Area Description: The Snowfield

Between the base of the mountain and the research station is a large and rough expanse of land permanently covered in snow. The snowfield has remained this way thanks to the slight increase of elevation and shading from the mountain itself providing cover for the snow that frequently falls upon the island. Crossing the snowfield can be treacherous as the thick snow layer and rough terrain makes walking difficult, with the ground appearing to be flatter than it actually is. Rolled ankles and falls are not uncommon and on rare occasions, a small avalanche from the slopes of the mountain will cause a fresh layer of snow to come crashing down into the valley.

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Area Description: The Snowfield


Post by SOTF_Help »

Area: The Snowfield

Description: Between the base of the mountain and the research station is a large and rough expanse of land permanently covered in snow. The snowfield has remained this way thanks to the slight increase of elevation and shading from the mountain itself providing cover for the snow that frequently falls upon the island. Crossing the snowfield can be treacherous as the thick snow layer and rough terrain makes walking difficult, with the ground appearing to be flatter than it actually is. Rolled ankles and falls are not uncommon and on rare occasions, a small avalanche from the slopes of the mountain will cause a fresh layer of snow to come crashing down into the valley.

Status: OPEN


If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this area or any actions taking place therein, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff team who will be happy to assist you.
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Post by DerArknight »

Day 1:
In Welcome To Your Death, Dawn Montogomery built a snowman on the snowfield. The snowman consists of three balls and has no face or other features. Since Dawn quickly left the place and appeared next in the Research Station, it can be assumed that the snowman stands at the northwestern side of the field, close to the border.
Judith "Judy" Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
[+] V8
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]
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Post by DerArknight »

As of the smell of dust and moonlight, a small campsite created by a student can be found very close to the snowfield, moderately hidden. The campsite is small, but was clearly made by someone experienced in camping.

There is a dead campfire that has been destroyed. Close to it lies the corpse of Corbin Azinger, the upper body pretty much burned beyond recognition. Tracks on the ground imply he fell into the fire and got dragged by his feet out of it. The remains of a burned daypack can be found near the campfire as well, although everything that wasn't made rendered useless by the fire got taken.

Finally, a hockey stick and a khopesh can found lying in the snow nearby. The khopesh has been subjected to the flames and lost its sharpness completely, making it less-than-supbar as a weapon.
Judith "Judy" Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
[+] V8
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]
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Dr Adjective
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Post by Dr Adjective »

Somewhere out in the wilderness, close to the edge of the woodland areas, the body of Andrew Lapson can be found caught in one of Shawn Bellamy's traps, having bled half to death before taking his potassium cyanide pill. His daypack is underneath his torso, missing only the first-aid kit, which is open and lying beside the pit his leg is trapped in, with the makings of a rudimentary dressing for his foot wound prepared.
[+] V8 - Evie McKown
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” - Albert Schweitzer

S004 Evie McKown is still alive.
Last seen: In Boston.
Equipped with: Someone else’s life.

M1 "Narrow"
P1 "Gatsby" -> P2 "sunset" -> P3 "Fire" -> P4 “Skateballing” -> P5 “Amaurot”
BH1 “Lone Digger” -> H1 "Lone-coming" -> H2 "Guys and Dolls"
V8:1 "Transmitter Failure" -> V8:2 “Missed My Heart” -> V8:3 “Dusk ‘til Dawn” -> V8:4 "Change, Death" -> V8:5 “Playtime” -> V8:6 "Alps" -> V8:7 “Already Gone” -> V8:8 "Domesday Book" -> V8:9 "Way Home" -> V8:10 “Cobalt” -> V8:11 "Two by Two" -> V8:12 "Kaneda" -> V8:13 "Rage and Resign" -> V8:14 "De grâce" -> V8:15 “Boundries” -> V8:16 "Slab" -> V8:17 "Graceland" -> V8:18 "That Girl" -> V8:19 “Wolf” -> V8:20 "Terror" -> V8:21 “Road” -> V8:22 “World Has Been Changed” -> V8:23 "Exhausted" -> V8:24 "Twilight" -> V8:25 "In from the Cold" -> V8:26 “Heart, Reprise” -> V8:27 “Blood” -> V8:28 “Arrow” -> V8:29 -Escape-
A1 “Dissolve” -> A2 "December" -> A3 “Bags” -> A4 “First Mover” -> A5 “Transmittee Failure (Reprise),

[+] V8 - Bethany Lyon, 05-07-2003 - 11-12-2021
“God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist.” - St. Augustine

S107 Bethany Lyon couldn’t keep it up.
Last alive: The Sheriff’s Office.
Last equipped with: Ski boots, a makeshift spear.

V8:1 "For the wages of sin is death," -> V8:2 "...straight on 'til morning." -> V8:3 "Fissure" -> V8:4 "и засуху победим" -> V8:5 “Castle” -> V8:6 “Venom” -> V8:7 “Scar-crossed armor” -> V8:8 “Bright and Beautiful” -> †

[+] V8 - Andrew Lapson, 12-03-2003 - 12-12-2021
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." - Victor Hugo

S016 Andrew Lapson died alone.
Last alive: The Snowfield, near an abandoned campsite
Last equipped with: 300 mg Potassium Cyanide pill (consumed).

P1 "Mystery Science"
H1 "Guys and Dolls"
V8:1 "Beyond figure out" -> V8:2 "Lost Little Bunny" -> V8:3 "Snowblind" -> V8:4 "Daylight" -> V8:5 "Megaphone" -> V8:6 "Hills" -> V8:7 "Prayer" -> †

[+] The Future in Shorthand
Heather Klein: multi-instrumentalist, perfectionist, anarchist, kind of unpleasant
Hope Hynes: baseball superfan, superhero regularfan, cyborg (arguably), total sweetheart
Leah-Kim "LK" Mitchell: gamer, streamer, gambler, serial girl-kisser
Mercedes "Mercy" Myers-Colman: horror connoisseur, pop-punk revivalist, theatre kid, party person

Erika Bloom the girlfailure femcel hellgoblin
Danielle "Dani Daggers" DiAngelo the obnoxious goth
Ansa Kosekela the party-time skater
Tamara Tymurivna Lomachenko the HEMA horse girl
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Post by Dogs231 »

As of The Stele of the Vultures, the khopesh and the lacrosse stick at the campsite are no longer present. The burnt body of Corbin Azinger has begun to rot heavily; the blood from his head has turned black, and the smell of blood and decay lingers heavily. A recent addition, however, is a pile of vomit and mucus near a tree.
Relationship Thread

🕇 S021: Corbin Azinger is viewing the world in black and white — "I had shit to work towards, once. I had a future, I had dreams. I did everything I was supposed to, and it landed me here." [Adopted by AlmostInhuman]

“Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it.” - George Will

The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


S031: Abhishek Panicker is leading a revolution of his own — "After all, you know me better than anyone else ever did. I'd like to keep my secrets, you know? Let them all wonder. It's more fun that way."

“The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.” - George Orwell

Pregame: 1, 2, 3, 4
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


S043: Donovan Lauer is dreaming about his victory — "I just wanted to be a winner. That's all I ever wanted—to win something for once, just once, in my life. I was tired of losing. I was tired of being a loser."

“Tex looks at me and says 'There's no 'I' in team!' I looked at Tex and say, 'There's not, but there's an 'I' in win!'” - Michael Jordan

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


S061: Alexander Hawthorne is trying to put his life together — "I am not afraid anymore. Because now, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—left in this life for me to be afraid of; there is nothing left for me to lose." [Adopted from Salic]

“You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity.” - Phillip K. Dick

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


S091: Claire Haig is thinking about her life story — "Because, in spite of everything, there's still a part of me that wants to believe. ... To believe that there's still something human left behind when you take our masks away. That, beneath the skin, we're not just monsters."

“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.” - William Golding

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26




⛼ Damien Vásquez — “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” - Joseph Conrad

⬤ Rohan Sen — “Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” - Henry David Thoreau

≋ Isaac Kea — “The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.” – Ingvar Kamprad


∎ William Springfield — “There is nothing more remorseless, just as there is nothing more helpful, than truth.” - William C. Redfield

★ Simon Chase — “What I have done up to this is nothing. I am only at the beginning of the course I must run.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

✠ Harvey Gallant — “It is just that, in so terrible a day, and in the last moments of my life, I should discover all the iniquity of falsehood, and make the truth triumph." - Jacques de Molay

👁 Koda Silver — “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein

◓ Edgar Clause — “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” - George S. Patton

☧ Adam Angelo — “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” - The Bible, John 3:20

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Post by Maraoone »

As of I daydream until all the snow is gone, the corpse of Amos Flannigan can be seen in a forest adjacent to the snowfield, hanging from a noose tied around a tree branch.

Somewhere in the middle of the snowfield, the body of Aion Rhodes lies, covered with a green sherpa-lined flannel jacket. Underneath the jacket, a trail of blood can be seen originating from the side of his head.
[+] the youfs
S050: June Madison is just trying to get it together. She is rolling a pearl.
Previous Threads: Help I'm Alive - Come Out, Juanita, Don't Let Me Wait - Dum Spiro Spero - Everyone's Asleep In The House But Me - Daylight - keep looking forwards on paths sideways - Vultures - Ego Te Absolvo - Shawn's Marvelous Medicine - Medically Ineffective Intervention - no one knows where the ladder goes - I just can't help myself - Color In Your Cheeks - The Long Way Down - Trespasser - I'm going where the cold wind blows - One Last Roll in the Dark - Arrow - V8 Rescue
Pregame: When The Moon Hits Your Eye

S069: Valentin Shulgin (adopted from yugi punished kun and salic) needs you to try your best. He's ran out of time in Далеко бежит дорога. [31/134]
Previous Threads: Murphy's Law - The Human Element - Mediation - Valentin Takes A Bath - the results of Valentin's experiment - Faire et Refaire - Well, I'm tired of losing - et Refaire et Refaire et Refaire - 28 Ghosts IV

S072: Przemyslaw Ziemiak (adopted from rc) is bettering himself. He finally got to see the stars in Blind Faith. [70/134]
Previous Threads: Romans 6:23 - Wendy House - Possession - Evening / Morning - She said, "Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred." - I daydream until all the snow is gone
[+] V7
B083 - Diego Larrosa - Palayain mo na ako. - He didn't want this. say goodnight to the bad guy [10/159]
Current Theme Music: Devil Town (v1) - cavetown
Weapon: Tactical Combat Shovel
Previous Threads: Love & Money - before the day is done, my prince is gonna come - How Far I'll Go - Gimme, Gimme Shelter or I'm Gonna Fade Away - no one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed - Still Waiting - Hell is Other People - RICH_BOY_LIKES_IT_ROUGH.MP4 - I Don't Wanna Be Myself - The Bell Tolls For Our Funeral - The Gang Goes Out For Breakfast - Untrust Us - Crimewaves - Love itself is just as innocent as roses in May - Will All Be Forgiven? - black eyes looking up from below - Silent Key - it's ok we're just scared - life's alright in devil town - Beyond Human (Barely Human) - And Now Those Days Are Over and We Are All Ghosts - The Ultimate Test of Cerebral Fitness - Ang Pagbibinata ni Diego Larrosa - perverse verdict - Madness in the Method - park the car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
Memories: Hiya sa Timog

G013 - Yuka Hayashibara (adopted from Ryuki!) - Does it spark joy? - She fixed up her look in one of a kind [46/159]
Current Theme Music: Play With Me - DDLC OST
Weapon: Bug-A-Salt Camofly 2.0 Insect Eradication Gun
Previous Threads: Quintessential Thinking - I Pray to the Lord You Reveal what His Truth is - all of our heroes fading - now i can't stand to be alone - Incredible Adventures - there's a pale imitation burnt in my eyes - Red Of Tooth And Claw - The Fifth Announcement - Low Times - Party Like It's 1999 - Hell and You - We're All Excited, We Don't Know Why, Maybe It's 'Cause, We're Gonna Die - Ron Gets a Bath As Well, Whether He Wants To or Not - No Exit
Pregame: In Vino Veritas - Shake It Out
Memories: Hayashibara Heart to Heart
Prom: Fear and Delight
Trip: Room 832: Welcome to the Witching Hour

G052 - Joanne Coleman (adopted from Cicada!) - I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart. - She tried to do something in Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death [116/159]
Current Theme Music: When You Die - MGMT
Weapon: George Hunter High School mascot costume
Previous Threads: hold on to this lullaby - Don't Stray Off The Path - D.R.E.A.M. - I'm Not That Nice, I'm Mean and I'm Evil - we keep these promises, write it in a letter
Pregame: You did not break me. I'm still fighting for peace. - Desperate Times - Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown - Do You Have The Time - i'm so 3008
Memories: I'm alright. I'm just fine. And you're a tool, so. - Make A New Cult Every Day

G075 - Aditi Sharma (adopted from Brackie! and somer!) - She failed in Yellow Light [88/159]
Weapon: Browning Hi Power 9mm
Previous Threads: Pandorama - Antisocial Darwinism - My Lucifer Is Lonely - They Couldn't Buy A Fucking Toaster. They're Broke, John.
[+] V6
V6 Characters:
G062 - Olivia Fischer prayed a thousand prayers in Ye Not [37/107]
Previous Threads: Sæglópur - Until all our yesterdays are lighted fools... - the way to dusty death - a concrete cave - I'd Say That I've Had Worse Days, but Then I'd Be Lying - Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying - Until Then, You Are Free - Cast in the Name of God
Memories: Sometimes when we reach for the stars...
Weapon: Lobotomy pick.
[+] V5
B045 - Juhan Levandi - An Estonian wanna-be journalist with a fear of the dark who wanted to bring them all down in Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien [18/152]
Weapon: Party Bag (contains a noisemaker, party hat, two single-serving bags of candy, and a Hotwheels car)
Pre-Game Threads: Wiping All Out - Quixotic
Previous V5 Threads: Despair - The Real Folk Blues - The two people in the distance were Paulo and Becca - Mischief Managed - Sleeper Cell - Tell No Tales - So, How Was Your Day? - And I'm Not Sleeping Now - Intermission - Glass - A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy
G067 - Carmina Maliksi - A Filipina car junkie with a /slight/ obsession with Korea and Japan who has finished things up (somewhat) in Red as Blood [139/152]
Weapon: Non-Functional Flamethrower (left in the Clubhouse)
Previous V5 Threads: Finding Center - Wish I Could Breathe - The Visionary
Memories: Offended?
B054 - Oscar Trig (adopted from Greg the Anti-Viking) - An artist who desperately needs a pencil, paper and a cigar and thought with his heart in Fumble [76/152]
Weapon: Binoculars
Pregame Threads: Taking it to the Streets
Previous V5 Threads: Waking Up at the Beginning of Time - Steadier Footing - Handoff
[+] misc
[+] meirl
new resting place for chatsig never forget 2018
give my v8 kids friends pls
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