
The staff library has been burnt to the ground, the friendly atmosphere lost to time. Sunlight freely enters the library from where the now collapsed roof used to be, and wind freely blows through the compound. Charred and collapsed bookshelves litter the area, and the floor is covered in layers of ash from the former reading material. A few partially burnt chairs remain standing, and the fireplace has been left mostly untouched.
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Post by Ciel »

"Oh," she said, "heh, well, if they took all of your pens and papers, I suppose they must have taken all my art supplies too. That's lame."

The pout was a ruse too. Her voice was a bit too downtrodden, the corners of her lips pulled a bit too far down. It wasn't intentional. Jasmine's done this sorta thing so many times that it was all but natural. Back at school, maybe there was nothing wrong with faking a smile. But Jasmine went from grinning to pouting in six seconds flat. Something about that wasn't going to sit right with anyone not named Jasmine Reed.

She slung her bag over her shoulder before making her way through the door. Jasmine turned and waved at Coleen. She even flashed a tiny grin. She assumed that alone would ease whatever nerves the girl might have had. Coleen's mileage might vary on that though. The office was small. Jasmine pressed her back against the wall, giving the office a scan. She noticed the open door leading out to the counter. It all clicked for her, and that made her pout even harder.

"So like, what kind of paper are you looking for?" Jasmine said, opening a drawer to one of the desks in the cramped office. Empty. She reached for the second drawer. "Any kind that you can write on?"

It occurred to Jasmine that she had no idea why Lily even needed pen and paper. What could she possibly need to write? It also occurred to her that she had turned her back on Lily so, uhh, she was gonna rectify that by glancing at Lily over her shoulder.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Coleen could tell Jasmine's emotions were concocted. To what end, she couldn't say, but it wasn't hard to point out when a girl was forcing a smile when she herself had to force one on a regular basis.

Lily and Jasmine were entering something of a claustrophobic space. Coleen wasn't quite into that, either. The only thing she really wanted to do was go outside, maybe get some fresh air, and make herself a sitting duck for the next person to walk along with murderous intent. Okay, she obviously didn't WANT that last part, but it was a legitimate concern offsetting her desires for freedom.

The opposite scenario, she reasoned, was even worse. If she continued to hole up in this little building without moving around, somebody with more flagrantly violent intents might wander in. What's to say that Lily and Jasmine weren't going to change their minds at some point, start with the people in closest proximity and work their way outwards? No, the only safe way to survive this was to stay alone for as long as possible. That was the only way Coleen could feel comfortable.

While the two girls were in the office, Coleen inched for the door.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"Yes, it is lame," Lily agreed absently.

Jasmine was obviously faking her cheeriness. Lily wasn't sure how she felt about that. Probably better than if she was genuine about it. Someone would have to be mad to be happy about being in this game. Jasmine's fake cheer and Coleen's varying levels of control in the last few minutes made Lily feel like she'd wandered onto a stage. Though, glancing at the nearby camera, she supposed that wasn't far from the truth. A play where none of the actors had been given the script.

Coleen hadn't followed them in. Lily glanced at her position before continuing searching. It was cramped in here as it was, anyway. Jasmine was already too close for comfort.

At Jasmine's question, Lily paused for a moment. She knew a lot of reasons she could want paper. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to tell Jasmine what she had in mind. Not because Jasmine would object, but just because anything smart she told Jasmine might be picked up by her, too. And the more people playing this smart meant the more people upping their survival chances. And their chances going up meant that Lily's was going down.

Lily glanced at Jasmine, who was looking in a drawer and managing to keep Lily within her sight too. She'd clearly already taken the advice about not turning her back. Lily stayed quiet for a moment longer, then sighed.

"I want the paper for a lot of reasons. I want to write down the announcements when they happen, so I can keep track of the danger zones and—" Lily's voice faltered for a moment, "And who's killing. Who's dead." She took a breath before continuing with a more steady voice. "I also want to take inventory on what I have on that bag and keep notes on what I'm running low on, so that I'm forewarned before any shortages become a big problem. And that aside, writing down things in general helps me keep my thoughts clear."

If Jasmine had already caught on to advice about not turning her back, then something as small as 'remembering stuff easier' was hardly going to make a difference. Besides, there was a difference between staying logical and just being rude.
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
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S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
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Post by Ciel »

If anyone were to point out Jasmine's smile, she would claim that she was trying to cheer up the room. Make things less grim and dusty, you know? Nevermind the fact that it is having the complete opposite effect. It's one of those smiles that, were she breaking it out back home, it would be way less unnerving. But neither Lily and Coleen were going to mention it, it seems. Coleen didn't even bother to follow the two of them inside of the room! That made Jasmine pout, the kind of pout a bratty kid uses when they aren't getting their way. Arms crossed under her chest, back pressed against the nearest wall, Jasmine's gaze swapped between LIly and the open doorway. She even gave an impatient huff.

Well. Perhaps that pout wasn't quite as faked as it looked. As far as Lily knew, this was just the way Jasmine expressed herself.

"... sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this," Jasmine said, impressed. "Cae told me you were smart, but you're operating on a completely different level."

Was Jasmine being genuine? Or was she being sarcastic? It was really hard to tell; after all, her behavior so far could easily be described as 'hyperbolic'. Plus, Jasmine mentioned Caedyn, and while she meant nothing by the name drop, she should have been well aware of Lily's history with the girl. Jasmine's lips creased, thinking about her, about Caedyn. Where was she? Just thinking about her, even in a dangerous situation like this, made Jasmine's heart swell and her knees tremble. She hoped Caedyn was alright. She hoped all of her friends were alright, but Caedyn especially...

. . .

"... Huh?" Jasmine shook her head. "Um, yeah, that... sounds like a good idea."

Lily continued, mentioned something about inventory? Obviously Jasmine was not paying as close attention as she would have liked. She opened another drawer and, hidden in the very back, she produced an old pen. She wasn't even sure if it worked or not. She shook it with her hand, trying to wrench a bit of cobweb off of her hand. Yuck! She hated spiders!

"Um, d'ya think this will work?" Jasmine said, holding the pen out to Lily.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

With Lily and Jasmine both inside the room, her opportunity was here. Nothing stood between the door and Coleen, and likewise, her ability to leave the library and move on to the great unknown. Lily and Jasmine were great and all, but the events that transpired a few minutes ago just went to show what could happen to normally calm and reserved people in a tense situation. She assumed they were calm and reserved people, at the very least, given she couldn't remember any particular examples of drama coming from either one. They weren't like... well, Vanessa.

Coleen paused with her hand on the handle of the door. That's right... Vanessa was somewhere on this island. The very thought of Vanessa had conjured up a scenario wherein she got some sick revenge on Coleen for 'stealing' the position of lead singer in Peyote Coyote. It was an outlandish situation to dream up. Then again, it was equally outlandish to imagine all of them with bombs strapped to their necks, weapons in their hands and some evil terrorist organization they've only heard about on TV telling them to murder each other.

Unfortunately, kids listened to them in the past. Anybody who paid attention to the news at all knew that. This meant the thought of Vanessa killing somebody... of her killing Coleen, or of ANYBODY killing Coleen was no longer 'outlandish'.

It was realistic.

It was realistic, and that was terrifying.

That's why she couldn't stay here.

Sorry, guys.

((Coleen Reagan, continued along the shoreline))
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Lily wrinkled her nose when Jasmine brought up Caedyn. She didn't like the idea of Caedyn talking about her to other people, whether it was complimentary or not. Caedyn had seen a lot more of Lily than Lily was comfortable, in retrospect. Even if no-one would care about most of it, just the idea that she could tell others—

Although maybe cold would be a good quality in this game.

Looking in one of the drawers, Lily found an old notepad. It was a bit mouldy around the edges, and under normal circumstances Lily would just throw it away. But it was likely the best she'd get on this island. Now she just needed a pen, and Jasmine seemed to have found one.

Lily reached out to take it, and her hand froze as movement caught the corner of her eye. Through the open doorway, she saw Coleen flee the room.

Lily had… mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, one less person was one less potential danger. On the other hand, at least Lily hadn't assumed Coleen was about to shoot her only minutes before. And now she was alone with Jasmine. Jasmine, friend of Caedyn.

For all she knew, maybe Jasmine was just waiting until she wasn't outnumbered.

Lily squinted slightly at Jasmine, her hand still outstretched and frozen in place. Then she slowly retracted her hand without taking the pen, instead tearing off a sheet of paper and putting it down nearby.

Really, she didn't think Jasmine was likely to attack her. Not at this moment. Jasmine was as scattered as Lily was, probably even more so. But it just didn't hurt to be careful.

"Check, if you're not sure. I'm going to keep looking." Lily nodded her head at the now empty library. "Coleen ran off, though. I don't like the idea of lingering here."
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
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Post by Ciel »

...  Jasmine could not stop herself from turning her head and peeking through the window just to see if Coleen was still there. Clearly her priorities were in the right place.  Her eyes narrowed. Her hand balled up into a fist. She relaxed it soon after, but the anger still churned in her belly.  Ugh. That was so rude. Jasmine hated when people were rude like that.

The pen, though. Lily didn't take the pen. Jasmine was confused at first, but now she had an idea of what Lily meant by 'check if you aren't sure'. What, did she think Jasmine poisoned the pen?? Because the point was dull. Jasmine wasn't going t be stabbing anyone with a pen. The thought didn't even occur to her, until now.

Jasmine grunted. She snatched the piece of paper, mold be damned, and rubbed the pen back and forth. It took a minute, and it was faint, but there was still ink. The pen still worked.

"There. It works."

There was no hint of spite in her voice, but it was clear she was irritated by something. Why was Jasmine irritated?  Because of Coleen?  Of Lily? Not even Jasmine was sure why, she just was irritated. They were just tangential.

"She could have told us she was leaving," Jasmine added, because she could not not say anything. "It wasn't like we were holding her hostage."
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"Looks like it's on the edge of running out. I'm going to keep looking," Lily said.

She could tell from the grumpiness in Jasmine's voice that she'd noticed the slight. Or perhaps was peeved about Coleen leaving. Either way.

"Well, we're all hostages. And at the same time, we're also the ones expected to kill each other, so in a sense we're also filling the role of the, uh… hostage taker. Except for the part where the terrorists are holding a gun to our head so we'll do that."

Right. So, if Lily… if Lily had to kill someone, it wouldn't be her fault. She was a hostage. That's what she needed to do to live.

And there, in a drawer. Jackpot. A few pencils, with varying degrees of sharpness. Lily tested one on the notepad. Also faint, but a pencil couldn't run dry. She put a couple on the table near Jasmine, as well as tearing off a good amount of the notepad and putting it there.

"In case you want it," she said.

She couldn't find the words to say that she was sorry about being so distrusting. No hard feelings. That's just the game. Maybe the notepad and pencils would be enough to show that. She put her half of the notepad inside her bag, along with the pencils, before slipping past Jasmine carefully.

"I'm going to go, too," Lily said. She only said this once she was clear of Jasmine. "I'm sure you have your own… things… you want to do?"

Jasmine might want to look for Caedyn. Lily definitely didn't want to be around for that. She still had to decide whether she wanted to find her cousins. The idea made her stomach squirm for a lot of reasons.
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
Posts: 130
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Post by Ciel »



She spoke so low there was no way Lily heard her.

The walls of the room were closing in. Her legs shook, knees buckling under an invisible weight on her shoulders. Her breath was becoming shallow. She wanted to scream.

Jasmine Reed was on the verge of a meltdown and she didn't know it.

She was afraid to be alone. Maybe she couldn't trust Lily or even Coleen, but at least she knew they weren't going to stab her in the back right out of the gate! At least she knew who they were. At least she knew they were there. The anxiety she felt about Lily leaving, and so soon after Coleen ran away, was on the same level as the glass shard and the blood, possibly even more so. She didn't know why, it just was.

She was more afraid of being judged. Lily must think Jasmine is a nutcase, that must be why she's leaving. Jasmine couldn't run after her and ASK to come along, Lily will think she's clingy. She'll think Jasmine is a goddamned creeper. And the last thing Jasmine wanted, even on Murder Island, was to look like a creeper.

Her hand trembled. Agitation, anxiety, humiliation, so many feelings prickling her skin and lacing her veins, her thoughts were so loud she couldn't hear her mout. God she was such a fucking baby, for Christ's sake don't cry Jasmine please don't cry.

"Gosh,Jazzy. Don't cry. Everything's okay you knucklehead. Don't cry."

... Jasmine was on the brink, standing over the edge, her shit nearly lost. But she found a pocket of air, a life preserver. Her lost friend. The only person in her life who has always been there for her.


"... Hey. Lily, wait."

Jasmine made it to the library counter, catching Lily before she could leave. She waved to Lily, flagging to her, hoping that she wouldn't just ignore her.

"Thanks," Jasmine said. Her throat felt scratchy. "I'll see you later, okay?

...To her credit, Jasmine sounded genuine, and her smile was earnest. But if Lily wanted to know what Jasmine was thanking her for... Well. You don't always get what you want.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

"You're… welcome?"

Those words were the closest she had to fit the scenario. Lily didn't know what Jasmine was thanking her for. People didn't stop other people just to say thanks for a piece of paper. Or for not stabbing someone. But maybe she didn't want to know.

Lily meant to say ‘see you later' as well. She opened her mouth, paused for a moment, then closed it and ended up leaving without another word.

Why jinx it?

((Lillian ‘Lily' Caldwell continued in Heel-And-Toe.))
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
Posts: 130
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Post by Ciel »

Jasmine watched as Lily walked out of the library. After that? Nothing. Jasmine just stood there. Let the silence drown her. The white noise settling over the library made her ears buzz.

The scared part of her mind wanted to go after Lily. She didn't know if Lily was trustworthy, or whether or not she wanted company. She didn't even know Lily all that well back home. Jasmine just didn't want to be alone. But she could not run after Lily. Something in her mind weighed her feet down and diamonized the rest of her body. No matter how much she wanted to, she could not move. It was that part of her brain that made her anxious in crowded areas or made her stammer and look like an idiot whenever she was talking to someone cute. She didn't know why, it just was.

Eventually her body laxed. She could move again. And the first thing she did was fall back onto the floor and curl up in around the same spot she woke up in.

Crying was understandable. She could cry as much as she wanted, because as far as she knew she was alone. No one could see her, nobody was around to judge. It did not occur to her that the numerous cameras around the library were very much working and were recording every little thing she was doing. Nothing really occurred to her.

Nothing, save for the pair of arms that wrapped around her, encased her.

Jasmine knew who it was. And as much as she wanted to chastize herself, because she was really being childish at this point, she couldn't. Truth be told she was thankful for that hug. It did nothing to stop the torrent of tears and a dribble of snot rolling down her top lip, but the embrace was warm, she even felt a squeeze.

The hug could not stop Jasmine Reed from crying her heart out like a stupid idiot.

Even so. It was nice, knowing she wasn't truly alone.

(Jasmine Reed continued in Helvetica Standard.)
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