V8 Halfway Plastic Hammers

You know what time it is!

Polls regarding the winners of the Best Kill Award and Best Death Award go here, along with voting for club and team positions in pregame, and any other unrelated polls you feel like holding.
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V8 Halfway Plastic Hammers


Post by VoltTurtle »

HALFWAY HAMMERS! In the continued spirit of shameless ripping, these have been ripped from V7, which were ripped from V6 and on and on. That also includes the usual reminder (with a very small adjustment this time)!
The Usual Reminder wrote:A quick reminder: the hammers are to celebrate the good stuff, by and large. There are a few places where we ask for criticism and the like, usually about the story/site/game as a whole. That's fine! Just don't take shots at specific handlers/characters here. There are tons of appropriate avenues for expressing criticism and disagreeing with others' opinions and such, so use one of them instead. Do not ironically vote characters you hate into categories you find unflattering; doing so is verboten.

Now that's out of the way, let's grab our hammers and crack open some heads!

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name:

Your Trademark Character:

Current Status of Trademark Character:

Favorite Character:

Favorite Weapon:

Favorite Scene:

Favorite Death:

Favorite Quote:

Favorite Post:

Favorite Location:


Best Character Development: What character development has kept you intrigued?

Best Game Impact: Which character do you feel has brought the most development to the game as a whole, outside their specific storyline?

Best Innovation: Which character has been a breath of fresh air for you?

Best Realism: Which character is really grounded in reality in a way you find appealing?

Best Heroic Character: Which good guy has you solidly on their side?

Best Villainous Character: Who is your favorite ne'er-do-well?

Best Tragic Character: Whose sad and inevitable fate have you most enjoyed lamenting?

Best Humorous Character: Which character do you think has had the funniest jokes, quips or narration throughout their story?

Best Tactics: Through elimination of the competition or a solid plan for survival, who's kept you interested in their struggle to make it back home?

The Sympathy Award: Which character do you feel the most for, and most want good things for?

The Empathy Award: Which character could you most easily put yourself in the shoes of?

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Which deceased character should have stuck around a little longer?

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Who best earned their (possibly still forthcoming) demise?

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Which scene or death made you the most teary eyed?

The Stomach-Churner: Which scene or death has most effectively played with the gory/violent/overall disturbing side of the game?

Best Impact: Which scene or death do you think best played a role in changing the course of the game?

Best Comedy: Which scene or death served as the best comic relief?

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Which scene or death had the best action going on?

Best Feeling-Inducer: Which scene or death provoked the best emotional reaction from you?

Best Drama: Which scene or death had you on the edge of your seat in the way of conflict, suspense, and drama?

Best Surprise: Which scene or death caught you most off guard in a pleasant way, either through its unpredictable nature or its unique execution?

Best Meanwhile: Which off-island scene has been your favorite?

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?

V8 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8?

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out?

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8?

What do you like the most about V8?

What do you think could have been better about the version?

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions?

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story?

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions?

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8?

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write?

What are you proudest of in V8 so far?

What do you wish you could improve?

What is your favorite V8 memory so far?

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!

Code: Select all

[size=150][u][b]The Plastic Hammer Awards![/b][/u][/size]

[u][b]The Basics[/b][/u]

[b]Handler Name:[/b]

[b]Your Trademark Character:[/b]

[b]Current Status of Trademark Character: [/b]

[b]Favorite Character: [/b]

[b]Favorite Weapon:[/b]

[b]Favorite Scene:[/b]

[b]Favorite Death:[/b]

[b]Favorite Quote:[/b]

[b]Favorite Post:[/b]

[b]Favorite Location:[/b]


[b]Best Character Development: [/b]What character development has kept you intrigued?

[b]Best Game Impact: [/b]Which character do you feel has brought the most development to the game as a whole, outside their specific storyline?

[b]Best Innovation: [/b]Which character has been a breath of fresh air for you?

[b]Best Realism: [/b]Which character is really grounded in reality in a way you find appealing?

[b]Best Heroic Character: [/b]Which good guy has you solidly on their side?

[b]Best Villainous Character: [/b]Who is your favorite ne'er-do-well?

[b]Best Tragic Character: [/b]Whose sad and inevitable fate have you most enjoyed lamenting?

[b]Best Humorous Character: [/b]Which character do you think has had the funniest jokes, quips or narration throughout their story?

[b]Best Tactics: [/b]Through elimination of the competition or a solid plan for survival, who's kept you interested in their struggle to make it back home?

[b]The Sympathy Award: [/b]Which character do you feel the most for, and most want good things for?

[b]The Empathy Award: [/b]Which character could you most easily put yourself in the shoes of?

[b]The Gone-Too-Soon Award: [/b]Which deceased character should have stuck around a little longer?

[b]The He-Had-It-Coming Award: [/b]Who best earned their (possibly still forthcoming) demise?

[u][b]Scenes and Deaths[/b][/u]

[b]Best Tragedy: [/b]Which scene or death made you the most teary eyed?

[b]The Stomach-Churner: [/b]Which scene or death has most effectively played with the gory/violent/overall disturbing side of the game?

[b]Best Impact: [/b]Which scene or death do you think best played a role in changing the course of the game?

[b]Best Comedy: [/b]Which scene or death served as the best comic relief?

[b]The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: [/b]Which scene or death had the best action going on?

[b]Best Feeling-Inducer: [/b]Which scene or death provoked the best emotional reaction from you?

[b]Best Drama: [/b]Which scene or death had you on the edge of your seat in the way of conflict, suspense, and drama?

[b]Best Surprise: [/b]Which scene or death caught you most off guard in a pleasant way, either through its unpredictable nature or its unique execution?

[b]Best Meanwhile: [/b] Which off-island scene has been  your favorite?

[u][b]Predictions, Preferences, and Positions[/b][/u]

[b]If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?[/b]

[b]V8 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. [/b]

[b]Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8?[/b]

[b]How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out?[/b]

[b]How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8?[/b]

[b]What do you like the most about V8?[/b]

[b]What do you think could have been better about the version?[/b]

[b]How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions?[/b]

[b]What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story?[/b]

[b]How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? [/b]

[size=150][u][b]Talk About Yourself[/b][/u][/size]

[b]What has been your favorite thing to write in V8?[/b]

[b]Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write?[/b]

[b]What are you proudest of in V8 so far?[/b]

[b]What do you wish you could improve?[/b]

[b]What is your favorite V8 memory so far?[/b]

[b]What else would you like to share? Anything goes![/b]
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Post by Fiori »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Fiori

Your Trademark Character: Shawn Bellamy and Lillian Larsen.

Current Status of Trademark Character: Chilling with friends.

Favorite Character: Dunno if I can single one out, but a couple of my favourites this version have been Rebekah Hayes, Richard Buster, Joshua James, Matthew Bell, Andrew Lapson and Evie McKown.

Favorite Weapon: The Billhook.

Favorite Scene: Aiskhylos, Agamemnon, line 805. Love me a bit of moral greyness/blurred lines, and this scene does a great job playing around with audience sympathies.

Favorite Death: Bethany and Rebecca's deadly duet.

Favorite Quote: "Bill, wave at them, they're waving. We need to show that we're friendly." - Spike. Dunno why, but something about this line just tickled me.

Favorite Post: "No."

Favorite Location: The Campground.


Best Character Development: I'm interested in seeing what happens next with Madeleine Molliqaj, granted I'm biased.

Best Game Impact: Katelyn Graves has had the most obvious impact, storming ahead of the competition early on.

Best Innovation: Joshua James, and his uniquely chilling brand of creepy bastardary.

Best Realism: John Davis came across as pretty damn reasonable in the one thread I shared with him, much to Shawn's frustration.

Best Heroic Character: Marshall West, guy's a good egg whose just trying to do his best.

Best Villainous Character: Joshua James, no contest.

Best Tragic Character: Again biased, but... Poor Madeleine.

Best Humorous Character: Calvin Rawls (RIP)

Best Tactics: Going purely off bodycount, Katelyn Graves, but shout-out to Juanita's attempt at a player group.

The Sympathy Award: Madeleine Molliqaj, granted I am heavily biased here. (Again)

The Empathy Award: God, I don't know... Fitz and Jessica, maybe?

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Rebekah Hayes.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Shu's a bastard who has it coming.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Mildred's avoidable death. "Aroo"

The Stomach-Churner: Meena's suicide. Genuinely the most uncomfortable death in the entire version.

Best Impact: Robin's death ended up being a helluva catalyst.

Best Comedy: "I want to die as I was born. Don‘t insult my nudist ways."

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Alex vs Katelyn. Alex was a great example of a player desperately trying to make a name for themselves, only to get outclassed by a player whose way better at this than she cares to admit. Very nicely done game of cat and mouse, pun fully intended.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Meena's suicide, again.

Best Drama: Ursa Major Meltdown. Nothing like a good old fashioned Mexican stand-off to open up a version.

Best Surprise: Of the unrolls, Ethan's surprised me the most.

Best Meanwhile: I haven't really read any of the meanwhile stuff.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? I wish I got more involved in pregame, get a bit more set-up done.

V8 Final Four: Katelyn Graves, Matthew Bell, Salem Fox and California Fox would be a spicy mix.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8? Armand Nutter.

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out? Fuck knows, but hopefully it'll be a good 'un.

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8? I'm digging it so far.

What do you like the most about V8? The boreal setting makes for an interesting change of pace, and the overall consistent level of goodness across the board.

What do you think could have been better about the version? A more developed pregame, less linked locations like the quarters and church/basement, and Josie was absolutely right about the wolves.

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions? I missed out the last two, but compared to V4-V5 I'd say it's more balanced tone-wise, allowing room for some levity whilst remaining firmly grounded.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Feel we are long overdo a big metaplot shake-up, since this version feels very Business as Usual. Which isn't a bad thing per se, but it feels like it's been a while since anything happened regarding the metaplot that made us go "Oh, snap."

How do you think V9 will differ from/compare to V8 and prior versions? It'll be the best one yet. Hopefully. Maybe... Fingers crossed...

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8? Lillian vs Janice and the resulting fallout.

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write? Shawn Bellamy's been the most fun I reckon, but I've enjoyed all my lot this time around.

What are you proudest of in V8 so far? Feel like this has been my strongest version, compared to my muddier V5 and V4 runs, and I'm pretty happy with how all of my kids have turned out.

What do you wish you could improve? Probably my confidence and self-esteem, since despite the above I still tend to think harshly of my own writing most of the time.

What is your favorite V8 memory so far? The triple threat of Cassie's death, Shawn's betrayal and Lillian's breakdown. Three key moments that all happened around the same time that served as emotional high points, all centred around the theme of friendship in distinctly different fashions.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! I'm glad I decided to stick around after BRAURP2 and become more involved in the community again, and I'm looking forward to taking part in V9 from the get go.
Coming soon to a V9 near you
Marcia "Marcy" Valerio: The Dancer
Koa Tagaloa: The Wrestler
Johnny Benowitz: The Jock
Florida Riley: The Saint

[+] V8
Cassie Chao: The Wallflower Thank you... For talking to me, when nobody else even knew I was there.
Shawn Bellamy: The Bastard "We're the only decent people left on this island, Matt. Way I see it, as long as one of us survives this... I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?""
Lillian "Lily" Larsen: The Satanist "Don't think explanations will be necessary. Neither of us are exactly innocent anymore."
Mitch McDuffy: The Gamer Jobtown. Baby.
[+] V5
Brian Zhdanovich "Just... Just stay safe Ruby. Don't take any unnecessary risks, or accept candy from strangers. But most of all, don't you ever..."
Ruby Forrester "Do you seriously think you're the only person on this island whose had a shitty week?"
Jenna Rhodes"Of course, assuming that all goes as planned, we'd have to do something about the whole 24-hours-no-kill limit. Maybe draw straws, or take a vote, something along those lines... Either way, the longer we put this off, the more likely it is that we'll all get rescued and taken away from this hellhole."
[+] V4
Marty J. Lovett ""Well... Here we are buddy. To be totally honest with you, I didn't think either of us would make it this far. Who'd of thought, huh? I was SURE that I'd be dead within the first couple of days."
Joshua Krakowsk "...I'm tellin' you Marty, somewhere out there is a picture of Danya and George Bush on a boat with the biggest damn catfish you've EVER seen!"
Maxwell Lombardi "Now then, I'm afraid I must bid you all adieu. I look forward to meeting the rest of your children, siblings, lovers, friends and what not. And I'm sure they're looking forward to meeting me as well..."
Vera Osborne"Now then... Tell me why I shouldn't just snuff out your existence and get it all over and done with?"
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Post by CardboardAirplane »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: im cardborad

Your Trademark Character: Perante Losoa

Current Status of Trademark Character: Dead, but at least it was meaningful. At least he tried to make it seem that way.

Favorite Character: Just to make it easier for me, I’m discriminating against the dead (fight me) and only choosing alive folks, which is Matthew Bell, Jezzie Stark, or Russel Fitzroy.

Favorite Weapon: If we’re talking from concept alone, then Adam Lader’s Laminated paper listing all weapons in the game and the students they have been assigned to. I can’t deny I loved the use of the 1-gallon tub of Moose Tracks ice cream by Julia Guercio

Favorite Scene: And When I Bite Down, I Don’t Stop Until My Teeth Are Touching (Hey, this was past the halfway point cerdboard you cheater)

Yeah this one got to me

Favorite Death: Mildred Platt. Wah wah 5 AM brain can’t explain this I’ll just fix it in the morning

Favorite Quote: "Bruh." ~ Piper Puncheon, just after Calvin said he’d choose to kill the girl in the wheelchair because she has no chance

Favorite Post:
Jezzie Stark wrote:"Oh, fuck."

She killed Kitty's sister.

Oh, she was so FUCKED-
Favorite Location: Downed Plane. I have literally no explanation for this other than ”i like plains”


Best Character Development: I want to know where Jacob Winters is gonna go after [Event that happens after the halfway point, for shame cardboerd]

Best Game Impact: Seven time killer Katelyn Graves for, well, killing seven times.

Best Innovation: Hey you can’t ask me this on a first version that’s cheating

You know what, let’s say something probably weird here. Tenshi Fukushima-Yves’s death being a botched amputation was one of the more unique deaths in my mind.

Best Realism: All I can think of is Donovan Lauer in the interaction I had with him where he was like “Oh, these guys are acting nice, that’s new” and I’m just like “Yeah that’d be me too.”

Best Heroic Character: My first impression of Big Dick Buster Jr. was that he was going to be a douche based on the name and I’m pleasantly surprised.

Best Villainous Character: Joshua James. Now please stay away from me Mr. James.

Best Tragic Character: Madeleine Molliqaj, but at least she got Josh in the end? Also Quentin Skinner for never being able to see Morbius.

Best Humorous Character: Calvin Rawls, I say he did swimmingly.

Best Tactics: Maybe I’m just easy to impress but I do like Jezzie Stark changing her name for a thread.

The Sympathy Award: Przemyslaw Ziemiak. He literally needs a hug, and like, new eyes probably.

The Empathy Award: Not gonna lie, Grief Seed with Meena Lalita Kumar kinda hits close.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: She made it almost halfway but I did wanna see more of Betty Quinn.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Joshua James. Yeah.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Okay I liked Mildred Platt, I was sad to see her go.

The Stomach-Churner: Meena Lalita Kumar. No explanation needed.

Best Impact: Cassie Chao considering who gets killed as a result of Josh doing this, and Iliya Polaris considering who gets killed as a result of her not doing this.

Best Comedy: Roses and Whiskey and their own little version of Fuck, Marry, Kill known as just Kill.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Aiskhylos, Agamemnon, line 805 for having an actual explosion and sunglasses, if Matthew still has the one on him.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Przemyslaw Ziemiak and the way everyone involved acted just brought out a lot of different feelings.

Best Drama: Aiskhylos, Agamemnon, line 805. Also might fix this explanation in the morning.

Best Surprise: Can I be the first to admit that I’m a stupidhead and I didn’t realise Tristana Blanco Osuna actually died at first?

Best Meanwhile: the even dumber and more stupid adventures of ithacaconspiracies. I’m weirdly attached to these idiots.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?: I’d rather make it at least halfway through the version smh

All jokes aside, I told myself I’d do a meanwhile and I haven’t done that yet so I should kinda get to that.

V8 Final Four: In the spirit of rolls, I’ll just RNG this too.
S063: Darryl Smith Jr.
S091: Claire Haig
S058: Lillian "Lily" Larsen
S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8? Julia Guercio is still my winner pick.

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out? everyone is gonna die except one

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8? dying was sick

What do you like the most about V8? Armand Nutter.

What do you think could have been better about the version? Literally I’m like “It’s not as bad as me reading early versions so it’s good” so I’m legitimately unsure of anything to put here.

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions? Given my background experience of absolutely fucking nothing, I’d say it’s a good version.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? why is tracen hot

How do you think V9 will differ from/compare to V8 and prior versions? I’m imagining some sort of shift but also I can’t explain this at all

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8? Perante’s three death posts are close up there, but I liked whatever I was doing with the Bravery thread he had.

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write?: Jack was always going to be the less serious character of the two and it certainly made things more fun to write.

What are you proudest of in V8 so far?: The fact that I’m actually remembering names, like, wow when I first saw this site I thought “There are over 100 kids in each version, ain’t nobody gonna remember all those names” and then in V8, I’m actually like “Oh yeah, I remember these folks”

Really though, I’m glad I got some points for Perante’s death.

What do you wish you could improve?: Pacinnnnnnnnnng. Jack was just going with the flow so he didn’t really have beats I was touching on, but I still didn’t really get a main idea across until the end. Perante was repeating things enough times for me to say I should’ve advanced things a little.

What is your favorite V8 memory so far?: Running the risk at sounding weird, when Jack was first rolled I thought “Wow, this is the sense of dread that comes when one of my characters get rolled, how nice”

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!: Yes, I’m also confused how his name came about, don’t ask me
[+] V8
Image S027: Perante Losoa - ELIMINATED 85th of 134 by Danger Zone on Day 5: The People Pleaser ~ “I’m not giving up, by the way. So just… Don’t be mad at me.”
Image S084: Jack Kilgore - ELIMINATED 89th of 134 by Matthew Bell on Day 5: The Epic Gamer ~ “I’m not the asshole for wanting to live!”

Relationship Thread
[+] V9
Image Tyson Peraday: The Birdwatcher ~ "Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." - George Bernard Shaw
Image Kaden "K.K" Kirabo: The Botanist ~ "Don’t try to be a hero, or a sage, or a warrior. Just exist for a while and be decent." - Alexander McKechnie
Image Bailey Gema: The Delinquent ~ "Every day the clock resets. Your wins don't matter. Your failures don't matter. Don't stress on what was, fight for what could be." - Sean Higgins
Image Arran Hensley: The Nonconformist ~ "If you've got to be unhappy, you may as well keep regular habits." - Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Relationship Thread
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Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:53 am


Post by ViolentMedic »

Note, some of these answers I did recently, some I did not and you can definitely tell because the game has progressed. Whoops.

The Basics

Handler Name: ViolentMedic

Your Trademark Character:
At this point I’m not sure, so lemme just list all the living ones in number order. Marshall West, Monica ‘Molly’ Oliveira, Russell ‘Fitz’ Fitzroy.

Current Status of Trademark Character:
Marshall’s missing his fingers and idealism but at least he's got company.
Molly has just crossed the personal unforgivable line and decided ‘fuck it.’
Fitz is keeping it together somehow with best friend Mister Fluffernutter (real name Armand Nutter).

Favorite Character:
I’m going to have to roll a few of them here because I had a lot of trouble even narrowing it down to a handful. In no particular order, Richard ‘Big Dick’ Buster Jr, Lily Larsen, Karin Han, Joshua James, Salem Fox, Jack Kilgore, Mildred Platt, Julia Guercio.

Favorite Weapon:
The laminated list of what everyone was assigned (as I try to IC get a sneaky peek at it). Also biased here, but the Aztec death whistle.

Favorite Scene:
I was struggling to pick one that I hadn’t mentioned down below (this answer I did near to last) but kind of a misc one that I really like is Rebekah’s reaction to the wolf carcasses. Because it’s so divorced from what everyone else on the island is thinking about and worrying about and crying about, but it’s also like… something that really makes sense to be sad about, and is just very Rebekah. (Maybe I should have switched this one with favourite post, but whatever, it's mentioned.)

Favorite Death:
Przemyslaw Ziemiak’s death in ‘Blind Faith.’

Favorite Quote:
It’s more like three lines of conversation, but one that really sticks in my head for whatever reason is that exchange between Salem and California that is just:

“I don’t think I can do this.”
“Do what?”
(two minutes of silence)
“Oh, you know.”

It’s so casual but like… also not?

It feels cheating to say this one since it was in a death thread where I was doing the murdering so I’m putting it as a backup, but also:

“The world don’t want punks. They want people who'll do steps and follow rules. It's a world f-for domesticated animals and we’re w— wild. Wolves.”

Aw Mildred, girl. :( rip too soon, you and Tully both, sorry for murdering y’all.

Favorite Post:
Grief Seed was pretty intense. (Oneshots are posts. >.>)

Favorite Location:
I like the mountains in general. Just something harshly picturesque about it, I guess?


Best Character Development: What character development has kept you intrigued?
Julia Guercio is great. She starts off as really low-key, starts shifting into being more active with attacking Salem with what little weaponry she has and still fails, and through her interactions with Josh and then Prz and all, she’s like a really good example of, like… a kind person being turned towards bad things, but she still hasn’t lost like… that kindness entirely, but she’s clearly starting to lose her patience with it all (see FUBAR and her going kind of nuts with the rifle). I’m really interested in where she’s gonna go next now that Josh is out of the picture, like if she’ll shift back to kinder or dive down further.

Best Game Impact: Which character do you feel has brought the most development to the game as a whole, outside their specific storyline?
Kitty Graves, hands down. She’s the biggest killer in the version, and also stands out as until recently pretty much the ONLY big killer for a good portion of it (a couple are STARTING to catch up now but still not there yet). As a result, she’s pretty much the image in people’s minds when it comes to ‘danger on the island.’ And the fact that she’s such a tiny, emotionally frail person sort of contributes to the vibe of ‘you don’t know who might flip out.’ And I think it contributes heavily to the level of distrust going around, but at the same time boosting up the sorts of people who are like ‘aw but maybe we can talk it out.’ How people react upon hearing about Kitty continuing the murder just often says a lot about them, even if she’s not playing a huge personal part in their story she tends to be the go-to ‘okay but if I did run into Kitty, what would I do’ sort of imagination thing.

Best Innovation: Which character has been a breath of fresh air for you?
I like Big Dick Buster a lot in this regard, because he’s such a balance of like… he’s trying to do right, and he means well, but he’s also like so weighed down by his inferiority complexes. And he has a lot of trouble taking any action that might reveal those complexes, or that might like… expose the fact that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, which on the flipside also results in him doing stuff like shooting off his gun in the air to ‘assert authority.’ So he fails by virtue of never taking the shot when he should and always taking it when he shouldn’t. It’s fun.

Best Realism: Which character is really grounded in reality in a way you find appealing?
I like Iris Waite a lot in this regard. She can pull her shit together at times and has clear capability and smarts and stuff, but she also is prone to emotions overwhelming her at the worst times, clumsiness with guns, (recent addon: ill-timed throwing of flashbangs) etc, at like a very balanced level that just make her feel like a mood to me.

Best Heroic Character: Which good guy has you solidly on their side?
I like Valentin Shulgin a lot for heroic characters. Alexander Hawthorne is decent, too (if a bit callous to feel right under ‘heroic’ but you know what, intent’s more important) and they’re pretty tied together. Collar fidgeting, haven’t gotten blown up yet, they might not have made any headway but goddammit they’re trying their best.

Best Villainous Character: Who is your favorite ne'er-do-well?
Josh is (edit, was, rip) fascinating and horrific in equal measures to me, because I can pretty clearly almost follow the logic of it, and how like… this situation mixed with this guy resulted in this sort of person happening from it. Also bias due to interactions but I like (edit, liked, rip) Demarcus Miller a lot, with his pathological need to insist that he’s in control resulting in him coming off as more fucked up than if he just explained things how they were.

Best Tragic Character: Whose sad and inevitable fate have you most enjoyed lamenting?
Przemyslaw Ziemiak was basically doomed the moment he was blinded, and his slow ‘being hauled around and then left again by progressively less kind people’ is a big, big oof.

Best Humorous Character: Which character do you think has had the funniest jokes, quips or narration throughout their story?
EXTREME STEVE was of course a standout (though I think the choice of killing him early was a sound one. Keeps it short and sweet.) I also found Jack Kilgore pretty fucking funny while just barely not treading the line into Too Stupid To Function. Mildred had a lot of pretty humorous dialogue, too.

Best Tactics: Through elimination of the competition or a solid plan for survival, who's kept you interested in their struggle to make it back home?
I think Shawn Bellamy’s one of the best in terms of playing. He’s kept off the announcements and been pretty low-key, but he’s killed at least one person technically (Andrew) and proved to be the more stable one in his alliance with Bethany, though at the same time kind of pushing her into more ruthless areas too (leaving behind Prz). He’s not been needlessly antagonistic, but he’s been practical, often ruthlessly so.

The Sympathy Award: Which character do you feel the most for, and most want good things for?
Julia needs a hug and probably a therapist for Josh-induced stockholm syndrome.

The Empathy Award: Which character could you most easily put yourself in the shoes of?
I’ve already mentioned Iris, who in a lot of ways behaves rather similarly to how I feel like I’d probably end up in similar circumstances. There’s also such a mood on the flipside with Dani’s more casual, low-key freakouts/’phew glad I dodged that shit’ mix. Such a mood.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Which deceased character should have stuck around a little longer?
Rebekah had such a good vibe and concept and pregame and such, and it was sad that luck turned out badly for her. :(
(Adding another one later: rip Josh, horrible boi, deserved it but I also wish he’d gotten to stick around.)

The He-Had-It-Coming Award:
Shu Hawthorne. He’s only killed one person directly – granted, that person was his girlfriend and he strangled her with barb wire after a minor disagreement / because she didn’t want to solely listen to/rely on him – but he is just like… a special level of repulsive and horrific, possibly because it’s hard to discern specifically what he wants, or why he’s like this. It feels like there is some logic to what he does, but it’s logic that only makes sense to him. And unlike Josh, who is like… similarly disturbing in some ways but at least is somewhat grounded by at least acknowledgement that he’s doing bad things, and like it making sense in an A-to-B way considering his issues, Shu is just like… a disturbing person in a way that the island cannot quite explain.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Which scene or death made you the most teary eyed?
This one’s sort of in progress >.>, but there’s a lot of ‘oh, dammit, girl’ associated with the chain of Iris and June’s interactions. Like two people who don’t really mean badly towards each other but whose personalities just grated wrong against each other right at the start, and other circumstances piling on and then causing it to explode way down the line in a series of bad ways. Like, I guess I find it sad because neither of them have particularly ill intent or even much thought put into it… it’s just a lot of emotions getting the better of them.

The Stomach-Churner: Which scene or death has most effectively played with the gory/violent/overall disturbing side of the game?
This is one where I took a while on writing this because it’s a pretty recent. Przemek’s death in ‘Blind Faith.’ His whole island experience, on some level, given his blinding by Aracelis early on. But he’s such a mess by the end, and him deliberately removing the bandages so that Julia and Josh have to LOOK at the wounds, and then Julia trying to club him in a ‘mercy’ kill and it taking several hits is just eeesh.

Best Impact: Which scene or death do you think best played a role in changing the course of the game?
Robin’s unrolled death started a big ol’ landslide.

Best Comedy: Which scene or death served as the best comic relief?
Hard pick, but there’s something grimly funny about Hector Quayle’s death by mountain goat when there’s so many other dangers about (and also the goat kind of bullying Greg afterwards for a while).

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Which scene or death had the best action going on?
The conflict between Kitty and Matthew, with Ren and Kai, had literal explosions so it gets a leg up in that regard. I swear I’m not saying that just because cardboard did, I’ve had it written down here for like a month.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Which scene or death provoked the best emotional reaction from you?
The aftermath with Lily and Amaryllis after killing Janice Cresner was pretty emotional. Lots of conflicting feels and all, and some warm friendship fuzzies among it.

Best Drama: Which scene or death had you on the edge of your seat in the way of conflict, suspense, and drama?
(One of the outdated ones, wrote it before the Chiara and Derek murders just for context, but hey I’ll leave it in.)
It’s not exactly a specific scene? More of a plotline. But I’m currently enjoying Kitty and Kai’s thing right now, because there’s that like underlying tension of ‘how long can he keep her in check, and when it inevitably fails will it push them apart or will he be dragged down with her.’

Best Surprise: Which scene or death caught you most off guard in a pleasant way, either through its unpredictable nature or its unique execution?
I like the fight with Chiara, Derek, Ty and Daenerys. I always like it when I can’t guess who’s going to kill who.

Best Meanwhile: Which off-island scene has been your favorite?
‘the even dumber and more stupid adventures of ithacaconspiracies’ aka the conspiracy bros. It has a good presentation, a decent mix of both assholes and people who just have weird interests, still themes of family grief but in a unique context of mixing it in with an internet circle and such. I also enjoyed ‘Doom and Gloom, Up In His Room,’ for the extra level of interesting guilt in ‘a family tragedy saving your life.’

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?
Eh, I mean… nothing horrendous has gone down. I wish pregame had been more active and more of the folks there had made it onto the island, but hey… it happens.

V8 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions.
This time I actually am stealing from Cardboard and randomizing them (with some cheating because I rolled two of the same people as Cardboard and redid >.>):

Adam Lader
Anthony Jones
Teddie Boyd
Salem Fox

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8?
I don’t think I’m gonna be able to pick that until at least the last quarter, because it’ll heavily depend on how stories go. I tend to not pick until like… right near the end once I have a fuller picture of their storyline and want to see, like… who I’m invested most in the post-game of.

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out?
People will die. (Of fun?)

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8?
I’m having a good time.

What do you like the most about V8?
The cold has been a fun setting to toy with, without being as outlandish as some of the prior settings. (Some outlandishness isn’t bad but I like the more grounded background that still manages to be unique in its specific threat.)

What do you think could have been better about the version?
I don’t have specific things to pick on.

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions?
Pretty good, although it feels a lot slower? Probably because of how long it’s taken some of the bigger villains to build up steam, and how low key a lot of them are comparatively. But that might be looking on from the view of ‘already completed’ games.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story?
Overall, it’s pretty decent, though it feels like with no real obstacles in the Taskforce’s way that the background is getting a little stale?
(Apologies for the slight negativity incoming and I hope it’s not mean, overall stuff is fine.)
Although I am interested in some of the implications of the V7 stuff where it is basically stated that Tracen’s American, and like the implications/pretty much direct statements that the Taskforce is something of an inside job, on the flipside so far if this is going anywhere, it’s going places very slowly. And while I do think it’s important that the focus is on the kids, I think that the loss of STAR/any large force acting against them and how iron-clad much of the game is removes a lot of hope that could potentially go interesting ways. It is a careful balancing act of ‘too good’ and ‘what idiots are running the place,’ admittedly. But some hope is nice, and having no outside force that’s likely to find them affects the inside, and vice versa.
What I’m getting at is that the Taskforce is too good at their job. Maybe they could use a little overconfidence after a decade of success. >.> As a treat.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions?
I still haven’t gotten to reading V7 so I can’t really answer that.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8?
It’s not exactly one thing, but Fitz’s first three days were pretty consistently fun across the board, I think largely because a lot of it was just a chain of events kind of stumbled into (the only thread that was really heavily planned ahead of time was the Fitz and Mildred one), and it was a lot of fun character interaction and scenarios that kept leading into one another without a whole lot of planning.

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write?
Honestly, I bounce all over the place depending on what I’m doing in the moment, and it’s heavily dependent on what’s going on, who I’m writing with and how fast I'm able to go.

What are you proudest of in V8 so far?
: after story. A thread that had initially started with no plans for death and had seven people, and ended up with two deaths and one lethal injury, all done in a few days. The coordination was hard, but damn did everyone pull it together.

What do you wish you could improve?
It’s probably partially due to the more lacking Pregame, but I have the perpetual feeling that I cannot write characters quite as well as I once could. But that might just simply be ‘I am too in the moment right now.’ (And also idk how to top my v5 joey joe joe boi.)
Also I need to improve on reading people’s posts in the rolls because I didn’t read Alex’s one right and I do regret not at least trying to go for the kill (I didn’t realise ideas had been asked for until it was too late, whoops. Not bagging the death that happened, obv, because it was solid as heck.)

What is your favorite V8 memory so far?
I’m vibing pretty good with all of it so I don’t have specific memories.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!
I am now allowed to sleep. \o/
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
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Post by backslash »

Oh yeah these are a thing I've been meaning to do.

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: backslash

Your Trademark Character: Either Kai Rosado-Prince or Salem Fox, though Salem's got the public notoriety at this point.

Current Status of Trademark Character: Suffering emotionally and suffering physically, respectively.

Favorite Character: As always, it's tough to pick just one. Aracelis, Leslie, Josh, Kitty, Julia, and Rebekah immediately come to mind.

Favorite Weapon: I'm fond of the winter or island-specific ones that were given out, like the ice skates, skis, bear skin, etc.

Favorite Scene: There's quite a few I liked a lot but to avoid repeating myself throughout the awards I'll use this space to shout out Veridis Quo even though I took part in it - the tension of Marshall and Jess trying to get off the frozen lake and Jess's eventual falling in and the consequences from there were fun to read.

Favorite Death: Zora Morrison getting utterly trashed by Josh, and Prezmyslaw's brutal death courtesy of Julia (with another assist from Josh). Both of these were very visceral, impactful deaths and both set up the killers as people who are definitely going interesting places.

Favorite Quote: This changes frequently enough, so right now I'll give it to Mildred's dying speech about wolves.

Favorite Post: Aracelis's transition between begging for her life while Beth beats her up and then jumping right to "YEAH, BEG YOU WORM" when she gets the upper hand.

Favorite Location: Probably the cave. I just enjoy caves.


Best Character Development: I've enjoyed Evie's journey from almost-murder-victim to aspiring player hunter to trying to strike out just for herself and now struggling with the consequences of that.

Best Game Impact: Obligatory shout out to Kitty for all the murders. Shawn's sprinkling his traps around has also had some fun and far-reaching effects.

Best Innovation: I really liked Skraal's take on Billie Sommerfield. A lot of the time in both SOTF and media in general, a disabled character will be upbeat and inspirational somehow, or otherwise just sympathetic and tragic. I liked that Billie doesn't take any shit and is unafraid of confronting the difficulties her situation presents both in regular life and on the island.

Best Realism: I think Rebekah brought a really good take on the "strange/quirky girl" archetype that grounded it well and made a lot of sense. I loved her friendship with Jessica and Beatrice.

Greg Craig is also a pretty good normal dude, and an example of how realistic and regular doesn't have to be boring. Kermit's good at those little humanizing touches.

Best Heroic Character: I'll give it to Marshall, who is definitely well-intentioned and trying to put his money where his mouth is, regardless of how well that's working out for him. Lily and Amaryllis are also doing their best out there.

Best Villainous Character: Overall, I'm going to give it to Josh for being scary in a very real way that a lot of SOTF players don't touch on. I wouldn't want to be left alone with this guy whether or not he was armed and intending to kill.

Best Tragic Character: Perante's ultimate fate, and following his journey as he loses hope bit by bit, was quite sad. Meena also hit me hard.

Best Humorous Character: EXTREME STEVE made me chuckle, as did Jack Kilgore.

Best Tactics: Shawn Bellamy and his various traps. Shawn's my favorite of the people who just started out villainous and plotting for their own survival, and I like that he's stuck to his guns of trying to play smart and sneaky.

The Sympathy Award: Julia overall is just a nice girl who has made some bad or tough choices to get by, which is what the game is all about, and she's someone I can root for. Also someone please just be nice to California, she's been through enough.

The Empathy Award: Greg and Jacob deciding to just get high and hang out while everything is going to shit does feel like something I'd want to do in this situation.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Rebekah, Josh, Meena, and Ren are all people I was pretty sad to see go when they did.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Josh again. Matthew and Jezzie for people who are still around.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Grief Seed and Rebekah's death. Grief Seed hits hard because of the feeling that Meena was just so close to reaching a turning point in life, Rebekah dying while trying to comfort her friends is just sad.

The Stomach-Churner: I actually finally got around to filling these out just so I could give this award to Blind Faith. It's one of the few scenes in SOTF that I've found actually hard to read due to the tension and violence.

Best Impact: Robin and Iliya's deaths cementing Kitty as the first and more prolific killer. It's a basic answer, but it's also true. I also liked Andrew giving Shawn's traps some payoff.

Best Comedy: Jack and Matthew's comedy of errors, including the whos-on-first routine regarding whether Josh is actually named Brad, and Jack's attempt at stealing Matthew's gun where he believes he somehow ripped an entire gun in half.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Beth and Shawn vs Aracelis and Leslie at the campsite. Great involvement from all, solid action, solid consequences.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Grief Seed and Rebekah's death again.

Best Drama: Off the top of my head, I'll give it to the Molly-Aracelis-Lucio conflict, with its buildup and inevitable consequences. Ashlyn and Kitty's awful sisterly reunion also.

Best Surprise: Tenshi's death was one that I was skeptical on conceptually but came around to when seeing the execution.

Also Feast of the Morning Star, just because I want to shout it out but don't know where to put it. A wonderfully strange and trippy sequence, in a way that I don't think I've seen anybody else pull off in SOTF before.

Best Meanwhile: Haven't read enough Meanwhile this time around to say.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? Aside from the easy answer of some rolls, I probably would have been better off stepping back from staff sooner because juggling those responsibilities with real life was hurting my enjoyment of the actual game.

V8 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. RNGsus hath spoken: Trinity Ashmore, Letitia May, Lillian Larsen, and Danielle Bird will be the final four.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8? Watch me jinx it, but I'll say Julia for the (relative) good guy pick and Aracelis for the bad girl pick. Dark horses June Madison and Shawn Bellamy.

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out? Who even knows, everything is up in the air until the very end.

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8? I've ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would, based on how burnt out I was feeling early on.

What do you like the most about V8? I think that people have engaged with the island environment in a very cool way and have been more active about having it impact their characters and stories than previous settings.

What do you think could have been better about the version? Activity's been spotty in places and I'd like some areas to have seen more use and action instead of being bogged down with long, slow-moving threads.

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions? It definitely feels like what it is, which is a version with a lot of newer writers finding their feet, with the good and bad that comes with that. I'm old and crotchety about some things that look like newbie pitfalls to me, but I've been really pleasantly surprised by people too.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Legally I don't think I'm able to comment on this.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? Too early for me to be confident in saying, really.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8? Right now, probably the sequence between Timothy's death, Salem's reunion with Adam, and then Billie's death. Those threads are where I feel like I fully came into my stride with Salem.

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write? I'd say that I've enjoyed Salem and Kai about equally, really. Salem's a type of character that I've toyed with but never gone all in before, and he's by far the most successful adopted character I've ever had. Kai has been a fun experiment with style, and I've gotten a lot of mileage out of having him be the straight man among all the chaos that happens around him.

What are you proudest of in V8 so far? Hard not to be proud of getting two consecutive BKAs, I suppose.

What do you wish you could improve? Sometimes I do feel like I'm retreading old ground with my characters a bit too much and keeping them distinct but also consistent can be hard.

What is your favorite V8 memory so far? I did enjoy how surprised and taken aback people were by Salem's turn in Timothy's death and them telling me so.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!
According to all known laws
of aviation,

there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.

Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.

The bee, of course, flies anyway

because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little-
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."
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Post by midnight_twelve »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: midnight_twelve

Your Trademark Character: Chloé Delacroix and Fred Hobbes

Current Status of Trademark Character: *cricket noises*

Favorite Character: Rebekah, Marshall and Colm all hit my sweet spot of “hilarious but with lots of heart.” I believe the word is “Blorbo”.

Favorite Weapon: Dawn’s weed has been used for a couple of great scenes.

Favorite Scene: Maybe its just fresh in my mind but Carve What You Feel Into Me. Two fantastic deaths for the price of one.

Favorite Death: Rebekah’s comes close but I’ll shill Donovan’s here since I didn’t get the chance in a BDA. It wraps up his story really well in my opinion which is something I always want from deaths and Dogs’ writing is just good in general.

Favorite Quote: I literally cannot get Calvin’s “Lately I’ve been feeling like a born-again garmentalist” out of my head it haunts me at random moments. Calvin in general was very quotable.

Favorite Post: Gonna be real I literally cannot remember individual posts. Specific lines and whole threads I remember but everything in between gets blurry. Will edit something in if it comes to me.

Favorite Location: I grew quite attached to my little corner of the housing area, but in terms of concept probably either the frozen lake or the downed plane.


Best Character Development: Evie’s, despite one of the steps involving me dying!

Best Game Impact: Yeah it’s gotta be kitty

Best Innovation: Juanita for trying to put together the Legion. If it had worked she might have got my best tactics award instead but hey I admire the ingenuity.

Best Realism: Which character is really grounded in reality in a way you find appealing?
Okay hear me out: Josh. Appealing in a horrifying way but a huge part of what makes him such a great character is how terrifyingly real that kind of person is.

Best Heroic Character: Valentin is too good for this sinful earth.

Best Villainous Character: Brad AKA Joey Gun Guy AKA Josh

Best Tragic Character: As far as “inevitable fate” goes you cant get any better than Przemek, poor guy.

Best Humorous Character: Calvin or Rebekah I think.

Best Tactics: Shawn clearly consulted the Geneva conventions for ideas on his strategy.

The Sympathy Award: Which character do you feel the most for, and most want good things for?
Any one of the aforementioned Blorbos

The Empathy Award: Which character could you most easily put yourself in the shoes of?
I have quite big feet, so I could probably most easily put myself in the shoes of someone tall like Fred or Amos
I like to see myself in some of the more proactive heroic characters like Valentin or Medea but in reality I’d probably be more of a Greg.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Betty Quinn, there was a lot of room left to explore her philosophy and dynamic with Colm!

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Shu or Salem, the remaining two thirds of the creepy boy axis post-Josh.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Aion and Amos’s doomed romance :’(

The Stomach-Churner: I’m not too bad with eye stuff but ouchie poor Angelo and Przemek. The latter’s last scene in particular, damn.

Best Impact: Robin’s death is the obvious pick here, not just the first kill of the version but also kick-started Kitty’s mass murder arc.

Best Comedy: Calvin, Fey and Piper play Kiss, Marry, Kill. The literal Bruh Moment sent me.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Tully kicking Alex’s ass, complete with soundtrack!

Best Feeling-Inducer: Another W for Carve What You Feel Into Me. Legitimately the closest i've come to crying all version was over Josh's freaking grandma

Best Drama: Kiera’s death had some of the best suspense built up and I genuinely didn’t know which way it was gonna go which is why-

Best Surprise: -it also wins this award. Genuinely though we were gonna get Greg villain arc right up until the end!

Best Meanwhile: Ithacaconspiracies is really funny, and great worldbuilding on the sorts of communities that would exist in SOTF

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? Give it up for Chloe and Fred joint SOTF v8 winners!!!!

V8 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Ideal list: I think Kitty, Salem, Ash and Cali would be a great final four. Pretty much everyone’s got an important relationship with everyone else.
EDIT: RIP Ash. Kai, you’re tagging in.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V8? Marshall or Valentin

How do you predict the ending of V8 is going to turn out? Looking at the general vibe of the version I can see it being quite cold blooded and brutal!

How much have you enjoyed/not enjoyed V8? I’ve had a great time!

What do you like the most about V8? I really do like the cast, I think they’ll always have a soft spot in my heart. The wintry island is a great touch as well.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I think the characters would benefit from being more connected to one another. It often seems like they’re meeting each other for the first time on island rather than being classmates of 4+ years, which has a lot more drama and stakes to it.

How do you feel about V8 compared to prior versions? There were prior versions?!? (I’m not the best read on earlier versions, but from what I’ve read of V7 the cast seemed a bit more connected and grounded sometimes. I think a bit more pregame could have helped V8 in that regard.)

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? I like it! The terrorists are fun and have some good characterisation, so I always enjoy reading the fluff. Ultimately though I’m not all that invested in the overarching plot so I don’t feel the same need for a shakeup some other handlers do. In my opinion its just there to accommodate the game and I’d rather not see any drastic changes to that.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? Damn I already used my “there were prior versions?!?” joke didn’t I

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V8? Honestly the deaths. The deadlines were stressful but it was exciting!

Which of your V8 characters was your favorite to write? Fred was probably more fun on the whole, Chloe was a bit more stressful since she was more ambitious in concept.

What are you proudest of in V8 so far? Honestly just finishing two characters’ stories, even if they were only relatively short ones. I’ve never really written anything like this before!

What do you wish you could improve? I post too s l o w l y

What is your favorite V8 memory so far? I'm easily blinded by nostalgia so my first thread i think

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! Mr Krabs does not share!
Fredrick Stanley "Fred" Hobbes
Born 23rd April 2004 - Died 13th December 2021
“Do you think we were bad people, before we came here? Or just like, weak?”

Chloé Margot Delacroix
Born 21st November 2003 - Died 13th December 2021
“I am going to get everyone off of this island.”

V9 Planning Thread

get krabby, eat patties on discord
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