He caught her wrist. Abby’s eyes widened and she took a step forward but stopped when Greynolds turned to face her, the grin never leaving his face.

“Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s rain. You’re a bad liar,” Greynolds chided Josie, turning his head back to her, grinding and pushing his fingers harder into the bandages. “I know not to have you testify in court, or give any reports to Tracen I suppose.”

Josie held his gaze for a moment before dropping her head, not saying a word.

“Anyway,” he said, tossing her arm away and resuming his position leaning on the counter. “Abby is going to be going with you off-site. You’re going to be airlifted to a medical facility in Alaska, or at least nearish one. There’s a car there filled with hunting equipment and Abby’s going to drive you to the hospital. She'll explain to the doctors that you were shot in a hunting accident, because you’re a silly little bear. There’s also going to be some bills stored under the driver’s seat of the car, these funds are specifically so you can tip the medical staff for their help and discretion, as you were out hunting illegally, so don’t go spending it on hooch. Once the surgery or whatever other medical assistance you need has been tended to, you and Abby will drive out of town, burn out the car, and then charter flights to our agreed end-of-game meeting point, where we’ll meet you once this shindig is over. Abby already got your things from your quarters so don’t worry about that.”

He leaned in and Josie instinctively leaned back away from him but Greynolds merely pinched her cheek, leaving a bloody smudge behind.

“And please try not to bleed out on our floors.”

Then without another word, he turned and departed from the room.

Friday, December 17th, 2021: Undisclosed Location, 9AM

Tracen sat at the desk reading over his notes, eyes resting on the final, most problematic entry on the death entry. He tapped his pen lightly against his mug as he mulled over both the information on his list and what been presented in the report. His brow furrowed as he considered his options, then he stood up and moved to the door, opening it and looking out into the corridor where Cecily was stood, leaning against the wall.

“Cecily, go get Sonia for me. I want to speak to her right after this.”

Cecily looked over to him and brushed some hair away from her eyes.

“Sonia?” she asked, eyes narrowing, trying to figure out what the play was. “Not-”

“No, not Jimmy,” Tracen replied waving away the question. “I want Sonia,” He stopped, thinking for a moment. “And also Rai,”

“Ok…” Cecily mumbled as she made her way down the corridor.

Returning to his seat in the office Tracen picked up his pen and resumed tapping it against the mug then pressed the button to begin the announcement.

“Hello children! Here we are again, as you all move closer and closer to the finale of our little game and I suppose the season if you like to split things up like that. Not that it makes any difference to me, but that’s not why we’re here right now. As I am once again joining you to give you an update on the results of the previous day and let you know how much closer you are to the end.

“So without further ado, let’s begin with a rare double kill where the kills were simultaneous as Kitty Graves blew up Darryl Smith Jr. and Richard Buster Jr. proving once again that the power of friendship doesn’t work here.

“Then after that, in a lovely reenactment of Vertigo, Adam Lader met his end as Salem Fox pushed him down the clock tower. A very enterprising young man is that Salem.”

As Tracen paused to take a sip of his coffee, the door opened slightly and Sonia stuck her head in, signaling a question of if he wanted he wanted her to wait outside. Tracen gave her a thumbs up in reply before continuing.

“After that, we had a return of a previous killer as Jezzie Stark shot Kathleen Vozelnik, but luckily there was an open grave for her to fall into. What a wonderful way to save and recycle.

“Next, we have Lily Larsen, who made the silly decision to break our rules and was suitably punished for it, which meant her neck went kaboom.

"Finally, another one of you decided to break the rules, although this one seemed to be a case of opting out as Dawn Montgomery hung around too long in a danger zone, and we all know what the result of that is.

“And that is it for deaths, things are slowing down a bit but I’ll let you off as we’re getting closer to the end. So instead we’ll move onto Danger Zones so that we can keep this thing moving along smoothly. The new places you’ll be unable to go are the Research Lab and Listening Station. Things are thinning out now, so don’t be surprised if you start bumping into people, after all, what’s a finale without reunions.

“And that leaves us with our Best Kill Winner, Katelyn Graves! Head on over to the Listening Station and you’ll be able to find your prize of a cheese pizza, a liter of cola and, as you are well familiar with, a new weapon.

“And that’s it for today, so–”

Suddenly a loud explosion came over the speakers and from the island could faintly be heard echoing out on the sea.

“What the hell was that? Sonia! Get in here!”

With that the speakers went dead and the island fell into an eerie silence.


Weather: The weather has remained calm, with the snowfall stopping entirely and the wind dying down. The high is around 35 degrees F, 2 degrees C in the morning with a low of 30 F, -1 degree C, in the evening once the sun has gone down. The sun rises at 9:14AM and sets at 3:17 PM. The wind is consistent throughout the day and building to 10mph leading into the evening before leveling off and slowing down throughout the night. The moon is still in the waxing gibbous stage.

Here are the rolls for this set:

1. Alexander Hawthorne (Dogs231)
2. Katelyn “Kitty” Graves (VoltTurtle)
3. Jezzie Stark (AnimeNerd)
4. Anthony Jones (Rattlesnake)
[+] Logs
The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:10 PM
Tis time

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:10 PM
Oh boy oh boy
[8:10 PM]
Gee willikers

Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 8:10 PM
more blood etc

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:10 PM
Rollin outta 29, 4 to get to 25, I'm rolling, Kerm's callin, Gundham's fetching
[8:10 PM]
The traditional test rolls
[8:10 PM]

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:10 PM
406 ⟵ [406] 1d420

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:11 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:11 PM
22 ⟵ [22] 1d69

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:11 PM
All appears to be as it should

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:11 PM
Someone finally called me fetching

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:11 PM
You are!

Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 8:11 PM
alrighty, roll one

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:11 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:11 PM
22 ⟵ [22] 1d29

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:11 PM
Alexander Hawthorne (Dogs231)

Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 8:12 PM
roll two

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:12 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:12 PM
8 ⟵ [8] 1d29

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:12 PM
Roll again, that's Claire

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:12 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:12 PM
6 ⟵ [6] 1d29

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:12 PM
Katelyn “Kitty” Graves (VoltTurtle)

Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 8:12 PM
roll three

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:12 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:12 PM
25 ⟵ [25] 1d29

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:12 PM
Jezzie Stark (AnimeNerd)

Kermit Parcell, SOTF page — Today at 8:13 PM
and finally, roll four

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:13 PM

@The Weedmaster General

— Today at 8:13 PM
14 ⟵ [14] 1d29

Mighty Staff Gundham — Today at 8:13 PM
Anthony Jones (Rattlesnake)

The Weedmaster General — Today at 8:13 PM
And that's all, logging
Finally, congratulations to our BDA Winner Fiori for the death of Lilly Larsen! Your quote nomination thread will be up shortly!

Please remember that there are three days for cards and for regular posting to wrap up for threads that are now in danger zones and a further seven days for leaving posts.

Characters slotted to die at the end of the 72-hour card period have an additional NINE days to die before they and their killer become ineligible for the Best Kill and Best Death Awards for this rolls cycle.

Any characters who have not died by the BKA/BDA deadline of the next rolls cycle will be taken over by SOTF_Help in order to complete their deaths.

Timer for Cards:


Timer for BKA/BDA Eligibility:

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Post by VoltTurtle »

Hey everyone, I'll try to keep this from being too melodramatic.

I will accept any heroes given to me. I really love my dear, sweet Kitty and am not quite ready to say goodbye. I still have plenty of ideas left for her regarding where she can go, what she can do, and how she can develop further. If you've enjoyed reading her up to this point and are considering saving her even a little bit, then I can promise you won't be bored if you enable her to keep going.

Given how late we are in the game and how few hero cards are actually left, I realize I'm effectively asking for a miracle here, but you'd earn my undying love and gratitude if you tossed a save to Kitty. My love and gratitude comes packaged with artworks and secret handshakes! Very important!!

That said, if the miracle doesn't happen, then I don't need or want pitches. There was only ever one way her story could end.

Thank you.
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Post by AnimeNerd »

Well, the lucky streak had to run out at some point, yeah?

I am once again asking for a hero, and I know it's not likely to happen, but I still feel the need to do so. My wannabe star still has more chances to shine, and I'd like to do more with what I have planned for her. If you have the ability to grant me this spoopy month wish, I would appreciate even being considered someone to save.

As it stands, tho?

Kill pitches. Send em.

Do be prepared for some extra stuff, though, because I have some of my own ideas for when it's Jezzie's time for the curtain call, and I don't plan on budging too much.
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Post by Dogs231 »

Hello. I'm on the cusp of a really interesting turn in Alexander's story, what with his imminent loss of his companion and best friend, Valentin, and I really, really want a chance to explore that. I know that, at this point, the chances are slim to none (and that I was already very, very, very fortunate to receive a Hero Card in the last set), but I'm going to ask anyway. If you want to see the fireworks of what is to come, please consider heroing Alexander.

Thank you,

Relationship Thread

🕇 S021: Corbin Azinger is viewing the world in black and white — "I had shit to work towards, once. I had a future, I had dreams. I did everything I was supposed to, and it landed me here." [Adopted by AlmostInhuman]

“Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it.” - George Will

The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


S031: Abhishek Panicker is leading a revolution of his own — "After all, you know me better than anyone else ever did. I'd like to keep my secrets, you know? Let them all wonder. It's more fun that way."

“The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.” - George Orwell

Pregame: 1, 2, 3, 4
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


S043: Donovan Lauer is dreaming about his victory — "I just wanted to be a winner. That's all I ever wanted—to win something for once, just once, in my life. I was tired of losing. I was tired of being a loser."

“Tex looks at me and says 'There's no 'I' in team!' I looked at Tex and say, 'There's not, but there's an 'I' in win!'” - Michael Jordan

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


S061: Alexander Hawthorne is trying to put his life together — "I am not afraid anymore. Because now, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—left in this life for me to be afraid of; there is nothing left for me to lose." [Adopted from Salic]

“You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity.” - Phillip K. Dick

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


S091: Claire Haig is thinking about her life story — "Because, in spite of everything, there's still a part of me that wants to believe. ... To believe that there's still something human left behind when you take our masks away. That, beneath the skin, we're not just monsters."

“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.” - William Golding

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26




⛼ Damien Vásquez — “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” - Joseph Conrad

⬤ Rohan Sen — “Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” - Henry David Thoreau

≋ Isaac Kea — “The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.” – Ingvar Kamprad


∎ William Springfield — “There is nothing more remorseless, just as there is nothing more helpful, than truth.” - William C. Redfield

★ Simon Chase — “What I have done up to this is nothing. I am only at the beginning of the course I must run.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

✠ Harvey Gallant — “It is just that, in so terrible a day, and in the last moments of my life, I should discover all the iniquity of falsehood, and make the truth triumph." - Jacques de Molay

👁 Koda Silver — “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein

◓ Edgar Clause — “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” - George S. Patton

☧ Adam Angelo — “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” - The Bible, John 3:20

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Post by Rattlesnake »

Send ur pitches
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Past time for cards, nine days for any deaths to hit the BKA/BDA deadline, and for any deaths from the previous round to finish up.
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Post by Kermit »

One day, eighteen hours, twenty-five minutes left for deaths from this rollset to qualify for awards and for deaths from the last rollset to finish
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
none of you can prove im in v8
[+] v9, AKA. Kermit rejects modernity, returns to writing mentally ill bisexuals.
[+] Sad Gay Hours with Kermit and Mara.
Well no one's gonna fix it for us, no one can
You say that "No one's gonna listen, no one understands."
And so there's no open doors, there's no way to get through
There's no other witnesses, just us two
There's two people living in one small room
From your two half-families tearing at you
Two ways to tell the story, no one worries
Two silver rings on our fingers in a hurry
Two people talking inside your brain
Two people believing that I'm the one to blame
Two different voices coming out of your mouth
While I'm too cold to care and too sick to shout
[+] The mallgoth who died offscreen in Supers
In de col mein seivuan
Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
[+] Johnny R. Fightmaster
What road?
What road?
What road?
What road?
I'd been working on some open-ended shit
I was looking for an in and that was it
Back at the recital, signs remain vital
A statue is stone which rejects its own pulse
You heart's fair, your heart's square, your heart's not even there
Wasting shore leave on the girls from Point St. Claire
There is a light and it goes out, oh
A touch of classicism in the night
Your backlash was right where I wanted you
Yes, that's right, I wanted you, too
[+] Pow Pow
From this position
I will relax
From this position
I can see the whole site

From this position
Oh, oh just relax
From this position
I took the staff test
I now have a purple name

And chat goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
It goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

From this position
I can see all the pings
From this position
I totally get how our decisions were reached

From this position
I can say "no pregame murders," or "Tracen Danya is canonically a catboy TikTokker," or "go bother Deamon instead,"
From this position, from this position
It's kind of like eating myself to death

With you on the outside
And me on the inside
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both!)

And me being uptight
And you being all right
There's advantages to each
(Advantages! Advantages!)

From this perspective, from this position
I have a good grip on both of them
Because I have stayed home
And have learned a little more about my community
Which is important
You know, Main's got 1,269 characters to read

So chat goes @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
So it's @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
It goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

With you in a sidechat
And me in the staffchat
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both)

And now you have gone terminally inactive
And then you didn't send an appeal
And so I will have to take away your beloved character and then I will have to kill them
(And i'll feel really bad about doing it even though it's my job ;~;)

Now I have been Danya
And you are not Danya
There's advantages to each
(Advantages to each)
And we're coming back, coming back, coming back
Until there's no U.S. state left untouched on the map
We probably should have expected that people would mishandle colonialism in the Hawaii version

I'm paralyzed
And looking through you
But if nothing's right
Please don't yell at meeee

As a terrified autistic person
I'm amazed at my decision to play

On this occasion, there are a couple of things that we know that we pulled from Fact Magazine
One, character morality discourse is annoying and I don't care about it
Two, your time will come, but this is gonna be our version
So you should give us all of your roll nulls
Three, I wrote a goth and you did not, so shut up, because you don't know shit about goths that you didn't get from me

So times have been tough
And times have been tough
We have been staffkilled, unrolled, and rolled out
But honestly
And let's be honest with ourselves
How much time did we waste?
How much time did we all blow every day?

And so it's @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
Oh, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

So @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
(Please do not ping @Staff as a joke!)
(Staff will kill you in real life!)
(Yes I mean you!)

With you on the inside
And me on the outside
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both!)

With my name in purple
And your name in blue
There's advantages to each
(Advantages! Advantages!)

From this position
I feel an affinity for the both of them, which is confusing
But honestly
I should be careful because otherwise, I'm being, I'm being, you know, what's it called?
Oh, fuck it
-Reclining, I'm getting used to it
Like writing a mentally ill bisexual
It's an entirely new
Discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery

And then a couple of versions on mini
And then a version on main
And then back over to mini and then to main, again
To use up my desire for
Discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery

For an instant
We could have been sold as a book
But the site's all been plagiarized
From Koushun Takami anyway
So what you want for now
Is for someone to read you
And to hear that the trends you like
Won't become overplayed

And I don't knoOOOOOOOw what I'm doing
I don't knooooowwww
I don't knooooowwww
I don't knooooowwww

(Staff will kill you in real life!)
I'm losing my edge.
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Post by Dogs231 »

Relationship Thread

🕇 S021: Corbin Azinger is viewing the world in black and white — "I had shit to work towards, once. I had a future, I had dreams. I did everything I was supposed to, and it landed me here." [Adopted by AlmostInhuman]

“Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it.” - George Will

The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


S031: Abhishek Panicker is leading a revolution of his own — "After all, you know me better than anyone else ever did. I'd like to keep my secrets, you know? Let them all wonder. It's more fun that way."

“The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.” - George Orwell

Pregame: 1, 2, 3, 4
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


S043: Donovan Lauer is dreaming about his victory — "I just wanted to be a winner. That's all I ever wanted—to win something for once, just once, in my life. I was tired of losing. I was tired of being a loser."

“Tex looks at me and says 'There's no 'I' in team!' I looked at Tex and say, 'There's not, but there's an 'I' in win!'” - Michael Jordan

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


S061: Alexander Hawthorne is trying to put his life together — "I am not afraid anymore. Because now, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—left in this life for me to be afraid of; there is nothing left for me to lose." [Adopted from Salic]

“You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity.” - Phillip K. Dick

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


S091: Claire Haig is thinking about her life story — "Because, in spite of everything, there's still a part of me that wants to believe. ... To believe that there's still something human left behind when you take our masks away. That, beneath the skin, we're not just monsters."

“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.” - William Golding

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26




⛼ Damien Vásquez — “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” - Joseph Conrad

⬤ Rohan Sen — “Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” - Henry David Thoreau

≋ Isaac Kea — “The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.” – Ingvar Kamprad


∎ William Springfield — “There is nothing more remorseless, just as there is nothing more helpful, than truth.” - William C. Redfield

★ Simon Chase — “What I have done up to this is nothing. I am only at the beginning of the course I must run.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

✠ Harvey Gallant — “It is just that, in so terrible a day, and in the last moments of my life, I should discover all the iniquity of falsehood, and make the truth triumph." - Jacques de Molay

👁 Koda Silver — “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein

◓ Edgar Clause — “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” - George S. Patton

☧ Adam Angelo — “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” - The Bible, John 3:20

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