Die Anywhere Else

The doctors' offices are located at the back of the staff area and are mainly situated all along one corridor. There was a practical purpose to this; the patients could become very noisy when agitated, and if a doctor was on the night shift they would need rest, thus all the offices were located in a fairly quiet sector. To better facilitate rest, all of the offices contain beds along with the regular desks and chairs. Many of the walls of these offices have medical diagrams and charts pinned up on them, while some contain bookshelves that hold many different medical journals. One of them even has a photo of the doctor in question performing a lobotomy with a plaque reading "Happy 50th! From The Guys".
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Post by Ciel »

Scout stared at the girl. The girl stared at Scout. There was this awkward silence that crept over, at least on Scout's side. The complete stranger smiled at her, and Scout, for whatever reason, smiled right back. An awkward smile, sure, but a smile all the same.

The senior licked her lips. Scout.... did not lick her lips. That was just weird.

The girl looked around the corner. Then she darted out of sight.

Something about the way she immediately turned the corner, plus the sounds of chopping meat and indistinct screaming made Scout's blood go cold.

She turned the corner soon after, gun at the ready. She caught sight of Isabel Ramirez

She didn't see Noah's body. She didn't even see the blood. All she saw was Isabel's face and she pulled the gun up, held it in her hands and -

Oh Jesus Christ that senior was running right towards her wasn't she?

Scout squeezed her eye shut. She tried her best to point the gun at Isabel, but the lanky girl made it a tough shot. She cursed under her breath. Then she reached and took out the saw from her pocket, holding it in one hand and the gun in the other. There was no way she was going to catch the senior in the crossfire. Scout broke into another sprint. Maybe when she closed the distance she'd be able to get a better shot.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Isabel yanked the sickle out from her belt loops, blood dripping onto the ground below her.

Two girls were approaching her. One of them a whole lot taller than her, and one of them her size. One of them she recognized, and one of them she didn't know. One of them unarmed, one of them with a gun.

Of course just after she got herself injured another couple of lemmings were going to try and come after her. Lionesses taking a chance to pounce on a wounded gazelle. Isabel wasn't about to go down without a fight, however. She was going to make sure that anyone who opposed her didn't live to tell the tale. Maybe they would all eventually learn, and stay away from her. Maybe some of them would save her the trouble and kill themselves.

She grit her teeth and readied her weapons, Noah's blood dripping off the knife and down her hand. "You want to fight me?" she screeched, her voice ragged. "Come on then! I'll make sure to add you to the body pile!"

Fiyori laughed, and then charged down the halls at her. Confident for someone without anything to fight with. All it would take to get her out of the way would be one well placed slash, and then maybe she could use the brute's body as a meat shield.

Isabel readied her arm and swung upwards as Fiyori closed the gap, aiming for the girl's neck.

She screamed as she felt teeth meet her hand.
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Post by Riki »

It didn't make sense, yet Fiyori rushed towards Isabel. Her steps accentuated by the staccato of her laughter. Isabel pulled out a sickle. It hurt. Her sides hurt so much. Her breathing was erratic and uneven, punctured by cries of laughter. And it hurt so much. The dust of the hallway came, and with every sharp breath in a bit more entered Fiyori. Her nose and her tongue could taste the foul stench of that rotten building, and her lung burnt more with each step as the dust settled in her lungs.

It was irrational. Simple as that. Isabel swung her sickle. And for all intents and purposes, Fiyori had to dodge.

But she didn't.

She rushed head-on. Her laughter stopped. Instinctively, she opened her jaw.

Fiyori's teeth pressed against the skin of Isabel's finger. Fiyori pressed harder. Harder still. The girl's skin was pierced, and Fiyori tasted copper on the tip on her tongue. Her teeth burrowed in deeper yet. She could feel the little flesh give way, and she could feel her teeth meet Isabel's bone. Harder, harder yet she bit, and soon enough it cracked.

She closed her eyes, and pulled. The tiniest resistance, but Fiyori jerked and ripped the finger off.

Isabel screamed, dropping her sickle. Fiyori loved it. Hearing her scream, tasting her blood, spiting Isabel by spitting the pinky to the side. A heat built up in Fiyori. Her head was bursting in thousand pieces, her skin was searing, her eyes were blinded and all Fiyori could do was love it.

Blood trickled down her chin, and Fiyori quickly licked it off. Her triumphant grin was – quite literally – cut short by Isabel, however, as she pulled a knife.

The blade left her face as quickly as it entered. It was for the better that she did not notice it. Not the pain, and not the bleeding wound crossing from brow to lip.
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by VoltTurtle »

The sickle left Isabel's hand as she cried out in pain, the girl's teeth digging into her little finger, harder and harder.

The pain in her finger grew until suddenly she couldn't feel it anymore, and her hand came free.

She screeched in agony as blood spurted from the stump where her finger used to be, bits of shattered bone sticking out from the wound. Rage and adrenaline overtook Isabel's body, and the knife aimed itself for Fiyori's throat.

As the blade sliced through the air, pain seared up Isabel's arm from where the bolt head had collided with it days before, a reflexive jerking motion causing the knife to merely slice through the girl's face, rather end her life right here and now.

Isabel's mind raced as she recovered from her attack and losing one of her fingers, trying her best to make sense of what was going on as time seemed to stand still. The smaller girl was running up, weapons in both of her hands, ready to scrap. Isabel didn't stand a chance against the both of them as it stood, her hand crippled and a knife as her only weapon. She needed another edge, a way out. She could manage it, she always did in the past.

Her heart raced as the girl made it into melee range, with Fiyori distracted by reaching for the sickle. This was her chance.

Isabel weaved through the girl's attack, her injured hand coming up and connecting with the girl's face as the saw tore into her upper arm. Her knife hand moved as the blow connected, grabbing the girl's gun to rip it out of her grip.
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Post by Ciel »

Scout finally noticed Noah and she was operating on pure rage. It was the only explanation for why she just let Isabel punch her in the face.

Or maybe that was her punishment for not just drawing the gun and shooting her like she did Alvaro. Jesus fuck she seriously walked into that one. What a stupid thing to do.

There was very little time for her to kick herself. She felt the second and third pair of hands fumbling with the grip of Scout's gun. Two hand against one. Isabel must have been putting all of her weight into her arms because the gun was being forced back, turning Scout's wrist at an awkward angle. That's when she noticed that Isabel was trying to wriggle a finger around the trigger, and she realized exactly what Isabel was trying to do. Dropping the bonesaw, she reached a hand up to try to wrestle the gun out of Isabel's grasp. It was no use. Isabel was trying to point the barrel of the gun at her and she was damn near close to succeeding. Scout was stuck. If she kept wrestling Isabel would cap her in the head. If Scout tried to run Isabel would shoot her in the back. Only one possibility remained, and it was a stupid idea. The most idiotic, reckless thing she could do in this situation.


It would have to do.

She took one step and snapped her head forward. Her forehead landed with Isabel's face and it was punctuated with a sharp crack.

A wise man once said an unprovoked headbutt is like bringing a sawed-off shotgun to a knife fight. Scout wasn't so sure about that, but that headbutt definitely saved her life.

It also made her pull the trigger. Scout or Isabel, didn't matter who, one of them did it. There was an even louder crack and Scout let out a sharp scream. The bullets hit the ceiling, sending dust and tiny shards of drywall raining from above. The sudden numbing in her ear and the pain in her forehead made Scout stumbled backward. She was damn lucky she didn't lose her hearing.

What she did lose was her gun. The force of the kickback sent it sliding across the floor. Scout barely had the time to think on that though. Quite frankly it was the furthest thing from her mind. Scout lunged for the bonesaw, desperate for protection. This cunt was going to die like the rat she was.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Lily had backed further away from the doorway, though it was still open enough that she could see what was happening. Could see that it was all a huge mess, and that it seemed like the entire island was cramming itself into this one little corridor.

Noah was dead. She could see him lying there. She wasn't surprised, and couldn't really find it in her to be sad right now. But now Fiyori and Scout were there, and there were gunshots, and she could hear other footsteps, and it was just…

Isabel was bleeding and bleeding deep. The world abruptly made sense again.

Lily stepped back once more. Her foot bumped into something.

Isabel had left her sword behind. Lily crouched and picked it up without really thinking about it. It was heavier than it looked.

Lily took a couple of steps forward again, trying to keep her balance while holding the sword in font of her the way she thought a sword should probably be held. She thought about running out there.

But she didn't. She stayed put, right back where she'd been hiding. Just with a sword now.
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
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Post by Riki »

Oh fuck. Fiyori had piss-all idea of what was the hell was going on. All she'd knew was that there was a shitton of blood - her own - flowing all over the place. The place being her face, that is. The floor was probably being stained as well, but Fiyori wouldn't know - all she heard was the blood dropping, but she couldn't see very good.

Something else fell to the floor, but for the moment Fiyori's didn't pay it any attention. Her hand patted the ground for anything useful. Once, her palm went straight for the little blood puddle, wetting her hand. Felt odd, the warmth and liquidness of her own blood sticking to her hand. It felt better when she got hold of the sickle.

She was distracted for a moment, however. A sharp crack filled the room. Fiyori felt burning and stinging in her ears, as if they were to scatter away from the force of the gunshot. Light pieces of the ceiling fell on her head. That wasn't her concern at that moment.

Fiyori raised her hand, and she swung as hard as she could. The pain in her chest flared up as she felt the sickle connecting with something. It was stuck, then it ripped something opened.

Isabel's cry sent another shudder all across Fiyori's body, but she couldn't enjoy that one for too long. The other girl's knee found her way to Fiyori's belly. Fiyori stumbled back, spitting out a mixture of saliva and blood as she was pushed back by that raw pain in her stomach. By the way her organs seemed to move, Fiyori felt like shitting them all out at once.
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Wolley* »

There he was. Seeing everything.

But nobody's looking.
I said no.
See that? That's the signal. I'll go
Shit! Get a hold of yourself.
But they're fighting. That's chaos. It's my element.
Can you wait?
No. But I can...
Holy fuck Alan.

The adrenaline as well as his knees were killing him, ready to jump into the fight at any moment given. All of them were injured. There wasn't any reason to not feel confident this time. It was easy. It was his moment to shine at last. After six days of fails his time has come and he couldn't wait more.

Oh God is that a gun.
No, seriously, that's a gun.
Sigh... Yes, it is.
I'm gonna grab it.

He ran across the place that had once been a corridor, but now could perfectly pass for a butchery. He flew to the left of the petite ginger girl and then pivoted, surpassing Fiyori over her right side. She once had been a nice one night stand, and now that she ripped off one of Isabel's fingers with her own teeth, Alan thought about some inappropriate jokes involving her mouth that he would surely tell if he had the time.

But when he tried to pass across top-killer, well... He may have been a little more confident than he should've. Isabel would die in matter of minutes, but she was angry as hell and she had a knife and enough time to react to some guy sprinting towards the most powerful weapon in the whole room.

His neck met her steel and the momentum of his run only made it worse. One second later he was on the ground, trying to ascertain what happened and fighting against his own respiratory tract like that could fix his bleeding problems.

Alan winning? Too good to be true.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Too much was happening at once for Isabel to process.

First a struggle for the gun. Then a headbutt to her face. Then a gunshot, and a ringing in her ears. Then, she felt her own sickle in her cheek, and then could process only the agony and the blood running down her face.

Isabel moved moved aggressively to retaliate, her knee finding its way to Fiyori's stomach, sending the girl reeling backwards. Meanwhile, the other girl was fumbling for her weapon. This was Isabel's chance, if she got the gun then nobody would be able to stand against her-

What the fuck are you doing here?

An unexpected variable, sprinting into view, going for the gun. She couldn't allow this, not when she was so close to fulfilling her win condition.

Her knife was soon found embedding itself slicing into Alan's neck, her murderous rage driving the boy to the ground.

Isabel dived for the gun as the boy went down, feeling another blade tear into her back as she took hold of it and brought it up.

Twisting around, the barrel found itself pointed at mystery girl's head.


She pulled the trigger.
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Post by Wolley* »

He fucked up again and now he was going to die. A summary by Alan Banks, who understood what was going on when Isabel grabbed the gun and he couldn't even stretch his arm in time. He even started to see all those flashbacks everyone talked about. He saw all his failures since he woke up on the island. He never got to do something really good or evil. Everything was just trial and error. And that's how he'd be remembered. That loser. The fact that it sounded anticlimactic pleased him, but waiting there until he bled out just wasn't his style.

If he had just done something horrible he would have had an excuse to try to do something good and make one of those last-minute redemption arcs. But... He didn't need it. He was still as chaotic as ever and of course he wouldn't play by those rules. If he wanted to do something, he'd find a way of doing something. His reasoning? No reasoning. Edgy till the grave.

Would he even get a grave? Who cares about that. Time to take action.

The moment Alan saw Isabel pointing the gun at one of the girls, he threw the upper part of his body into her legs. Even when he only managed to get the left one, his muscles were enough to disrupt her. The effort exhausted him, and his vision became even blurrier.

Another gunshot. Alan waited. None of those two blots dropped to the floor or screamed in pain.

He tried to take in some air but failed. Oh, how much he wished to be able to laugh at her and call her a bitch.

Who would have said that Alan at this point could have saved anyone. Redemption completed. He did something useful and that little victory was enough to avoid feeling like the complete loser he had been all this time. No more being hard on himself, right? At this point he didn't really know if he was trying to lie to himself one last time. Not like it mattered.

Alan Banks deserved a rest now.

#B045 Alan Banks: Deceased
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Post by Ciel »

It did not take long for her to find her gun. A boy she did not know had her gun, or, rather, he intended to take her gun. That's when Isabel got to him. Scout groaned, irritated, idiot! Absolute idiot! Isabel defended herself in one quick thrust of her arm. Her blade tore through the boy's throat like a knife through hot butter. The sight disgusted her. She whipped her head away from the crumpling corpse just in time to see Isabel pull the trigger -

and miss.

In truth Isabel's aim was only off by inches. The sudden whip of her head saved Scout's life. She went into overdrive as she felt, heard the bullet whizzing past Scout's ear. Things were moving so fucking quickly that it barely registered in her brain. She did not have the time nor the inclination to think about what just happened.

Scout closed the gap. Everything happened in a flash. Her one arm went to grab Isabel's wrist. She twisted, trying desperately to point the barrel away from her. There wasn't going to be a second headbutt. Instead her other arm flew down to Isabel's stomach and she clutched the sawblade. The teeth tore through the skin of her palm. Scout screamed.


She tore the sawblade from Isabel's stomach in one violent, gore-soaked tug.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

It had only took a single action from the already dead to leave Isabel where she was now.

She screeched as the sawblade left her body and blood violently seeped from the wound. Her whole body was in agony, the pain dulling every other sensation, leaving nothing but unfiltered anguish.

Her grip on the gun waned, quickly relinquishing it back into mystery girl's possession. She growled, instinctively sinking the knife blade into the girl's torso in retaliation, only managing to weakly rip it out as she felt Fiyori kick her backwards.

Isabel could barely tell what was even happening anymore. Her ears were ringing and her vision blurred as more blood seeped out of what seemed like every part of her body. This couldn't possibly be happening. This wasn't real. She can't lose like this, not after winning so many battles and surviving so much.

She backed up, away from her assailants, hearing mumbled words and muffled footfalls.

Then she felt cold steel press into her back.
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Post by Melusine »

((Dot was now dreaming for real.))

She was hunting her prey. She passed by the staff block where she found Al but he was long gone. She tried to track him down but it wasn't easy. She had no clue other than he was probably hurting.

She headed to the asylum. Maybe he thought he could find something to relieve the pain or something. She kept Lucilly in her mind and locked her somewhere safe. She had two motivations to go back the hospital: finding Lucilly and killing Al.

She quickly found another reasons to wander in the asylum, ready to tase Al again. There was the sound of a rumble, a fight that was going on near her. She squatted beside a table, waiting for the fighting to come to an end.

But it didn't stop. There was screaming, slashing, stabbing, biting and gunshots. There was an all-out war literally a short walk away and she could taste the electricity in the air.

Curiosity made her leave her cover. She followed the wall with her blade, peering behind the corners before following her deathly quest.

Then she saw the monster. As if it was out of a nightmare, it was bleeding and there was holes in it but it was still standing. It stayed there, continuing to fight back.

That was a better kill than Al and Jae would love her for that.

Another round of squirming and twitching from Iz as another girl did something to her that was obviously not fun. She smiled softly, she had it coming. She wouldn't waste a shot on a piece of trash like her.

As if she was holding a baseball bat, she wrapped her hands around the handle of her blade. She stepped out of the shadows and lunged at Iz. The tip of blade stabbed Iz and Dot smiled softly.
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Post by Ciel »

There was this sickening pressure in her side. She looked down and saw the blood.

That bitch just stabbed her.

Scout doubled back. Her boots scraped across the ground with a loud squeak and she landed on her ass. The sawblade clanked against the floor and suddenly the pain came, the pain of getting stabbed. The pain in her fingers was trumped by the throbbing in the wound in her side. She clutched the wound in her side and gagged on the air in her lungs.

It wasn't bad. She assumed. Yeah sure it hurt like a sonofabitch but she was putting pressure on the wound and jesus fuck the burning was excruciating, hot, so fucking hot. She looked up. She found her gun on the floor. She remembered where she was, what was happening. With her one hand clutching her side, Scout reached her other arm to grab the gun.

She saw Isabel. She saw another girl, a new girl, standing behind her. Scout spat, sniffled. She was tearing up.


Fuck it.

The girl was stupid enough to be standing directly behind Isabel. Scout had no idea what the girl was doing, but from the expression on Isabel's face she had a pretty good idea. Scout took her gun and pulled the trigger. She was going to put an end to this.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Isabel hit the ground hard after the shots impacted her chest, her knife clattering to the ground a few feet away.

The pain she had been experiencing seemed to dull itself, even as she had three new holes added to her torso, but breathing was difficult, and she could feel the pressure changing in her chest whenever she tried to gasp for air.

She had to stand up, get herself out of here, she had to survive. She pushed herself up, only to find herself falling back down again. Her legs wouldn't work. She couldn't even feel them.

A pathetic whine escaped her lips as she moved her arms forward, desperately trying to drag herself away from her assailants only to find herself staying in place, more and more of her blood leaking onto the ground below.

She felt cold.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop!"

She found herself speaking, even as she could barely make out sounds in the world around her, or even the sounds of her own voice. "This... isn't... happening..." Her words were slurred, talking becoming difficult as blood filled her throat. "This is all a bad dream... I'm going to wake up... and everything will be okay... everyone will be alive... everything will go back to normal..."

A crimson shade coated the floor below her, as vague shadows darted across her vision. She coughed, a mouthful of blood escaping her lips, metallic liquid staining the skin around her mouth as it dripped onto the ground in front of her.

Tears weakly rolled down her face as the realization finally hit her.

She was dying.

She sniffled and choked, blood and snot dripping down the length of her nostrils. She wished that she was anywhere else other than where she was. She was afraid. She didn't want this. Not anymore. "I don't... I don't want to... die..." She muttered, in between sobs and fits of coughing. "Please... someone... help me..."

The girls that had attacked her. Maybe they would take pity on her now that she was in this sorry state. "I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry... please- help... I'll be good... I-I promise..."

Suddenly she felt electricity coursing through the length of her body, muscles with deadened nerves roaring back to life and spasming in response to the shock. She tried to scream, only for a geyser of blood to erupt from her mouth, staining the floor crimson in a line in front of her face.

Her labored breathing quickened as the electricity stopped, her heart racing. Sweat beaded up on her skin, mixing with her blood as she struggled to remain awake, alive. They weren't going to help her. Someone else had to help her, someone...

Her oxygen starved mind briefly remembered that she had a friend. Someone she could rely on to help her.

"L-Lily!" She shouted to the best of her ability, the girl's name slurred and hushed by the weakening muscles in Isabel's tongue and chest. "Plea-se... help me... please!"

She heard mumbles in response, as feeling left her arms.

"I'm afraid," she sobbed, her tears and blood mixing on the floor below her face, her fear overwhelming every other thought.

"Pl-ease... I don't w-want to die..." Her sobbing grew more intense, as she choked out words in between mouthfuls of blood. "I'm so- scared... please... someone h-elp me..."

She lost feeling in her face.


A pained gurgle escaped her lips as she struggled for air, as she could no longer feel even her own breathing.


She stopped talking.

She stopped breathing.

She stopped.

G046 - Isabel Ramirez: Deceased
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