So You Wanna be a F*cking Fighter?

The area that feeds into Aurora High is representative of the ethnic and economic diversity that makes Seattle so unique. The architecture is varied, illustrating the growth and expansion that the city has undergone. Turning a corner can lead you from townhouses and apartments to quiet tree-lined streets of modest single-family homes, while the next turn might lead you to areas of much higher or lower property values. The unifying sight in the area is the herds of students who trudge to and from the school daily.
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So You Wanna be a F*cking Fighter?


Post by Outfoxd »

((Figured I'd actually start a thread for backyard mma kids to get together and slap each other around/be friends and stuff.  The thread is more or less open, but keep in mind this is in Paulo Abbate's backyard, and it's not a huge thing unless someone told your character about it.))

((Paulo Abbate continued from  Bitches Be Crazy))

It was gonna be a good goddamn day.

It was Saturday.  School was out.  Paulo's mae had to put in a shift today.  Alda was off being a bitch somewhere else, as far as he knew.  He had the Abbate's ugly little doublewide in the back of the Shady Pines park all to himself.

It was time to throw some fuckin' hands.  It was time to lutar.

Paulo was sitting on the back porch now, waiting for some people to arrive(he had made some calls earlier in the day; hopefully they'd pay off).  At his feet were a couple ratty pairs of MMA gloves and a pail full of ice with bottles of water stuffed in.  He'd be foder, fucked if someone got dehydrated in the middle of a fight.  Again, anyway.

As he waited, he stared at the worn trail leading from his backyard to the stand of trees flanking his house.  Behind the stand was a clearing that they had found was perfect for their endeavor.  Nobody could see from the road through the trees, so it wasn't likely the cops would get called.  Not that he was too worried about that.  They always agreed they would just call it sparring.

He smiled.


Yeah fucking right, sorry officer.  We was just practicing.

Fucking porcos.

Paulo leaned against the door of the trailer and waited, daydreaming about all the armbars and triangle chokes and jits shit he was going to do.
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Post by Iceblock* »

((Jason Lin continued from Pardon the Dust))

Best part of the weekend, hands down.

"Yo, Paulo!" Jason had a cocky grin plastered on his face as he rounded the corner and leapt up the steps, his hand heading towards a hearty slap on Paulo's shoulder. He hesitated for a moment, though, remembering the last time he'd surprised Paulo.

Yeah, that'd been pretty hilarious, 'cept he'd ended up flat on his back. Dude must have thought he was going for a punch or something. Well, whatever. Hands off until the fighting started, then.

Jason tucked his hands into his pockets instead and shrugged, still showing off the left half of his teeth.

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Post by Outfoxd »

First kid to arrive was Jason Lin.  Cool enough kid, thought he was a kung-fu master.  Paulo for the life of him couldn't remember how the kid heard about the fights, but he did.  Made an impression on everyone when he threw a spinning-whatever-the-fuck kick that actually kind of sort of landed on somebody.

Not that the shit mattered he was up with Paulo, of course.  You couldn't even move when the jiu jitsu magic happened.

"Oi, Jackie Chan!  Your moms let you out the house?"  He said, smiling enough to show some teeth.  "What you got off Youtube to show us today?  Drunken Monkeyfucking?"  Paulo was just giving him shit, of course.  Everybody gave each other shit.  That was what friends were for.

Paulo stretched his arms out to the backyard, and answered Jason's question.  "Nothing's up yet, amigo.  So far it's just us and the trees."

He glanced to the left, where some of the street was visible from the back yard as it looped toward the rear of the park.  "I think I heard a gunshot like an hour ago."  He laughed.  "I think somebody got caught fuckin' the wrong guy's wife again."  The park wasn't a total pocket of ghetto.  But it definitely had some ghetto-tendencies.  Truthfully, Paulo relished it just a little bit.  Made him sound muito hard, that he lived every day in a place where shoes dangled from power lines and the cops always seemed to roll by at 2 in the morning.

He looked back to Jason.  "You know 'bout anybody else coming?"
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Post by Iceblock* »

Jason rolled his eyes.

"Hell if I know." He glanced slightly to the side, as if his mother might be watching. Be bad if she was, and not just 'cause of the cursing. His parents didn't exactly know what he did at Paulo's house, and Jason wasn't exactly fond of getting grounded. "Not exactly the go-to man these days for info, you know?"

His hands reached up to adjust his headband. It had to be cocked just right, so that his bangs weren't all mussed up. So that he looked like a badass, pretty much. He wished he had a mirror.

"Besides, weren't you the one setting it all up?" he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't tell me Mr. Jujitsu Master can't hold his own posse together these days."

His eyes followed Paulo's to the street. This whole ghetto stuff always made him a bit nervous, but no way was he going to tell Paulo something like that.

"As for somebody getting caught..." Jason raised his eyebrows and grinned lopsidedly again. "You oughta lay off the married ladies. Know you're hot stuff, but you can't keep dodging bullets forever."
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Cooper Komorowski continued from C is for Cookie))

Cooper could hear voices coming from around the back of the house.  That was a good sign.  It meant there were other people instead of it just being him and Paulo.  As fun as sparring with friends could be, this whole backyard MMA thing was something he did to appease his friend rather than any real interest in being a fighter. The more guys who showed up, the fewer fights he would have to take part in.

He hitched his messenger bag up on his shoulder and rounded the corner.  Cooper spotted Paulo on the porch with Jason. He tossed his head in greeting as he headed over to them.  "Where the hell is everybody else?"

Cooper made a show of scanning the empty backyard before sitting down on the deck. He sighed dramatically and put the bag on the deck next to him. "That's too bad. I guess it'll just be the three of us enjoying some refreshments when we're finished then."

With a flourish, he threw open the bag to reveal the sweating twelve pack of Tecate his uncle bought for him.  Okay, ‘bought for him' might be a bit of an exaggeration.  ‘Looked the other way when Cooper stole it from the garage fridge' was a more accurate description.  But Uncle Fred was always cool like that.  He was probably the one person in the family who wasn't freaking out about him not having a concrete plan for after graduation.

Shaking off the serious thoughts, Cooper looked up at Paulo and grinned. "What you think, bro?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Paulo grinned at Jason.

"You know them desperate housewives can't lay off the brown men.  I'm just muy exotic, you know?  I think I'mma have to get a job as a pool boy someday."

Cooper was third to show up, and Paulo was happy to see him.  He didn't want this day to be a total fucking bust.

And beer.  That was grande.  Cooper was the fucking man.

"Amigo, you're a fuckin' God among men."  Paulo didn't drink much(someone only managed to grab something like once a month), but when he did, it was like a performance enhancer or some shit.  He swore he could move like a Gracie on the ground when he had a couple in him.

Paulo leaned over, as if trying to look around the corner.

"Coop, you see anybody else comin' down the road?  These empurraos better quit fuckin' around."
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Post by Iceblock* »

Jason leaned against the railing, lifting his chin at Cooper.

"Sup, Coop."

His eyes widened slightly as Cooper revealed the twelve pack. That would be interesting for afterwards, really interesting. He just had to make sure that they got a lot more tipsy than he did.

Mostly 'cuz of Asian glow. That stuff was embarrassing. Plus, it'd get him busted at home, and that was about the last thing he wanted to happen. He was already in hot water over his physics grade, and his parents were holding Senior Trip out of reach, the threat of losing it over his head like a guillotine or something sharp like that. They'd even said once the next test came in, they were going to take a long, hard look at the grade and make some tough decisions. Shit, he'd already taken that test by then. And he already pretty much knew that he didn't get a good grade.

If he didn't get to go on the trip, he was going to be pissed.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

((Mallory McCormick continued from Kick Balls.))

Saturday was a good day. The best of days even. As well as it meaning quality football time with her big brother, adding onto that an MMA meeting was just a cherry on top of the awesome sundae. Sure, Mallory didn't quite yet have the metaphorical balls to actually fight. But she was still watching and learning the rules and the different moves. She usually just sat and watched the meetings that Paulo would set up. But it was fun. Maybe she'd take a chance at actually fighting this time. Maybe. She usually wouldn't hesitate about things, but she was very averse to participating in fighting. She was sure she could get over it in the name of sport, but...

Mallory trotted around Paulo's house to find Paulo and two other guys that she didn't really know that well just hanging out. She waved and grinned, because, well, people. People were cool, even if she couldn't quite remember their names.

"Hey. Sup?" she said.

Upon seeing the beer, her smile faded slightly. Drinking and fighting didn't mesh well in her mind. "Drinking ain't a prerequisite, right? Unless this is that... drunken kung fu stuff."
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
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Post by BetaKnight »

Cooper grinned and basked in Paulo's praise.  The boosted beer was now official worth it.  Before he could answer Paulo in the negative that no, he hadn't seen anybody else on his way in, he heard a voice behind him.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Mallory.  He started to smile but then he heard her disapproval of his beer.  'It's not like we would MAKE you drink some.  It was a gift.'  Feeling a bit put out, he decided to rib her a bit.  "Oh.  Hi Mallory," he said and waved in greeting.  Turning back to Paulo, he announced in a loud voice,  "You can relax, man.  Mallory's here!  Everything will be great now."

With exaggerated dignity, he stood up and picked up his beer.  "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I am going to go find a suitable location for the storage of our manly beverages," Cooper said, using his best pseudo-British accent.  "Of course, madam, we would not expect you to partake of such an unladylike libation.  It would offend your delicate sensibilities, no doubt."  He adjusted his imaginary monocle and headed off to put the beer in the shade, where it wouldn't get warmed by the sun.  Nothing sucked as bad a hot beer.  
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Post by jimmydalad »

((Cammy Davidson continued from Let's Start Something))

Her mind was screaming at her to stop, to turn back, to not go. However, Cammy was ignoring her mind for today. While Cammy thought that she was not into the whole fighting schtick, a part of her was curious and somewhat excited to watch these fights. While she would never take part, she couldn't help but wonder what Paulo and the other fighter kids did and since the invitation was given to her, she saw no reason not to go.

She was almost regretting it when she did get there. She was the only girl, apart from Mallory and there was alcohol. In her mind, alcohol was not a good thing, especially considering the fact that they were going to fight. If they were drunk, they may not be able to control themselves and they could get seriously hurt. However, Mallory seemed to dissuade them from drinking, but not without getting a bunch of insults from one of the kids, Cooper.

"Hey Cooper, just because she has half a mind to not fight while drunk doesn't mean that she is a pansy." Cammy commented in defense of Mallory. After their initial conversation, Cammy made an effort to try to socialize with the girl more and found that she and her were pretty similar. They became fast friends and it was for that reason that she couldn't just watch her friend get mocked. However, she realized she probably just insulted the guy and chewed her lip anxiously as she hoped that Cooper wouldn't be too angry with her.

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to watch." Cammy quickly stated, blushing as the situation she had gotten herself in was getting to her. She had no idea how these guys were going to react. She was glad that Mallory was here. Having a friendly face did make things easier than if she was alone. She stayed a little close to Mallory, feeling nervous just being here.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori
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Post by Outfoxd »

The bitches had landed, and they had started with the words.  

Mallory was ok, he guessed.  That puta kept making like she wanted to fight.  If she did, all the fuckin' better.  Good luck finding somebody who would have.

Paulo could see the bitches has shoved a handful of sand right up in his vagina with their comments.  

Paulo walked over to him and snatched one of the bottles out of the case before Cooper made it all the way to the shade of that big ass tree.

"Your loss then, cadela."  Lacking a bottle opener, Paulo braced the beer's cap against the stoop and flat-palmed it, popping it open.  He took a swig.

"You know the drill then, Cammy."  He said after swallowing.  "You ain't fighting, you keepin' your mouth shut so we can get this going."

Out front, a car door slamming could be heard.  Looked like more people from school had finally made their asses here.

He turned to the rest of the group and toed the box of gloves with his foot.

"You bitches gonna keep being bitches or take a step off the Bitch Express into Mantown?"  

((Assume the car load is NPCs)
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Post by Iceblock* »

Jason chuckled at Cooper's impersonation and watched the beer move away. Paulo had already gotten a head start on the drinking. Good for him, Jason guessed, as he watched all that beer go down.

The girls? Yeah, Jason was cool with them, even if it meant lying there sometimes like a loser, after somebody, probably Paulo, put something or other on him that made him tap out.

Besides, the girls were good looking enough, but he didn't have his eye on any of them. He didn't need to impress any of them. Especially Mallory, who was pretty chill but was more like one of the other guys than anything else. Not that she'd fought or anything.

The girl that he did have his eye on? Not really the time to think about it. No way she'd show up to something like this, either. Probably. He made a mental note to keep more of an eye on who showed up.

More guys were here, too. It was going to be a party pretty soon.

Jason slipped some gloves on and backed up a bit. Yeah, he was totally part of this. Nah, he didn't really want to fight first.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Mallory grunted in agreement as Cammy appeared seemingly out of nowhere and backed her up. Cammy was alright, she'd discovered recently. Not a jackass, liked some sporty stuff... was all good.  "Right. Just have bad experience with fights and alcohol being mixed together. ...I'll drink afterwards." She amiably gave the finger to the guy who'd taunted her about delicate sensibilities.

Mallory heard the car door slam from outside as well as Paulo asked whether she was taking the train to Mantown or not. Mallory wasn't sure if she was up for it. She understood the basics by now, she was sure, but she wasn't that confident in her ability.

But the way Paulo had phrased it grated on her nerves. She didn't want him or anyone else to think she was blowing steam.

"...Yeah, fuck it, I'm in."

She didn't expect to do well. But it was better than doing nothing.
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
Posts: 428
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:05 am


Post by BetaKnight »

"Nobody wanted your bitch ass to be drinking our beer anyway," Cooper quietly muttered under his breath.  He set the bag down hard, wincing as the glass all clanked together.  Following Paulo's lead, he grabbed one for himself and opened it.  "If I wanted to get bitched at, we shoulda saved ourselves the time and just brought Alda out.  At least she woulda been grateful for the beer.  Plus, she's a hell of a lot hotter than Manly Mallory over here and her punk-ass friend."  

Paulo saved him from having to comment by putting those uppity, judgmental bitches in their places.  The fuck were there girls here?  MMA was (as far as he could tell) a man's sport.  The only girls he ever saw in the Octogon were the hot-ass chicks in the bikinis who walked around with the signs.  "Hey man, I ain't fighting no girl," he yelled out in general announcement as the rest of the people began spilling into the backyard.  

Several heads turned in his direction and he felt self-conscious.  Cooper took a big drink of his beer to cover up his sudden case of nerves.  "Hey, no, seriously, man.  I ain't putting hands on no girls.  That shit is repugnant.  Mallory wants to fight, she gotta fight another chick.  That's only fair."   He looked over at Jason while motioning at her soft little friend with his beer bottle.  

"Don't no dude wanna be the guy who bloodied up a girl, no matter how willing she was.  That shit's a deal breaker, right, bro?"
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