Welcome to the 70th song contest. For this contest, as we head into the holiday season soon [scare chord] I thought it might be nice to do the first step: go home. Invite us to your homes, won't you?
Disclaimer: This can be literally about your home (city, state, country etc), it can be where you grew up or where you live now (wherever you consider to be home!) or it can just be the vibe you associate with going home or have the feeling of being comfortable and cozy.
Signups will run for 2 days

House guests:
1. Fen
2. Ricky
3. Rugga
4. Paige
5. BurnItUp
6. MagicallySnug
7. Laurels
8. Pippi
9. Poly
10. Blizz
11. Boogie
12. Chad
13. Jilly
14. Brackie
15. Ohm
16. Kermit
17. Skraal
18. Mara
19. Zetsu
20. DN
21. Irene
22. Toben
23. Pan