Club/Team Masterpost

V8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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Post by KrionG »

Orion Reyes in in the Drama Club.

Also put Jaime Dion down for Track.
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Post by Deamon »

Aracelis Fuentes
Gymnastics (Club team)

California “Cali” Fox

Darryl Smith Jr.
Model UN

Jessica Romero

Roberta “Robbie” Woodvine
Body Improvement Club
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Irredeemable »

Benji down for Lacrosse, Track as a middle distance runner and Body Improvement.

Jessie down for fashion, newspaper as a gossip columnist/Agony Aunt and advertisement organiser, anime and writing.
Why limit yourself!? Sell guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks, sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock!
[+] V8, The Irredeemable Menace

Max McKormicK:"What do you call a kid with one eye? Sick of your shit."

Benji Beecham:"It's weird... Apparently people who call you a snowflake get really offended when you don't identify the way they think you should?"

Jessica Lee-Smith:"It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm sure we'll get along great!"
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Super Weegee
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Post by Super Weegee »

Added Brook Peterson to the art club, the body improvement club, and the writing club.

Added Lula Gray to the cooking and photography clubs.
V8 Relationships Thread
Brook Peterson
Lula Gray
[+] V7
V7 Appearance Tracker
ImageMatthew Hunt drawn by Ryuki and Kotorikun - Profile
Memories: 1 2
Pregame: 1 2 3 4
Trip: 1 2
V7: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Image Blake Davis - Profile - "...You knew..."
Memories: 1
Prom: 1
V7: 1 2 3 4
Any thoughts or criticisms on my writing are welcome and appreciated! Feel free to message me on Discord.
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Post by Gundham »

Juanita Reid is in the Christan club and probably infrequently the body improvement club. She was on the lacrosse team, but sidelined due to injury.

Karin Han is in the drama club.

Rebekah Hayes is a cheerleader, a sometimes contributor to the school paper.
V8 Characters:

Juanita Reid
Rebekah Hayes
Karin Han
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Post by Cicada »

Some updates. Thanks for keeping this up-to-date, Weegee!

Ashlyn 'Ash' Graves -
Cheerleaders [Base] (formerly)

Salem Graves -
Cheerleaders [S/F] (formerly)

Callie Zhou -
Anti-SOTF Club (i think??)

Soo-bin Kim-Reyes -
Christian Club
Model United Nations
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Post by Ryuki »

Dominiqua Ashmore would be a track team member and basketball team member.

Chester Folk would be a member of Anti-SOTF.

Gwendolyn “Wendy” Kennedy would be a member of the anime club and art club.

I propose a debate club, with Karen Nguyen as a team member.

Also, a Furries Club, under the name Animal Appreciation Alliance, with Wendy as a member.
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
[+] Past Characters
Dominiqua Ashmore
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Kennedy
Karen Nguyen
Chester Folk

Image Ned Jackson
Image Yuki Hayashibara
Image Zachary Beck
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Post by Jilly »

Amos Flanagan is on the men's soccer team along with being a part of the ✨Adventure Club✨
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Marshall West:
  • Lacrosse
  • Track
  • Cross Country
  • Body Improvement
  • Student Council or anything similar if that goes here
  • Photography Club
(Look Marshall rarely goes home okay he's always here to do stuff.)

Molly Ramirez:
  • Cheerleading (S)
  • Fashion
  • Yearbook
[+] V8
S010: Marshall West - Designated Weapon: Gas Mask (now broken in one eye) - ESCAPED - "You are not the authority on what these people deserve!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 / Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 6 / Before Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S029: Mônica “Molly” Oliveira - Designated Weapon: Zweihander - DECEASED - “Is revenge worth that much?!”
V8 Pregame - Messages: 1 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

S047: Russell “Fitz” Fitzroy - Designated Weapon: Walther WA 2000 (sniper rifle) - Other Weapons: 1 half-blunt shruiken - ESCAPED - "DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE! I WANT TO LIVE!"
V8 Pregame - Memories: 1 / Messages: 1 2 3 4 / Pregame: 1 2 3 / After Homecoming: 1
V8: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S074: Roberta Chen - Designated Weapon: Khopesh - DECEASED - "So… c-come back here. Y’coward."
V8 Pregame - Pregame: 1 2 3
V8: 1 2 3
[+] V9

S???: Finn Cooper
S???: Camilla "Candy" Carter
S???: Ashley "Ash" Montoya (last name preferred)
S???: Zachariah "Zach" Webb
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Post by Dogs231 »

Football and baseball for Corbin.
Relationship Thread

🕇 S021: Corbin Azinger is viewing the world in black and white — "I had shit to work towards, once. I had a future, I had dreams. I did everything I was supposed to, and it landed me here." [Adopted by AlmostInhuman]

“Someone who is determined to disbelieve something can manage to disregard an Everest of evidence for it.” - George Will

The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


S031: Abhishek Panicker is leading a revolution of his own — "After all, you know me better than anyone else ever did. I'd like to keep my secrets, you know? Let them all wonder. It's more fun that way."

“The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.” - George Orwell

Pregame: 1, 2, 3, 4
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


S043: Donovan Lauer is dreaming about his victory — "I just wanted to be a winner. That's all I ever wanted—to win something for once, just once, in my life. I was tired of losing. I was tired of being a loser."

“Tex looks at me and says 'There's no 'I' in team!' I looked at Tex and say, 'There's not, but there's an 'I' in win!'” - Michael Jordan

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


S061: Alexander Hawthorne is trying to put his life together — "I am not afraid anymore. Because now, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—left in this life for me to be afraid of; there is nothing left for me to lose." [Adopted from Salic]

“You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity.” - Phillip K. Dick

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


S091: Claire Haig is thinking about her life story — "Because, in spite of everything, there's still a part of me that wants to believe. ... To believe that there's still something human left behind when you take our masks away. That, beneath the skin, we're not just monsters."

“The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.” - William Golding

Pregame: 1
The Game: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26




⛼ Damien Vásquez — “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” - Joseph Conrad

⬤ Rohan Sen — “Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” - Henry David Thoreau

≋ Isaac Kea — “The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.” – Ingvar Kamprad


∎ William Springfield — “There is nothing more remorseless, just as there is nothing more helpful, than truth.” - William C. Redfield

★ Simon Chase — “What I have done up to this is nothing. I am only at the beginning of the course I must run.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

✠ Harvey Gallant — “It is just that, in so terrible a day, and in the last moments of my life, I should discover all the iniquity of falsehood, and make the truth triumph." - Jacques de Molay

👁 Koda Silver — “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” - Albert Einstein

◓ Edgar Clause — “We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.” - George S. Patton

☧ Adam Angelo — “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” - The Bible, John 3:20

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Post by midnight_twelve »

Fred is on the uh (googles "How many players on a basketball team") yep, still room. Fantastic. He's decent but not exceptional, and would probably end up lumped with whatever position no one else plays.

I don't know what an "adventure club" entails, but Maddie would sign up the moment she saw a flyer. And the writing club, too.

Chloé would do student council, debate AND model UN. And to help her relax after all those tiring mental pursuits, cheerleading.
Fredrick Stanley "Fred" Hobbes
Born 23rd April 2004 - Died 13th December 2021
“Do you think we were bad people, before we came here? Or just like, weak?”

Chloé Margot Delacroix
Born 21st November 2003 - Died 13th December 2021
“I am going to get everyone off of this island.”

V9 Planning Thread

get krabby, eat patties on discord
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Dr Adjective
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Post by Dr Adjective »

Clubs? Don't mind if I do.

Evie McKown
  • Is there a swim team? If yes she is on it. If no... can there be?
  • Animal Appreciation Alliance? Yes!
Bethany Lyon
  • Model UN
  • Debate
  • Christian Club
  • Is there a Young Republicans/Teen Age Republicans group at JEM? Can there be?
[+] V8 - Evie McKown
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” - Albert Schweitzer

S004 Evie McKown is still alive.
Last seen: In Boston.
Equipped with: Someone else’s life.

M1 "Narrow"
P1 "Gatsby" -> P2 "sunset" -> P3 "Fire" -> P4 “Skateballing” -> P5 “Amaurot”
BH1 “Lone Digger” -> H1 "Lone-coming" -> H2 "Guys and Dolls"
V8:1 "Transmitter Failure" -> V8:2 “Missed My Heart” -> V8:3 “Dusk ‘til Dawn” -> V8:4 "Change, Death" -> V8:5 “Playtime” -> V8:6 "Alps" -> V8:7 “Already Gone” -> V8:8 "Domesday Book" -> V8:9 "Way Home" -> V8:10 “Cobalt” -> V8:11 "Two by Two" -> V8:12 "Kaneda" -> V8:13 "Rage and Resign" -> V8:14 "De grâce" -> V8:15 “Boundries” -> V8:16 "Slab" -> V8:17 "Graceland" -> V8:18 "That Girl" -> V8:19 “Wolf” -> V8:20 "Terror" -> V8:21 “Road” -> V8:22 “World Has Been Changed” -> V8:23 "Exhausted" -> V8:24 "Twilight" -> V8:25 "In from the Cold" -> V8:26 “Heart, Reprise” -> V8:27 “Blood” -> V8:28 “Arrow” -> V8:29 -Escape-
A1 “Dissolve” -> A2 "December" -> A3 “Bags” -> A4 “First Mover” -> A5 “Transmittee Failure (Reprise),

[+] V8 - Bethany Lyon, 05-07-2003 - 11-12-2021
“God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist.” - St. Augustine

S107 Bethany Lyon couldn’t keep it up.
Last alive: The Sheriff’s Office.
Last equipped with: Ski boots, a makeshift spear.

V8:1 "For the wages of sin is death," -> V8:2 "...straight on 'til morning." -> V8:3 "Fissure" -> V8:4 "и засуху победим" -> V8:5 “Castle” -> V8:6 “Venom” -> V8:7 “Scar-crossed armor” -> V8:8 “Bright and Beautiful” -> †

[+] V8 - Andrew Lapson, 12-03-2003 - 12-12-2021
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." - Victor Hugo

S016 Andrew Lapson died alone.
Last alive: The Snowfield, near an abandoned campsite
Last equipped with: 300 mg Potassium Cyanide pill (consumed).

P1 "Mystery Science"
H1 "Guys and Dolls"
V8:1 "Beyond figure out" -> V8:2 "Lost Little Bunny" -> V8:3 "Snowblind" -> V8:4 "Daylight" -> V8:5 "Megaphone" -> V8:6 "Hills" -> V8:7 "Prayer" -> †

[+] The Future in Shorthand
Heather Klein: multi-instrumentalist, perfectionist, anarchist, kind of unpleasant
Hope Hynes: baseball superfan, superhero regularfan, cyborg (arguably), total sweetheart
Leah-Kim "LK" Mitchell: gamer, streamer, gambler, serial girl-kisser
Mercedes "Mercy" Myers-Colman: horror connoisseur, pop-punk revivalist, theatre kid, party person

Erika Bloom the girlfailure femcel hellgoblin
Danielle "Dani Daggers" DiAngelo the obnoxious goth
Ansa Kosekela the party-time skater
Tamara Tymurivna Lomachenko the HEMA horse girl
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Post by Gundham »

Gundham wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:24 pm Juanita Reid is in the Christan club and probably infrequently the body improvement club. She was on the lacrosse team, but sidelined due to injury.

Karin Han is in the drama club.

Rebekah Hayes is a cheerleader, a sometimes contributor to the school paper.
Er, heh... hi, I think this might've gotten missed... Sorry...
V8 Characters:

Juanita Reid
Rebekah Hayes
Karin Han

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