fen legally has children i guess maybe yknow like whatever

ugh i cant believe this is HAPPENING im too TIRED

V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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fen legally has children i guess maybe yknow like whatever


Post by Fenris »

most of this is pretty preliminary because thinking hard is hard but yknow. yknow. yknow? i don't know.

[+] Gwendolyn Gwen Rodriguez
  • hair so cute but so hard to maintain black roots are trendy tho right?
  • behold, an e-girl
  • favorite song: whatever gets the most clicks on tiktok
  • favorite game: whatever gets the most clicks on twitch
  • (also like 500 hours of stardew valley but we can just not talk about that)
  • a weeb but only ironically stan miku etc
  • literally counting the days until she graduates so she can move out
  • so she can start an onlyfans
  • can sew, like the one thing she doesn't do for Clout but its still cool she promises please say its cool please
  • deep trauma self-doubt and insecurity issues !!!! fun !!!!
  • generally a pretty nice person but like a terminal clout-chaser and extremely flighty about what shes into right now so its hard for her to relate to people
  • show her any genuine affection and she will literally die for you
  • please please tell her she's pretty please
looking for:
  • ideally like one or two really good friends who shes lowkey dependent on for Affection and Serotonin when the cute boys dont come thru. ideally old friends who know why shes Like That and dont judge her too harshly
  • gwen is tragically heterosexual, she has Severe issues w/ intimacy so any past relationships based in anything but sex have ended very poorly
  • speaking of, probably a string of hookups
  • maybe some people who follow her online content?? she isnt super popular or anything but hey its possible
  • probs plenty of people who think shes a fake bitch cause she kinda is one
[+] relationships
[+] Persephone Persy Alexander
  • aesthetic: goth but also tired
  • you like her name? thanks she picked it out herself
  • parents are legit 80s goths and generally very cool
  • very trans, very stealth
  • into the aesthetic but not all that goth otherwise
  • hobbies: gardening, baking, listening to synth-pop
  • (ok shes still into depeche mode, sue her)
  • mom friend
  • do you need an aspirin? a bandaid? a tampon? love and support?? look into her bag of tricks
  • kinda mistrustful of New People in her life but the friends shes has are Friends Forever
  • please dont touch her though
  • apparently "intimacy issues" is my v8 theme
looking for:
  • friends! probably a decent-sized circle of friends, old and semi-new, pretty much anyone who isn't gonna be judgey of the Aesthetic
  • a handful of closer friends, either people she's known for a long time or who share hobbies with her or whatever
  • fellow gardeners and/or bakers
  • maybe someone she has a crush on from a distance? she's bi but more into femme people generally, but she will absolutely never act on any feelings and is terrified of any sort of physical intimacy so it'll never go anywhere
  • similarly maybe someone to crush on her from a distance bc she is big tiddie goth gf and how can anyone resist. she will not notice ever
[+] relationships
[+] Dominick Dom del Rosario
  • aesthetic: handsome but also really tired
  • lacrosse, basketball, A+ grade average, Ivy League-bound
  • his parents' pride and joy
  • please dont tell them hes been forging his grades for them since they started tanking in junior year
  • seriously overpressured on all sides and is Rapidly crumbling
  • suffers from extreme Gifted Child Syndrome
  • also clinical depression. did i mention the clinical depression?
  • very athletic and works hard at everything he does but its just not enough right now
  • has no plan for what the fuck he can do when he inevitably gets rejected from every school his parents want him to go to
  • siblings are fuck-ups so hes doomed to be The Good Child
  • he has cool friends (pinoy squad!!!) and a cool and supportive girlfriend (jilly's melanie) so thats his life vest in the fucking hurricane
  • generally a really nice, friendly and popular dude who will always be there for u. with his strong manly arms
  • but also dying inside which is relatable
looking for:
  • a wide circle of friends, dom is meant to be a Popular Boy who is generally friendly to anyone who isnt openly antagonistic
  • fellow lacrosse and basketball players
  • possibly girls who have/have had crushes on him but he's been with melanie forever so thats that on that
  • dom is straight...ish??... but has a vague, formless crush on one (1) guy. this wont go anywhere but if you want to volunteer as tribute you know my number
  • anything else yall can think of tbh i want dom to have some sort of relationship with as many people as possible since he's generally v outgoing
[+] relationships
pinoy squad: ill fill in individual details later
melanie: gf
[+] Hunter Kim
  • hell boy
  • i wrote this in march and its honestly still the most accurate description i can write of this loser
  • very into: himself, his hair, expensive clothes, being cute, being cute around cute boys, etc
  • a weeb but wholly unironically stan gura etc
  • this tweet
  • sorry i can only describe this trash fire with memes
  • has a surprisingly successful vocaloid cover youtube channel w/ jilly's kid linda
  • there are vocaloidsonas involved
  • actually good at singing and art and marketing content and therefore actually has an audience unlike gwen
  • does not deserve good things
  • baby party boy should not be allowed near alcohol, would probably honestly rather be home playing video games
  • cant bang cute boys playing video games tho
  • trust me if you could he would
  • working on an angel dust cosplay probably
looking for:
  • a string of boys to hook up with whether one time or regularly. hunter is a hell child but he's cute its basically all hes got
  • maybe an actual ex-boyfriend or two?? hunter is actually not terrified of intimacy but hes terrible and also he doesn't really pursue it but maybe it worked out in the past at some point
  • not a current boyfriend but possibly a guy hunter currently has actual feelings for, if you wanna suffer thru that
  • fellow weebs, gamers, etc
  • overlapping with fellow weebs: people who are fans of his and linda's vocaloid content, which is more likely to be a thing since they're actually pretty good
  • also probably overlapping: maybe some actual friends who don't think he's terrible. or at least don't mind that he's terrible. whichever
[+] relationships
linda: friend/business partner
[+] Trent Taylor
  • i didnt make him koki kariya on purpose it just happened
  • just a guy, yknow?
  • just kinda... tired. bored. most things are kinda boring but its cool, hes cool, its chill. hes fine with it
  • objectively probably has low-grade depression but doesnt really care enough to deal with that
  • only gets fired up about the two things he really cares about: drumming and wrestling
  • clings pretty hard to those two things as coping mechanisms for life because if those get boring too what the fuck is even left haha. its fine tho. its chill
  • platonic life partners w/ boogie's bassist boy sirius which is kind of ironic bc theyre both gay. just not for each other
  • sirius is the Intense One with the Ideas and trent is just like yea bro. lets go for it
  • oh yeah and he's missing a leg. there was a car accident. its chill. its cool
  • eats objectively too much candy but weighs like 7 pounds
  • just kinda... skating by thru life... has no real life plans... yknow its fine? its fine
looking for:
  • other musicians. tbh no idea if sirius and trent are gonna have other band members or if they're just a weird two-piece outfit, but they'd presumably know other school musicians either way. any singers or guitarists looking for a home may apply
  • other wrestling fans to be nerds with
  • relationship stuff is ??? trent doesn't have the willpower to pursue anything with anyone but it's possible he's dated guys before, or is even dating someone now, if they'd be okay with him being how he is (and also would be okay with his closest friend in the world being another gay dude lmao)
  • whoever else, idk, yknow... whatever. its cool. its fine
[+] relationships
sirius: rad bromance
[+] Rory O Reilly you know how that last name is actually spelled but the fuckin formatting wont let me
  • aesthetic: ive been cuttnig my own hair since Way before the quarantine
  • what do we do with a drunken sailor ear-lay in the mornin
  • family has been catching lobsters and oysters in the new england area for GENERATIONS
  • knows basically anything you could think to ask about sailing, the ocean, the beach, and the relevant flora and fauna
  • does not know a goddamn thing about basically everything else
  • this whole sea shanty trend becoming popular is cultural appropriation actually
  • (thats a joke but also they know more sea shanties than you dont test them)
  • gender-dubious
  • sea witch aesthetic but also sea witch vials of salt water and candles and they caught their bedroom on fire but only the one time
  • "drinking problem" implies theres a problem?
  • has a pet blue lobster named damona, a sharp friend
  • kind of a prickly person but mostly because they know you're gonna call them a freak so like whats the point in being nice?
  • but if you want to summon an old god or something hit them up
looking for:
  • the salem witch squad that i'm sure exists
  • anyone who shares their primary interest (sailing, sea life, the ocean in general) is a potential friend as is anyone who will let them ramble about it
  • anyone who thinks they're a freak and has expressed as much so rory can drown their effigy in a jar of sea water or whatever
  • rory and their family have been in the area Forever so they probably have old friends, maybe family friends even? or just people they've known since elementary
  • if anyone else has a fishing family or, semi-relatedly, a family that owns a restaurant, they might know the O'Reilly's
  • rory's orientation is a big ??? so i'm open to ideas lmao
[+] relationships
"Well, Fenris, the King of Gossip. We meet again."
[+] v7
the dead:
Image[B040] Dante Valerio - Fell asleep too early.
[V7] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: None Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
Image[G014] Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios - T-R-I-E-D.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: None Trip: [Start]
Image[B004] Axel Fontaine - Lost his place.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
Image[G041] Ivy Langley - Together forever.
[V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]

the living:
ImageArtem Fyodorov - Desperate.
[Meanwhile] [x] [x] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
ImageZen Alicea Feliciano - On vacation!
[Meanwhile] [x]
[Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
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Post by Sunnybunny »

I have a punch himbo... you have a wylin fight twink... it could be fun to have them Interact! I would love to go into more details but I am mostly using this is a place holder because I'm both hype about it and need to go to bed ; ;
G071 - Sakurako Adina Jackson - i'll be ready every day / for as long as i can say / here I am in the future with my friends

Dancing Shoes
Bare Knuckles
Wild Horses
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Post by BlizzardeyeWonder »

For Gwen: Lydia's someone who's been a while, so maybe she can be one of those old friends? Regardless of whether she knows why Gwen's Like That tho she can be a supportive sorta friend if you need one.

Liya on the other hand is a fuckin jerk who hates her whole clout-chasing e-girl thing for being fake and is probably gonna be kinda rude to her. not an active bully but you know. rude.

For Persy: On this hand though, Liya might be a casual friend of Persy's, not super close but y'know.

Also... if you want someone to crush on her from a distance, may I offer (again) Lydia, a gay who is convinced she'll be 5ever alone anyway?

For Dom: Tenshi is kinda obligated to be friendly with him as a fellow member of the Platoon, and probably expresses her friendship in bothering him to take a break from the school stress and hang out somewhere which probably Does Not Help.

Also Liya is a lacrosse player, which means they might have crossed paths. Liya's a little shit though who'd avoid the Big Man On Campus on principle so there's probably not a super deep friendship there.

I have two Children who can be found Around, Daniel and Meena. i will think about volunteering Daniel as tribute. As for Meena, she's another washed out gifted kid but despite that he is not the most perceptive and quite possibly thinks Dom is The Coolest and might sorta trail him socially and want to be friends but is definitely too shy to strike up anything more than an acquaintance. Is it admiration? is it a crush? is it gender envy? who knows tbh

For Hunter: Tenshi is another person who does vocaloid covers and youtube and tbh I figure she at least respects him for at least being good at that. very, very begrudging respect.

Also, maybe Daniel, fellow cute boy, as a former regular hookup partner? Like at some point Hunter's hell vibes outweighed his cute boy vibes in Daniel's book and he ditched. he'd probably pretend he never knew Hunter in that scenario.
[+] V8 - CURRENT

Meena Lalita Kumar
the dreaded SI
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Crying in the (music) club
>Homecoming Start: Dying Clean And Pretty
-->Homecoming Status: It's worse fresh (ish) off a breakup
>Game Start: It's Lights Out, And Away They Go!
-->Game Status (FINAL): The future sucks.

Tenshi Marie Anastasie Fukushima-Yves
#1 princess and voca-tuber in the whole wide world
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Trying and failing to share manga
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: spawn more overlords!
-->Game Status (FINAL): A star has fallen.

Iliya "Liya" Polaris - DEAD
rebelling against a traditional Wiccan upbringing
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Some things are more important than a party
>Homecoming Start: Guys and Dolls
-->Homecoming Status: don't tell anyone this but she was actually one of the raccoons
>Game Start: A Question of Faith
-->Game Status (FINAL): The spirit was weak.

Daniel Ozanne
poker twink
>Pregame Start: Cast Call
--> Pregame Status: Uncomfortable questions
>Homecoming Start: N/A
-->Homecoming Status: N/A
>Game Start: nooooo don't get kidnapped by the AT your too sexy aha
-->Game Status: breaking down but trying to help
[+] V7
[+] Meilin
Meilin Zhou (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: life observes itself
-->Pregame Status: Waltzed out a party with her crush
>Prom Start: Fancy Meeting You Here
-->Prom Status: Taking a dance, taking on the world
>Trip Start: The Best of You
-->Trip Status: Running away from an eyeful of NSFW
>Game Start: Rise Great Undead Lord Dread
-->Game Status (FINAL): Stop hitting yourself

"No sun to rise would be okay with me... Everyday, every day is okay"
[+] Camilla
Camilla Bell (Wiki) - DEAD

>Pregame Start: Who's Turn Was It, Anyway?
-->Pregame Status: Had more than her fair share of revelry
>Prom Start: Early in the Morning
-->Prom Status: Ditching the drama for blues
>Trip Start: When I'm Gone
-->Trip Status: Preemptively homesick
>Game Start: Bloom Nobly, in a Transient Life
-->Game Status (FINAL): Loved to death.

"A voice in her head, a voice in her head, screaming all the words that were left unsaid"
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Post by Applesintime »

For Gwen, her and Matthew have probably hooked up at a party before. I'm assuming she's a popular girl as well, so Matthew's pretty friendlt with her in general outside of parties, in class or outside of school.

For Hunter, I honestly like the idea of him and Alex being friends, despite it being a really unlikely pairing. Maybe Alex has casually listened to some of his stuff because he's curious and then talk with him about it or Hunter decides to adopt an introvert and Alex is right there? I just really like the idea of this eboy fight twink somehow being friends with the weird conspiracy theory guy. Alex would probably shut up about it around him at least.

Dominick and Matthew are probably friends, as they're both popular guys.
[+] V8
S002: Alex Avanesian - Throwing Spear - is the one who thought he could win. He was proven wrong in I'm the Psycho, You're the Freakshow [93/134]
Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pregame: 1 2 3
Social Media: 1 2 3 4
Homecoming: 1

S056: Madeleine Molliqaj - Macuahuitl - was hunting a beast. She slew it in Carve What You Feel Into Me [59/134]
Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pregame: 1
Homecoming: 1

S078: Matthew Bell - Grand Power K100 - hurts all over in "Man, this SOTF thing sucks."
Main: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pregame: 1 2 3 4
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Post by Aster »

Kiana probably follows Gwen on TikTok! She thinks her stuff is super cool and she’s very pretty but she’d be too shy to talk to her. Or maybe she worked up the courage to recently and now they’re kind of friends?

Raf is on the Pinoy Platoon and is a basketball player, so they’re definitely close. Raf might privately be kind of judgemental about his disentigration but they’re old friends so he lets it slide. He’d probably also be aware of Kiana socially, but nothing much beyond that.
Mariel Rivera
Jordan Toribio
Anthony Rafael "Raf" Halili
Kiana Coleman
[+] Past Characters
G025: Veronica McDonald
B033: Jason Meyers
G049: Natalia "Koala" Kowalski

G003: Bridgette Sommerfeld (adopted by backslash)
B007: Jasper Bustamante (adopted by Cicada)
B031: Samuel Howard
Haley Luz Juarez
    [+] Chat Quotes
    wrote:[21:51] Zarina: "and then Naft rode Aloha's large purple crab all night long, in a hypothetical future where Aloha is at the age of consent"
    [21:51] Zarina: the end
    wrote:Kyoko Sakura-chan - Today at 5:01 PM
    In Hawaiian, Aloha means "Hello" and "Goodbye," the latter of which is appropriate considering how fast his V6 cast died
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    Post by MK Kilmarnock »

    Persephone and Hades are pretty similar (by design), so they probs tight knit.
    V8 Characters:
    Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
    Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
    Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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    Post by Fenris »

    hello eager beavers
    [+] sunny
    oh damn im all for it hunter be looking at ur himbo with Big :eyes: guaranteed. hunter's punchiness is at least partially for the memes and whenever he actually throws down with anyone he gets his ass kicked (he's a short skinny kid with no training he just has that Short People Are Closer To Hell energy) but the vibe is still there. probably thinks the cheerleader/farm boy stuff is fuckin adorable. would do inappropriate things to, 10/10. whether or not josiah has any interest is a totally different matter but hunter doesnt really consider other peoples feelings so much so haha whatever right? we can discuss more in the future theres no RUSH we JUST GOT HERE

    im gonna give ur other kids a proper look when i go over relationship threads but just reading josiah's profile him and trent def know each other. drummers gotta stick together. trent would be a shitty teacher but he'd find josiah's enthusiasm charming. wow how does it feel to care so much about stuff bro. i could never. no seriously i cant. help
    [+] blizz
    gwen/lydia: gwen can always use Emotional Support (literally always please help her) and also i think maybe we have something here re: lydia's interest in costume design and gwen's interest in sewing? they can collaborate!! gwen's kinda self-conscious about sewing as a hobby so tbh they'd have to be pretty close for that to work. she's kind of superficial so stuff like lydia's environmentalism would go right over her head but not in a way where she'd be rude about it she'd be supportive and all

    gwen/liya: gwen will only cry a little its fine

    persy/liya: i feel like persy wanders into the social circle of the witchy set despite not being particularly witchy herself outside of aesthetics(i think she'd describe herself as open to all possibilities but not really attached to any sort of religion or spiritualism!) but she's here to bring snacks and bandages if someone cuts themselves on a ritual dagger, yknow. thats what friends are for. casual friends makes sense since i doubt that set are where her close friends are from but yeah they're around each other

    persy/lydia: oh yes good i approve. cute. they dont have much in common so i dont think theyd know each other well or anything but that doesnt stop crushes in passing from forming god bless

    dom/tenshi: "HAHA NO ITS FINE, IM TOTALLY FINE, I DONT NEED A BREAK :) I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT THOUGH :)" dom continues to die inside. thats what friendship is right? outside of the squad they dont have a lot in common so i dont imagine theyd be Particularly close but the bond's still there yknow

    dom/liya: dont have a lot to say on that one, works for me

    dom/daniel: :eyes:

    dom/meena: oh god the idea of being Admired is like *SCREAMING INTERNALLY* to dom but he's also too polite to wave someone off just because shes killing him slowly with their presence. so doms like severely uncomfortable when hes around but then he feels really bad about being severely uncomfortable which makes it worse. screaming forever

    hunter/tenshi: "oh heyyyy tenshi. i saw your new video went up! how many views has it gotten? oh... oh, hm. that's too bad. did you see me and linda's- i mean, if you need tips on marketing yourself, i'm always here to help you out, babe. just hit me up!" then the pregame murder occurs

    hunter/daniel: oh yeah. for sure. tbh they could have been friends outside of the hookups too considering some overlapping hobbies (mostly That Weeb Shit) but the hell vibes... they're just too strong...
    [+] apples
    gwen/matthew: party hookup, for sure. possibly multiple times even. tbh i dont know how actually popular gwen is (after v7 i am now forever afraid of writing Popular Girls), she has a way of ingratiating herself into social groups but that isn't really the same as popularity, yknow? but either way she'd be hanging around the Popular Kids so either way they'd know each other

    hunter/alex: im picturing this oddly antagonistic friendship where hunter's like "you really are a fucking freak aren't you" with a smile and alex has no idea whether or not he means it affectionately. i dont think theyd be super close or anything but hunter wouldnt outwardly reject anyone who likes his videos (he doesnt exactly have the social capital to be sneering at other weirdos) and he'd probably be entertained enough by the conspiracy stuff to listen even if he thinks its all dumb bullshit.

    dom/matthew: dom is probably pretty uncomfortable with matthew being v republican and all that but he's too worried about causing issues to ever say anything about that, so they'd be friendly enough i think.
    [+] aster
    gwen/kiana: you dont understand if gwen finds out she has an actual fan in school they will become her best friend immediately. not literally but yknow. would probably ask for video ideas and feedback and all that (and cry if the feedback isnt 100% positive all the time)

    dom/raf: yeah!!! i get the sense the basketball team is what dom actually enjoys while the lacrosse team is kinda just there for clout and to keep his parents happy, and part of that is that he actually likes his teammates on the basketball team lmao. if he actually found out that raf was quietly judging his slow breakdown it would hurt him severely, so lets put a pin on that and come back to it when we need some drama

    dom/kiana: yeah probs! nothing much 2 say
    @ ricky yea we gotta write a Detailed History for those two, and also the rest of the greek pantheon probably
    "Well, Fenris, the King of Gossip. We meet again."
    [+] v7
    the dead:
    Image[B040] Dante Valerio - Fell asleep too early.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: None Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
    Image[G014] Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios - T-R-I-E-D.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: None Trip: [Start]
    Image[B004] Axel Fontaine - Lost his place.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
    Image[G041] Ivy Langley - Together forever.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]

    the living:
    ImageArtem Fyodorov - Desperate.
    [Meanwhile] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
    ImageZen Alicea Feliciano - On vacation!
    [Meanwhile] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
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    Post by Zetsu »

    welp here we go

    Gwen + Ren: Ren is surprisingly understanding of clout-chasing, they need validation too and they used to have a lot of hang-ups about being weird and needing to change themself to be accepted which they're mostly over now but like they Get It. Maybe an old friend? Possible complication in that Ren is very visibly A Weird Cryptid and maybe Gwen feels nervous about associating with them publicly, which would definitely be a sore point for Ren. Also, Ren probably gets a bit of a kick out of being someone else's source of serotonin.

    Gwen + Alice: boop boop yet another person who judges Gwen for being flighty

    Persy + Ren: hello momfriend!! meet friend with complicated feelings on momfriends!! I might turn Ren into a baker, it kinda fits them. Dunno if they'd make more sense as a close friend or a more casual friend, but they're probably friend. I wouldn't object to vague sexual tension (one-way or two-way) that neither of them acts on either.

    Persy + Alice: Gardening friends! Alice respects the momfriend energy and also the intimacy issues, given that she has the latter + dadfriend energy. Dadfriend and momfriend of gardening??? Probably kinda baffled by the goth aesthetic, but not about to judge. She will judge if Persy is goth while doing gardening stuff though. Or if Persy tries to make too much small talk while gardening. Just let her vibe, man.

    Persy + Birch: Jesus fucking christ, Birch needs someone level-headed in their life b a d l y. Very badly. They probably like and are somewhat jealous of the goth aesthetic. May have begged Persy to share her knowledge at one point. May have been told to calm down in the process.

    Dom + Ren: Ren got absorbed by pinoy squad, so there's that. Also, Former Gifted Child Syndrome is v relatable. May have helped him cover for slipping on his grades. May have slipped him some adderall if he's ever asked them to. Maybe Dom's jealous of Ren for having their grades be more put-together than his, despite their being a disaster at a lot of other things?

    Hunter + Birch: Oh no this is a bad idea. Either friends, and utterly terrible influences on each other, or constantly getting into fights. Or both. Disastrous drinking contest at some point, maybe. Birch is terrible at fighting too so maybe this would be Hunter's one chance to actually win a fight.
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    Post by VoltTurtle »

    Fenris we didn't write enough in V7 and this is a crime I wish to rectify.

    SO with that in mind, here are some suggestions:

    Gwen + Lúcio. Lúcio would absolutely show her genuine affection on a consistent basis and likely cause her to become attached. He's a very good boy. Perhaps they could watch anime together. Ironically, of course. How close they would be is up to you, but I think they'd be friends!

    Persy + Lúcio. Lúcio wouldn't judge her for her aesthetic. If anything he'd probably think the combo of her name and commitment to the goth look is rad as fuck. I don't think they'd be super close, but casual friends who exchange a few words every now and then wouldn't be too bad.

    Dominick + Lúcio. This is an obvious good friendship to me, I think. They're both athletic boys on the lacrosse team who are all around good dudes. I think Lúcio would likely be the type to want to support him through his emotional struggles, which could be very cute!

    Hunter + Lúcio. Hello fellow weeb. Lúcio is a very good boy and would likely be friends even with this hell child. He'd probably even follow his vocaloid channel unironically. I am also willing to have him be the one to suffer Hunter's crush, because Lúcio is a fairly attractive dude and an all around a great guy even if his jokes can be really bad sometimes, but he's also closeted about his bisexuality, so that could create... tension...

    Persy + Kitty. Kitty isn't exactly very social and is well known around the school for her difficulties, but at the same time she clearly comes off as being harmless and most people just avoid her. I'm not sure if Persy is the protective type, but given that Kitty's actual mom is dead, having a mom friend around to effectively adopt her could be very cute. Kitty is also very loyal to her friends and gets deeply attached to the ones she has, so Persephone could get the benefits that come with that (primarily being showered in free artwork). As a bonus, Kitty likely already has a quiet friendship with Hades, so that mutual connection could be the impetus for the two of them beginning to talk.

    I don't have anything for Trent or Natasha, but feel free to peruse my relationship thread for more information and get your own ideas!
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    Post by Laurels »

    I can see Hunter and Micah having been a fling in the past, or at least casual FWB, since neither are really that into romance.
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    Post by LeslieFranc »

    Eunice: Eunice watches her TikToks just to sneer at them. I'm sorry. Thinks she's fake, but to be fair, Eunice thinks everyone is fake.
    Alec: I volunteer Alec for a past relationship that ended poorly. If not, then a friend who wouldn't judge her at all and is free with his affection.

    Eunice: He caught her eye because hey, handsome guy in school. But other than that, I doubt Dom is even aware of her.
    Alec: While not having much in common, I imagine them to be friends with each other. Alec thinks he's cool and awesome but probably senses how tired he is sometimes and would just try being there for him or giving him a distraction.
    Ara: Pinoy Platoon! Ara will automatically be his friend, especially since he seems like a sweet, friendly guy. Sees his suffering and so periodically asks "you good?" earnestly in genuine worry. Will do her best to be supportive and cheer him up.
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    Post by Irredeemable »

    Max definitely thinks that Gwen is fake as hell and probably quietly despises her, but he'd respect Trent; anyone with an injury from a car accident he feels somewhat at home with. I suppose he could also be Trent's dealer, if Trent's into that sort of thing. I could see Benji as both friend and potentially the subject of Dom's formless crush? Benji's AMAB but identies as genderfluid now, so it would fit that sort of 'may or may not be non-straight' vibe. They're also a big lacrosse player and sportsperson, so they're probably friends irrespective.
    Why limit yourself!? Sell guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks, sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock!
    [+] V8, The Irredeemable Menace

    Max McKormicK:"What do you call a kid with one eye? Sick of your shit."

    Benji Beecham:"It's weird... Apparently people who call you a snowflake get really offended when you don't identify the way they think you should?"

    Jessica Lee-Smith:"It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm sure we'll get along great!"
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    Post by Fenris »

    im alive i swear! also i have a new child! go check them out
    [+] lise
    gwen/ren: first of all it rhymes which means its meant to be. second of all i think that sounds about right. old friends but sometimes in public gwen gives them the SORRY SORRY I'LL TALK TO YOU LATER LOVE YOU wave that means "cant be seen in public with you rn sorry!!!" and gwen does feel bad about that but ren understands, right? they've been friends for forever so it's fine, right?

    gwen/alice: works for me

    persy/ren: i think persy kinda naturally gravitates towards cryptids as friends anyway because shared aesthetics and also protective instincts, so yeah i think they'd be friends for sure. maybe closer friends if you go with the baking thing. as im writing the site is down so ill have to actually look at what youve put down about them lmao. get back to me on the tension thing also

    persy/alice: persy is also just vibing when she's gardening and isnt one for small talk so yeah i think they'd get on real well!!

    persy/birch: ah... an adoptable child... persy is mildly bewildered by the attention but is happy to give them advice and generally help them out . maybe do some breathnig exercises. shh itll be ok

    dom/ren: they def at least know each other because pinoy squad. how long ago did ren get absorbed? because i'm thinking ren and dom might have been better friends before his recent grade slip, and he sees ren's attempts to help him as pitying and it makes him uncomfortable such that he's starting to keep his distance, something ren has definitely noticed and doesn't understand

    hunter/birch: two idiots punch each other news at 11. please give hunter unwarranted confidence in his fighting ability i thought he couldn't get worse but there's always room
    [+] maddie
    gwen/lucio: i feel like there was a phase early on in this friendship where gwen was ?!? because her relationship with Cute Boys is not usually based around, like, niceness and/or anime, and she probably turned up the Flirt Dial for a minute before she realized that he was actually like. trying to be. friends. friendship friends. and now she is very embarrassed for having ever done that because lucio is a very good friend and was not actually attempting to get her naked at any point, thats just the sort of thing you need to let her know up front yknow? but yes as for Current Times they'd for sure get on

    persy/lucio: valid!

    dom/lucio: oh yeah jock boy squad for sure. dom is especially in need of friends of the non-judgemental variety rn so having someone like lucio around would be a really good emotional crutch for him to have when he needs it though he'd be pretty embarrassed about laying his problems out for anyone. but he knows lucio's there for him and shit. cute

    hunter/lucio: terrible. don't be nice to him lucio he doesn't deserve it. ANYWAY yes they'd work as friends even tho i feel like lucio's other friends would be like "why" also him being closeted if anything makes him a better secret crush target because from hunter's pov there's no way it'll ever be returned which makes the suffering that much more sweet!!! if nothing else hunter would def be like :eyes: i will consider whether he is The One

    persy/kitty: another adoptable child! yeah p much everything you said sounds perfect.
    [+] laurels
    hunter/micah: yeah works for me! i feel silly now using a whole spoiler tag for this but like symmetry is important
    [+] leslie
    gwen/eunice: gwen when she has haters
    gwen/alec: oh yes for sure past relationship and like she regrets it having ended like it did because he was good to her and objectively deserved better so now shes kinda sad pining in the distance
    dom/eunice: dom when he has the opposite of haters
    dom/alec: yeah i can see them being friends. ill hit you back with more thoughts when i hit up your thread
    dom/ara: i feel like ara would be one of the people in the platoon dom really feels bad about potentially disappointing (even though she herself just wants to help him) and so is very "yeah i'm fine haha! don't worry about me!" rather than necessarily opening up to her. but he still appreciates her attempts to help all the same.
    [+] irredeemable
    gwen/max: still gwen
    trent/max: trent is tbh kinda awkward about the whole car accident thing, like it wigs him out a bit when people call attention to it, but i can imagine the two of them kinda gravitated toward each other about it years ago (how long ago was max's accident??) and now it's like they just happen to be friends. and yeah i am officially stating that trent smokes hella weed so theres that also
    dom/benji: definitely friendly at least, via the lacrosse connection. will get back to you on the crush thing but i see potential
    "Well, Fenris, the King of Gossip. We meet again."
    [+] v7
    the dead:
    Image[B040] Dante Valerio - Fell asleep too early.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: None Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
    Image[G014] Apollonia "Nia" Karahalios - T-R-I-E-D.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: None Trip: [Start]
    Image[B004] Axel Fontaine - Lost his place.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]
    Image[G041] Ivy Langley - Together forever.
    [V7] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start] Trip: [Start]

    the living:
    ImageArtem Fyodorov - Desperate.
    [Meanwhile] [x] [x] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
    ImageZen Alicea Feliciano - On vacation!
    [Meanwhile] [x]
    [Pregame] Then: [Start] Now: [Start] Prom: [Start]
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    Post by Maraoone »

    hunter is a messy gay saim is a messy gay nothing can go wrong

    also jayson is weeb-adjacent so he probably watched hunter's vocaloid stuff but he's too intimidating to approach because trash fire aura so yeah

    also jayson and dom know each other because 🅱️inoy squad and i think jayson would admire/lowkey crush on him but show no signs of it hopefully because he's a friend and crushing on friends is weird and gross. he'd consider dom a close friend anyways i think since dom seems like a good dude.

    also june and persy are both into baking and have been around salem all their lives so maybe they can be old friends
    [+] the youfs
    S050: June Madison is just trying to get it together. She is rolling a pearl.
    Previous Threads: Help I'm Alive - Come Out, Juanita, Don't Let Me Wait - Dum Spiro Spero - Everyone's Asleep In The House But Me - Daylight - keep looking forwards on paths sideways - Vultures - Ego Te Absolvo - Shawn's Marvelous Medicine - Medically Ineffective Intervention - no one knows where the ladder goes - I just can't help myself - Color In Your Cheeks - The Long Way Down - Trespasser - I'm going where the cold wind blows - One Last Roll in the Dark - Arrow - V8 Rescue
    Pregame: When The Moon Hits Your Eye

    S069: Valentin Shulgin (adopted from yugi punished kun and salic) needs you to try your best. He's ran out of time in Далеко бежит дорога. [31/134]
    Previous Threads: Murphy's Law - The Human Element - Mediation - Valentin Takes A Bath - the results of Valentin's experiment - Faire et Refaire - Well, I'm tired of losing - et Refaire et Refaire et Refaire - 28 Ghosts IV

    S072: Przemyslaw Ziemiak (adopted from rc) is bettering himself. He finally got to see the stars in Blind Faith. [70/134]
    Previous Threads: Romans 6:23 - Wendy House - Possession - Evening / Morning - She said, "Don't make others suffer for your personal hatred." - I daydream until all the snow is gone
    [+] V7
    B083 - Diego Larrosa - Palayain mo na ako. - He didn't want this. say goodnight to the bad guy [10/159]
    Current Theme Music: Devil Town (v1) - cavetown
    Weapon: Tactical Combat Shovel
    Previous Threads: Love & Money - before the day is done, my prince is gonna come - How Far I'll Go - Gimme, Gimme Shelter or I'm Gonna Fade Away - no one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed - Still Waiting - Hell is Other People - RICH_BOY_LIKES_IT_ROUGH.MP4 - I Don't Wanna Be Myself - The Bell Tolls For Our Funeral - The Gang Goes Out For Breakfast - Untrust Us - Crimewaves - Love itself is just as innocent as roses in May - Will All Be Forgiven? - black eyes looking up from below - Silent Key - it's ok we're just scared - life's alright in devil town - Beyond Human (Barely Human) - And Now Those Days Are Over and We Are All Ghosts - The Ultimate Test of Cerebral Fitness - Ang Pagbibinata ni Diego Larrosa - perverse verdict - Madness in the Method - park the car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
    Memories: Hiya sa Timog

    G013 - Yuka Hayashibara (adopted from Ryuki!) - Does it spark joy? - She fixed up her look in one of a kind [46/159]
    Current Theme Music: Play With Me - DDLC OST
    Weapon: Bug-A-Salt Camofly 2.0 Insect Eradication Gun
    Previous Threads: Quintessential Thinking - I Pray to the Lord You Reveal what His Truth is - all of our heroes fading - now i can't stand to be alone - Incredible Adventures - there's a pale imitation burnt in my eyes - Red Of Tooth And Claw - The Fifth Announcement - Low Times - Party Like It's 1999 - Hell and You - We're All Excited, We Don't Know Why, Maybe It's 'Cause, We're Gonna Die - Ron Gets a Bath As Well, Whether He Wants To or Not - No Exit
    Pregame: In Vino Veritas - Shake It Out
    Memories: Hayashibara Heart to Heart
    Prom: Fear and Delight
    Trip: Room 832: Welcome to the Witching Hour

    G052 - Joanne Coleman (adopted from Cicada!) - I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart. - She tried to do something in Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death [116/159]
    Current Theme Music: When You Die - MGMT
    Weapon: George Hunter High School mascot costume
    Previous Threads: hold on to this lullaby - Don't Stray Off The Path - D.R.E.A.M. - I'm Not That Nice, I'm Mean and I'm Evil - we keep these promises, write it in a letter
    Pregame: You did not break me. I'm still fighting for peace. - Desperate Times - Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown - Do You Have The Time - i'm so 3008
    Memories: I'm alright. I'm just fine. And you're a tool, so. - Make A New Cult Every Day

    G075 - Aditi Sharma (adopted from Brackie! and somer!) - She failed in Yellow Light [88/159]
    Weapon: Browning Hi Power 9mm
    Previous Threads: Pandorama - Antisocial Darwinism - My Lucifer Is Lonely - They Couldn't Buy A Fucking Toaster. They're Broke, John.
    [+] V6
    V6 Characters:
    G062 - Olivia Fischer prayed a thousand prayers in Ye Not [37/107]
    Previous Threads: Sæglópur - Until all our yesterdays are lighted fools... - the way to dusty death - a concrete cave - I'd Say That I've Had Worse Days, but Then I'd Be Lying - Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying - Until Then, You Are Free - Cast in the Name of God
    Memories: Sometimes when we reach for the stars...
    Weapon: Lobotomy pick.
    [+] V5
    B045 - Juhan Levandi - An Estonian wanna-be journalist with a fear of the dark who wanted to bring them all down in Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien [18/152]
    Weapon: Party Bag (contains a noisemaker, party hat, two single-serving bags of candy, and a Hotwheels car)
    Pre-Game Threads: Wiping All Out - Quixotic
    Previous V5 Threads: Despair - The Real Folk Blues - The two people in the distance were Paulo and Becca - Mischief Managed - Sleeper Cell - Tell No Tales - So, How Was Your Day? - And I'm Not Sleeping Now - Intermission - Glass - A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy
    G067 - Carmina Maliksi - A Filipina car junkie with a /slight/ obsession with Korea and Japan who has finished things up (somewhat) in Red as Blood [139/152]
    Weapon: Non-Functional Flamethrower (left in the Clubhouse)
    Previous V5 Threads: Finding Center - Wish I Could Breathe - The Visionary
    Memories: Offended?
    B054 - Oscar Trig (adopted from Greg the Anti-Viking) - An artist who desperately needs a pencil, paper and a cigar and thought with his heart in Fumble [76/152]
    Weapon: Binoculars
    Pregame Threads: Taking it to the Streets
    Previous V5 Threads: Waking Up at the Beginning of Time - Steadier Footing - Handoff
    [+] misc
    [+] meirl
    new resting place for chatsig never forget 2018
    give my v8 kids friends pls
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    Post by Yonagoda »

    Henlo Henlo.


    Ren desperately seeks affection, Gwen desperately seeks affection, and idk Ren’s probably gonna give her some. Like, they’re just the type to randomly compliment people on the street and they’re gonna smother Gwen (and everyone around them) with so much affection it will lowkey kill her.

    (so sad that I gave my catgirl away ):)

    Isaiah can be a former hookup. Kinda unfortunately Isaiah’s very, like… he’s more of a hand holding person, but he, uh, can take whatever he can get atm and he’s probably nice and hot enough to get asked out and then uncommitted enough to probably be like “hey that’s cool wit me” if Gwen’s like “actually no can we just fuck and not date”

    Persy (reminds me of the music video for television romance):

    Ren isn’t judgy of the aesthetic but they also aren’t really that deep in many friendships. It’s all surface level, but they love cooking and baking and they probably are friends, even though they aren’t the exact closest.

    Noah isn’t either but he’s lowkey kinda intentionally edgy in a way that’s only half funny. And also his mom doesn’t let him be goth.


    Isaiah used to play basketball. The school’s team was so bad that he got embarrassed and straight up quit after one too many losses because he’s recently gotten more into hockey anyways, to the…. Slight disapproval of his classmates. Does Dom mind or is he like a “nah, do ur own thing im chill” kinda person? And yeah I volunteer as tribute or whatever, for both Isaiah and Noah.


    Giselle is a fellow Music Person with an audience! She does music videos and if asked (and even if not asked) is very chill with doing some funky moves to his music.

    Are we just remaking the gay boy party squad. Isaiah’s honestly got enough people on his dick so like. Idk I can offer you Noah for the Actual Feelings person.

    Erika is not a weeb. She lowkey hates weebs, but to be honest she’s very willing to educate him on japanese if she sees him misusing any words. Like outwards shes like “No, you’re using “boku” wrong” or whatever, internally she wants him to get a life.


    Giselle is a music person. She does hyperpop remixes of stuff but she’s also willing to just Talk, y’know? Just chill.

    Ren is also a Music person. They’re very into music. Their tastes in listening music is, like, counterculture but they’re more of a guitar-and-songs-about-bunnies kind of person themselves when they’re making it. Still capable of making some good rock jams tho.


    If the witch squad exists Erika has probably sold like. A rat skull or two or something. IDK she’s kinda creepy like that. If Rory wants a rat skull or something they know who to hit up. No she doesn’t practice witchcraft she’s just got too many rat skulls in a box and her dad’s getting mad about it.

    Isaiah likes marine biology, more about seashells and stuff than sailing but he’s there to talk about mother-of-pearl or something like that.

    Ren’s family owns a restaurant! Chinese buffet. They bring coconut shrimp to parties! They also cling desperately to every queer person they can find for soliditary while not being out as anything other than somewhere on the ace spectrum because Gender is Scary.
    Blood Tongue Nails Teeth

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