Good day, and welcome to the 128th song contest!
Tempting as it is to do another Horror themed songtest, as we've already had one of those semi-recently I figured we'd try something a little different this time around...
- SPOILER_Extreme_Steve_V8_Winner-portrait_1.jpg (239.17 KiB) Viewed 1518 times
This week's theme is one that we all ought to be pretty familiar with at this point:
Survival of the Fittest. That's right, a SOTF Songtest that is quite literally a SOTF Songtest.
Going to be pretty open with this one, but essentially any music that you would associate with SOTF in some manner. Could be mood music you listen to when you write posts, songs you associate with a particular scene or character, or just capture the right overall vibe/tone. Imagine what you'd want to see in the soundtrack of a Netflix or HBO adaption, and you've got the right idea.
As a bonus (but completely optional) rule, in addition to your song you can also include the context for your suggestion. Just a simple word or phrase that explains why you picked your song, for example:
Danya's Theme Tune,
End Credits,
Mood Music, etc. The default listing for any submission without context will be
Soundtrack, so no worries if you can't think of a specific reasoning beyond it just feeling right for this contest.
- [+] Copypasted rules
- - submit your song via PM or discord, whichever's easier for you
- songs will be randomly divided into 1, 2 or 3 semifinals depending on turnout. if there are less than 20 submissions within 5 days, then there will only be one final round. if you're going to be away at some point in the next couple of weeks, let me know and I can try to put your song in a round when you'll be here.
- listen to every song and give points to your top 10 favorites: 12 to your favorite, 10 to your second, 8 to your third, 7 to your fourth, and so on down to 1 point for your tenth favorite. if there are less than 10 songs to vote for in a round, then simply cut off the bottom portion of the ballot (i.e. no 1 point songs, no 2 point songs, and so on)
- if your song is in a given round, you must vote that round or you'll be eliminated. if your song isn't in that round (or you aren't in the contest at all), your vote will be counted as a public vote, which counts for half points.
- the top [x] songs will move on to the final. that number depends on the number of contestants.
- repeat the process for the finals and we get a winner.
- winner gets to hold the next contest, or they can pass the job along to 2nd place if they don't want to. 2nd place can pass down to third, etc, until someone wants to host.
general song rules:
- no eurovision songs
- no reality show/competition covers
- no songs already submitted in a songtest - thank you to Dancake for the list here
- there is no penalty for length in this contest. however, if a song goes over 7 minutes, listeners aren't obligated to listen to more than the first 7 minutes of the song. so choose a long song at your own risk!
each semifinal and the final will last for three days. some rules about activity:
- if you know at the start of your semifinal that you wont be available to vote for those three days, let me know asap and I can move you to another semi, if we aren't on the final one already.
- I'll be pinging everyone who hasn't voted on discord 48 and 24 hours before the round ends.
Signups will run until
Monday October 16th, 15:00 PM EST
Songtest 128 Roster
S001 - Fiori
S002 - Laurels
S003 - Maraoone
S004 - midnight_twelve
S005 - Blizzard
S006 - Deblod100
S007 - Zetsu
S008 - Dogs231
S009 - TheLordOfAwesome
S010 - Jilly
S011 - Grand Moff Hissa
S012 - DerArknight
S013 - Carlisle
S014 - Dr Adjective
S015 - Slamexo
S016 - Pancapples
S017 - dmboogie